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One Lane Bridge
One Lane Bridge
One Lane Bridge
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One Lane Bridge

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Frank thought the new move to Utah would be a great place to start a family. Stephanie isn't too sure, especially after a psychopathic killer begins stalking many in the law firm. When she learns Frank has been hiding a secret from her, she wonders if she can keep her secret safe before it is too late for them.

Release dateAug 23, 2023
One Lane Bridge

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    One Lane Bridge - Linda L. Lattimer


    First, I have to give thanks to my heavenly father above.

    To everyone in my family, I love you all so much.

    To everyone who has read my stories and believed in me.

    To Krisandra, my best friend, I love you girl.

    My mom, I can’t even tell you how thankful I am for this.

    To Wings-ePress, thank you for giving me a chance and allowing others to enjoy my work as much as I do.

    And in loving memory of my dad, Robert M. Lattimer. Thank you for helping me become the person I am today. You will forever be in my heart. Love you always, Suzanne.


    The branch of the huge oak tree struck the window sending a chilling alarm through the man. Quickly, he dropped the baggage and rushed to the window. Was somebody out there? If so, had they witnessed what had been going on inside? He couldn’t permit that. Not now. It was too early in this stage of the game for anyone to find out where his feet had landed him this time. Not to mention how he had been spending his time.

    He rubbed the perspiration off the top of his forehead and released a sigh. The weather outside was blustery cold for the month of November, but for him, it might as well be the month of June. He knew before the night was over he would be sweating even more.

    He stepped back over to the baggage. Now to get it into the trunk of his car. Would the Ford Taurus hold this much baggage? He rubbed his jaw, edging the skin around in a circular motion. It had too. There had been times that the old dependable vehicle held much baggage he chose to stash in the back of the trunk.

    Well, I’ll just have to make it fit. It may be a tight squeeze but who is going to know? Certainly not you, he chuckled, as he slightly banged the baggage with the toe of his black boot.

    A quick glance at the time noted that it was nearing midnight. He had to hurry if he was going to get on the highway. There were two job interviews waiting for him. He would have to accept one. His funds were slowly draining. Of course, he couldn’t stay in one place for very long, at least not after his mission was completed. Too many nosey people always got in the way.

    Well, we certainly discovered what happens to snooping people didn’t we? Now time to get you loaded into the trunk. I just hope this baggage isn’t as heavy as the last load. Seems like with every new excursion, my bags gets heavier and heavier. Somebody needs to go on a diet.

    He leaned over and grabbed hold of the baggage. Whew, this is heavier than I thought. Of course they say dead weight is twice as heavy. And you can’t get deader than this, he released a hearty laugh as he scooted the luggage out of the room.

    Once outside the house the wind blew a cold arctic harsh blast. He pulled and tugged at the baggage until he finally reached the Taurus. With the trunk open, he inhaled a heavy breath then heaved the bag into the dark open space.

    He stretched backward trying to rid the knots out of his lower back as his fingers lightly rubbed the area. From now on, I’m going to have to get smaller baggage.

    He glanced up at the sky. Clear with a showcase of stars. The moon was full. The weatherman was predicting snowfall by early morning. He hoped the prediction was accurate. It would cover up any footprints.

    Slamming the trunk closed, he went back inside to recheck everything. Nothing could be left untidy. He checked twice for stains of any kind. Nothing. Good. He didn’t wish any other tenants to think him dirty or unorganized.

    He turned off the light and removed the bag of potpourri and can of deodorizer off the mantle. Those were two little items that he would have to carry with him. It was almost a necessity. Another once over around the place as he held the items gloved in his hands. He thrust the potpourri bag in the air and released a huge smile.

    Another one for you, my darling. Always for you. He exclaimed proudly as he padded his feet to the vehicle.

    Inside the car he turned the heater to full blast. After loading the luggage he had felt a sudden chill. Was it the night air? Or perhaps a feeling of guilt shivering up his spine? It didn’t matter. The deed was done. Now to proceed to the next town.

