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The Chronicles of the Twin Angels: The Awakening
The Chronicles of the Twin Angels: The Awakening
The Chronicles of the Twin Angels: The Awakening
Ebook273 pages4 hours

The Chronicles of the Twin Angels: The Awakening

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About the Book
Seth’s life was never all that normal, what with his grandpa’s relentless physical training and persistent talk about what it means to be a hero. But his grandpa was in the war. Don’t all war veterans talk like that? But after Seth’s grandpa dies, Seth’s life reaches whole new levels of crazy. Turns out, when his grandpa spoke about heroes, he wasn’t speaking metaphorically. When Seth receives his inheritance from his grandpa’s will, he and his friend Kevin were expecting gold or jewelry. Little did they know they were accepting responsibility to live up to an even greater, divine inheritance they didn’t know they had. Now, along with his closest friend, Seth would have to battle enemies he didn’t know he had, find his grandpa’s killer, and be the hero his grandpa trained him to be.

About the Author
Mark McDaniel is a savvy cable man, a loving father of two beautiful children, and an avid enthusiast of writing and the rich escape a good story can provide. Ever since he was very young, Mark has wanted to spin tales that lead his readers on new and exciting journeys. Escape reality for a little while and join Mark on the journey of two young boys in The Chronicles of the Twin Angels.

Release dateApr 19, 2023
The Chronicles of the Twin Angels: The Awakening

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    Book preview

    The Chronicles of the Twin Angels - Mark McDaniel

    Chapter One

    Gabe stared at his old friend, his wings the same dark empty color they’d always been, his body a thin muscular build from before. The Angel of Death never changes.

    It’s time, Gabe, the angel said as he extended his hand out.

    As absurd as that sounds, I think I agree. I’m too old for the rest of this story.

    The angel chuckled at the statement.

    How’s it feel to know you’re only going to be on the opening act of everything you planned?

    It’s fine, Gabe said, grabbing his friend’s arm. My grandson is well trained for the main stage.

    * * * * * * * * *

    Seth sat down near the fogged-up window of the funeral home as the rest of his family members gathered. Watching the rain hitting the glass put him at ease. His black hair fell over his eyes, obstructing the scenery from the window. His pale hand pushed his hair away in annoyance. Usually, he wasn’t easily irritated, but between listening to his family bicker about the drama they brought on themselves and Uncle John following Seth’s mom everywhere just to annoy him, every minute spent with his family tormented his patience. He was happy the day was over.

    His grandfather, Gabe, had been his favorite relative after his mother. Gabe always told him stories of real-life heroes making sacrifices to save the world. Seth watched anything that had to do with heroes because of his grandfather. He had secretly trained as a kid and continued to do so into his adult years. The only person who ever found out was Gabe.

    One winter, while Seth had been training in the woods, a tree branch fell, causing him to fall and break his arm. When he got home that day, Gabe was there waiting and knew exactly what had happened. He took Seth to the hospital to get a cast. They’d agreed to hide the truth from May, Seth’s mom. On the ride home, Seth told his grandfather he would stop trying to be a hero. Hearing that, Gabe pulled the car over and looked at Seth.

    You could always stop, Gabe had said, but then when someone is in need, who will be there?

    Another person more qualified and willing to make the sacrifice, Seth responded.

    Ahh, I see. And who would that be? The bagger watching the cashier get robbed? The mailman walking past a house where the husband is beating his wife? Or could it be the cop who commits crimes regularly but is still a part of the system?

    Seth sunk a little deeper in his seat, shooting his grandpa a side-long glance. Maybe, but I was thinking of someone who doesn’t have a simple job or isn’t corrupt.

    That’s the illusion, my future hero. There is no one qualified. The bagger would never step in. His life is way more important than a little money. If the cashier resists, he deserves the bullet as there’s no point in fighting for the company’s money. And the mailman—he could stop the abuse, but why would he? The woman would go back to her husband, and the mailman would lose his job for stepping in. The cop might arrest people, but it will almost never be the right people. He is corrupt and is more than likely working for someone. He will turn a blind eye to the major crime happening in the city but will surely pull you over for speeding. While he’s at it, he might slap a murder charge on you, just to keep his job. Gabe had laughed derisively at the fraud scenario.

    Why are you telling me this? Seth asked, annoyed.

    Because, my future hero, you care. You gripped the door handle. Despite the pain, you clenched your fist, bending your cast. Hearing those little stories brought out something you were born with—heroism.

