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The Tarsal Saga: The Tarsal Saga, #1
The Tarsal Saga: The Tarsal Saga, #1
The Tarsal Saga: The Tarsal Saga, #1
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The Tarsal Saga: The Tarsal Saga, #1

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The United Planetary Commission of Earth has returned to reclaim its former colonies among the stars. Follow the Tarsal family as they deal with the invasion of their home world of Springfold and an occupying force bent on revenge. The youngest son, Randal, a member of the Trading Alliance Guard finds himself thrust into the battle to save his and other planets from the grip of the UPC. It is the story of a family at war among the stars.

PublisherAlan Michaels
Release dateSep 1, 2023
The Tarsal Saga: The Tarsal Saga, #1

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    Book preview

    The Tarsal Saga - Alan S. Michaels

    Chapter 1

    Trading Alliance Guard Ship Regency – The attack

    Lieutenant Rand Tarsal awoke to the sound of the alarm Klaxon. He dressed and raced to his duty station in engineering. No drills were scheduled, but the captain liked to keep his crew on their toes.

    A sudden jolt knocked Rand into the instrument console when he entered engineering. Grabbing at the console, Rand searched his instruments for any sign of an engine malfunction. Is this a drill?

    No, there’s a hull breach on the bridge, a panicked reply came from the next console. Ensign Jack Cabot was the newest member of the Regency engineering crew on his first cruise. All hatches to the bridge are sealed.

    Where’s Cdr. Hunter?

    He was on the bridge.

    An explosion rocked the ship. Breach in the forward hold, Cabot screeched.

    Computer, bridge monitor, Rand ordered. The screen showed a tangled mass of wreckage. A body drifted toward a jagged hole where the viewscreen once stood. It rotated and he saw the face, bloated and unrecognizable from the vacuum of space. Rand identified the body by the insignia on the uniform. It belonged to Captain Strong. He pushed the horrific vision from his mind.

    Rand studied the instrument panel in frustration. This clearly wasn't a drill, so how did it happen? There'd been no issues since the overhaul at the Seldon shipyards four months ago. Nothing indicated a problem when Cabot relieved him hours earlier. What went wrong?

    Another explosion rocked the ship.

    It’s the Starboard engine! He started the emergency shutdown procedure. Computer, outside view of the starboard engine. The viewscreen showed a tangled mass of metal and wires where the engine once stood. Behind Regency, an unfamiliar ship approached and launched a missile. The port engine exploded.

    We’re under attack, Rand stammered in disbelief.

    The ship veered away to port, and another ship came into view. It too fired on the Regency. Another blast shook the ship, and Rand’s screen went blank. Who are these people and why have they attacked us?

    We have multiple hull breaches, and life support is failing, Cabot reported.

    Get to the escape pods. Abandon ship! Rand ordered.

    Cabot scramble out the hatch.

    Rand paused and launched the emergency beacon before he followed Cabot. The beacon would send out a distress signal and be a locator for the escape pods.

    Another explosion rocked Regency. Rand stepped through the hatch as a beam fell and blocked the passageway. A crewman, caught under it, screamed in agony, then went silent.

    Cabot crawled to the man. He’s dead, he gasped.

    I can’t get through that way, Rand’s voice quivered. Go! I’ll try for one of the aft pods. He turned and headed up a ladder to the next deck. Another body lay on the deck and the whine of atmosphere leaking into space grabbed his attention. The sound ended abruptly when an emergency hatch automatically sealed that section.

    Rand crawled into an escape pod and initiated the launch sequence. Another blast rocked the ship and threw him against the console. He lost consciousness.

    Chapter 2

    Tarsal Homestead – Planet Springfold

    The morning sun crept into the room where seventeen-year-old Randal Tarsal lay across the bed. He ignored the knock on the door. When it opened, he raised his head to see his mother enter.

    He pulled the sheet over his body. Mother, I don’t have any clothes on!

