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Jonah, the Ungrateful Servant
Jonah, the Ungrateful Servant
Jonah, the Ungrateful Servant
Ebook51 pages38 minutes

Jonah, the Ungrateful Servant

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Jonah was not the only child of God in the land. It was a privilege sending him by God. It was a favour. It was an opportunity.

Beloved, it is not everyone who enjoys this opportunity. It is not everyone who enjoys this favour. When you get yours, please handle it well. When God calls you, please don't take it for granted.

Why did God refuse to appoint the professor in that land to go? Why did God refuse to choose your brother who is a PhD holder but has chosen you? And you think it is funny?  No it is not!

Beloved, what are you waiting for?

What did He call you to do?

Are you doing the exact thing He called you to do?

Are you a pastor? It is a privilege, therefore pastor well. Are you a Teacher, Prophet, Apostle, Evangelist? It is a privilege, do it well.

Are you a Gospel artist? Are you an usher? Are you supporting God's children? Do it well because it is a privilege given to you.

Do you operate in the Word of knowledge? Do you have the gift of Word of Wisdom? Do you have faith? Do you prophesy? Do you give? Do you have the gift of discernment? Do it wholeheartedly because it is a privilege.

You don't deserve anything. Look around you, there are better people yet God has decided to use you for that assignment. Beloved, Jonah had this great opportunity, just like you, what are you waiting for?

This book will inspire you to respond to the call of God on your life. Click the buy button and get your copy NOW!

Release dateAug 25, 2023
Jonah, the Ungrateful Servant

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    Jonah, the Ungrateful Servant - John K. Wundengba (Rev)


    I dedicate this book to my best Friend, Mentor, Counselor, the personality behind all my literatures, the Holy Spirit, who gives me what it takes to write, I love you Holy Spirit.

    This piece is also dedicated to my late father, who never lived to witness this.

    Finally, I dedicate this literature to my wife, children, mother, siblings and all my family members for being there for me.


    The Land Of Nineveh

    "Now this message from the LORD came to Amittai’s son Jonah:

    Get up and go to Nineveh, that great city! Then cry out in protest against it, because their evil has come to my attention. (Jonah 1:1-2- ISV).

    The honour given to Jonah by God, in giving him a commission to go and prophesy against Nineveh was super. Jonah signifies a dove, a proper name for all God's prophets, all his people, who ought to be harmless as doves, and to mourn as doves for the sins and calamities of the land.

    His father's name was Amittai - My truth for God's prophets should be sons of truth. A native of Gath-hepher; 5th of the Minor Prophets who prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II.

    For God's Word is a real thing but men's words are but wind, but God's words are also substance. Jonah has been acquainted with the Word of the Lord, and knew His voice.

    God said:

    Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city... (Jonah 1:2 ISV).

    Nineveh was at this time the metropolis of the Assyrian monarchy, an eminent city (Genesis 10:11), a great city, forty-eight miles in compass (some make it much more), great in the number of the inhabitants, as appears by the multitude of infants in it (Jonah 4:11).

    Great in wealth (there was no end of its store, (Nahum 2:9).

    Great in power and dominion, it was the city that for some time ruled over the kings of the earth. But great cities, as well as great men, are under God's government and judgment. Nineveh was a great city, and yet a heathen city, without the knowledge and worship of the True God.

    How many great cities and great nations sit in darkness today? They lack the knowledge of God. They serve animals. They serve moon, sun, stars. They serve trees and water bodies.

    This great city was a wicked city: Their wickedness was known everywhere. Their wickedness was presumptuous, and they sinned with a high hand. It is sad to think what a great deal of sin is committed in great cities, where there are many sinners, who are not only all sinners, but making one another sin. Men having affairs with their fellow men. Women having affairs with their fellow women.

    Their wickedness has come up, that is, it has come to a high degree, to the highest pitch, the measure of it is full to the brim, their wickedness has come up, as that of Sodom, (Genesis 18:20-21).

    It has come up before me (to my face). It is a bold and open affront to God. They were sinning against God, in His sight, therefore Jonah must cry against it, he must witness against their great wickedness, and

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