    Now, fresh tears came to Seth’s eyes as he remembered his grandfather’s words. My future hero, Gabe had always said. Seth clenched his jaw and tightened his fist. Despite crying earlier at the ceremony, Seth still had tears left to fall, but it wasn’t the right time. There were too many people around for him to show emotions. That even Jed had shown up was a definite surprise.

    Everyone told Seth that Jed was a relative, but no one could explain how. When Seth was younger, he suspected that Jed was his father, but his mother always emphatically assured him otherwise.

    Seth knew that most people, including Jed, wouldn’t have come if John had not blabbed about the will. Every single relative was there for the trinkets Gabe had from World War II and, of course, the safe he’d kept in his living room. If it weren’t for the safe, the funeral home would have been a barren wasteland instead of a concert filled with fans that were anxious to go backstage.

    There had been rumors among the family ever since Seth’s mother was a little girl. It had all started with a small black safe that Gabe brought back from the war. No one ever saw him open it, which didn’t bother anyone at first, but people had questioned it over the years. What could have been inside that was such a secret? Many friends and relatives had begged him to let them see what was inside, but he never budged. The only thing he would ever say was, Inside this box is something that will change lives! Over the years, Gabe had stopped inviting friends over because they wanted to know the secret of the safe. Some had tried to break-in or to steal it, but they never got close enough. No one, that is, until Uncle John convinced Autumn, May’s sister, to try.

    Many years prior, John had snuck into the house while Autumn was distracting her father. She had played a drinking game with him, and they both ended up plastered. John took the safe out of Gabe’s room and made off with it without a trace. Unfortunately for them, all they found inside were a few worn-out Adam and Eve products. Realizing John had taken the wrong safe, they rushed back to Gabe’s house, only to find it all locked up. After that night, Gabe never touched alcohol again.

    Everyone remembered the heist when the topic came up. After a few laughs, they would go back to guessing what was in the safe. May thought it was the stock that he’d invested in when he was younger and worked on Wall Street. On the other hand, Autumn thought it was spoils from an operation or stolen treasures from a warlord. She also assumed it would be hers when she was old enough to spend it on the important stuff—like clothes and jewelry. Other relatives imagined there might be something simple, like important paperwork, or off the wall stuff, such as pictures of him posing naked for the ladies.

    Loud laughter burst through the door, and in walked a thin, well-built, black-haired man—none other than Seth’s Uncle John. A group of people that Seth didn’t recognize stood close behind John. Judging by their uniforms, Seth assumed they were people from John’s office. Uncle John had probably invited them so he could gloat about whatever he got from the will. Seth tried to block him out, but one of Uncle John’s special abilities was making himself heard.

    Seriously, I’m not just saying this because he’s my son! John bragged to the group as he patted Michael on the back. The high school team would be complete trash if it wasn’t for Michael! The coach even said it to me! Did you see them play the year before? Complete garbage until my son came in to play QB! he paused as he ran his finger against the stubble on his face.

    It’s true! Michael said, smiling in response to his father’s adulations. I’m the best they got! To be honest, I don’t even try half of the time, and I still shred through every team’s defense!

    See, I told you! I raise my son to be the best of the best! Don’t even get me started on how he juggles being in ROTC and being popular! You should see how he has everyone over at the house all the time! John said, turning to look at Seth. I’m surprised May hasn’t sent that one over here to live with me so he can be successful too! Look at him. He’s average in almost every way … height, build, hair. His personality is below average. In fact, it’s unsatisfactory.

    I don’t think we could all fit in your one-bedroom apartment, Seth snapped back while still staring out the window. Come to think of it, I wonder how you can teach success when you never achieved it in your own life?

    What are you talking about? John said with a wry smile. I’ve achieved plenty! My family is still around me. I call that a success. Too bad you can’t say the same since your dad ran off. Probably from seeing those ugly shit-colored eyes.

    Seth jumped from his seat and walked over to the group, but Gabe’s lawyer interrupted Seth with a hand on his shoulder. Please refrain from doing anything too rash in front of me, Seth, he said. The last thing I want is to have to defend him against you, he looked over to John. I believe this is all the room will allow. The lawyer closed the door and walked to the desk.

    Seth gazed around the jam-packed room. Of course, his Aunt Autumn and Uncle John were front and center with their son, Michael. Next to Uncle John was his little group of friends. As for the rest of the crowd, Seth only recognized a few.

    You all know Mr. Gabe wrote his will a long time ago, the lawyer said, but a few months ago, he came to me with a video and said, ‘Screw the paper, video is where the real action is now!’ He changed a few things, so try not to be too upset about his decisions. He plugged the flash drive into his laptop. The room fell dark, and the projector shined on the wall.