    Francis Tarsal smiled at her son. If you’d answer when I knock, it wouldn’t be a problem.

    It’s too early to get up. The boy groaned and shoved his face into the pillow.

    Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes. She smiled at her son, Remember, Senator Oberg is joining us, so put on some nice clothes.

    Randal jumped out of bed in a panic, dragging the sheet with him.

    His mother shook her head and closed the door.

    How could I have forgotten Senator Oberg? he asked the air. I hope he hasn’t said anything to Dad.

    He grabbed his clothes, dressed, and checked his appearance in the mirror. The hair stuck out in all directions and he ran his hands through it as he rushed downstairs. Passing the office, his heart stopped. His father and Oberg were talking. The two men were friends from early childhood through their time at the university. Lifelong friends, Oberg often visited the valley when he returned to Springfold. Randal stopped in front of the door and strained to hear the conversation.

    Kristopher Oberg represented the planet of Springfold on the Trading Alliance Council. Randal’s ancestor, Len Tarsal was instrumental in creating the Trading Alliance after the planets rejected the control of the United Planetary Commission of Earth.

    On a previous visit, Randal told Oberg of his dream to attend the Trading Alliance Guard Academy. The senator could recommend his appointment. They discussed the requirements, and with Randal not yet of age, it would require his parents’ permission.

    Jacques remained on Springfold and took over the family vineyard. It was his life as it was for his father before him. Randal feared he wouldn’t approve and without his father’s approval, the dream would come to an end. He loved the valley where he grew up, but the vineyard wasn’t for him.

    Senator Oberg turned and saw the boy at the door. Here he is now, he said to Jacques. Your father tells me you have done quite well in your studies. You’re expected to graduate with honors, I believe? the Senator asked Randal.

    He should have no trouble being accepted into the New Hope University. Jacques looked at his son with pride.

    Randal sighed in relief when he stepped into the room. His father remained unaware.

    If that’s what he wants, the Senator looked the young man in the eyes.

    He looked at the Senator with pleading eyes.

    Jacques looked from the Senator to Randal in confusion.

    Panic gripped Randal’s throat.

    Breakfast is ready, his mother stated as she entered the room. He looked at her with relief.

    The three men followed Francis into the dining room to join the others. Jacques sat at the head of the table and motioned for the Senator to sit on his right.

    The rest of the family, two brothers and a sister and his oldest brother’s wife, were seated around the table. His brother Jean’s two children were fed earlier and sent to their rooms. Being the youngest child, Randal took his seat at the foot of the table next to his mother.

    Platters of eggs, sausage, bacon, and biscuits covered the table, and after Jacques said grace, the meal began.

    Randal filled his plate but picked at his food as he strained to hear the conversation between his father and Senator Oberg at the opposite end of the table.

    Jean and Michael discussed the condition of the vineyard while Kate regaled Rachel with the latest antics of her children. The conversations died down as the siblings watched their youngest brother. Silence settled in the room and Rand looked up to see all eyes were on him. From the head of the table, his father looked at Oberg with raised eyebrows.

    Randal panicked, jumped up, and blurted out, Father, I don’t want to go to New Hope University. You have Jean and Michael to run the vineyard. You don’t need me. I want to join the Guard and go into space.

    Jacques looked at his son, stunned by his action.

    Randal shoved his chair back and fled the room in terror.

    Jacques looked around the table. Was everyone in on this but me? He turned to the Oberg, I suppose this is why you’re here?

    The others returned to their food. Francis looked at her husband and shrugged her shoulders.

    Francis put her arm around her husband and looked out the window at their youngest son on the porch steps.

    Am I such a bad father that my children are afraid to talk to me? Am I that horrible? Jacques asked his wife.

    Francis gave her husband a squeeze and a peck on the cheek. No, you’re not a bad father. The vineyard is your life. It’s different for him. His head was in the clouds from the day he took his first step. He feared it would disappoint you if he left the valley.

    I guess I knew the valley would never hold him.

    Go tell him it’s okay.

