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Sex Positions You Never Thought Possible
Sex Positions You Never Thought Possible
Sex Positions You Never Thought Possible
Ebook302 pages2 hours

Sex Positions You Never Thought Possible

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Reach new heights of orgasmic pleasure with this guide to fun and exciting positions that use Liberator® sex cushions—as well as standard pillows.

Even the most acrobatic positions are attainable with a little help from Liberator® ramps and wedges—or even ordinary cushions you have in your home. Authored by the creators of the iconic Liberator® sex cushions, Sex Positions You Never Thought Possible features dozens of sex moves that incorporate carefully-calibrated body angles and inclines to take sex to more orgasmic levels while targeting key hot spots and enabling deeper penetration and easier thrusting.

This easy-to-follow guide shows you how to intensify sensations on standard positions such as cowboy and missionary, add kinky twists to oral sex, and make doggy-style positions more comfortable.
Release dateSep 15, 2012
Sex Positions You Never Thought Possible

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    Sex Positions You Never Thought Possible - Editors of Liberator


    Unforgettable, peak-pleasure sex awaits you...

    Want a new angle on sex? Having trouble hitting the right spot? Do you or your lover have trouble reaching orgasm? Have things fizzled over the years? Are you curious about ways you can improve your pleasure?

    I wrote this book to help you.

    I was well into my career when I discovered the magic of angles during sex. At the time I considered myself an expert. I considered my sex life to be great. It was about to get better. When Liberator approached me to make some videos for them I remember saying to myself, Foam shapes? Can foam really improve your sex life? I was about to be impressed and surprised.

    After a few weeks of rolling around with my lover on these shapes and discovering new ways we could use pillows, I told him, Why would anyone want to have flat sex? That was the beginning of a new world for me; I call it the biomechanics of sex. A light was turned on, and I suddenly understood something fundamental to pleasure: We are not meant to have sex on a flat bed.

    Over the years, I have worked with many couples who experience challenges in their sex lives. They come to me seeking ways to spice it up, get the spark back, connect on a deeper, more meaningful level. There are many factors, from emotional to chemical, to really helping them get back on track, but understanding the mechanics of it all is the most simplest, quickest, and most effective way to begin turning it around.


    This isn’t a book that you read from cover to cover. This is a book of hidden treasures for you to discover on any given day. Want to try something for her G-spot? Have fun connecting the dots in chapter 1. Are you in the mood for longer-lasting orgasms that come easier? Flip to the Kama Sutra chapter, read the introduction, and pick your passion position.

    This book is designed to be easy for you to use. I recommend reading the beginning of each chapter so that you can mine the riches contained within the positions.

    I have put positions together to create seven different sessions, each with different outcomes. Chapter 6 guides you through these sessions, but becoming familiar with the positions in chapters 1 through 5 is helpful to do before you try rolling around your bed in multiple angled positions.

    Mostly, this book is designed to help you discover the importance of play, creativity, and fun in your love sport. It’s about connection and intimacy with a spirit of joy and lighthearted lust.

    Join me on a mission to save the world from flat-bed sex. Grab a pillow or two, and let’s go!




    Want to have her so filled with pleasure that she exclaims Wow!—where did you learn how to do that? Great! You’re in the right place.

    Female pleasure: It’s mysterious, wild, silent, unearthed, passionate... and it continues to elude most of us. Being a sexologist and of the female persuasion, I have to say that when it comes to understanding female arousal and anatomy, most men are in the dark. It’s not your fault. None of us was given a proper education about our bodies, especially with regard to sexuality. Even the majority of women out there don’t have this knowledge, so how can we tell you about what pleasures us most? (Ladies, you, too, are going to benefit from reading this chapter because you are going to find some of your lost hot spots.)

    This chapter is going to shed light on some very mysterious places, and by the end of it you won’t believe how a little knowledge can change your sex life in ways you (and she) never imagined.

    One of the biggest culprits for women not reaching their highest pleasure potential is flat sex. You know: You are on your bed or the floor, and you are on top thrusting in and out of her. Or maybe the two of you got creative and she’s on top of you lying flat on the bed. Maybe you tried a moment of doggy position. It might last ten to twenty minutes total, and, most likely, she is just starting to warm up as you are finishing. In my opinion—and after working with thousands of people curious about making sex better—flat sex has six major issues.

    Positions like The Goat and The Tree (page 74) will help ease you out of your flat-sex habits.

    #1: BAD BIOMECHANICS. It doesn’t angle your pelvis properly, possibly causing or exacerbating low back pain and knee issues. This improper angling doesn’t allow for clitoral stimulation in most cases and if your penis isn’t curved in the right way, then you won’t be hitting her G-spot either. It’s strictly very poor biomechanics.

    #2: FRICTION. It causes most men to need to thrust in and out, which in turn causes a lot of friction. Friction can lead to soreness, dryness, and even small vaginal tears, especially in menopausal women.

    #3: FAST EJACULATION. All the thrusting leads to quicker ejaculation for many men and thus makes the rift in arousal time between men and women even larger.

    #4: BORING. She might not admit it, but it makes sex in a long-term relationship really boring for her, really fast.

    #5: PAINFUL. Flat sex is usually very uncomfortable and not friendly to people with injuries, disabilities, and other impairments.

    #6: HANDS OFF. When you are on top of her in flat sex you usually need your hands to hold yourself up, which means that she misses out on the pleasure of your touch during sexual intercourse.

    With all of these issues you would think we would get creative and invent a new way to enjoy our coitus. Why are we having flat sex? I believe it’s because we still don’t fully understand the importance of comfort during sex, and how arousal, our bodies, orgasm, and extended pleasure work—especially when it comes to women. I do what I do because I’m on a mission to change that. By teaching how arousal and orgasm work and having people around the world learning and implementing this knowledge, I believe that we will all live in a happier world. Join me, first by learning about her hot spots, and then, STOP having sex on a flat surface!


