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Human Design for Moms: A Guide to Discovering Your True Self and Living on Purpose
Human Design for Moms: A Guide to Discovering Your True Self and Living on Purpose
Human Design for Moms: A Guide to Discovering Your True Self and Living on Purpose
Ebook259 pages3 hours

Human Design for Moms: A Guide to Discovering Your True Self and Living on Purpose

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Are You a Mom Seeking Your Greater Purpose?

Trying to be a good mom can consume every waking moment of your day. You may feel stuck, disconnected, and wonder: How can I do things differe

Release dateMay 5, 2023
Human Design for Moms: A Guide to Discovering Your True Self and Living on Purpose

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    Book preview

    Human Design for Moms - Nani Chesire




    The Power of Human Design as a Tool

    Life on Your Terms


    Chapter 1 The Real Reasons You’re Stuck

    Chapter 2 Your Clarity Switch


    Chapter 3 The Two-Part Formula


    Chapter 4 Liberate Guilt

    Chapter 5 Clear Your Energy


    Chapter 6 The Essence of You

    Chapter 7 The Art of Surrender

    Chapter 8 Activate Your Purpose


    Chapter 9 Vibrant Energy Reboot

    Chapter 10 Find Your Personal Anchor(s)

    Chapter 11 Protect Your Energy

    Chapter 12 The Most Powerful Self-Care

    Chapter 13 Cultivate the Courage to Be Authentic


    Chapter 14 Know Yourself Well Toolkit

    An Invitation

    Connect to Author



    About the Author


    As an executive coach, international entrepreneur, speaker, bestselling author, and the Founder and CEO of Positive Prime, my focus is on how to help people make significant, positive changes with ease, grace, and speed, and in a way that makes them feel more cheerful, confident, and calm. I support people by shifting their thinking, reducing the stress and anxiety that distracts them and sometimes derails them, and encouraging them to master their emotions intelligently. Positive psychology tools bring more health, wellness, healing, and abundance. Influential people like Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and Marisa Peer are all involved with us here at The World of Positivity, as we invite you to train your brains using Positive Prime! Nani Chesire is one of my favorite people, and not only because she’s a conscientious, Certified Positive Prime Leader. Her gift fuses several forward-thinking and high-potency tools for daily use in her commitment to wholeheartedly serving others. 

    Like the wellness technology that is Positive Prime, this book allows you to experience a new awareness that will transform your life. You will be nurtured by reading the words carefully and applying their wisdom. This book helps you peel back layers of what you don’t need and block new negativity from coming in. It allows you to boost your positivity and lean into your authenticity. The world needs us all to be the brightest versions of our most compassionate selves, and we are honored to be on this journey with you. Please gift this book to others you care about, or indeed buy them their own copy and store this precious copy somewhere safe when you’re ready to put it down. 

    This book intends to move women and caretakers to a place where they flourish in their truths. As one of the world’s thought leaders in transformative technologies, I see a deep need for more of this. Thank you for taking the time and taking care of yourself. 

    — Kim Serafini, Founder and CEO of Positive Prime

    As a Human Design World Leader and mentor to Nani Chesire, I give my students tools to understand Human Design deeply. I empower them to share it with the world in their unique expression. Nani shares her message of the importance of standing in your authenticity within a world that wants you to be like everyone else.

    This book embodies being a role model for the next generation. In Human Design, the role model is adept. The role model has experienced the ups and downs of life, contemplated and studied life, and emerged into maturity as a wise one who knows the full potential of the human story. Nani embodies the energy of the role model so beautifully in this book!

    Nani’s community has over ten thousand engaged participants and continues to grow. She has an exceptional ability to use her storytelling energies to share how Human Design can live out in real life through metaphors, visuals, and words.

    She is also the co-author of the best-selling Human Design Type Guidebooks: A Complete Collection.

    Seeing the full potential of Nani’s Human Design chart come to life through this book will inspire you to activate your purpose and power in the world.

    — Karen Curry Parker, Founder and CEO of Quantum Alignment System




    I’ll never forget the moment I learned about Human Design.

    I was invited to a gathering at my mentor’s home. She had recently learned about something that changed her world drastically, so she was hosting an event with an expert facilitator—that something was called Human Design.

    My youngest child was only one year old at that time. I was tired, overwhelmed, and rarely took time for myself. When I finally got out the door and drove through winding forest roads to the event, I started seeing many road construction signs. My normal route was blocked, and my old-school GPS didn’t give me a good alternative. I thought, What am I doing taking time for myself, anyway? My mind told me the construction was a sign that I wasn’t supposed to go. I gripped the steering wheel so tightly I almost cried, gave up, and turned back home.

    I took a moment to pause and take a breath. I could feel something inside me drawing me to this get-together, so I became determined to make it there. I started over and eventually found the right path.

    My mentor must have intuitively known that I was supposed to be there because she made every effort to delay starting without me. I walked into her house, essential oils wafting in the air. She handed me a cup of warm tea, showed me to my seat, and I settled into a wonderful group of women to start learning about Human Design.

