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The Lost Kingdom
The Lost Kingdom
The Lost Kingdom
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The Lost Kingdom

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For more than 300 years of the Nederlandsch colonialism era in Indonesia, the Nederlandsch-Indies government had made the Angke River in Jakarta a killing field for ethnic Chinese. The Nethererland-Indies government also obliterates several kingdoms on Java Island.
One of them is a small kingdom in a small hamlet in Cirebon, a city that is serene, peaceful, and very strategic on the north coast of the island of Java.
This novel is not just about the fierce resistance of the people of Cirebon and Batavia, from generation to generation, against the cruelty of Netherlands colonialism. But there are beautiful things behind the pain of oppression and injustice after the Netherlands-Indies government destroys a small kingdom at little hamlet, and this novel tells about that.
A fiction novel with background historical facts that are never written in the history books about Cirebon and Jakarta. Especially the Netherlands.

Release dateSep 8, 2023
The Lost Kingdom

Yusak Kantadjaya

I’m Indonesian author.I live in Jakarta, Indonesia, and work also as script writer, producer and director tv programs.

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    Book preview

    The Lost Kingdom - Yusak Kantadjaya

    The Lost Kingdom

    A novel by: Yusak Kantadjaya

    Cover design by:

    Gular Cahjadi.

    Smashwords Edition

    2023 © Yusak Kantadjaya

    All rights reserved.

    Published by Yusak Kantadjaya at Smashwords

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

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    I dedicate this novel to my beloved wife and daughter:

    Tarotji Tjung and Brigitta Natasha.


    to my beloved father and late mother:

    Buntaran Kantadjaya and Lidya Permatasari,

    Thank you very much for support me

    with your understanding, attention, and love.

    Special thanks to my good friends:

    Yosafat Gordon and Hannah Lucy

    whose helped me to translate my thisstory in English.

    And for my excellent friend.

    Gular Cahjadi,

    Cover designer this novel.


    "Peace and justice are two sides of the coin"

    (Dwight D. Eisenhower)

    Dwight D. Eisenhower (President of United States of America 1953 – 1961) rightly put peace and justice as a piece of coin. It is a fact that peace and justice grow together and inseparable. In other word, without any justice there will be no peace.

    Indonesia went through this bitter time where there was no justice and peace during the Dutch occupation.

    This story began from a small kingdom in a peaceful area East of Cirebon. It was annihilated by VOC soldiers, a major trading company established by the Dutch East Indies Colonial at that time. This kingdom held a major role in supporting the fight against Dutch East Indies in Batavia.

    The atrocities of Dutch East Indies colonial were not only destroying one kingdom in Cirebon but also discriminated and slaughtered Chinese ethnics in Batavia. What is the fate of the lost kingdom and of the generation that survived the killings in Batavia?

    Background of this story is far before the struggle for Indonesia independence but it is not intended to open old wound. It is to look at the painful side of injustice, which hopefully can bring much better future for Indonesia and The Netherland.

    Jakarta, August 2023.

    Happy reading.

    Warmest regards,

    Yusak Kantadjaya.


    Chapter One

    "The difficulties that are in front of us actually are not comparable with the power of God that exists in ourselves."

    The night looked beautiful when full moon arose above the tree shrubs at this one section of the palace complex. So peaceful in the still of the night.

    The soft radiant glow of the moon as if hindered by the leaves and branches but still penetrated between them that gave to long little ray of light clearly seen among the shadow of trees below.

    At both of the palace main gates, which had the Javanese style building with a nuance of European’s, there were two palace soldiers standing straight holding their spears.

    Meanwhile at one of the sentries posed on one of the gates surrounded by high wall, several soldiers looked as if they were waiting, ready for something to happen.

    Maybe the news about some unknown people coming here is not really true.

    Don’t take any chances. Its our obligation to follow order and be vigilant!

    What’s wrong uncle Mukri? The sentry shift is done. But uncle…

    I sense there is an unfamiliar stillness at present. A stillness before the storm, and I saw as if the moon is blood red. Said Mukri, the oldest soldier at the palace, taking a deep breath. In the meantime, the blood red moon was hidden behind dark clouds.

    Suddenly there was a commotion of screaming women behind the palace compound lit only by burning torches at every corner.

