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KUNDALINI AWAKENING: Unleash Your Inner Potential and Transcend to Higher Consciousness (2023 Beginner's Guide)
KUNDALINI AWAKENING: Unleash Your Inner Potential and Transcend to Higher Consciousness (2023 Beginner's Guide)
KUNDALINI AWAKENING: Unleash Your Inner Potential and Transcend to Higher Consciousness (2023 Beginner's Guide)
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KUNDALINI AWAKENING: Unleash Your Inner Potential and Transcend to Higher Consciousness (2023 Beginner's Guide)

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"Kundalini Awakening: Unleash Your Inner Potential and Transcend to Higher Consciousness" is your definitive guide to the mystical journey of Kundalini awakening, a profound and transformative process that unlocks your hidden energy and elevates your consciousness to unprecedented heights. Dive deep into the rea

PublisherMarlon Rowse
Release dateSep 4, 2023
KUNDALINI AWAKENING: Unleash Your Inner Potential and Transcend to Higher Consciousness (2023 Beginner's Guide)

Marlon Rowse

Marlon Rowse, based in Los Angeles, California, is a spiritual guide and practitioner of Kundalini awakening. With a deep understanding of the ancient concepts and techniques involved, Marlon is dedicated to helping individuals unleash their inner potential and transcend to higher consciousness. "Kundalini Awakening" is a testament to his commitment to sharing this transformative knowledge.


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    Marlon Rowse


    First published by Marlon Rowse 2023

    Copyright © 2023 by Marlon Rowse

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    Unleash Your Inner Potential and Transcend to Higher Consciousness (2023 Beginner’s Guide)

    Marlon Rowse



    Kundalini is a Sanskrit term that refers to the main energy force that exists in all of us and

    is located at the base of the spine. Its primary significance is the curled one, which portrays how Kundalini energy dwells within the spine. This tremendous force is dormant and underutilized in many individuals. Different extraterrestrial traditions educate Kundalini awakening for various reasons, but precisely to get enlightenment.

    Depending on one’s situation and knowledge, Kundalini’s awakening may be a wonderful or terrifying event.

    Kundalini energy is not widely recognized in the scientific community, despite the fact that researchers are beginning to conduct experiments. Even inside the reflecting network, a real understanding of Kundalini is rare and limited. Regardless, Yoga and Tantra teachings

    from both Hindu and Buddhist traditions extensively discuss this wonder. Some people associate Kundalini’s energy with transformation or creativity.

    Kundalini is a true experience and a bodily feeling for some.

    When The Awakening of Kundalini was originally published in 1975, the concept of Kundalini, and even the phrase itself, were foreign to Western society. It has been more well-known and better understood since then. Yoga and meditation have grown in popularity over the last three decades as people express a real desire for self- knowledge and understanding of higher states of consciousness.

    Tragically, many people have embarked on their journey without realizing the true purpose of Yoga or the tool responsible for higher states of consciousness—Kundalini.

    That is why this book has such exceptional value. Gopi Krishna clarifies the ancient concept of

    Kundalini by locating and resolving two essential questions: What is the precise meaning of Yoga, and what is the actual goal of meditation? Gopi Krishna elaborates at length on the fact that meditation isn’t always beneficial. He draws a distinction between detached contemplation, in which musings are allowed to float, and dynamic meditation, in which an alarm-centered perspective is required for the best possible results: …alpha and theta states are the polar opposite of the mindful aspects essential for brain development. They have their own motivation for rest, discharge, and unwinding, but there can be no more obvious blunder than making them seem to be illuminative or imaginative states…"

    Meditation and other Yogic controls may cause insanity in India; however, this danger seems to have been overlooked by twentieth-century otherworldly instructors and their subordinates. Gopi Krishna was the first to consider the potential negative effects of meditation.

    His experience was firsthand. Gopi Krishna had an unrestrained Kundalini awakening at the age of 34, after consistently pondering for about seventeen years. I abruptly felt a weird sensation underneath the base of the spine, at the spot contacting the seat, he says of that December morning in 1937. The feeling was so unusual and delightful that my attention was pulled to it… Suddenly, with thunder like a waterfall, I felt a flood of fluid light enter my consciousness via the spinal cord… I was never again myself… in any case, I was a large hover of awareness in which the body was still a point, showered in light and in a difficult-to-describe state of praise and delight."

    When the underlying sensation subsided, Gopi Krishna reflected on what had happened to him. Is it correct to suggest he was daydreaming? Had he had any supernatural encounters? He recalled from his reading the discovery of an important component known as Kundalini, which, when activated, transforms regular human awareness into mystical experiences. Had

    he been lucky enough to succeed where so many other earnest seekers had failed? In this way, he began his long-term exploration of the Kundalini experience, Yoga, and higher states of consciousness.

    Gopi Krishna spent the first year following his unexpected awakening trying to survive and understand what was going on within him. During this period, he experienced astonishingly both real and intellectual, as the energy, which was first aroused in its gloomy structure, stumbled between life and death, revealing the integrity of his own accelerated developmental change. He had no trained researchers or professors to restrain him during this critical moment. He made do with the love and support of his family, as well as divine allotment. Around 1950, the existence of stirred composing distinguished another steady stage in his enlarged awareness. The transformation of his body and intellect allows you a glimpse of the vast knowledge that existed till his death in 1984.

    Gopi Krishna realized the importance of this event for all mankind as he saw Kundalini change his system. He acknowledged Kundalini as the developing force in the man responsible for spiritual experiences, virtuoso and clairvoyant abilities, and certain types of dysfunctional conduct. However, he saw that without a valid rational analysis, the amazement would not be paid attention to or correctly appreciated.

    Gopi Krishna’s viewpoint on Kundalini’s research included three lines of inquiry. It was based on the belief that Kundalini is the psycho- physiological system responsible for human progress and higher states of awareness. These are the examination routes:

    Literary Investigation

    Case Studies and Interviews

    Kundalini Research Project

    The major step, Literary Research, consists of an analysis of ancient, recondite oral and written norms, as well as an examination of the lives and

    works of 25 amazing mystics and masters. The goal of this stage is to connect the mental and physiological aspects responsible for the mystic/virtuoso’s experiences.

    The following stage—Interviews and Case Studies—consists of meetings with clinical experts and social workers involved in the consideration and treatment of the intellectually disturbed, direct contextual investigations of the equivalent, as well as broadly exposed notices illustrating the traditional side effects of a Kundalini awakening. The purpose of this stage is to gather as much factual information as possible from persons experiencing Kundalini awakening symptoms. The relevance of this stage is discussed in the section under The Dangers of Partial Awareness. Numerous people are having unrestricted Kundalini experiences. Without realizing what is happening to them, people are commonly labeled as ‘frantic,’ or they permanently harm their health by failing to change their ways of living in the healthiest way possible.

    The third step, the Kundalini Experimental Project, is part of a Kundalini Clinic designed to screen and guide persons experiencing the purgatorial side effects of Kundalini awakening.

    This logical examination piques the curiosity of a big number of Westerners. When I first met Gopi Krishna in 1976, it was his zeal for a well-organized report that struck me the most. As a researcher, I was impressed by the man’s sincerity and genuine willingness to submit to the findings of a rational study.

    Gopi Krishna recognized the importance of science in our day. He realized that, in general, people would not accept the Kundalini hypothesis without proof. This is exactly as it should be. It is up to those of us who are now interested in the issue to pursue this investigation so that individuals in the future might benefit from mindfulness while also being prepared

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