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Flowers for Lydia
Flowers for Lydia
Flowers for Lydia
Ebook85 pages1 hour

Flowers for Lydia

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Fourteen short stories about love, relationships and making choices from a prize-winning Scottish writer. Featuring romance, family life, temptation, married love, adventure and enduring friendships. Some of the stories were first published in magazines, and two were broadcast – one for lip-reading and one for a talking newspaper for the blind. All are heart-warming stories.

Release dateAug 29, 2023
Flowers for Lydia

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    Flowers for Lydia - Rosemary Gemmell

    Flowers for Lydia

    and other stories

    Rosemary Gemmell

    Copyright © Rosemary Gemmell 2023


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, mechanical or photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

    Flowers for Lydia is a collection of fourteen short stories. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


    Flowers for Lydia


    Highland Hogmanay

    A Special Day

    African Adventure

    Circle of Gold

    For Love or Friendship


    First Impressions


    Wedding Day Doubts

    Aphrodite’s Island

    Dear Henri

    Nurse Sunshine

    Flowers for Lydia


    Lydia could hear the murmured speculation again. It happened on a different day each week which added to the mystery. Last week, it was Monday, the week before it was Wednesday and today was Tuesday.

    She smiled at the barely concealed envy in Hazel’s voice, mingled with disbelief.

    Well, you’re certainly popular these days, Lydia. What’s your secret?

    Lydia looked up from her desk at the two girls with whom she shared an office. Hazel was a single, long-legged glamorous type of secretary but she still moaned forever about the lack of decent men who weren’t already attached. Fiona hardly ever said anything to her, but her scepticism was well expressed without words as she raised her eyebrow. She was a hard-working thirty something who was getting married for the first time.

    I don’t know, Lydia answered Hazel’s question at last. Must be my motherly face.

    No doubt the other two thought she was past any hopes of romance since she was looking forward to retiring in four years.

    So what kind are they this time? Hazel tried again

    Alstroemeria, my favourite.

    Well, he must like you loads, whoever he is, to send you flowers every week!

    Lydia smiled in agreement. It was the highlight of her week. Not so much the flowers, but the air of intrigue they created with the other two girls. She was tired of Hazel’s constant talk of men and dating, as well as Fiona’s boasting about the ever-increasing cost of her wedding.

    After caring for her elderly mother for so long, Lydia had resigned herself to being single for what remained of her life; not that she had grudged a moment of what care she had willingly provided in her mother’s final days.

    The following Thursday, another small mixed bouquet duly arrived.

    Hazel noticed the smile the delivery man gave Lydia. Maybe he’s your secret admirer. He always seems pleased to bring you the flowers.

    I don’t think so. Lydia smiled. Anyway, he’s a bit young for me.

    Well, what about that older guy in accounts. He’s often stopping for a chat with you. Fiona entered into the new guessing game.

    I think he’s in a relationship, Lydia said.

    When did that ever stop anyone? Hazel responded at once.

    You don’t think... no, can’t be. Fiona frowned. It couldn’t be Jeremy, could it? I’d heard he was going through a divorce.

    Lydia and Hazel both laughed at the idea of their boss being interested in Lydia. He was only slightly younger but was so not her type.

    Definitely not, Lydia said. "But what makes you think it’s a secret admirer?"

    That got their attention! Both girls stared in confusion.

    You mean you know who it is? squeaked Hazel.

    Maybe, maybe not.

    Lydia was going to keep them guessing for as long as possible. There was another possibility they didn’t know about – the middle-aged man who smiled at her every day on the train, although they had never actually spoken.

    Why don’t you invite him to the firm’s dance? Fiona said. You never go to anything and this would be a great chance to introduce him to us.

    Lydia gulped. How to get out of this one? Oh, I don’t know if it’s his kind of thing. And he might not be free that night.

    Hazel narrowed her eyes as she stared at Lydia. Anyone would think there’s something strange going on here. We’d love to meet your admirer and surely he’d want to take you out.

    Lydia shrugged. Well, I can only ask. Anyway, better get on with this work now.

    As the other two returned to their desks, Lydia rubbed her forehead. She could feel a headache coming on and it would only get worse while she worried about what to do. Maybe she’d have to come clean and admit there was no admirer, secret or otherwise.

    A couple of mornings later, she called into the flower shop on her way to work. It was one of her favourite venues and the couple who ran it were always pleased to see her.

    Morning, love. What can we do today? Mike asked, his warm brown eyes smiling as usual.

    She noticed Sally wasn’t there which made it easier in a way, as she was bound to ask awkward questions.

    I’d like to cancel my regular order, please. No explanation, no excuses and hopefully he would accept it without question.

    That’s a shame, but of course I will. Not moving away are you? It sounded as though it mattered.

    Lydia smiled at that. No, just tightening the belt a bit. It was partly true as she wanted to retire sooner rather than later.

    We’ll miss your visits but mind and don’t be a stranger.

    Feeling slightly bereft at the thought of not seeing his friendly face so much, Lydia pushed the thought aside and braced herself for the next conversation. As she entered the large office building, she held the door open for Jeremy. She hadn’t noticed him behind her.

    Morning, Lydia. Hope you’re coming to the dance this year?

    I’m thinking about it. Which was the truth, if not the whole truth.

    "Good, good. Mind and save

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