    The screaming followed by commotion of hasty movement made by the palace soldiers to anticipate probable attack from outside of the palace compound.

    Meanwhile at one of the palace corners there was a tension going on.

    Where is Commander Dewa Keris hiding? Where did you hide Kanjeng Lered? Where!?

    Where are they hiding?

    Tell us, where did you hide Commander Laskar Pedang Puntung? Tell us quickly!"

    You don’t know who you’re looking for

    How dare you objected! Fools!

    You are the ones who are fool. You don’t understand what you’re looking for, you thugs! One of the palace caretakers shouted annoyingly to see the cockiness of the attackers’ leader.

    The leader looked pleased to see some of his men molested a group of frightened screaming women.

    With one single stroke aimed at the waist, followed by a left kick from the leader of the pack, hitting the solar plexus. This made the palace caretaker fell down and afterward there was an echoing gunshot heard amidst the women’s terrifying scream.

    Murderers! What are you looking for, what do you want?

    Where are those three hiding?!

    You’re fools! We know what you’re looking for, we’re not going to tell you, thugs!

    There was a gunshot sound again simultaneously with the sound of thunder, as if signalling new attack by a new group of assailants followed by numerous VOC soldiers.

    A snapping full of authority voice was heard and startled everyone.

    Who dares enter our territory?!n

    Apology, it is me your honor, Prince! With your permission, I am Guntoro. We’re looking for commander Dewa Keris, Kanjeng Lered and commander Laskar Pedang Putung.

    You’re reckless!

    We’re not, prince. Remarked a man beside Guntoro, who looked more arrogant than Guntoro and seemingly enjoyed his assault of the palace.

    Suddenly a loud thunder clap was heard and with that, the arrogant man fell down to the ground.

    The palace guards courageously gave fight while the royal servants quickly protecting the royal family members in the dark labyrinth alley of the palace and in a sudden the royal family vanished in the dark. The palace guards swiftly evacuated them in the dark because all the lights in the palace had been intentionally put out.

    The fight put up by the royal servants gave the attackers hard times even though the balance of strength was actually not even. The number of attackers was more and there was help from numerous fully armed VOC soldiers.

    At midnight, when one of the assailants shot up a flare into the dark sky above the palace, uncle Mukri understood that there will be more VOC soldiers coming and with that he shouted out his orders.

    Group five and ten! Cut the way from the beach and bridge! Group selawe fortifies the east wall!There are only Apul and Marno over there! Tell everyone on the south side to never give up!

    Afterwards uncle Mukri succumbed while holding his bloody chest. Then for the first time he got a good glimpse of what had happened. The palace complex had been attacked from all sides by strong military force and there was this white man with blonde hair shooting to the sky and approached a terrified palace sentry.

    You do not honor this kingdom, you traitor! He shouted and shot the sentry’s leg who was immediately protected by one of his friends. Meanwhile the white man was attacked from behind by the other friend of the sentry guard.

    There is still one good man among those savages VOC, remarked uncle Mukri. He rolled toward the more remote yard at the compound. There was a leafy banyan tree with heavy shrubs of other plants below that tree. It would be a good hiding place for him.

    But Mukri was startled, the white man who shot the sentry’s leg was also behind the banyan tree. He was nursing his bloody wound on the arm and chest.

    Mukri gave him some leaves which he plucked from the shrubs beside him, but the white man declined politely. He said, Keep it to yourself, your wound is more severe than mine.

    The sound of thunder hit the night sky and heavy rain fell down, adding the confusion in battle which ensued until dawn.

    I am Fidel Eberardo.

    Sounds not a Dutch name.

    My mother is Dutch but my father is Spaniard. I’m prouder as a Spaniard though.

    I am Mukri.

    But people…

    They call me uncle, maybe because I’m the oldest here.

    Their conversation was cut short and Fidel was ready to shoot at someone who suddenly appeared.

    He’s my son Fidel, his name is Muji.

    Are you alright?

    What happen inside?

    Those thugs were being used by the Dutch to search for kanjeng Lered.

    Looking for Lered?

    Yes sir.

    What a fool!

    They are stupid. They don’t know what they are looking for. They’re also searching for commander Dewa Keris and commander Pedang Puntung. They’re realy foolish thugs.

