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Numerology Secrets Part 1: Numerology
Numerology Secrets Part 1: Numerology
Numerology Secrets Part 1: Numerology
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Numerology Secrets Part 1: Numerology

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Numerology uses numbers as a key to human behavior. It is an easy-to-learn method that exercises the mind’s intuitive faculty to fathom the depths of human personality.
Numerologists have to forget their own identities and devote themselves totally to exploring the personalities of others. They must learn to become calm and empty before they are able to use their intuition. Practicing the art of numerology creates endurance, patience, and pointedness. Experience teaches numerologists more than books can teach. The information contained in books only opens the windows of the mind. One then has to work with one’s personal understanding of that information. Information alone is not knowledge; direct experience must be added before information becomes knowledge. Numerology is simple to learn and very engaging, like the creative arts. It teaches one sympathy toward others.
For a numerologist the planets become embodied in a human form, and he or she can closely observe them as a part of the cosmic play.
Those people who do not allow themselves the freedom of seeing the influence of the celestial and astral bodies cannot observe this play. Planets for them are objects in outer space that have no influence on their physical and mental make-up. To them all predictive sciences are useless. People who have
time, faith, and enough patience, however, can watch this play and learn from it the lessons that will guide the consciousness of coming generations.
Numerology is not a complete science. It is just one branch of the predictive sciences. To be a good numerologist one must become a good observer and a patient listener. Study of physiognomy and astrology is very necessary. Numerology is much simpler than astrology and does not require complicated mathematical calculations. There are just three things a numerologist needs to know: the day of the month a person was born, the numerological value of his or her popular name, and the person’s total birth information (date, month, and year). From astrology, the numerologist needs to know about all the zodiac signs, and a person’s day of birth, sun sign, and moon sign. In India, the season during which a person was born also has to be known, since that has an effect on one’s temperament. Certain information from physiognomy needs to be learned as well, such as how the shape and form of the various body parts correlate with an individual’s thinking process. (It is known, for example, that the perceptual world of tall people is different from that of short people.)
The purpose of working with numbers is to save energy. People who act without a proper understanding of the right moment to start a job waste a lot of energy by making the wrong moves. Numerology provides the knowledge for such things as how to select the right moment, the right relationship, the right dwelling place—thereby saving energy.
Release dateAug 21, 2023
Numerology Secrets Part 1: Numerology

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    Numerology Secrets Part 1 - Saket Shah

    Copyright Details

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2022 by Saket Shah

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review.

    First Ebook edition June 2022


    Dear Reader,

    Numerology uses numbers as a key to human behavior. It is an easy-to-learn method that exercises the mind’s intuitive faculty to fathom the depths of human personality.

    Numerologists have to forget their own identities and devote themselves totally to exploring the personalities of others. They must learn to become calm and empty before they are able to use their intuition. Practicing the art of numerology creates endurance, patience, and pointedness. Experience teaches numerologists more than books can teach. The information contained in books only opens the windows of the mind. One then has to work with one’s personal understanding of that information. Information alone is not knowledge; direct experience must be added before information becomes knowledge. Numerology is simple to learn and very engaging, like the creative arts. It teaches one sympathy toward others.

    For a numerologist the planets become embodied in a human form, and he or she can closely observe them as a part of the cosmic play.

    Those people who do not allow themselves the freedom of seeing the influence of the celestial and astral bodies cannot observe this play. Planets for them are objects in outer space that have no influence on their physical and mental make-up. To them all predictive sciences are useless. People who have

    time, faith, and enough patience, however, can watch this play and learn from it the lessons that will guide the consciousness of coming generations.

    Numerology is not a complete science. It is just one branch of the predictive sciences. To be a good numerologist one must become a good observer and a patient listener. Study of physiognomy and astrology is very necessary. Numerology is much simpler than astrology and does not require complicated mathematical calculations. There are just three things a numerologist needs to know: the day of the month a person was born, the numerological value of his or her popular name, and the person’s total birth information (date, month, and year). From astrology, the numerologist needs to know about all the zodiac signs, and a person’s day of birth, sun sign, and moon sign. In India, the season during which a person was born also has to be known, since that has an effect on one’s temperament. Certain information from physiognomy needs to be learned as well, such as how the shape and form of the various body parts correlate with an individual’s thinking process. (It is known, for example, that the perceptual world of tall people is different from that of short people.)

    The purpose of working with numbers is to save energy. People who act without a proper understanding of the right moment to start a job waste a lot of energy by making the wrong moves. Numerology provides the knowledge for such things as how to select the right moment, the right relationship, the right dwelling place—thereby saving energy .

    The Sun and Number 1

    The Sun is the ruling planet of people born on day 1, 10, 19, or 28 of any month, or whose destiny or name number adds up to 1. The qualities of the Sun described below are most clearly visible in people who have a psychic number of 1.

    The Sun is the father of our solar system, around which all of our planets revolve. All living forms within our solar system depend on the Sun for their life force. Any planet that is in conjunction with the Sun loses its power; any planet that comes too near the Sun becomes retrograde. King of the solar system, the Sun follows the laws inherent in the particles of energy, the cosmic law. The Sun, known for its regularity of movement, completes one revolution around its own axis in twenty-five days.

    According to the Hindu scriptures, the Sun is the dwelling place of ancestors and is the first of eight vasus (dwelling places of consciousness). The luminous, effulgent mass, visible with the naked eye, is the Sun’s body; its consciousness is represented by a kshatriya (warrior king) on his chariot, driven by seven horses (which represent the seven rays of light). His chariot moves steadily on a solitary wheel.

    The Sun gives an assertive, individualistic, exuberant, and proud nature.

    The Sun represents a purifying male energy. Associated with Vishnu, the Lord of preservation, the Sun is characterized as having a stable and selfless nature, one that is strong, firm, authoritative, royal, and respectable. It is lord of the East. The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are friends to the Sun. Saturn, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu (north and south nodes of Moon) are its enemies. Mercury has a neutral relationship with the Sun.

    According to astrologers, the Sun passes through one of the twelve zodiac signs each month. The Sun is exalted (at its peak) in Aries; this power decreases gradually, until the Sun passes Virgo. From Libra onward, the energy starts its full descent and becomes weakest when it reaches the zodiac sign Pisces. From there, it again rises to its peak in Aries. It rules the zodiac sign Leo.

    The Sun influences the intellect—it makes its natives masculine, authoritative, harsh, strong, witty, extroverted, helpful to friends, and brutal to enemies. Like a lion, the upper torso of a native influenced by the Sun is more developed than the lower half. They become famous and achieve top positions in their field of work. Sun natives have bile-dominated temperaments. The Sun rules over the right eye, right nostril, pingala nadi (right channel), the right side of the body, and the left hemisphere of the brain.

    Psychic Number 1

    One is the psychic number of those born on day 1, 10, 19, or 28 of any month.

    Psychic number 1 people are ruled by the Sun, which gives them fixity of purpose and ideas. They tend to adhere to their ideas, especially when convinced that they are on the right track. It is difficult to persuade them to change their mode of behavior, opinion, conviction, or decision. They also formulate their ideas quickly.

    They have a clear understanding and a particular point of view, which dominates throughout all the things they do in life. They are sober, solid, punctual, and clear in their expressions.

    They have a strong individuality and need a lot of attention and respect; they are themselves caring for others and wish others to reciprocate. They make friends easily and break friendships with difficulty.

    They are authoritative

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