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Diary of a Piglin Book 5: On Trial Again
Diary of a Piglin Book 5: On Trial Again
Diary of a Piglin Book 5: On Trial Again
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Diary of a Piglin Book 5: On Trial Again

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The unimaginable happened. Calvin Pignes, the new Detective of Crimson City had to arrest one of his closest friends for allegedly conspiring with the Triad Bastion.

Evidence found in the bastion's ruins points to Calvin's friend but his friend denies the allegation and says there must be some kind of a mistake.

It is up to Calvin to

PublisherMark Mulle
Release dateAug 5, 2023

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    Book preview

    Diary of a Piglin Book 5 - Mark Mulle

    Day 1

    My dear diary, I still can’t get over it. I arrested my best friend, Johansson Armstrong, and the Piglins believe he is a traitor who created the Mind and Explosive Potions for the Triad Bastion - the very same potions that were mercilessly used by the Triad to enslave my fellow Piglins, including my own father.

    I am so confused right now. I understand their frustration and anger, but I know Johansson is telling the truth. He claims not to know a thing about the whole ordeal. He told me he didn’t craft the potions, nor does he know anything about the blueprints with his handwriting on them. This is a tough one, isn’t it?

    Among other things, someone from the Police Station leaked the information, and now the media is coming at us in full force, asking for further info regarding Johansson’s involvement and an official statement for the press. I must make an official statement as a representative of the Police Station since I’m the detective. But what am I supposed to tell them?

    Here’s the thing, Pigladies and Piglemen. Johansson’s handwriting matches that found in the blueprints for the potions which were recovered from the Triad Bastion’s ruins. However, I don’t think he is our main suspect. There must be another person behind this.

    If I say that to the press, they will eat me alive, like Johansson said. I must investigate this case and get to the bottom of it. Something doesn’t seem right, and I know Johansson would never lie to me.

    For starters, I will ask for Detective Peter to assist me with the mission. Since Johansson is locked up and can’t go anywhere, I’ll have to do all the work by myself. Involving the other Police Officers in this case might not be a good idea, though. I don’t know which one of them is betraying me. It’s hard not being able to trust your own team, but I do trust Detective Peter more than anyone else in this precinct. Well, maybe not more than Johansson, but again, Johansson doesn’t work here. He’s just our… special guest.

    My father has been in shambles ever since the revelation surfaced. He is one of the Piglins who suffered the most at the hands of the Triad Bastion. They poisoned him daily with the Mind Potion, forcing him to work against his will and keeping him imprisoned in a dirty cell for 18 years.

    My father trusted Johansson Armstrong; he even welcomed Johansson into our home. Johansson was a personal friend of my entire family. Suddenly, the media is portraying him as this evil character who helped the Triad Bastion triumph despite being the one who brought about their demise.

    Dad doesn’t know what to think about all this. I met him after I left the prison, and he had nothing to say other than, What a shame. I feel sorry for him. I believe in Johansson, but I don’t have any evidence yet to clear him of all charges. Therefore, I cannot clear Johansson’s name before doing some digging.

    In the meantime, he will have to stay locked up in that cell. There is no set date for the trial, but it’s bound to happen. Once again, Johansson Armstrong is going on trial in Crimson City. If you think about it he was the first human to face our Justice System, let alone being the first one to do it twice.

    Not a feat to be proud of, but he held that record. It’s now up to me to show everyone that Johansson Armstrong must be acquitted of all charges and set free. Keeping him in prison is a waste of his intelligence and his time, and the real answer to this case is laying somewhere out there.

    Am I up to the task? I don’t know. I can try, I guess. That’s the only thing left for me to do my dear diary. I can try and see if I can find other answers for this case.

    Day 2

    I went to the Police Station today as I had more work to do on the Johansson Armstrong case. Reports were piling up on my table. I had to read every single one of them and give my authorization for special investigations or collection of evidence for the case.

    However, making my way through the crowd of reporters stationed right outside the Police Station was hard. The reporters waited for hours anxiously trying to get a quick interview from anyone within the station. Of course, I was the most sought-after character: the detective, the Piglin in charge of resolving the case, and Johansson Armstrong’s personal friend. 

    Excuse me, Mr. Detective, when are we getting that official report from you? A reporter interrupted me as I went up the stairs to the station’s front door.

    I, uh… I will give an interview later today. How about that? I said.

    How about now? Thousands of Piglin citizens are waiting for your statement on the case. Crimson City won’t rest until they hear from you. The reporter insisted.

    What do they want to hear from me?

    We want to know your thoughts on the case. Johansson was your friend after all. You two worked together along with his daughter to take down the Triad Bastion a few months ago. Tell us. Did you think Johansson could be a traitor? Has he ever shown any signs of being aggressive or vindictive towards Piglins?

    What? No! What kind of questions are these? I’ve got to go. I have a lot of work to do, I replied, pushing my way through the countless reporters who wanted to hear more from me.

    Detective, over here! Please tell us your opinion on the case! A reported begged.

    Everybody wants to know what’s going to happen to Johansson now, Detective! Tell us!

    I’m not a judge, and you guys know that, I replied, opening the door to the Police Station. No further comments for now. You might hear more from me later today or tomorrow. I don’t know – I’m busy!

    I entered the Police Station, closing the door behind me. I could hear the muffled voices of the reporters behind me as well as the sounds of their cameras and equipment being dragged all over the place. I was relieved to be inside, safe from their questioning.

    Tough day, isn’t it, detective? Officer Barry asked me from his desk.

    Tell me about it. Those reporters won’t give me a break. I replied. I walked up to the receptionist. Good morning. Do you have anything for me today?

    Morning, Detective, actually, I do. We have received dozens of calls from reporters and the like, asking for an appointment with you. They also want your official statement on the case, the receptionist said.

    Pass. What else?

    The Mayor left you a message. Here, I’ve taken a note. The receptionist handed me a small note.

    Okay. Anything else?

    That’s all for now.

    Okay, thank you. I headed over to my office where Detective Peter was working tirelessly on the Johansson case.

    Morning, Peter. I see you arrived early today, I commented.

    Good morning, Detective. To be really honest with you, I wanted to avoid all the reporters and the cameras. I came in early right before they had set up their cameras outside the building.

    Smart, very smart. I shall adopt that technique from now on.

    Did they try to interview you? He asked me.

    Absolutely. They won’t give me a break until they extract a little something from me.

    And that is…?

    An official statement on the case. I don’t have one yet, Peter. What can I do?

    Well, you’re doing your best, detective. Your best friend went to jail, and there is an ongoing investigation linking him to a criminal organization that nearly destroyed Crimson City. I understand all the pressure you’re feeling, Peter said. I just wish I could do something to help you.

    You’re already helping me, Peter. You’re sticking by my side, and you’re working hard. That’s more than enough, I said. Other than that, we can’t do much. I need to discover what’s going on. Johansson Armstrong claims he didn’t craft the potions. I saw it in his eyes, Peter. I saw the truth. Johansson never lied to me during our time together. We went through some difficult times, and we always managed to work our way out of it. I must work something out, except now it’s just me.

    You’re not alone, Detective. If Johansson says he’s innocent and you believe him, then I believe him too, Peter said.


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