    You have to make sure Kanjeng Gusti Prabu, the Senior Prince and all of their family is safe.

    Yes sir, hall G at the west ward and Bale Hening on its side are safe. Can you still walk? Muji asked quietly.

    Alhamdulilah, I can, Mukri answered, grimacing with pain from his chest wound splashed by rain. Muji then rapidly sneaked into the stygian darkness behind the pavilion. Sir, I’ll carry you if you cannot walk, Fidel said while holding Mukri’s right arm. In the meantime, Fidel’s quickly reached for and cocked his rifle then fired a shot toward dark forest beyond the heavily shrub of trees behind the banyan tree. A sound of a person fell down and moaning could be heard, which meant that although not visible, the shot fired had hit its target.

    Silence came and the weather became colder behind the pavilion. It had a three meters high four pillars that supported the four corners of that pavilion’s roof.

    But for now, the dark, cold and damp backyard of that pavilion was the safest place to be for Mukri and Fidel.

    From behind the sturdy banyan tree, Mukri saw the royal family was being evacuated and his son Muji was behind them guarding and following several people carrying big suitcases.

    A person with a sword appeared behind Muji and when Mukri tried to jump out to help his son, Fidel held him and quickly shot that man down. Another man wearing a thug headband was also accurately shot by fidel.

    Thank you, Fidel, you have saved my son’s life and the royal family too. What made you do it?

    "I couldn’t betray my conscience. It’s difficult for me to obey a command that neglect humanity and justice. In plantation areas, whosoever did not comply to the forced planting regulation will have their rice field and plantation burned down.

    Since yesterday at the pier, fishermen who did not follow the orders would have their family intimidated. You can see by yourself tonight the atrocities they did to the royal family. Something which I believe will not happen to the Dutch Royal family when they were attacked by Spain that values civilization," remarked Fidel Eberardo with his angered expression.

    Mukri looked toward the pavilion, making sure all of the royal family had been evacuated.

    When Fidel helped Mukri to walk by supporting his arm, both of them fell down because it was slippery.

    The next battle took place along the way from the beach road to the palace complex. Numerous VOC soldiers had arrived and some were provoked by small bands of people around the palace complex who attacked the soldiers and afterwards ran to hide behind the big trees surrounding the palace.

    One of the people saw Fidel and tried to slash him with machete.

    This prompted Mukri to fire a shot to the air with Fidel’s rifle and shouted at him not to attack Fidel.

    The man ignored Mukri and still considered Fidel as an enemy that had to be killed. Mukri, who stood resting by Fidel’s rifle stood between that man and Fidel.

    Stop attacking each other, he’s not the enemy!

    But he…

    His skin is white, his hair is blonde, yes, and he wears the enemy’s uniform, but…

    Mukri’s remarks was halted by the sound of VOC shootings who had assaulted and entered the palace complex. They had the situation handled.

    Mukri, Fidel and the young man who tried to attack Fidel slipped away into the jungle behind the palace complex, taking the tiring elevated pathway. The young man finally decided to separate himself and left quickly.

    We have to anticipate that man’s next attack, said Fidel.

    He doesn’t know where we’re heading, assured Mukri, who then tripped his foot on a root and fell face downward. Got up again and walked on limping.

    Finally, it was about to get dark when they arrived near two big banyan trees.

    The banyans flanked a rocky hill that had a cave marked with the inscription Pos 01 on the rock.

    The cave was big enough to accommodate several people and provided protection from the rain and storm.

    Why did we have to go far and hide here? Why did we have to be afraid? Fidel protested.

    Our wounds are because of poisoned machetes and in here we have lots of plants that will be our antidote and medicine to cure the wounds.

    The cave that they had cleaned was a cozy place for both of them. But Fidel was bothered by the presence of a very old man with ragged clothes and reached out for his riffle.

    No Fidel, put your rifle down!

    Moment after that strange looking old man passed by, several people appeared from behind a palm tree.

    They were six men ranged from thirty until forty years old and a young lady around her twenties. She looked beautiful, good composure and carried a sword on her slim waist.

    Those six men and woman appeared physically strong. From their clothes and how light they moved around, it was obvious that they were expert martial art warriors.

    Who are they uncle, friends or foes?

    They’re warriors from Kemuning village, they’re not enemies.