    Jacques stepped onto the porch and looked out across the valley in silence.

    Randal hesitated before he spoke. I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.

    I know you didn’t, his father answered. Silence filled the air as he considered his next words. Are you sure this is what you want?

    More than anything else in the world.

    Jacques thought back to the dreams of his youth. The winery was his love and passion but he knew it wasn’t his son’s.

    I want my children to be happy. If the guard is what makes you happy, go with my blessings. Remember, this is your home. There will always be a place for you here.

    Randal looked out across the compound at the vine-covered hills, I will miss it.

    Jacques rested his hand on his son’s shoulder.

    Randal covered the hand with his and felt the stress leave. I love you, Dad.

    Chapter 3

    Childhood’s End – Planet Springfold

    The school year ended, and graduation followed. Randal and Jake spent the summer reliving their youth. The two boys grew up together and were inseparable. William Banister, Jake’s father maintained the equipment used on the homestead. After Jake’s mother died when he was four years old, Francis treated Jake and his father as part of the family. Where Randal led, Jake and the others their age followed.

    Randal and Jake were often found in the equipment barn helping William. Both boys enjoyed learning how mechanical things worked. They played among the houses that lined the road through the valley and were often chased out of the vineyards on one side of the valley. The woods on the bluffs of the other side gave them the opportunity to pretend what great hunters they were.

    Today the valley is in a festive mode. Randal sat on the porch as the residents gathered for the end-of-summer celebration. The grape harvest would soon begin and the young people would return to school. Tables loaded with food covered the yard. Children ran around and got in everyone’s way, enjoying their last holiday of the summer. Madrilène and Philippe, his brother Jean’s two young children, were right in the middle of the chaos. It would be Madrilène’s first year in school. Her brother would enjoy one more year of freedom.

    Jake dodged a group of running children as he joined his friend on the porch. A penny for your thoughts?

    It’s not long ago that was us. Randal pointed toward the children. This valley is all I have ever known. It’ll seem strange to wake up somewhere else. I will miss it.

    We did have some fun times, Jake smiled.

    There were also some not-so-fun times, Randal groaned. Remember the caves?

    How can I forget that? Who came up with the idea? Jake smiled at his friend.

    Me, of course. Rand grimaced. What did our dads think would happen when they told a pair of ten-year-old boys it was too dangerous to go into those caves?

    You led the way with the one flashlight. Every time you went around a bend, those in the back were in the dark. It’s no surprise Ben tripped on that rock and fell.

    When he screamed, it scared the ‘you-know-what’ out of me. Randal giggled. Then he rolled over on his side and I thought something had ripped his face off. Randal grimaced at the memory.

    Who knew a bloody nose could make that big of a mess? Of course, the tears that streamed through the blood and dirt made it look even worse, Jake added.

    We got him up and when he put weight on his foot, he let out another blood-curdling scream. The thought of that sound still sends chills down my spine. Randal shivered.

    You’re our leader, Jake grinned, We’ll follow you anywhere. You also led us to some good adventures. Now you’re off on a new adventure without us.

    There are a lot of memories, Randal sighed.

    I will miss all the good times, Jake agreed. I’m not sure what I’ll do without my fearless leader. Life will be quieter around here.

    You’ll be back after school. Randal sighed.

    Jake looked at his friend. This is your home, you’ll be back.

    Randal looked up at the sky My home will be on a ship floating through space, I’ll be a visitor here.

    The two young men sat quietly, watching the children play.

    I’ll miss you, Jake spoke softly.

    Same here my friend. I wish you could come with me.

    Chapter 4

    Tarsal Homestead – Planet Springfold

    Rand woke when the sun crept over the hills. The anxiety and excitement of his future made it difficult to sleep. Today is the day I leave the valley behind and start my journey to the stars. He sat up and looked around the room where he spent his first eighteen years. This is all part of the past. Ahead of me are four years at the Interplanetary Guard Academy and then a ship to take me far away.