    Hello! Gabe screamed into the camera, making everyone jump. I bet I got all of you with that one! Especially ol’ Autumn there! He erupted into a rough but controlled chuckle. Everyone laughed, except for Autumn, whose face was stiff with scorn.

    So! The Angel of Death must have finally caught up with me! I gotta say, it’s about time! Anyhow, I had to make a few adjustments to the will. The reason for the video is that I don’t want people questioning if I was the one writing it or not. Videotaping myself should clear this up!

    Tense looks replaced the amusement in the room. It reminded Seth of how the family would look back and forth from the television to their lotto tickets, waiting for the numbers to drop. Everyone was in high spirits, but hope eventually vanished and was replaced with sour anger for the anonymous winner.

    The first person I would like to address is my grandson, Michael, Gabe continued. Michael, you are a mirror of your father. For better or worse, you will be in the world’s spotlight one day. I hope when that time comes, you will make the best decision for yourself. With that being said, I will leave you all my guns and a lifetime membership at Free Arms. The day you get the guns, I want you to take their firearm classes and learn how to use them and take care of them safely. If you don’t take care of them, I swear I will haunt and terrorize you through all your important moments in life. Don’t make me appear when you are in the bathroom exploring. Michael shivered at his words, understanding too well what he meant.

    Autumn, oh my tempered ol’ Autumn, Gabe said as his eyes fell from the camera. We had such a good relationship in the beginning. What happened to us? I know we drifted apart after your mother passed. Then we completely separated after the incident with the safe, but I’m still your father. I know it’s too late now, but I love you no matter what, and I am leaving you the house. I hope you can enjoy it more than what you have now. You will also get half of my savings and can sort out anything I don’t give away.

    Gabe’s eyes became glossy. Autumn stayed still as her father’s words came flowing out, which surprised Seth. She usually had more makeup on to out-do her sister. Autumn often used annoying passive-aggressive comments to make her feel superior. If you asked Autumn, she was the prettiest of the two sisters by a landslide, especially since she keeps her hair dyed blonde with a streak of pink. But ask anyone else, and May would win the contest by a few votes. Seth watched her stay motionless, her eyes fixated on the screen. It looked as if she was trying her best to hold her composure. I love you, and no matter your choices, you’re still my little girl. Gabe sipped on his water.

    May! Gabe said cheerfully, hiding his sadness. You were always so good to me. You are so caring for everyone and will always be my light. Even through horrid times, you still kept positive. That is your specialty. You always see the best in people, even when there are none. Anyhow, I know you’ve had a love for cars since you were a little girl. So, with that said, the Corvette is now yours.

    May smiled in excitement as tears rolled down her face. Seth knew his mother wanted to be more excited about getting her dream car. Gabe had been letting her take care of it since before Seth was born. She even appeared in a swimsuit calendar, posing in her famous blue bikini on top of it. Even though it was years ago, a certain white-haired friend would never let it go.

    Seth’s mind went back to the last time they all drove in it on their way back from a concert with the top down. May’s hair swooshed in the wind, forming a black wall covering Kevin’s line of sight (not that he cared; he loved the smell of her hair). She was so ecstatic then and couldn’t wait to have it. But having it handed down to her from a video wasn’t what she had anticipated.

    He held her dark-skinned hand and gently brushed it, partly for her but really for himself. Hearing Gabe speak again was taking a heavy toll on Seth. It felt bittersweet, but more on the bitter side.

    You also get the other half of my savings, Gabe continued. Quit your job and become the mechanic you always wanted to be. I also want you to help with the distribution of my things in the house. Let Autumn sort the bottom, and you sort the top. I love you, May. Thank you for all your caring and attention. And now, John. Gabe suddenly sounded displeased.

    Uncle John sat upright as he straightened his tie in excitement for the announcement.

    You are a blimp in my daughter’s life. Ever since she came back from vacation with you, she has never been the same. I hoped you would’ve manned up and bought her a house, but I was wrong. So, I congratulate you on letting another man give her something you couldn’t. Uncle John’s face showed no sign of a smile as he listened to his inadequacies. It was Seth’s first time seeing him so rattled. You get nothing from me except what Autumn has received, Gabe barked. Your past is soon to become known.

    Gabe took a deep breath before he continued, attempting to quell the animosity he felt toward John.

    Seth, you are my last one. I have to say, watching you grow up has been extremely exciting. You still have a lot of growing to do, but time is of the essence. I’m leaving all my non-firearm weapons to you. Your mom might freak out about it, but they are especially important for you to have. Please don’t kill John with them. Seth, remember all we talked about, my little hero. The screen went black moments after Gabe finished speaking.