    As he backed out of the driveway his wheels hit a pothole in the road. A rough shifting was heard in the trunk.

    Huh, must not have been a tight squeeze after all. Well, it doesn’t matter. Down the road it will all settle in its place. It always does.

    Putting a foot on the brakes, he paused for a moment to glance at the map. The states of Utah and Montana were circled. Where to go first? The windy city had been full of snow. No doubt, either one of the circled states would be the same this time of the year. Giving the car some gas, he chose to decide later down the road. Just follow where the road sends him.

    He turned on the radio and scanned the channels. Nothing but preachers and static. He didn’t need either one. Perhaps a tape. He rummaged through the tapes, in the darkness of the car, trying to find the right one.

    "Yeah, this is the one. Good ole Willie. Just what I need. ‘On the Road Again.’ Yeah, that’s one thing you and I have in common ole boy. There’s a lot more folks that I plan to meet and grant them a hearty greeting. I sure don’t want to disappoint my lovely wife. He released a short sinister laugh. Did I say folks? Maybe I should say baggage. Excess baggage at that."

    Another shift was heard rocking from the trunk.

    Just hold tight. We’ve got a long ride ahead of us. One, I can assure you, that you’ll enjoy.

    He set the cruise to sixty-five and began singing along with Willie. Yes indeed, at this moment, he was a most happy man. By the time spring arrived, he would be settled and grounded at another workshop. He could hardly wait. It was such a pleasure to take over a new identity and a different trade. This was one job that he never wanted to relinquish. And thanks to his beloved wife, she had made it all possible.

    "On the road again... he hummed in tune. Willie, my boy, from where I’m sitting, I can practically smell the May flowers and feel the summers breeze issuing into the valley. I do believe the fun is just beginning."


    Stephanie Henderson stood gazing out the huge picture window. It was good to see springtime again. All the flowers blooming and warmer temperatures was a welcome change. Even the gentle breeze she felt, when she awoke, had a pleasant aroma. Just to be able to open the windows during the night and awake to that light stirring breeze as the birds chirped in the background that was the best gift anyone could ask for in her book. Springtime had a way of ridding the earth of all the dead cold that winter had brought to the area. It was like a voice saying, out with the old and in with the new.

    She eyed the empty desk that once portrayed scattered papers and law books. New was right. Soon she would be going to another location. There would be fresh faces to meet. Everything would be different. New York would soon be a memory.

    But oh what memories, she said, as she strolled about the room. I’ve had an incredible time working with Smithfield Law firm. I met a wonderful man whom I married, who almost loves law as much as me. Yes, for the last five years, we’ve been extremely happy. Always inseparable.

    Stephanie walked back to the window. In fact, it was here I met you, Frank Henderson, during a board meeting. One look at you and I thought I would faint right at the meeting. There was just something about that twinkle in your eye. It threw me to you like a magnet.

    Stephanie inhaled a deep breath and sat down in the desk chair. More of the past thoughts began to roam her mind. Why was it when it came time to locate to another place one was always reminiscing? Her mind thought of Frank again.

    And to think that you were a private investigator, Frank, before you began studying law. It seemed like you were always on call. I bet those pale blue eyes of yours lured a lot of clients into your direction, especially females. I imagine many of them drooled to be able to run their fingers through your rich dark brown hair. I know I did. I wonder how many others you allowed to do that Frank. I know I said never tell me. I think it was those eyes and your tall structured frame that set you off from the other men in the boardroom. There was something there that practically beckoned and enticed an invitation to come and be surrounded by your muscled arms.

    Stephanie reached for her purse pulling out a tissue.

    I know it’s silly for me to sit here, talking to no one as I think of all the fun memories, but with the big move and all, I can’t help but feel nostalgic. This is where all our dates started. I love you, Frank Henderson.

    At it again, are we? You keep that up young lady and someone might have you committed. Others don’t know you like me. They see you talking to yourself and bingo, the white jackets are rolling the wheels to the front door. He smiled.