    At the window, he looked out across the valley. The rising sun illuminated the hillside and cast its long shadows through the vineyard. He would miss it.

    He pulled a small bag out of the closet. The recruiter said he could take a few personal items; the Guard would provide all he needed. He packed a clean pair of underwear, just in case. Looking at the pictures on the dresser, he picked one that included the whole family: his mother and dad, Jean, Michael, and Rachel. He added the one of Jake and himself from their last hunting trip and then added the one of Jean’s family.  He would miss watching Philippe and Maddy grow up.

    Rand dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes, picked up the bag, and a light jacket, closed the door, and left his youth behind. The smell of freshly baked biscuits and sausage gravy wafted from the kitchen. From the kitchen door, he watched his mother work at the stove. His father sat at the head of the table entertaining his grandchildren, Philippe and Maddy.

    Hi, Uncle Randal, Maddy squealed when she saw him.

    Sit down, Randal, and I’ll bring your breakfast, Francis told him over her shoulder.

    Randal tousled Philippe’s hair when he passed his nephew.

    Don’t do that, Philippe demanded and he pushed the hand away.

    Rand smiled at his father.

    Good morning, son, Jacques smiled. Guess he’s too old for that.

    Francis set a large plate of biscuits and gravy in front of her son. And what do you two want for breakfast? she asked her grandchildren.

    Pancakes! both shouted in unison.

    Saints be praised; they agree on something, Randal laughed.

    He noticed his mother quickly dab her eyes with the apron she wore.

    Michael walked into the kitchen, followed by Rachel. The spaceman is up pretty early this morning. He joked.

    I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I would see what you looked like this early in the day, Randal laughed. No wonder I don’t get up in the mornings.

    Are you ready for your big day, little brother? Rachel tousled Rand’s hair when she sat next to him.

    I’m definitely too old for that, Rand stated. Jacques laughed.

    Francis sat two more plates of food in front of Michael and Rachel.

    I want pancakes, Grandma, Philippe stated.

    They’ll be ready in a minute, Francis turned a pancake over on the griddle. Grandpa, we need the syrup from the pantry.

    When Francis set down the plates in front of her grandchildren, Jacques picked up a knife and started to cut up Philippe’s pancake.

    I can do that, Philippe stated.

    Do mine, Maddy ordered.

    Jacques obliged, then poured a small amount of syrup over each plate.

    Jean and his wife Marie joined the others in the kitchen.

    Can I help you? Marie asked.

    Go sit down, and I’ll bring your plates over in a minute.

    Marie looked at her father-in-law with raised eyebrows. Jacques smiled and nodded.

    Francis brought the two plates to the table, then sat at the foot of the table, next to her youngest son. The family ate in silence. Rand and Jacques finished, and Rand picked up both plates. He rinsed them and placed them in the sink.

    Jacques stood and motioned for his son to follow. Rand leaned over to his mother and kissed her on the cheek. I love you. Francis dabbed her eyes with her apron and watched her son follow his father down the hall.

    In the office, Jacques turned to his son. It’s a difficult time for your mother, he stated.

    I know, Rand answered quietly.

    It is hard for her to see her last child leave the nest. This old house will seem empty with you at the Academy and Michael and Rachel and even Jake off to New Hope University.

    Philippe and Maddy will keep her busy, Rand suggested.

    Yes. They can be a handful, Jacques agreed. I have to admit I’ll also miss you.

    I love you, Dad, and Mom, too, but I have to do this.

    I know you do. It is the natural order for the child to grow and leave home, but it doesn’t make it any easier. Jacques sat down at his desk and began to shuffle papers. Do you have your things ready? Jacques looked up at his son.

    There wasn’t much to get ready; I set a small bag by the front door.

    Rachel came down the stairs with a large suitcase in her hand. She stuck her head in the office. You ready to go? Jean will bring the transport around front.

    Randal nodded.

    We’re proud of you, Randal. I know you’ll do well, Jacques told his son. He stood, put his arm around Rand, and led him into the hall.

