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Remember, What You Do Matters
Remember, What You Do Matters
Remember, What You Do Matters
Ebook66 pages38 minutes

Remember, What You Do Matters

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About this ebook

You have been called into ministry. God has chosen and appointed you to work with boys and girls, sharing His truth and love with them. Not only is this an amazing honor, but it's a calling that shouldn't be taken lightly. You are doing more than just showing up; more than just babysitting. You are doing Kingdom work, and helping eternities chan

Release dateSep 12, 2023
Remember, What You Do Matters

Amber Pike

AMBER PIKE is the editor of KidzMatter Magazine, an author, children's minister, and momma whose passion is to see kids loving the Word of God and walking with Him! Amber is the author of "Exploring the Bible Through History," "The Family Cookbook Devotional," and "Top 50 Ordinary People in God's Extraordinary Plan."  She serves as the Dean of Kidmin Academy and host of The Kidmin Huddle and the I Love Kidmin Podcast. Her most important (and favorite) role in life, however, is taking care of the wonderful family God has blessed her with.

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    Remember, What You Do Matters - Amber Pike


    what you do


    Amber Pike


    Remember, What You Do Matters

    © 2023 by Amber Pike. All rights reserved.

    Published by KidzMatter

    432 East Val Lane, Marion, IN 46952

    Printed in the United States of America

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-for example, electronic, photocopy, recording-without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, USA. All rights reserved.

    Original Conference Theme by twelve:thirty Media -

    Cover adapted by Nicole Jones -

    Interior layout by Nicole Jones -



    Children’s Ministry Matters!

     Kidmin leader, you have the most important (and the best) job ever. You get to tell boys and girls about Jesus! You get to make the Bible come alive. You get to witness eternities changed! Seriously, there is no better job out there. 

     But it’s not always an easy job. 

     On those Sundays that kids are literally jumping off the walls, you question if you are really supposed to be doing this. When attendance is down, you blame yourself. Parents might get nasty. Problems might creep into your church. Kids may be disrespectful. You might feel burned out, unappreciated, unseen, and ready to quit.

     If any of that resonates with you, first of all, let me tell you that you aren’t alone. Sometimes the season you are in gets rough, and the feelings of doubt and frustration creep in. 

    Have you felt ineffective lately?

    Have you questioned your worth?

    Have you considered throwing in the towel?

    Have you wondered why you keep trying?

    Eternity matters. Children’s ministry matters. What you do, matters. Whether things are going absolutely amazing in your world or you are barely hanging on by a thread, know that it matters. Each and everything you are doing, matters. 

     I was sixteen years old when I felt God call me into the ministry. It was my first summer getting to be an assistant teacher at VBS (instead of just a helper). The memory is still clear and vivid in my mind. 

     The theme was Rickshaw Rally, from Lifeway. Even as a teen I already had the art of being a little extra down pat, so I was wearing my kimono inspired shirt with chopsticks in my hair. Our table of sweet little three- and four-year olds were sitting at the picnic tables on the rec pad, eating their snacks. 

     We asked the kids, What are we supposed to do?

     Go fish for Jesus! sweet little voices echoed back. 

     What are we fishing for?


     I hadn’t learned yet that three-year olds can’t comprehend abstract thinking, but I felt God speak to me like He never had before. 

    Amber, I want you to do this for the rest of your life. I want you to teach boys and girls about me. 

     Deep in my heart, my sixteen-year-old self knew – this matters. There is nothing more rewarding (or more important) than

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