    I believe that negates if you answer yourself, my sweet husband, she said, wiping a tear as it fell to her cheek.

    True that would put you in the straight jacket with no questions asked.

    Once again you enter catching me in the act. Tell me dearest, will you be my attorney if that happens? she laughed.

    "For you, my lovable redhead, always. After all, I know how you can be if you don’t get your way."

    Excuse me?

    You being a redhead and all.

    Come on, Frank. I’m not that bad. Besides, one of us has to take a stand.


    You’re too calm. I’ve never seen a mean streak run down your back. Face it Frank, you need to learn to crack that whip once in a while.

    I’ll leave that up to you. That’s what I fell in love with, your spunk. You saw what you wanted in life. You took the reins and didn’t let go. You’re a modern woman, Stephanie.


    No buts. You were thinking of the memories that we have had at this law firm. It’s only natural that I remember some myself.

    And probably the fact, that after five years of marriage, we don’t have any children. I know how desperately you want children, Frank.

    And I know how dedicated you are to your career. I still have a little patience left.

    No doubt it’s wearing thin, she stated.

    Maybe a tad.

    Stephanie rose from the chair and strolled over to Frank. She stretched her arm, inviting a hug. Let’s get settled in Utah, then we can discuss that family.

    I don’t want to raise my hopes. Sometimes you find a way of backing out.

    She looked into his eyes. Oh, they were so hypnotic. "Moi? Surely you jest."

    He feathered her forehead with a kiss. Now would I do something like that?

    Yes, when it comes to having babies. I know I’m nearing thirty. I don’t want to wait too much longer. Besides, I don’t want to continue putting it off. Who knows, one day that mean streak of yours may jump out and inflict me bodily harm. There’s always a first time.

    Stephanie, I could never harm you. Not even if you provoked me. I love you too much. But since you brought up about the baby, I really would like to have one soon. I know both our careers are important, but so is having a family. I told you that when we first got married. Children are something that I have always wanted.

    Stephanie unlocked from his hold. Look, my career is great now. I promise, you’ll soon have that family you want.

    Don’t you want one?

    Would he never cease chatting about having that family? That house full of noise. She grasped hold of his hand and tried to sound sincere. You know I do, silly.

    Good. Now I think we should concentrate on our move. The packers were almost finished when I left. Al stayed until I came to get you.

    You’re going to miss him, aren’t you?

    He’s been a great partner to work with, but there’ll be others.

    You’re right. Look Frank, will you give me about two more minutes? I’ll meet you downstairs.

    He smothered his lips over hers allowing the kiss to linger for a few moments. Sure. I’ll be waiting in the car.

    Stephanie stood by the window after Frank left. She may be a modern woman, but it hadn’t been an easy life for her struggling in a man’s world. Maybe that was one reason she didn’t want a baby right after marriage. Too many couldn’t juggle career and family. And there was no way she wished to jeopardize someone telling her she couldn’t run a family and a career.

    She had witnessed, all too often, the perils of women dropping out to have children. Then overhearing how they had regretted not furthering their professions. Fortunately, Frank had understood. He was easy to get along with, as well as most comfortable in his conversations with others. She had never met anyone with such a friendly personality.

    She crossed her arms then rested a hand near her chin. Would he really ever cross that line if provoked and harm her or anyone? Surely there wasn’t any dark secret about his life that she wasn’t aware? No, not her Frank. Just you, Stephanie, for continuing to lie to the handsome chap about one day having children. One day Frank is going to catch you in that lie. You can’t continue to put off having a family. You know he is going to bring it up again, he always does.

    FRANK SAT IN THE CAR observing the snail-like traffic. Surely this transfer to Utah would be a most welcome change. When the company offered it, he eagerly accepted. The benefits sounded promising. After discussing the outline with Stephanie, she, too, after a week of deliberating, thought the move would be beneficial.

