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The Journey to Earth - A Majestic Mission
The Journey to Earth - A Majestic Mission
The Journey to Earth - A Majestic Mission
Ebook93 pages3 hours

The Journey to Earth - A Majestic Mission

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"The Journey to Earth: A Majestic Mission" is the incredible story of your sacred mission to Earth from the stars, a timeless, transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. It is a story of bravery, overcoming obstacles, and the revelation of your true glory. It is the greatest story ever told; the story of YOU.

Release dateAug 30, 2023
The Journey to Earth - A Majestic Mission

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    Book preview

    The Journey to Earth - A Majestic Mission - Michael Love

    The Journey

    To Earth

    A Majestic Mission

    Michael Love

    Sacred Light Publishing

    Copyright © 2023 by Michael Love

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    First Printing, 2023


    Chapter 1: Lyra Genesis
    Chapter 2: A Signal From Earth
    Chapter 3: The Divine Call
    Chapter 4: The Mission
    Chapter 5: The Celestial Voyage
    Chapter 6: The Arrival
    Chapter 7: Mission Cycles
    Chapter 8: Battlefield Earth
    Chapter 9: Operation Awakening
    Chapter 10: Mission Endgame
    Chapter 11: The Return Home


    I would like to offer a special dedication to my beloved wife and partner, Lara. Your boundless love and unwavering support have been the driving force behind this project. You have always believed in me, inspiring me to be the best version of myself. This book is a tribute to our journey together, and I dedicate it to you with all my heart. You are the light of the world, shining brightly and illuminating the path for others. Together, we embark on a journey of growth, love, and transformation, making a difference in the lives of others and leaving a lasting impact on our shared human experience.

    I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the incredible individuals who have supported and encouraged me throughout the creation of this work. Your unwavering support has been an invaluable source of inspiration and motivation.

    With gratitude,

    Michael Love


    The Journey to Earth, A Majestic Mission is the incredible story of your sacred mission to Earth from the stars, a timeless, transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. It is a story of bravery and overcoming obstacles, revealing your true glory. It is the greatest story ever told. It is the story of YOU.

    The Journey to Earth: A Majestic Mission celebrates your elite nature as a being of light, hailing from the highest celestial levels, destined to embark on this noble mission to save Earth. It is a story of profound importance, where the impact of your mission extends far beyond Earth, affecting the entire universe.

    This book invites you to recognize the profound importance of your role, embrace the inherent wisdom and ability within you, and navigate the earthly realm with courage, love, and unwavering determination.

    This magnificent story of your greatness ignites the flame of remembrance, guiding you to embrace the fullness of your divine essence.

    As the twilight of your grand mission draws near, the insights in this book will equip you with the wisdom, tools, and guidance necessary to navigate the final stages with grace and fulfillment.

    Journey into the depths of the unknown, for true wisdom and enlightenment exist only in this realm.

    The Pleiadians

    Chapter 1: Lyra Genesis

    Lyra is the most elevated civilization in this universe, and they are human!

    The Pleiadians

    In the beginning, at the highest levels of the universe, the Ascended Master creator beings emerged from source consciousness, endowed with the ability to shape the very fabric of reality. With great intention, they brought forth magnificent light beings whose luminous flames radiated as blue, gold, and violet. These divine beings, known as the Founder Races, went forth, seeding all life within the holographic matrix of matter.

    In their creative mastery, these divine creators gave birth to a realm of unparalleled beauty where souls could embark on profound journeys of experience. Their most sublime achievement emerged as Lyra, a resplendent star system within the twelfth dimension. Lyra, a cosmic masterpiece of celestial grandeur, stood as a testament to their awe-inspiring artistry.

    On the 12-dimensional planet Aramatena, nestled within the Lyra star system, the cosmic architects of the blue flame seeded a magnificent species of Lyran feline-hominids, known as the Anuhazi, that featured the qualities of both feline and human. They were a very advanced and benevolent race with a unique 48-strand DNA template, surpassing all Angelic and Archangelic races. The entire human race on Earth today is directly descended from the genetic lineage of these magnificent Lyran beings.

    The gold and violet flame Founder races also brought extraordinary and benevolent life forms to their worlds in Lyra, endowed with high-stranded DNA. However, the DNA of both races soon became corrupted, leading to a fallen state. Conflicts began erupting on their home planets of Aveyon and Vega due to increased polarity within their genetic makeup.

    Aveyon became the home of the fallen Violet Flame collective, which included the Jehovians (Annu-Elohim/Anyu), a feline-aquatic-ape hybrid race. Planet Vega became the habitat for the fallen Draconian Gold Flame hybrid races, encompassing avians, mantis, dragons, and reptilian races.

    The question of darkness’s presence in the higher dimensions may prompt curiosity. The founder’s teachings reveal that darkness exists in the holographic matrix up to the eleventh dimension. However, a significant transformation occurs in the twelfth dimension, where darkness dissipates entirely, and only an encompassing brilliance of pure light prevails.

    In time, the fallen races unleashed a rebellious campaign of mischief within the Lyra star system that endangered the serenity of Lyra and posed a grave threat to the harmony encompassing the entire matrix of existence.

    Approximately 250 billion years ago, the escalation of tensions between the Annu-Elohim (The Jehovians) from Aveyon and the Draco or Draconian reptilian race in Vega marked the genesis of a great war in the region of Lyra known as the Lyran Elohim Founders Wars. Fueled by apprehension, the Annu-Elohim, driven by a desire to vanquish the perceived threat posed by the Drakonians, beseeched the Lyran High Council for permission to obliterate their adversaries. Yet, the Council, guided by wisdom and compassion, chose the path of rehabilitation, denying the Annu-Elohim’s request. In their discontent, the Annu-Elohim decided to rebel against the verdict and forge their own destiny. They conspired to overthrow the Lyran High Council, who stood in their way of eliminating the Dracos, regardless of the potential consequences that would follow.

    The Annu-Elohim were aware of the immense power the Universal Star Gates held in Lyra’s Cradle—12D Aramatena, 11D Aveyon, and 10D Vega—which governed the entire holographic matrix. So, they devised a method to manipulate the frequencies emanating from Stargate-11, situated on their planet Aveyon. By reversing the fire letters within Stargate-11, they redirected the powerful energy toward Stargate-12, causing a catastrophic implosion that rendered it inoperable. The resulting explosion also engulfed Aramatena, the planetary template for Stargate-12, in their bid to gain control.

    The repercussions of this Stargate cataclysm were far-reaching, trapping all life forms within the Holographic Time Matrix until the stargate could be repaired millions of years later. These Universal Gates hold immense importance as they are the only means of traveling between dimensions.

    Though the attack was aimed at the Lyran High council, It greatly affected and

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