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The Acne inversa (AI/HS) - "Diet": A guidebook from the Quantum-satis series Volume 2: Acne inversa & diet - A holistic solution for a better quality of life
The Acne inversa (AI/HS) - "Diet": A guidebook from the Quantum-satis series Volume 2: Acne inversa & diet - A holistic solution for a better quality of life
The Acne inversa (AI/HS) - "Diet": A guidebook from the Quantum-satis series Volume 2: Acne inversa & diet - A holistic solution for a better quality of life
Ebook208 pages1 hour

The Acne inversa (AI/HS) - "Diet": A guidebook from the Quantum-satis series Volume 2: Acne inversa & diet - A holistic solution for a better quality of life

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About this ebook

This book provides comprehensive information and practical tips to more effectively control your acne inversa (AI) and improve your quality of life.

We will look at various aspects of nutrition, including potential triggers, the anti-inflammatory diet, leaky gut as well as the importance of intestinal cleansing, the hormonal effects of the body's own adipose tissue as well as the purpose of weight loss in acne inversa, the Hormesis concept and much more.

The book is rounded off with a selection of healthy and tasty recipes. These recipes are specially tailored to the needs of people with acne inversa and help to enjoy a balanced and nutritionally valuable diet.

This book is designed to motivate you and help you take your health into your own hands.

"Nutrition and Acne Inversa:
The Holistic Solution for a Better Quality of Life" is your comprehensive guide to controlling acne inversa through diet and lifestyle changes.
With the information and practical tips in this book, you will be encouraged to make positive changes in your diet, sanitize your gut, regulate your hormone balance, and pursue healthy weight loss if necessary.
The Hormesis Concept will help you not only improve your skin health and reduce the symptoms of acne inversa.

Take your health into your own hands and discover the transformative power of a holistic diet.

With this book, you'll be on your way to a better quality of life and a positive impact on your acne inversa."
Release dateAug 30, 2023
The Acne inversa (AI/HS) - "Diet": A guidebook from the Quantum-satis series Volume 2: Acne inversa & diet - A holistic solution for a better quality of life

Apothekerin Christiane Billen

Christiane Billen, Jahrgang 1969, Apothekerin und Heilpraktikerin, Gründerin von Quantum satis (Praxis für Naturheilkunde und integrative Medizin), will mit der neuen Quantum-satis-Reihe aufklären: Die Naturheilkunde bietet als Ergänzung zur leitliniengerechten Therapie wertvolle Ansätze und Möglichkeiten. Im vorliegenden Buch "Psoriasis im Griff: Natürliche Wege zu gesunder Haut" finden Sie umfassende Informationen, einen Überblick über bewährte schulmedizinische Konzepte und praxiserprobte Strategien zur Bewältigung von Psoriasis. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Symptome lindern und Ihre Lebensqualität verbessern können, indem Sie auch auf natürliche Therapien setzen. Von bewährten Pflanzenheilmitteln bis hin zu Ernährungstipps und Anregungen zu entspannenden Techniken zur Stressbewältigung - dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, um die Kontrolle über Ihre Haut zurückzugewinnen. Mit inspirierenden Fallstudien, wertvollen Ratschlägen und fundierten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen ist "Psoriasis im Griff" der Schlüssel zu einem aktiven, selbstbestimmten Leben trotz Psoriasis. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der natürlichen Heilung und entdecken Sie Ihren persönlichen Weg zu gesunder Haut. Christiane Billen lebt und arbeitet in ihrer Praxis in Xanten am Niederrhein und in Port d'Andratx auf Mallorca. Die Homepage von Quantum satis mit weiteren Informationen & Blog: Informationen für Betroffene, deren Familien und Freunde - WISSEN TEILEN HILFT -

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    Book preview

    The Acne inversa (AI/HS) - "Diet" - Apothekerin Christiane Billen

    About the author

    Christiane Billen, born 1969, pharmacist and alternative practitioner,

    founder of Quantum satis

    (practice for naturopathy & integrative medicine),

    wants to enlighten with the new Quantum satis series not only about the clinical picture acne inversa (AI, Hidradenitis suppurativa), but above all to give hope:

    acne inversa, once considered rare, is increasingly attracting the attention of treating physicians and also of researchers

    and is now considered to be curable!

    With the therapeutic options now available, more and more AI-patients have the chance to live a pain-free and unburdened life.

    Not within a few days, but in the foreseeable future, if they are prepared to do something about it.

    The earlier the correct diagnosis is made, the better the chances. For this reason, it is also of immense importance that awareness of the disease continues to grow. Therefore, this book series is also aimed at all those who have repeatedly suffered from abscesses, pimples, furuncles, fistulas within the last six months. And also to their relatives and friends/girlfriends.

    In many years of self-employment in my pharmacy, originally from my own affliction (AI patient until 2010), my consulting focus acne inversa has developed and led to the fact that I was allowed to accompany numerous people on their way with acne inversa and also out of acne inversa. This knowledge should now be a support and hope for even more people. Since acne inversa develops multifactorially, it is often the little things that...

    Nutrition plays an important role in acne inversa (AI) for the path to cure. Rarely can a cure be achieved multimodularly without a change in dietary habits.

    Therefore, the 2nd volume of the Quantum-satis series is dedicated to the nutrition of AI patients: the food triggers, the anti-inflammatory diet as well as weight management and many other exciting facts:

    Nutrition and Acne Inversa: The Holistic Solution for a Better Quality of Life is your comprehensive guide to controlling acne inversa through diet and lifestyle changes. With the information and practical tips in this book, you will be encouraged to make positive changes in your diet, sanitize your gut, regulate your hormone balance, and pursue healthy weight loss if necessary. The Hormesis Concept will help you not only improve your skin health and reduce the symptoms of acne inversa.