    I sat for hours soaking in the most amazing information I’ve ever learned. I’m a self-help enthusiast, but no other personal growth tool has ever resonated with me this much. That afternoon changed the course of my life; it was like a reset button. However, it wasn’t just because I learned about Human Design, it was because I decided to love myself enough to learn.

    What if I hadn’t gone?

    I use Human Design extensively in my life, my work, and this book.

    I’m a certified Human Design expert through Karen Curry Parker’s Human Design program. I chose to study with her because of the way she translated Human Design to the real world in a practical way.

    As I learned concepts, I could visualize and immediately apply them either to my life or through metaphors to share with others. There is an overwhelming amount of Human Design information out there, so I strive to share content to promote understanding, clarity, and practical changes. I challenged myself to deliver these to you in an easy, digestible way. 

    My purpose is to take my insights and share these new ideas with you, encouraging you to step outside your self-imposed boundaries. My mission is to infuse this empowered self-love (from Human Design) into my own life and my work with you. I’ve been living my own Human Design experiment for over six years, analyzing it in real life every day. I examine my motives and choices and how they play out as a parent.

    Human Design is a tool that will help you get to the heart of your purpose.

    Human Design is a self-discovery tool that uses ancient wisdom and modern science. It shows you—with a helpful chart—how to best use and exchange your energy with others. We are born with an open slate of authenticity. Your chart can show you how you’ve been conditioned away from the truth of who you are and much more. Your chart provides clues to your spiritual essence and how it might play out during your life. Most importantly, it shows you how amazing it is just to be you.

    Human Design brings the concept

    of authenticity to life. 

    Applying Human Design to real life helps you shed what’s not yours by being yourself and leaning into your soul’s desires—becoming a magnet for what you want.

    I love that you don’t have to take a test to see your blueprint. It’s more like an astrology chart. You enter your information, and the chart is created for you. There’s no gaming the system. It makes no difference who you are at home or work, what you look like, or even where you live.

    There are many layers in your Human Design chart. What you learn about your chart often confirms what you already know deep down about yourself, how you operate, or how your energy works. Sometimes you’ll get an aha! That solidifies something that you may have been told not to do—but you knew it was correct for you.

    The chart is a blueprint that can show you how you will learn soul lessons through interacting with life. We often feel stuck in life because we are conditioned to do something we think we should—rather than doing what we truly want.

    I love business and being a mom, but it’s still hard to fit it all together. Having done things that have dampened my soul and made me physically sick, I know the profound importance of being aligned with what I do. I have gone from allowing shoulds that lead to overwhelm and burnout to a non-traditional portfolio life designed by me and filled with things I love.

    Learning a new perspective is like adding a new lens to your life. When you try to solve a problem the way you always have, you become stuck trying to solve it with just one perspective. Human Design was a new lens for me. It helped me get to where I am now, and I hope it helps you too.

    Let’s briefly look at the basics.

    On page 19, in the image labeled Human Design Chart, you can see a Human Design chart (also called a body graph). The charts vary in design depending on their source. You’ll want your chart in front of you to get the most out of this book. It’s free. Go to, or search online for free human design chart and you can find multiple free versions similar to this chart.  

    You can gain valuable insight from this book no matter your Human Design Type, but it’s geared towards Generators and Manifesting Generators. Below is a quick overview of the Generator Types.


    You are here to do work or things you love. Your essence is to be masterful of who you are and what you do. Your energy is sustainable. Your gift is your sparkly, magnetic aura, and when you are doing the right work, you can light up the world.

    Strategy is your way of being in the world. Your Strategy is to:

    A response can be as subtle as while you are driving, you are getting hungry, so you decide to get off at the next ramp to eat some food, or a response could be more significant, like someone asking if you want to join their business. It’s about not pushing on things, rather letting life unfold for you.

    Frustration is your emotional signal, and it arises when you have lost momentum or gone off your path. It’s meant to give you an alert to get back in alignment. Your goal is to find things that light you up. As a Generator, you have this big, open, beautiful, magnetic aura. It’s like a spiral of energy that brings opportunities and even people towards you. Because your aura is so penetrating, the world is better off if you do work that makes you feel good or even excited. When you are happy and inspired by your work, everyone around you feels it and is also lit up. Your aura affects the people around you.

    You can figure out what you really want to be doing by getting to know your Sacral energy. Have someone ask you yes or no questions and answer with your Sacral sound if you need clarity on anything. We will talk about this in much more detail in Chapter 2.

    Manifesting Generator (MG)

    You are here to do the work you love and find shortcuts. Your essence is to find the most efficient way to do things. Your energy is sustainable when you are doing something that feels good. Your gift is your life force energy. You are uniquely capable of doing more than most. You are here to show the world that we can do things in different ways at different speeds.

    Strategy is your way of being in the world. Your Strategy is to:

    First, respond to signs outside of yourself like a pure Generator. You then need to inform those you will impact like a Manifestor. Use your emotions as a guide.

    This formula arises when your creative process is disrupted and you have lost momentum. The emotions are meant to give you a signal to get back in alignment.

    Your goal is to find things that light you up. You have this big, open, beautiful, magnetic aura as an MG. It’s like this spiral of energy that brings opportunities and even people towards you. Sometimes you have to try things on (think throwing spaghetti) to see if they are right for you. When you are happy and

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