    Yes! The safe is mine! Uncle John said, standing up as he tried his best to brush off the criticisms. The safe’s in the room. We’ve got it!

    This isn’t fair! He didn’t even like you! Jed yelled. Seth tried not to laugh at the irony, given that Gabe had beaten Jed to a pulp a few times.

    Tough luck, Jed, Uncle John said with a smile. That’s just how life works for winners!

    Rage filled the half-empty room as the bickering started.

    Now that the pause is over! Seth’s grandpa said with a smile as the screen suddenly lit up again. The room fell silent, and everyone’s attention was back on the projection. The safe is the last thing I want to discuss. Oh, come on. You think that was the end of that? he said, giggling like a schoolgirl. I know it’s supposed to be my daughters’ responsibility to pass the rest out, but I have been saving the safe for someone very precious and dear to me. If I didn’t call out who’d own it, I’m sure everyone would bring lawyers into this to fight the will. So, let me put a stop to that now. The safe and everything inside of it belongs to Seth, from this point on, until death takes him as well. Change your life, Seth, before life changes you. Gabe winked before the screen went black for the final time.

    All dismayed eyes were on Seth. Even the presumably impartial lawyer couldn’t help but stare. Uncle John finally broke the silence by clearing his throat.

    Excuse me, Mr. Caldwell, how long ago was this will made? And since Gabe said from that point on it belongs to Seth, does that mean from the moment he made this tape?

    Yes, from the moment he said it, and over a year ago, Mr. Caldwell replied with a gloomy look.

    Well, since the safe has been in the house for more than a year, Uncle John said, would it be considered Autumn’s property after so long?

    That’s low! Jed yelled from across the room. You’re willing to fight his will and take one of the only things he left Seth!

    Stay out of this, Jed! I’m just asking questions here! Besides, this isn’t your business anyway! Uncle John looked back at the lawyer for an answer.

    Honestly, it doesn’t become yours unless a judge awards it to you, but that’s not possible because the safe isn’t in any house. It’s actually at my office. Jed began laughing as hard as he could. Seth smirked. Uncle John would use any trick possible to get what he wanted, and roadblocks to those ambitions were particularly hilarious to Seth.

    Why are you laughing? Uncle John muttered. It’s not like you got anything! Besides, shouldn’t you be upset with Seth?

    Aw, shut up, John, Jed replied. Sure, I wanted the safe, but seeing you realize you’re never going to touch it is the best gift I could get from this.

    Why are you even here? Uncle John said as he stepped toward Jed. Shouldn’t you be off somewhere doing coke?

    Watch yourself! Jed bellowed as he met Uncle John, chest to chest, in the middle of the room.

    Dad, please stop, Michael pleaded from the couch.

    Hush, Michael, let the grown-ups talk, Uncle John said.

    That’s a fine way to talk to your son there! Jed said.

    I suppose it is! So, why don’t you go to your bar and stay out too late, like always! While you’re doing that, I’ll pray for the Diamond Killer to come and take your sorry-ass life away!

    Guys, please just calm down, Mr. Caldwell said. There’s nothing you can do about it now. This is what Mr. Gabe wanted. The lawyer positioned himself somewhat dangerously between the arguing men.

    I just don’t understand why everyone is taking his side! John said. Think about it! Seth planned this out. He and his little friend were always with Gabe just so he could get the safe. His mom probably made him do it! Look at the freak! The little shit just knows!

    How dare you speak like this at my father’s funeral! May stood up with tears running down her cheeks and faced Uncle John, eye to eye. He chose Seth because he would always visit him without anyone telling him to! He would stop by at least once a week to make sure my dad was doing alright! You and the family barely even visited him on his birthday. Hell, he was lucky to get a text from any of you. When Gabe fell ill a few years back, Seth was the only one to stay by his side the whole time!

    See what I mean, people! Uncle John shouted. He knew what he was doing! Gabe even had a childish nickname for him!

    Seth noticed that the whole room, except his mother, who was more worried than anything, was giving him jealous stares. Another useful ability Uncle John had was turning a crowd over to his side. As long as his slick tongue was moving, people agreed, even if he was being an asshole.

    Seth never schemed anything, May said. He only cared for him. What’s wrong with that?!

    It’s okay, Mom, Seth said, standing up and grabbing her arm. Let the kid throw a tantrum. We don’t need to buy into his games.

    Games? Uncle John

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