    Of course he had his own reasons, but at the moment there was no way he could tell Stephanie. Any mention of the real reason behind the transfer, no doubt, would put an end to their marriage. Finished. The end. He had a major case to work on. It was top secret. Stephanie couldn’t be a part of it, at least not now.

    Granted, it was quite a distance from New York and in no way as populated, but they were happy to be leaving. The loud noise and sirens blaring continuously was getting a bit too much. All Stephanie and Frank could think about was their movement to a new location. Surely this one would be calmer. At least until Stephanie discovered the real reason behind the move, Frank thought. That might cause her to become provoked. One thing he didn’t wish to ever see was that redhead losing her temper.

    And let’s hope that never happens.

    What? Stephanie asked, closing the car door.

    Frank eyed her in puzzlement. He never heard the car door open.

    You were saying you hope that never happens.

    Oh, that. Guess it was my time to talk to myself. Ready for our new home? Frank asked, changing the subject.

    You bet.


    The packers left right after Frank and Stephanie arrived at the apartment. They thanked Al for lending a helping hand then began packing the small items they were transporting in the car.

    Frank caught a glimpse of the filled boxes and suitcases that Stephanie was pulling from the closet.

    Sweetheart, you know the packers could have taken these. They’re going to have our furniture there before we even arrive. Our new boss was adamant about having everything in its place before we set foot in that house. He is extremely eager to have us in his company.

    I don’t want to take any chances. Something could arise that could delay the packers arrival. I just want to make sure I have some of the necessities with us. As for these packaged items, they are treasured what-knots and figurines that you and I have bought since we first met. They carry a lot of momentum. You understand, don’t you?

    Frank cast an approving eye her way. Sure I do. I just don’t want to overload the Chrysler. We have a long trip ahead of us. If I know you, there’re going to be plenty of stops to purchase some souvenirs. Not to mention when we get settled in our new home. Before very much longer we may have to buy a second house to store all our belongings.

    You do read me like a book, Frank Henderson.

    He noticed how she slightly chewed at her bottom lip. Now what’s on your mind?

    Just thinking how our new boss is anxious for our arrival. He said he couldn’t wait until I got out there. You don’t find all that odd.

    Not really, he said shrugging his shoulders. You’re a great asset to any company. Your resume is pretty impressive.

    So I shouldn’t worry? I mean he is going all out for our arrival, Frank, even allowing us to move into a house. Not an apartment but a huge house.

    Perhaps people in Utah conduct business a little differently, sweetheart. The man appeared to know what he was doing.

    Yeah, I guess you’re right. Want to help me put these in the car?


    IT TOOK A GOOD PART of the day to finish the packing and clean the apartment. Stephanie wanted it as clean as when they first rented it.

    Frank, did you remember to notify the phone company?

    I’m doing that when we start out the door. I’m expecting a phone call. Or I would have already shut it off.

    Oh? They couldn’t have buzzed your cell phone?

    Unfortunately I failed to give them that number, he innocently lied. The first of many he imagined before this secret case was over. And you know me, I didn’t do the call forwarding, but don’t worry, that will be taken care of on our way out, promise.

    The phone began ringing. Stephanie answered it. Hello. Yes. Just a minute. She handed the phone to Frank. Your call, sweetie.

    Stephanie edged toward the kitchen as Frank took the receiver. Stephanie wondered just whom he could be expecting a call. All the associates told them bye when they gave the going away party. Hum, this was very strange. She crossed her arms as he placed the receiver back on the hook.

    What is that look about? Frank inquired.

    Was that a private conversation?

    Was it supposed to be?

    No. I just thought it strange that you were expecting a call and didn’t inform me. Normally you tell me everything.

    Sorry Stephanie. You don’t tell me about all your appointments.

    Excuse me.

    You don’t have to get in a huff. If you must know, it was from the Towers Law Office.

    There’s a problem. Mr. Towers has changed his mind, hasn’t he? I knew it. Here the packers have long gone with our furniture and he phones and calls the deal off.

