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Prophetable Reading: Revivalist Series, #5
Prophetable Reading: Revivalist Series, #5
Prophetable Reading: Revivalist Series, #5
Ebook76 pages1 hour

Prophetable Reading: Revivalist Series, #5

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About this ebook

There is misinformation about the role of the prophet. This book is designed to counter the status quo understanding, by using the scriptures to fine-tune a more accurate consideration of this valuable member of the elect. This essential Guide to the Prophet's Role could transform you and your congregation in the treatment of those with a prophetic ministry today.

In this publication, we are looking at the people who are ordained after the order of the prophets: the man, the make-up, the making, the ministry, the manner, and the means of the prophets within assemblies.


Maybe as a church member, you are struggling about where you fit into the church's program, and other members count you to be different: a square peg in their round hole. If so, this valuable Guide to the Prophet's Role is for you, so that you can ascertain your calling and gift in this niche. By the end of this book, you will know if you are after the order of the prophets. This book will bring you clarity, freedom, and assurance.


Furthermore, this book will assist church members in identifying the divinely appointed prophet in their congregation. Often, the prophet comes across in a peculiar manner and may be misunderstood at times. There is next to no teaching on this subject, so it is little wonder that church members do not know how to live with their prophet in the assembly. So may this useful Guide to the Prophet's Role help you to coexist with your Servant of the Lord. With unity, cohesion, and direction, the church members will serve together, strive to reach out and grow in the wonderful plan of God.


Ordained with over thirty-five years in Christian Ministry, The Pilgrim Preacher is a revivalist' and has written a series of books focusing on the themes of Christian reformation, revival, evangelism, and preservation of the Faith.
The Pilgrim Preacher has personal experience with this book's subject matter as he lived as a Prophet to the Nation, during the turn of the century.

Get this book today and be the best you can be.

Release dateAug 25, 2023
Prophetable Reading: Revivalist Series, #5

Pilgrim Preacher

The Pilgrim Preacher gives Ministers and Teachers everything they need to deliver a relevant and engaging Bible lesson to today's audience. Ordained with over thirty-five years of theological experience and having e-books distributed in online bookstores, the Pilgrim Preacher is your one-stop shop for sermons and bible lessons. The Pilgrim Preacher's suite of sermons, lessons, and devotions is the busy minister's best friend. The biblical genres covered are comprehensive, theologically sound, and engaging. Each series format empowers Pastors and Teachers to achieve their routine of delivering bible lessons multiple times each week. Everyone in ministry should have this suite of e-learning courses to educate and inspire their parishioners to greater heights in the Faith.

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    Book preview

    Prophetable Reading - Pilgrim Preacher



    In this publication, we are looking at the people who are ordained after the order of the prophets: the man, the make-up, the making, the ministry, the manner, and the means of the prophets within assemblies.

    Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.

    Here we see in verse eleven that he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. We see that all these mentioned offices are given for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. God gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers into the local churches for the perfecting of the saints.

    God has put prophets in the church to build up the church of Christ. If there are no prophets in church history and in the Church today, then we are of all men most miserable. Why, because the prophet has always had the job to be sent by God to stir up the sleeping assemblies: those sleeping churches on the edge of apostasy. The prophet has always been sent from God to call a group of God’s people to greater works. The prophet has his own gift and niche in the Church, and he needs to operate in the liberty which he has been given from the Lord and be at rest in it in the Church. The prophet and the office need to be recognized in the Church today, as ever before.

    1 Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

    When God gave his last revelation to the Apostle John about 100 A.D., we know that prophesies, tongues and the gift of knowledge were failing. The gift of prophesying which came by the prophets was to be gradually done away with. The foretelling part of the prophet’s ministry may have passed, but the forth-telling part of the prophet's ministry has not ceased. The Bible canon is complete and needs no further addition of new revelation. We today need to read it, study it, and obey it. The Bible is the supreme guide for rule and practice.

    Maybe you are in a church and are struggling about where you fit in – you don’t seem to fit into the church's program, and other members look at you and count you to be different – a square peg in their round hole. If so, this material is for you because you may be after the order of the prophets. In these chapters, information will be laid out so that you can ascertain your calling and gift in this area.

    It may also help other saints in the church to identify and listen to the prophet that God has placed in their assembly. Often the prophet comes across in a very peculiar way and is consequently ostracized by the congregation. He is a bit of a loner, and he speaks out against some matters and can be taken the wrong way at times. There’s not much teaching, if at all on this subject, so it is little wonder that the people of God don’t know how to live with their prophet in the assembly. So may this material help you in one of these two ways.

    There are three Church offices mentioned in the New Testament:

    1: The Pastor/Bishop/Shepherd - shepherds the flock, usually remaining in one region for the long haul.

    2: Evangelist/Missionary/Apostle – moves to a different region to evangelize, establish a new church, and then may move on to another region to repeat the process.

    3: Prophet – the nation is his congregation and he is all about the preservation of the people of God. He is keen on each generation having a biblical witness.

    Most people have been programmed to think that all the prophet does is fore-tell the future: this is an erroneous concept. If there is one keyword to summarize the prophet, it is preservation. The prophet is about the preservation of their assembly, their community, and their nation. This was the job of the Old Testament prophets who preached about present-tense corruption in their nation. Some of their material was fore telling about the Judgement and the Kingdom bliss to come, but most of their messages were about issues in their own day and trying to get the people of God to do right.

    The prophet was and is about this one thing: the preservation of the nation. All their messages, preachings, exploits, and object lessons are to accomplish this one end. All their writings, poems, witnessing, and speaking are to this one end.

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