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Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
Ebook68 pages44 minutes

Rise and Shine

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It was a miracle receiving my first born Daughter, she was born perfectly normal with no any condition, went
to nursery School like every child. Until at the age of four where suddenly everything about her changed, this is the most heartfelt feeling in my life where my Daughter lost every Skill including speaking. Having my daughter not speaking was and is so painful. It's been a Journal of Struggle for us but we kept our heads and hopes higher. It was through all this that I discover my inner Strength that I didn’t know I had. I now know that I’m a lioness in this wilderness, we are survivors and conquerors of our own world. I’m so glad that we were beyond the situation and we absolutely living a happy life.
Release dateAug 20, 2023
Rise and Shine

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    Rise and Shine - Florence Yuwimana

    © 2023 Florence Yuwimana. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  08/18/2023

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8385-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8386-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8387-4 (e)

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    1 My Miracle Baby

    2 Love Can Drive Out the Fear

    3 Finding My Inner Strength

    4 Happiness is not Based on What we Have

    5 Facing a Mountain

    6 Accepting the Love

    7 Reaching Out

    8 Learning to Smile Again

    9 Rising from the Valley

    10 Hope, the Mother of Success




    T he meaning of the name Florence is ‘blossoming, flourishing and prosperous.’ That is how I like to see my life now as a mother of three because my children bring me such joy. I was born on a different continent to where I now live, one of eight children, although sadly, one had passed away; now, I live across the world from my place of birth, where her daddy and I are raising our children.

    Every new mother sees their baby as a miracle. My first baby brought that joy into our lives. I put my heart and soul into learning to become a mum, and I was so excited by the prospect of raising my beautiful daughter, looking forward to all the mother/daughter chats we would share throughout the years.

    Since discovering I was pregnant with our first child, my heart filled with true happiness. As the pregnancy progressed, my collection of nursery items grew. My heart’s desire to be the perfect mother, preparing for every opportunity with my child, made me search out educational toys and the bookcase was piled high with DVDs, toys and books. I was already feeling the pride of the successful woman my baby would, one day, grow into. I knew she would make the world a better place – yes, I had discovered on the scans that my baby was a girl. She was so active, constantly kicking, that I often commented what a strong girl our baby would be. I was right; my little Princess has incredible strength, physical and spiritual.

    I had been so fascinated by seeing my little girl on a scan that I would have had more and more scans if the hospital had let me, but as there was no problem with my baby, I was only allowed the usual amount! I made many mental plans for my girl. In the culture I was born into, it is not traditional for women to have a strong voice in society, but I knew my daughter would make her mark in the world.

    Her daddy was by my side at her birth. I felt drunk on the gas and air, but as soon as my beautiful bouncing baby of seven pounds five ounces arrived, my labour pains quickly disappeared. She stole our hearts instantly with her mop of beautiful curls as her massive brown eyes stared up at her Mummy and Daddy. Her middle name, signifying ‘heroine of God,’ felt such a blessing as we celebrated our precious and perfect gift from God.

    I struggled with breastfeeding, and initially,

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