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Girl, Let Go or Be Dragged!: A Girlfriend's Guide to Not Getting Played or Playing Herself!
Girl, Let Go or Be Dragged!: A Girlfriend's Guide to Not Getting Played or Playing Herself!
Girl, Let Go or Be Dragged!: A Girlfriend's Guide to Not Getting Played or Playing Herself!
Ebook83 pages1 hour

Girl, Let Go or Be Dragged!: A Girlfriend's Guide to Not Getting Played or Playing Herself!

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Should You Let Go, or Should You Hold On? Hmm… that is the Question!

Ever been in a relationship where you thought to yourself after a while “how in the heck did I get here, and how did I end up here with him?” Was there ever a time where you’ve honestly just felt foolish or stupid for being in certain relationships? If you’re like many of us – you have!

In Girl, Let Go or Be Dragged, author Shenise Truesdell offers a guide of proven actionable steps to help you avoid toxic relationships or leave those you’re already in.

As an etiquette consultant, Shenise stresses the importance of what she considers Etiquette 101, Be kind to you, first!

Being kind to yourself means making tough but healthy decisions, especially in your romantic connections to help avoid heartbreaks in the first place. This book delves into the lives of brave individuals whose stories provide insight into overcoming toxic situations and dodging them completely. Consider it a guide for introspection and self-reflection that will set you on the path to a healthier and wiser you!

The wisdom you will glean from this book:

• Trusting your intuition
• Setting and enforcing personal boundaries
• Making men earn the privilege of exclusivity to you
• Prevent being played or taken advantage of
• Being wary of dating men with low self-esteem
• Taking personal responsibility where it’s due
• And more!

If you’d rather cut through the hurt & pain of failed relationships, learn steps to love on yourself the way you deserve, and follow a proven roadmap that will save your emotions, sanity, and time, then Girl, Let Go or Be Dragged is for you!

Stay F.N.F.
Release dateAug 30, 2023
Girl, Let Go or Be Dragged!: A Girlfriend's Guide to Not Getting Played or Playing Herself!

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    Book preview

    Girl, Let Go or Be Dragged! - Shenise Truesdell


    They say wisdom is knowledge applied. One of the best expressions of wisdom is learning from the experiences and faults of others to prevent making those same mistakes. This book is a collection of experiences of brave women from all walks of life who share their stories. Their experiences are meant to serve as that wisdom.

    As a woman, society has trained me to put others first. As an etiquette consultant, I teach how to extend courtesy and kindness to others. Seldom has anyone encouraged me to extend that same courtesy and kindness to myself, so I had to do it. I’m now extending that permission to you.

    Etiquette 101: Be Kind to You, First!

    Matthew 22:39 tells us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and I believe that verse is a great representation of my Etiquette 101 theory. Furthermore, the question I ponder is, could we genuinely be kind to others if we are not first kind to ourselves?

    Particularly, in romantic connections, we need to be kinder to ourselves by making healthier decisions. This book will help you understand some of the unhealthy choices you might be making in your relationships that may be putting you in a position to be taken advantage of. This guide will help you identify these choices and decide when it’s time to let go or get dragged!

    Note: Aliases replace real names to conceal the identities of the brave women who shared their experiences in this book.

    She is soft, but I have made her strong;

    You can’t imagine what she can endure and overcome.

    Even when she’s been done wrong and has endured the unthinkable,

    Her heart knows no contrition

    Her love she still gives with no conditions

    The most lovely and precious of all my creation,

    So I gifted her with the spirit of insight and intuition




    They say a woman’s intuition can never steer her wrong, but how many of us trust ourselves enough to rely on our instincts for guidance?

    We live in a logic-based society where endless information is at our fingertips, so if we make a claim, we have to back it up with facts. Therefore, since it’s hard to prove intuition with science before the truth of a situation makes itself known, people don’t take it as seriously as they should. Because our gut feelings are so often undervalued, it’s easy to ignore them when something feels off.

    We owe it to ourselves to trust what we feel, or at least explore and inquire a bit more until that feeling is settled. This is not a green light to make wild accusations based on biased or desired outcomes. In fact, confronting people, especially our romantic partners, without having any type of evidence to substantiate our claims, is a recipe for anger and resentment. Instinct alone is never enough. At times, we might feel paranoid when feelings of uncertainty or insecurity arise, but when we understand that our makeup as human beings is more spiritual than physical, we stop ignoring when our gut tells our heart the truth. The more we practice using our intuition, the more comfortable we feel relying on it. It is a wise practice to utilize our intuition in all of our connections, but especially when it comes to romance. When we experience negative vibes in our romantic relationships, it’s our responsibility to observe words and actions more keenly and ask pointed questions that will lead us to the answers we seek. When our bodies are communicating to us that something is not right, we need to trust this inherent protection.

    Jeanette was dating a gentleman for a few months. One day he asked her to pack a bag and stay at his place for a few days, which wasn’t out of the ordinary for them. She packed her bag, stayed over, and shared a wonderful evening with him on the first night. The next day, she drove him to work because his vehicle was out of commission, and then she went on to work herself. They spoke throughout the day as usual, and everything was going smoothly. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and butterflies filled the Atlanta sky. As lunchtime approached, she thought about her beau and offered to pick up food for him since she had to run an errand near his job. He worked in luxury car sales, and they were in their busiest season, so he told her he was too busy to even have lunch and politely declined her offer.

    After she finished her errand, she headed back to work. Jeanette was new to Atlanta and would often get lost, and since she only had an hour-long break, she wanted to be sure to get food and make it back on time. However, there was something strange about the drive back to work. She said something told her to go the direction opposite of where she needed to go, so she did. Suddenly, it was as if a force took over the car and was driving her, turn-by-turn. In nearly a daze, Jeanette repeatedly asked herself, Where are you going, girl? Why are you driving toward this way? She finally arrived in front of a place that was familiar to

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