    The strange looking old man came up towards them and gave Mukri a lot of leaves and plant roots.

    Fidel Eberado stared admiringly at uncle Mukri who although was an old man and appeared feeble, possessed power and charisma. These had earned him a respect, even when he was in a secluded place.

    Uncle Mukri, who are you, really? asked Fidel, who had put on ragged clothes late that night.

    Are you still having the fever, Fidel?

    No uncle, thank you. But again, I’m sorry to ask you. Who are you, really? I noticed that you’re well respected even in this remote place.

    In this small village I am nobody. My whole family and I, we had dedicated our live to serve this small palace in this small village.

    Mr. Mukri, sorry, it seems that you don’t really understand the big part held by this palace that you have served with your family. The one you so called small palace.

    What kind of a big role? We are only a small palace in a small village.

    I’m sorry, it seems that you don’t understand the purpose of VOC soldiers attacking with such big force on a small kingdom.

    My son Muji said, it was started by the arrival of some thugs from the market and they were being used by the Dutch to find Lered.

    Who is this Lered?

    Somekind of a djinn.

    "Huuh? A djinn?

    Yes, somekind of a djinn. An invisible supernatural creature from the North or Ler. Those men are so stupid.

    They’re not stupid. They’re only being told to provoke.

    But they are foolish, don’t know what they’re looking for. They also wanted to find commander Dewa Keris and commander Pedang Puntung.

    Who are they, sir?

    Both of them are warriors, much hated by the Dutch but loved by the people who hated the Dutch.

    They must have put on some good fight to be searched like that.

    Those thugs were foolish thinking that we would be easily be threatened to tell them the whereabout of the people that we respected for, who fight for justice.

    The people who attacked did well in provoking and starting a battle inside the palace.

    They’re nothing more than thugs who have no dignity and willing to be used by the Dutch!

    Their provocation succeeded in making the palace vital object neglected.

    What was that?

    Logistic warehouses on the west side.


    So, the real purpose was to destroy those west side warehouses with everything in it. That’s why VOC soldiers amassed massive attack and shut down the kingdom’s important role. The kingdom where you and your family have served.

    So, you meant that the important role of our palace was…

    You’re beginning to understand now uncle. The important role of your palace which is on the north coast of Java is strategic, as the center of logistic in supporting the eastern kingdom helping the kingdom of Banten in war against VOC at Batavia.


    So, the attack towards your palace was a strategic step taken by VOC to severe one important line that threatens their existence in Batavia.

    Fidel, who are you actually? How and for what purpose you came here among us?

    I came from Batavia uncle. VOC commissioned me to inquire information about your palace that obviously has an impact for the people around here.

    In what why we have an impact, Fidel?

    This small kingdom here not only impacted the people around here but also in spreading the teaching of Islam.

    What is wrong if we take part in spreading Islam?

    The Dutch colonial consider it as a potential threat in the future, that is why it has to be wiped out from the start. Erased from the historical notes to avoid problems in the future. Do you agree with the proverb saying that great things begin from the small one?

    Mukri nodded his head because that proverb is undeniable.

    "Don’t be surprised that the kingdom of Banten will be wipe out from the history also.

    Is it because it takes part in spreading Islam?

    Yes, and besides that, their fight against the East Indies colonial in Batavia has been considered a troublesome.

    "Actually, Batavia belongs to the Sultanate of Banten, therefore it has the rights for Batavia that was once named Jayakarta.

    Speaking about rights, the big kingdom of Sundaland, Padjadjaran Kingdom also has the rights for Batavia, once called Sunda Kelapa where its port was their strategic trading center with other nations. But the East Indies government has no concern towards all sides that claim for their rights.

    The Dutch is unfair.

    Occupation or colonialism has never been fair everywhere in this world, uncle.

    Actually, where there is justice, there will be peace.

    That is so uncle. Justice must uphold in order to achieve peace.

    Is it because that injustice you deserted?

    My conscience was beginning to twitch when I saw and old woman and her grandchild weeping for their family member who was caught and shot by VOC in front of the public.

    Today, you are the witness of the injustice did by the Dutch to our palace, where my family and I had served all this time, said Mukri exhaling heavily.

    Uncle, will you have any problem sleeping in this kind of place?

    I’m fine with this, how about you Fidel?