    Francis stood by the open door. Randal hugged his mother. I love you too, Randal, she whispered and wrapped her arms around him.

    Jake waited by the transport while Rachel climbed in. Michael stood by the opened front door. Hurry up, slowpoke, or you’ll miss your flight.

    Randal hurried down the walk, turned, and waved a final farewell before he climbed into the back seat. Michael started to close the door when Rand remembered, I forgot my bag.

    I already got it, Michael told him. It’s in the back.

    Once Michael pushed the door shut and slid into the front seat, Jean started the transport and headed down the lane. Randal looked back at the house where he grew up. Tears flowed down the cheeks of his mother, who stood on the porch arm in arm with his father.

    The last one has left the nest. He’ll do okay, Jacques comforted his wife and blinked back a tear. You taught him well.

    You helped a little, Francis squeezed her husband.

    Jean dropped the quartet on the departure level of the Canberra Transportation Center. The four of them made their way into the terminal building and joined the line at the ticket counter. Randal handed the ticket agent his flight voucher and the agent quickly typed in the information.

    Mr. Tarsal, your flight will leave from gate A-3. Boarding will begin in approximately forty-five minutes. Have a nice flight.

    Thank you, Rand answered and took his boarding pass.

    Jake, Michael, and Rachel finished their check-in and joined Rand.

    We’re at gate B-4, Rachel announced.

    I’m at A-3, Randal answered.

    This is where we part company then, little brother. Michael extended his hand. Stay out of trouble.

    From what I hear, I’ll be too tired to get into trouble, Randal laughed. It’s you that better stay out of trouble. I’ve heard the stories you and Jean tell about what happens at the university. And don’t corrupt Jake either.

    What’s the matter with a little corruption? Jake squawked. Don’t listen to him, Michael. You can corrupt me all you want.

    Ah, another innocent farm boy bites the dust, Rand sighed. Once he sees the city, how’ll you ever get him back on the farm?

    I’ll watch out for him, Rachel assured her brother.

    The four parted with a final hug and headed off in opposite directions. Randal’s thoughts turned to his future. Do I have what it takes to get through the next four years? Will I graduate or be washed out?

    Chapter 5

    Flight to Academy – Planet Springfold

    The gate attendant announced the flight, and Randal boarded. He took a window seat, and in short order, the transport began to move. The ground sped by as the transport moved down the runway and lifted into the air. Too late to back out.

    He looked down on his home world, a beautiful sight from this altitude. In a few years, he would see it from a much higher altitude, from space itself. Humans first viewed the planet of Springfold some four hundred years earlier. The third planet in a Sol-type star system it is located in what science called the sweet spot, the most favorable position in a system for a planet to support life.

    The flight attendants brought around refreshments and then a meal. Randal ate, unaware of the taste or even what was on the tray. All thoughts revolved around his future in the Academy.

    The transport lost altitude, and Randal’s excitement mounted. He saw the water below, and a landmass in the distance, the northern continent of St. Ives grew larger as they approached. The Academy shared the field with the continental transport center and from his window its buildings came into view. Half hidden behind a row of hangers he saw a large stone building with large columns holding up the roof. Other buildings appeared through gaps between the hangers. The craft turned and they disappeared. It came to a stop and the passengers filed into the terminal.

    He spotted the ‘Military Arrivals’ signs and followed them to a doorway in the central terminal, he peeked into the room. A man in a Guard uniform sat behind a desk at the front of the room. Rand ran his fingers through his hair, took a deep breath, and entered. He stopped in front of the desk, unsure what to do next. The man looked up expectantly. Well?

    I am Randal Tarsal.

    And? The man demanded.

    Randal shuffled his feet and stated, I am reporting for the Academy.

    Do you have something for me? the man asked.

    Oh, yes, sir. Randal stammered then reached into his bag for the viddoc.

    The man took the device and looked at it. He checked a list on his desk and laid it with the pile

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