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The Science Behind Health and Fitness: What Works and Why: fitness, #15
The Science Behind Health and Fitness: What Works and Why: fitness, #15
The Science Behind Health and Fitness: What Works and Why: fitness, #15
Ebook25 pages16 minutes

The Science Behind Health and Fitness: What Works and Why: fitness, #15

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Ah, health and fitness, where ancient Greek-style dedication meets modern-day infomercials offering six-pack abs in just two minutes a day of... something. Perhaps inhaling air from a certain location on the planet? Or wiggling your toes to a beat only the enlightened can see? Before you raise an eyebrow, sitting on vibrating belts was once thought to shake the fat straight off your body. So, in the grand scheme of health fads, wiggling toes doesn't sound so far-fetched, does it?


But wait a minute. Long before the world was graced with neon leotards and the name "aerobics," our forefathers kept active by hunting, collecting, and occasionally fleeing from monsters that wanted to eat them. They didn't have to be concerned with protein-to-carb ratios or if they'd completed enough high-intensity intervals that week. Their workout routine was life itself, without a gym membership.


Fast forward a few millennia, and here we are: befuddled, often overwhelmed, and admittedly dubious. Who could blame us, given that a new 'breakthrough' discovery about health and fitness is made virtually every month? Should we follow a ketogenic, paleo, vegan, or Mediterranean diet? Do you want to run marathons, sprint intervals, or perfect the tranquil warrior yoga pose? And just when you think you've figured it out, someone comes along and flips the information table, screaming, "Forget everything you know! "This is the path."


This book will not guarantee you the secret to a Herculean body or the metabolism of a hummingbird. It will delve into the science of health and fitness, separating the wheat (or quinoa?) from the chaff. While our forefathers may have had a simpler path to fitness, they didn't have the luxury of understanding the chemical mechanics of muscle growth or the gut-brain connection. They also didn't have to deal with an onslaught of processed foods, sedentary desk jobs, or the temptation to binge-watch an entire TV series in one night (looking at you, "Tiger King").


Here's what we hope to provide: A no-nonsense, sometimes cheeky, always evidence-based investigation of what truly works in health and fitness and, more importantly, WHY it works. We'll cover everything, from the fundamental biology of exercise to the delicate dance of nutrients in our bodies. Along the way, we'll debunk some falsehoods, dispel common assumptions, and make you laugh or smile knowingly.


So put on your most comfy footwear, get a beverage (water is best, but we won't judge if you're drinking coffee or wine; we're all friends here), and prepare to embark on a voyage of enlightenment, minus the vibrating fat-burning belts. There's something here for everyone, whether you're a fitness fanatic, a curious cat, or someone who just wants to know the optimal number of chocolate squares for well-being (spoiler: it might be more than one, but probably less than the entire bar).


Welcome to The Science of Fitness and Health: What Works and Why. Let us become informed - and don't worry, no toe-wiggling is required. Unless you like that, there will be no judgment here.

Release dateAug 24, 2023
The Science Behind Health and Fitness: What Works and Why: fitness, #15

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    Book preview

    The Science Behind Health and Fitness - Jerry J. Jensen

    The Science Behind Health and Fitness: What Works and Why

    fitness, Volume 15

    Jerry J. Jensen

    Published by Jerry J. Jensen, 2023.

    The Science Behind Health and Fitness: What Works and Why

    By Jerry J. Jensen

    To See Many Ways To Make Money Online And Many Nutritional Products And Other Products, Visit My Website At

    Copyright © 2023 by Jerry J. Jensen

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Also by Jerry J. Jensen


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    Cooking Up a Storm: The Ultimate Hamburger Guide

    Mastering the Art of Cooking Spaghetti

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    Mastery in Moderation: Cooking for a Calorie-Conscious Diet


    The Ultimate Keto Cookbook: Over 100 Inspired Dishes for a Healthier You

    Keto Daily: 365 Recipes for Every Day of the Year

    Keto Desserts: Indulgent Delights Without The Guilt

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