    Frank did a time out with his hands. Whoa, Steph, get a grip. It was my associate, Joey Plankton.

    Stephanie eyed him curious.

    You haven’t met him yet. Mr. Towers introduced us when I flew out to the firm, another halfway lie. There was no way he could tell Stephanie the complete truth. He couldn’t blow the mission. For now, everything would have to be completely quiet.

    Well, is there a problem?

    Oh, no. Joey wanted to reassure us that Mr. Towers was busily getting the house in order. They’ll be there to meet the packers when they arrive. We are to have a safe and pleasant trip.

    That was thoughtful of the man.

    Like I already told you, Mr. Towers really wants you to come and work for his company.

    "Just me? I thought he hired us."

    Just a play on words, honey. Frank’s gaze searched the room. I think everything is about ready to go in the car. Don’t you?

    Frank, the packers did look trustworthy, didn’t they?

    What brought that up?

    I just want to make sure all our antiques are going to be safe. We saved a lot of money to purchase some of the furniture. It’s not just the cost either. Those things are precious to me.

    Stephanie, it’s a reliable moving company. They have been moving folks for a very long time. Rest assured, when we arrive, our belongings will be in satisfactory condition.

    Stephanie thought for a moment.

    Now what?

    What if none of my furniture matches the decor of the house Mr. Towers has chosen for us?

    Stephanie, no matter what the atmosphere, your Boston rocker, all your Victorian old age, and even your Queen Anne won’t make that much of a difference. You know you don’t like to stick to one style of furniture. All I want is my Serta at nighttime and I’m happy. Of course, I would like for you to be beside me when my head hits the pillow. He stepped to her and embraced her with a tight hug. If you think about it, Steph, with the diverse pieces of different styles, you already have a blend of tastes rolled into one.

    With a squint of her green eyes, she shot him a smile then slapped him on his rear. You better stop making fun of me mister.

    "Moi? I would never do that."

    Sure you wouldn’t.

    Hey, hey, he jolted in a laugh, if we don’t get going, we’ll never see our new home. That funny business will have to wait until later.

    Aye, aye, captain, went her salute as she pranced off shaking her derrière.

    Frank took in every form of her body as it moved graciously with each step. After five years he was more in love with her than ever. This move was indeed going to be a welcome change. Frank could hardly wait to see the look of surprise, on her face, when they arrived at the new firm. He had helped initiate the procedures. Keeping everything a secret from Stephanie had been a huge task in itself. It had been one major deal that had been extremely delicate to keep under wraps. Even though it had two sides to it, for now, he could only tell her the good half, the one that would be beneficial to her career.

    FRANK PUT THE LAST suitcase in the trunk then gave the neighborhood one last look. Yes, for the longest, this had always been home. He was going to miss all the associates at Smithfield Law firm. One day, if his operation was ever finished, maybe they could return. No one could ever know his real identity in this matter. It could cost him his life, not to mention put Stephanie’s into jeopardy.

    Frank, the apartment is all locked. I gave the landlord the keys. Are you ready?

    Yes. You know, I’m going to miss our home.

    Stephanie wrapped her arm in his. I bet we make our new home even better.

    I second that. Just promise me one thing?


    You will be serious about having a baby. Our jobs, our homes are important facets in our life, but I want something that comes from us together. A real life. I know you want to keep that washboard stomach of yours, but even Scarlett gave Rhett one child.

    Frank, it has never been about losing my waistline. I just wanted to be grounded in my career.

    And now?

    I think in all honesty, I’m just about there.

    Then what are we waiting for? Hop in the car, for Utah or bust. He said slamming the trunk.

    A cold shiver rushed down Stephanie’s arms and back. She hurriedly folded her arms over her chest.

    Honey, what’s wrong? Frank asked concerned. Even her facial expression produced a tinge of fright.

    I don’t know Frank. When you closed that trunk, a cold snap jumped to my flesh. Look, I even have goose bumps.