    Take your health into your own hands and discover the transformative power of a holistic diet.

    With this book, you'll be on your way to a better quality of life and a positive impact on your acne inversa."

    Christiane Billen lives and works in her practice in Xanten on the Lower Rhine and in Port d'Andratx on Mallorca.

    The homepage of Quantum satis with more information & blog articles:

    Information for affected persons, their families and friends -



    Dear Reader,

    In everyday life, I hear the following questions about acne inversa (AI, Hiddradenitis suppurativa / HS) and nutrition again and again:

    But how exactly should I do this?

    Which foods should I avoid?

    And how am I supposed to do it all?

    The mountain just seems too high!

    In many cases, it's about weight reduction, dietary changes, motivation to exercise, a completely damaged gut microbiome due to previous antibiotic therapies, and much more.

    Yes, it is a lot!

    And: it takes time!

    But step by step, in small stages, it is possible, I have already experienced this with myself and also with many patients.

    This book is supposed to help:

    This book should

    help to make the disease acne inversa (AI) better known, to enable earlier diagnoses and to prevent a lot of suffering due to the chronification of the disease

    be there for AI patients who have lost all hope because they have not yet found the right therapist and/or have not yet found their own triggers to be on the path to healing with hope

    Explain to AI patients the basics of an anti-inflammatory diet and its benefits to the healing process

    Help AI patients get back to a normal BMI and thus get out of the vicious cycle of pain, not enough exercise, not enough exercise, weight gain, new AI flare-ups, etc.

    Describing to AI patients the importance of a healthy gut and showing the benefits it brings to many chronic conditions - including AI!

    I, too, have dealt with AI for a number of years. Almost 30 years ago, at a time when seemingly no one knew anything about the disease.

    That has shaped me very much!

    And even though I no longer have any symptoms today:

    I still remember very clearly how every single day with AI felt to me! You don't forget that...

    I still know the helplessness when nobody can help you.

    Fortunately, that is different today!

    Noch in eigener Sache:

    Since both my

    Acne inversa blog (at www.praxis-quantumsatis@com) ,

    Acne-inversa-Facebook page (acne inversa consultation C. Billen Heilpraktikerin Xanten Port d'Andratx) ,

    as well as the Quantum-satis series

    are created outside my working hours, in the evening hours, I put the focus on the content and not the design. The aesthete may please forgive me for this!

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank from the bottom of my heart and with love

    to my friends who supported me in my AI times and stood by me despite my whining about my pain

    to Tine van Loon: the start of my EMS training with her was the beginning of my healing and the joint training as a healer and her constant friendly support are more than valuable to me.

    to my patients, who shared their suffering with me and are the basis for all this…

    and of course to my partner Reiner, my Cherie: my muse & inspiration with heart, mind & creativity...

    I have deliberately refrained from advertising or support from pharmaceutical companies, in order to be able to independently write my opinion on the subject of acne inversa, not only now, but also in the future.

    Above all, I am happy if I could help someone! You are welcome to send me a short feedback by mail about the individual course of the disease or the healing process.

    It is thanks to the feedback from my patients that my knowledge of AI has developed over the past 30 years. Without this willingness to share sometimes very intimate and private topics with me, all this would not be possible.

    Therefore, I am sure that I will continue to receive positive feedback from you, my dear readers, which I can then use for the benefit of other patients,

    I would like to thank you very much in advance,


    Christiane Billen

    AI patient until 13 years ago

    Pharmacist and alternative practitioner

    PS: In this English version, it is unfortunately not possible from the publisher's side to combine an international distribution with the printing of colored pictures. This unfortunately makes the beautiful recipe photos look a bit bleak - I apologize for this and console myself with the fact that this black-and-white edition can thus be offered at a much lower cost than the German version with the color photos.

    Quantum satis

    - Praxis für Naturheilkunde & integrative Medizin -

    Notes on the use of this work:

    For better comprehension and readability, the masculine as well as the feminine form is used for personal designations and personal nouns in this work. Corresponding terms apply in the sense of equal treatment to all genders, regardless of age, gender, origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability and world view. The abbreviated form of language does not imply any valuation.

    References are included in the body text as follows:

    [1], [2], etc.. Exact details can be found at the end of the work under Sources.

    „Gesundheit bekommt man nicht im Handel,

    sondern durch den Lebenswandel."

    Sebastian Kneipp

    Free Translation of this Poem means:

    You don't get health in stores, you get it through your lifestyle.

    Table of contents


    Understanding the triggers - how food can trigger Acne inversa (AI)/Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)

    The importance of an anti-inflammatory diet

    2.1. Foods that promote inflammation

    2.2. Antioxidant-rich foods - anti-inflammatory foods

    2.3. Omega-3 fatty acids

    2.4. Probiotics

    2.5. Food intolerances

    2.6. Histamine intolerance (HIT)

    2.7. Excursus: Hyposensitization and desensitization

    2.8. Insulin content and glycemic index

    2.9. Hydration!

    2.10. The pathophysiology of the disease AI presented on the example of nicotine (an alkaloid)2

    2.11. Excursus: The topic of avoiding dairy products in acne inversa

    2.12. Excursus: Paleo Diet

    Further Studies on Nutrition in Hidradenitis Suppurativa - A Brief Overview

    Acid-Base Balance

    4.1. Examples of Acid-Forming Foods

    4.2. Alkaline Foods

    4.3. Anti-Inflammatory Effects of an Alkaline Diet4

    The Importance of BMI and Weight Management in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Exploring the connection between weight and skin health

    5.1. The BMI and its significance

    5.2. The Connection Between BMI

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