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The Journey of a Battle Within
The Journey of a Battle Within
The Journey of a Battle Within
Ebook59 pages39 minutes

The Journey of a Battle Within

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When God, the universe, your friends, and heck, even your family seem as if they do not follow the journey you have embarked upon, it can be a struggle. Often, we find ourselves tending to suffer in silence because we believe that our words no longer carry any weight. A silence that becomes so loud that it is deafening, and we question if anyone else hears it, if anyone feels similar to us. Every single person walks their own path, and no two paths are alike. That path is uniquely designed for the person to construct their own roadmap which to pursue their wants and needs in life. The road less traveled is the best one to take right? That is the impression that a lot of people are under, to take a path that you can call your own. However, that path is not always as straight and narrow, well-defined, or even perfectly sculpted to be easily traveled down.
Follow Vee as she leads you down her Journey of a Struggle Within. A journey that embraces not only the blossoming hope that can be seen as you traverse through life but also the harsh reality that that we all may tend to see close in our rearview. From the hard truths to the signs that everyone chooses to ignore, Vee displays an acknowledgment of just how dark our paths may get. She shines a light to help you follow her lead and trust that she's not one to wear rose-colored glasses.
Release dateAug 27, 2023
The Journey of a Battle Within

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    The Journey of a Battle Within - Vee Freeman


    ©2023 Venisha Vee Freeman. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    ISBN: 979-8-35091-054-4 paperback

    ISBN: 979-8-35091-055-1 ebook

    Dedication Page

    (Whew! This might take a minute. LOL!)

    To my parents (mom on earth and dad in heaven), words can’t express how much your love, words of affirmation, and support have motivated me to never give up. If it were not for you both (and that touch of Jesus), I would not be here or who I am today.

    To my brother, my Broham, the Piccolo to my Gohan, I appreciate the bond we have grown up with since we were little and would never trade your advice and laughter for the world! You always had my back and kept me looking for bigger and better, even when the odds were stacked against me.

    To my cohort peeps! My family from all over the globe: you all have inspired me in more ways than one, and each of you has provided me with the space and acceptance to be my 100 percent authentic black woman who may cuss from time to time self. Hahaha. Love you all to infinity and beyond!

    To Dr. H … Man, oh man. You are my favorite grad school professor simply because you never hesitated to provide me with the opportunity to expand beyond what society may deem my limit as an African American clinician. Your endless support and guidance will forever be cherished!

    To Le’ Suhhs! You know who you are! My ride or die, my confidants, my support, my rocks … the list can go on. Every single one of you has added joy and happiness to my life that I thought I had lost. When I felt like the world was against me, you all made sure I knew God had better in store.

    To the Zoro to my Luffy… We have been through hell and back.. You helped me push past the obstacles of settling, questioning myself, being fearful, and a lot more . I will always appreciate you and cherish our times .

    To my Sunflower Counseling family… I would never have imagined that I landed my career job before even graduating grad school. You all opened your doors and your hearts to little me and I could not be more grateful. Words simply cannot express how much happiness and light you all have brought into my life during some of the darkest times. From our fire pit dates and random laughs and hugs, you all have washed away any imposter syndrome I may have felt as a clinician. I love you all to infinity and beyond!

    To the one who is sour then sweet… You know who you are and words cannot express what you mean. I hope that you will come

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