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A Moment with God: Devotional
A Moment with God: Devotional
A Moment with God: Devotional
Ebook99 pages37 minutes

A Moment with God: Devotional

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About this ebook

This thirty-day devotional encompasses the entire letter that James wrote to believers.

Geared to encourage readers to spend quality time with the Lord, each chapter is broken down by verses with a theme for each day. The daily theme offers you a precious opportunity to engage with the text and reflect on how selected Scriptures apply to your life.

As you read, you’ll consider questions such as:
• How can you nurture a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ?
• How can you apply the word of God in your daily life?
• Why is the message of James so relevant to today’s world?
What we need more than ever is for believers to authentically put into action the life of Christ by how they live. James, the brother of Jesus, was inspired by God to help us achieve this goal by writing a simple approach to the gospel of Christ.

Join the author as he explores how the teachings of James shine a spotlight on a path that will allow you to walk side by side with the Lord.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 24, 2023
A Moment with God: Devotional

Bruce Cox Jr. D. Min.

Bruce Cox Jr., D. Min. accepted Christ at age sixteen and is known for his simple way of teaching God’s word. He is a retired Federal Bureau of Prisons supervisory chaplain. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Kentucky University, a Master of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Virginia. He is a mentor, religious counselor, interim pastor, preacher, and teacher.

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    A Moment with God - Bruce Cox Jr. D. Min.

    Copyright © 2023 Bruce Cox, Jr., D. Min..

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-9848-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-9849-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023907647

    WestBow Press rev. date: 8/23/2023

    God’s Presence

    A Moment with God is a devotional that welcomes the presence of God. The more you invite God’s presence into your space, the more you are transformed into His image and likeness. Each day, God’s presence provides your heart and mind with what you need. His presence is life changing and gives you peace, comfort, and security that is beyond human understanding. Bishop Ralph Cushman’s poem The Presence of God embodies a moment with God that is so needed in the hearts of mankind today. He wrote,

    I met God in the morning

    when my day was at its best

    And His presence came like sunrise,

    like a glory in my breast.

    All day long His presence lingered;

    All day long He stayed with me;

    And we sailed in perfect calmness

    O’er a very troubled sea.

    I encourage you to google Bishop Ralph Cushman, learn the entire poem, and recite it before reading your daily devotional. The more you read and reflect on it, the more you will begin to experience God’s presence in a way like never before.


    Do you want a deeper relationship with Christ? Is your soul yearning for a simple understanding of God’s Word? My brothers and sisters, take a spiritual journey with me in the book of James. He is practical, simple, and relevant in his message to believers. When I use the term simple, I do not mean that living a life as a believer is easy. That is not the case. Simplicity is removing unclear religious language that hinders people from understanding and applying God’s Word to their lives.


    This is a practical approach to living out your faith in Christ. My objective is to inspire you to want more of God’s Word and wisdom in your life. My desire is to simplify the message of James so it is relevant and makes sense

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