    It doesn’t matter by me. During my military training, I was used to conditions worse than this, uttered Fidel.

    Tomorrow morning we’ll boil these black roots again and drink it all up, whispered Muji. He slept afterward without worrying about their safety. This matter made Fidel admire him more.

    Fidel stuck his head out of the cave to make sure they were safe, and the seven warriors who he thought would guard them around the cave were not there.

    There were seven people before…

    They’re the seven Kemuning warriors.


    "Yes, a very comfortable, safe and peaceful village. Some of our ancestor’s hometown.

    But they had left, and what about us?

    We’re going to be safe with or without them.

    How could this old man, walking in limp felt safe in this kind of place? Fidel asked himself while inspecting the darkness inside and outside of the cave. He felt the nighttime brought him a different kind of life in another world. A peaceful place where there is no one but themselves.

    The next day, Fidel helped Mukri collecting the fruits and picked fresh tasting leaves so that both of them will not get hungry.

    In the meantime, there was a tense situation at Cirebon Residential office. This residential overseeing Indramayu, Majalengka and Kuningan.

    Up until today, the violence that erupted within the palace area is still going on and both sides suffered numerous casualties. Someone passed the report cautiously.

    Try to give a clear, accurate and detailed report. Don’t just give report about casualties from both sides! What kind of a report is that?!!! Be clear, how many fell from our side and from them, the extremists?

    The Resident, a local nobleman and his assistance, a Dutchman with all white hair although not very old yet, were shocked to hear the detailed report of their casualties. These included the thugs who had been trained as provocateurs.

    Waat heefs ons doen verliezen? What made us lost?

    Ze zijn eigenlijk een klein koninkrijk mijnheer Assistant Bewoner. They are in reality a small kingdom Mr. Assistant Residence.

    Then, why the lost?

    We did not lose mijnheer Assistant Bewoner. We won! It was as we had planned, we had them crushed mijnheer.

    But why so many casualties on our side? The comparison is wide.

    The people around the palace compound were all against us mijnheer.

    Use your brain! All of you were fully armed, right? Or maybe you have marble of a brain! Now those men were able to halt the port operational. In fact, the port is far away from their place.

    The men who fought at the port were different mijnheer, They’re from Cirebon.

    Most of them who were arrested came from outside of Cirebon city. They were from Ciledug, Babakan and Karangsembung. Even from Losari kulon, an area east of the palace that you underestimated and considered small. Now you cannot do anything about it! Where is the king, prince or other royal members?

    They managed to escape quickly in the dark while their guards fought a good fight with us.

    They’re doing a discrete evacuation mijnheer?

    So, your assault to that small kingdom failed!

    We did not fail mijnheer. We had crushed that kingdom and arrested some of the guards. That kingdom will not bring any problem anymore/

    And what is this! Snapped the Assistant Resident angrily.

    It looks like you are more foolish than I thought. There was additional report about seventeen bodies floating on the coast near the location of the kingdom. Four of our soldiers suffered gunshot wound and thirteen highly trained warriors died, strangled by their own prized headband. What is going on here? Did they have guns? The Assistant Resident asked because he still did not believe of the to many casualties on their side.

    Overste Fidel Eberardo deserted mijnheer! Colonel Fidel Erberado defected.

    I thought so. That Spanish cat will become a dangerous tiger!

    "He appeared there, but as this report stated, how could it be that he was at the Cirebon port also? The Resident looked confused by various reports stating about Fidel Erberardo.

    He’s like a ghost, appearing everywhere. Don’t be confused how that Spanish cat can appear anywhere. The most important thing is to get him alive or dead because he has become a threat! Rotate the troops! Contact Priangan Residency, ask them to dispatch troops from Sumedang right now!

    The remaining troops secure the warehouses at Cirebon Port and all of the other vital objects to prevent bigger loss.

    Their soldiers that we captured, treat them as hostages! The Assistant Resident gave his orders quickly. He was like that because he’s a Dutchman, more dominant, especially in relations matter to the Dutch Indies.

    The next day, when riot and violence escalated, the Assistant Resident influenced the Resident to order VOC troops left behind by Fidel not to hesitate in performing repressive action against sporadic uprisings in areas nearby the palace and its surrounding areas.