    He caught a glimpse of all the tiny bumps layered on her arms.

    It’s like something or someone was walking over my grave. And you had to bring up the children again. Could you please put a halt to that for a good while?

    Briskly he ran his hands over her arms then embraced her in a huge hug. Maybe jitters like when you board a plane, but this time it’s a new job. He tilted her chin upward to look into her eyes. Everything is going to be fine my little redhead.

    Your right, it was probably just prenuptial jitters, but this time with a company. Not another spouse.

    You better never have another spouse, Stephanie. Now that might provoke something in me that you have never seen. Just because you have legs that reach the sky, don’t think that I can’t take you down if I have to.

    A giggle formed on her lips. Oh really.

    Yeah, but we don’t have time to stage a pretend fight. The day is passing before our eyes. Now get in the car, sweetie. He kissed her lips. Honesty we are going to be great. Trust me.

    She lightly swallowed. She surely hoped so. For now, something was telling her there could be unexpected danger and that was a feeling she didn’t care to have racing down her spine.


    As the car took them down the open highway, this was one journey that Frank and Stephanie were highly anticipating. They knew the drive would be long and tedious but they wanted to see all the scenery along the way. After given a two-week vacation to get there and settle in, they had agreed on taking turns driving and when it grew later or they became too tired, they would pull over and get a room for the night.

    Stephanie leaned her head against the seat and watched all the lovely scenery that passed by them. When she wasn’t focusing her stare to the window, she would share conversation with Frank or sing along with the songs filtering through the radio or any CD she chose to listen. Occasionally, she would even glance over and casually eye Frank without him noticing. Each time her look washed over him, she found herself very lucky to have found someone completely wonderful.

    He was still her heartthrob; had been ever since she first laid eyes on him. Tall with pure muscles and no flab on that body of his, always taking care of himself, drop dead gorgeous she had heard some women in the law firm vocalize one day during their break. Stephanie only smiled when she heard the remark. He was all hers and nothing else mattered. Frank would never look at another woman in that way.

    THE JOURNEY TURNED out to be a pleasant one. They had so much fun along the way. There were different states to enter and dozens of sites to view. The camcorder was continuously working over time. They wanted to make sure to reflect back on their trip once everything was unpacked. With each stop, they had to buy a souvenir as a memory of their trip.

    Stephanie, if this continues, Frank joked, not only will we have to buy that second house, but we’re going to have to rent a truck just for the souvenirs.

    Silly, I haven’t bought that much.

    We’re not even halfway and you have loaded down the car. You know everything is as beautiful as the books and travel brochures express. Maybe we should consider just becoming travelers.

    Now that would never work. Our funds would soon be depleted. In no time we would have to return to work.

    Yeah, you’re right. But considering the thought, it would have been a wonderful adventure. And having children along would make it even more eventful. Frank leaned his back toward the left a little.

    What’s wrong, honey? Are you getting tired? Or is your back acting up again?

    I’m not use to the long ride. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying myself. I didn’t realize my backache was going to flare up so soon.

    Why don’t you let me drive for a while, unless you want to pull over and get a room for the night.

    I think I can handle a hundred more miles. Then we’ll get a room and a hot meal. Afterwards a hot shower should soothe these tired muscles.

    Sounds good to me, she said climbing back into the car.

    Frank slid in then put the key in the ignition. Mind if I listen to some music?


    How about the Beethoven tape?

    Sorry Frank, I put all your tapes and CD’s in the trunk.

    Stephanie, you know I like soft soothing music. I can’t stand some of those new fangle-dangle musicians.

    Honey, Madonna isn’t a fangle-dangle musician. Just listen to some of her sounds; I bet you anything, you’ll get hooked.

    I never bet on my music, Steph.

    She raised her eyebrows releasing a little puppy face.

    Go ahead, put in one of her CD’s, but I’m not making any promises, he cautioned.

    Frank listened until the last song played. It was all right but

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