    When she is on top, put some pillows under your knees and press into them. That will help you be able rock your pelvis, thus hitting the roof of her vagina and her hot spots, I said.

    I was teaching a new student. Thanks to Skpe, I could see him and he could see my demonstration, even though he was halfway around the world. He came to see me to earn more confidence as a lover. He was having trouble getting his pelvis to rock correctly during sex due to an old injury. When I heard him describe the position he was using most, I knew he needed some new angles.

    You know, I never thought about positions this way, he told me during one of our lessons. I just thought, you know, do like what you see in porn, get on top, maybe do doggy position, something like that. I never thought about using pillows to bring my pelvis against hers to stimulate her G-spot in certain ways.

    The biggest mistake that I see guys making is this: They take what they see in adult films and replicate it. Okay guys, first lesson from Jaiya: Porn sex is not great sex. It’s a performance (albeit one that has probably been working to turn you on for years). I’m not anti-porn, especially erotica like Erika Lust’s film, Life Love Lust. I know many couples who enjoy viewing pornography together, and it has enhanced the spice in their relationship. People like different kinds of pornography. It’s personal taste! However, most adult erotica is not great sex education; its great entertainment. It’s important to recognize the difference. That recognition may be the key to rocking her wondrous world.

    In some cases, porn might make you feel like a failure in the bedroom because you can’t perform what you see. I mean, who can live up to all those huge, hard, ever-thrusting penises, right? You learn a lot in mainstream heterosexual pornography that can be a damper on your sexual mastery.

    With all this bad education in their heads, most men forget that there is a whole body of erogenous, steamy, hot turn-on for them to play with. They head straight down below, forgetting that there is an entire human being attached to those gorgeous genitals. Guys, I don’t blame you: Female genitals are amazing, with their unlimited variety and folds of delicious delights. It’s no wonder you want to head straight for them. But what if I told you that both your and her pleasure would be greater if you worked your way down there? What if I told you that she could experience pleasure beyond anything she has ever experienced if you just ignite her in the right ways (like making direct contact with her most orgasmic hot spots)? What if I told you that new angles during lovemaking are one huge key? It’s possible. I’ve seen it and have experienced it over and over again.

    Behind the Scenes of Porn: What You Don’t See

    Breaks: You don’t see how many times the actors have to take breaks, adjust, and start over. It’s hard work having to twist your body in a way so the camera can see everything that is going on. Positions that feel good, especially to women, don’t give you a visual of the act because your pelvises are glued to each other or your face is buried in her folds. If it feels good to her, you most likely can’t see it.

    Soft Penises: You don’t see the ebb and flow of arousal. Soft penises are usually edited out of the scene. Models on a set all day experience erections that go up and down (unless they’ve popped some little blue pills). Erections can even mysteriously go flat during the act on set, because well, it’s a performance. Ever wonder where the term performance anxiety comes from? Arousal is supposed to ebb and flow in both men and women. Some positions get you really aroused and some bring you down, and that is just perfect. It’s natural and it happens to most men, so please, relax.

    Full Arousal: You don’t see much foreplay. The woman is always ready to go, and getting banged is always the most pleasurable part. From many adult films, you learn that her hottest spot is her vaginal canal—hence all the thrusting (which might feel great to you, but let me tell you it isn’t doing the trick for most of us girls). On set there is sometimes foreplay, and there is a lot of lube on hand so that she’s ready no matter what. You rarely see female genitals in their fully aroused state. The actors aren’t usually educated, either, so they don’t really understand how arousal works and how to move in and out of pleasure and performance. You are learning from uneducated performers. That says a lot.


    KEY #1: CONTACT. Angles help your bodies come together in ways that allow your penis to make contact with very specific hot spots. This contact ignites these pleasure zones so that she can reach full arousal and quite possibly multiple orgasms.

    KEY #2: COMMUNICATION. I’m talking about body language. When you use certain angles, your bodies start to communicate with each other on a whole new level. At angles, pelvises rock differently, thus nerves are stimulated in a unique way and your whole nervous system shifts. Something this subtle and simple can make a profound change in her whole body.

    KEY #3: CONNECTION. Using angled positions that allow your hands to be free gives you the opportunity to use your five-fingered assets to connect with her whole body during lovemaking. When you have use of your hands you can play with her breasts, thighs, butt, etc., making sex all that more delicious. Certain angles also help you make eye contact as you touch her. This builds the intimacy and bond between you.

    I’ve given you some keys, but now I’m giving you a map. This is no ordinary map; it’s been buried for many decades along with the buried pleasure you’ll find if you follow its guidance. The treasure is pleasure that leaves you both amazed, exclaiming, What was that? Believe me, I’ve given this map to many men (and women), and the pleasure they’ve discovered blows their minds.


    Ready to ignite her hottest spots and get her writhing beneath you in sweet orgasmic agony?

    My dear friend and colleague Sheri Winston, author of Women’s Anatomy of Arousal: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure, uses this analogy when she speaks of arousing women: You have to play in the yard, before you go on the porch, before you get invited into the house! I agree with her 100 percent. So let’s begin by playing in the yard.

    Play in yard areas first, and then again at any time during intercourse. You can change the angles and help her relax by placing pillows under her head and rolled-up pillows or towels under her knees. Always remember that comfort and relaxation are keys to great sex.

    One of the problems with most of the sexual positions, especially missionary, is that the guy has to hold himself up during sex and therefore loses the use of his hands. Positional aids such as pillows or Liberator gear can help you free up your hands for caressing her arousal zones.

    Remember that fast does not always mean best. Slow is delicious and sensual to her, both in your touch and in your lovemaking. I recommend slow, light

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