    Meanwhile, VOC troops from Sumedang did not reach Cirebon because after they were being held at Palimanan, they were heavily attacked by warriors of Pedang Puntung who advanced without any fear at all.

    The leader of those warriors, who led the main troops with its backup troops, advanced together with the main objective to destroy the enemy by means of sieging the VOC troops. They would lure the VOC soldiers to pursue some of the warriors in the area that they’re familiar with, and when the soldiers took the bait, the warriors surrounded and slaughtered them.The leader of the warriors armed with a cut sword (pedang punting) on his right hand and a trident spear on his left hand. He created a condition that really overwhelmed the VOC from Sumedang. The situation got more hectic when that leader, who got shot and fell down, got up again and became the main leader taking his position at the end line of warriors.

    There, the leader with seven Kemuning warriors slaughtered VOC troops and confiscated a lot of rifles from them.

    We’re facing enemies who were possessed, led by demon! A VOC soldier remarked.

    He was wounded on his legs and chest and had to be remove from the battle.

    Some of his friends shielded him while moving away from the battle even though they were also wounded.

    This battle was informed to the Resident and his Assistant as an uncontrollable riot.

    When the Cirebon Residence office was flooded with reports of riots spreading in Cirebon and areas surrounding it, at the same time, many VOC soldiers from Sumedang were killed at Palimanan. They never got into Cirebon at all.

    Wie is de laskar tangan buntung? Who is this tangan buntung warriors?

    Pedang puntung warriors meneer.

    Ya, who are they?

    An extremist group led by one of the people that we searched at the palace and managed to kill yesterday, mijnheer. But for now, we’re facing the toughest warriors. Very tough.

    Now the riots had spread to Palimanan, Indramayu, Majalengka and even until Kuningan, said one of the Assistant District Chieftains. His report made the Resident more anxious and panic.

    Three warehouses that stored large quantities of cloves, peppers and nutmegs were burned down at Cirebon port and was difficult to put the fire down. Even though the port authorities got helping hands from VOC soldiers, the labors and forced force of reluctant fishermen, the fire could not be distinguished.

    The news about that burning warehouses at the port was reported to the Resident as an act which was done by Fidel Eberardo. There were warehouse guards who witnessed a white man provoked the port workers and fishermen to loot those warehouses.

    In reality, Fidel Eberardo at that time was feeling confused because he had lost Mukri. It seemed as if Mukri had been swallowed by the earth itself.

    Mukri was not inside the cave, not also in the nearest village near the cave. The villagers stared at Fidel with hatred and suspicious look on their faces.

    Maybe he’s the one who kill uncle Mukri and now pretending looking for him, some of them whispered, out of their uncomfortable feeling caused by Fidel’s presence there. Fidel felt the same thing and decided to abandon the cave, walking down the path heading toward the area surrounding the destroyed palace compound.

    When Fidel heard the splashing sound of the river and found stream in the jungle, he recalled that it was the place where he and Mukri bathed and washed their blood-stained clothes. The cool weather near that stream made him sad because he had lost a figure, who were still tough although not young anymore.

    Fidel closed his eyes as if praying and paced his steps following the water flow. In a distant he spotted a wall which was quite high and recognized it as the fence that surrounded the gate and also solid poles in front of a main palace building.

    The upper part of the palace had been torn down and he realized that from where he was standing now, he was not far from the palace.

    Black smoke rising at some spots and Fidel felt that he had to be cautious and kept himself low because as a deserted VOC soldier, he would surely be arrested.

    On the other hand, as a white man he was suspected as an enemy by the locals and because of this he had to be extra cautious.

    This dilemmatic situation made him think of Mukri, who had saved him when he was attacked because he was white.

    When Fidel gazed at the open sea there was black smoke rising and he chose to go to that direction, away from the ruined palace. He halted a passing by cart.

    Where are you heading sir?

    To Palimanan.

    What about you meneer?

    To Cirebon.

    Jump in, if you want to come along meneer, but don’t mind the cargo smell.

    "It’s alright, thank you pak.

    When the cart entered Cirebon, both of were stunned when they saw black smoke swirling up into the clear sky.

    "Since last night I heard rumour that warriors of Karangsembung and Waled were going to attack Cirebon port to avenge for what VOC soldiers did in their area. So, the

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