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Untold Riches
Untold Riches
Untold Riches
Ebook35 pages30 minutes

Untold Riches

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About this ebook

"Untold Riches" is an autobiographical narrative that transports readers back to the storied yet tumultuous era of the 1960s. Through the eyes of a young man, readers traverse the gritty realities that belied the popular perceptions of the 'Swinging Sixties', 'Flower Power', and 'Free Love'. The protagonist offers an unvarnished look into his life journey, starting from a difficult childhood marked by educational setbacks and harsh corporal punishments, to a youth fraught with laborious jobs and encounters with the law.


This gripping memoir takes a transformative turn when, at a particularly low point in his life, he meets an enigmatic benefactor who alters his life path in ways he could never have anticipated. This poignant tale morphs into a testament to human kindness, the power of mentorship, and the unexpected corners where life-changing opportunities can be found.


The book not only narrates a personal journey from despondence to newfound hope but also evolves into a medium of wisdom transfer, urging readers to take part in a seemingly mystical chain of knowledge dissemination. It promises potential readers a transformative experience, hinting at secrets that could change their lives if they pledge to continue the cycle and share the wisdom contained within its pages.


The narrative combines elements of autobiography with a philosophical undertone, offering not just a story but a potential guide to a fulfilling and enriched life, grounded in a mysterious but potent secret. It teases a journey from rags to riches, where the true treasure seems to transcend material wealth, hinting at spiritual and personal growth.


"Untold Riches" beckons readers to immerse themselves in a compelling story of resilience, transformation, and enlightenment, urging them to become part of a legacy of wisdom-sharing that promises untold rewards.

Release dateSep 4, 2023
Untold Riches

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    Book preview

    Untold Riches - Victor Richfield

    Welcoming Message

    Congratulations on your decision to purchase the formula you now hold in your hands. You are a step ahead of the crowd simply by inviting in this treasure. Let us first get one or two points out of the way. Hopefully, you were not expecting too much by way of presentation.

    Upon coming across this material and the absolutely amazing things it achieved for me, not in months nor weeks but in days, I was so enthused that my initial reaction was to keep it to myself despite having promised the old man to pass it on to the world. I thought otherwise, when, in one of my dreams, I encountered a disturbing dream. It centered around the manuscript. I dreamed of meeting a bedraggled old man clutching This Manuscript in its original longhand and screaming abuse at me.

    Disillusioned and somewhat shaken by how events were turning out, I decided to take a couple of days off from the problem. And here, I believe, I was given my first practical example of how immensely powerful this formula is. Stepping off the train in one of our great Northern cities, and determined to make the most of my short break, I headed for the bookstore, where I have spent not an inconsiderable part of my life. I can think of nothing more than simply browsing through bookstores, and this one in particular.

    Now, to many, it will be obvious from my prose that I am no intellectual, nor do I profess to be one. I just like books. Anyway, not too many yards short of my favorite bookshop, I encountered a gentleman on the street. It's not uncommon, I know, in any major city. But this man actually made a bee-line for me. He accepted the coin I gave him and thanked me, then followed me for several yards. With not the least sign of aggression, he took hold of my arm. Some of the greatest teachers you know, came dressed as laborers. Keep it simple, lad. And that was it: The old man looked just as astounded as me, turned, and shuttled off.

    I know the story sounds contrived, but you have my word that it is the absolute truth. I have no reason to lie, and I am sure that in the fullness of time you will also look at the words you have written in the sincerity of your experiences, and shake your head in disbelief.

    Anyway, that was all

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