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The Little Book that Told the Truth Vol. 01: Even Good People Go to Hell Too!
The Little Book that Told the Truth Vol. 01: Even Good People Go to Hell Too!
The Little Book that Told the Truth Vol. 01: Even Good People Go to Hell Too!
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The Little Book that Told the Truth Vol. 01: Even Good People Go to Hell Too!

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Why do you need to read this book? Simply for eternal salvation and everlasting life. Also, to be able to differentiate the truth from false religious doctrines. You see, the world has you thinking that if you are a good person, a good citizen, you feed the poor, you give to charity, you help the elderly, you volunteer in a hospital, you serve your community, and so on that you then die and automatically go to heaven. Wrong. The truth is Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It's not about how good you are. It's about what he did for you. So if you want to know the truth, I challenge you to read this book cover to cover, and I will promise you that you will change and receive the answers to the questions that rattle your mind. You will look at the world in a different light, and your spiritual eye will be opened. In addition, most people think that if they accept Jesus, they automatically go to heaven. Well, they are correct. But what they don't take to account is consequences. You see, you can be born again, and your final destination will be heaven. But you probably get there a little quicker and with much pain and suffering. You see, when you get born again, the battle starts right there and then. You are marked. And this pertains to believers. But if you haven't accepted Jesus, well life has never begun for you because you are spiritually dead. You see, a nonbeliever understands man's laws, good and bad. But what a nonbeliever needs to understand is salvation. Now salvation is not a license to sin, whether you are saved or unsaved. You will have to deal with consequences of your sin. Salvation simply means your final eternal destination. In this book, you will discover truth and everlasting life. And the truth will set you free.

In addition, there are many topics that I cover in this little book that will greatly bless you in your spiritual walk in life. I pray you discover them all in Jesus name. Amen.

Release dateSep 5, 2023
The Little Book that Told the Truth Vol. 01: Even Good People Go to Hell Too!

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    The Little Book that Told the Truth Vol. 01 - Luis Hernandez


    The Little Book that Told the Truth Vol. 01

    Even Good People Go to Hell Too!

    Luis Hernandez

    ISBN 979-8-88540-036-7 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88540-038-1 (hardcover)

    ISBN 979-8-88540-037-4 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Luis Hernandez

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    The Message

    Jesus's Love Is So Great!

    Nothing Is Free

    Before You Leave, You Must Know

    The End from the Beginning


    The Electrical Box: Flip the Switch

    You Don't Outsmart the Devil with Intellect

    Gay People Can Find Christ and Be Saved Too

    God Is Not in Control, So Stop Blaming Him

    Using God as an Excuse

    Why an Unsaved Person Thinks a Christian Is a Hypocrite

    Three-Part Being

    Man-Saved or Toddler Spiritual Baby/Baby Christian

    The Root Cause of Things

    Why Read the Bible?

    God Gives Us Time to Separate Us from Eternity

    The Devil Can't Curse What God Has Blessed

    The Choice/Everyone Wants God's Promises

    Speaking in Tongues

    Can God Lie?

    God's Prosperity Pie

    Money Made Under the Curse vs. the Blessing

    Kingdom Business or the Devil's Business?

    Does God Need Your Money? (Tithing and Offerings)

    What's the Best Job?

    What Is in Your Bank Account

    Why Most People Couldn't Tell You What Christmas Really Means

    You Never Personally Help People, God Does!

    Old Covenant (The Law), New Covenant of Grace—What's the Difference?

    Nugget Notes from Heaven

    Church Can't Teach You Everything/God Can't Do All Things

    Is There Sex in Heaven?

    Everyone Is a Believer—Just Which One Are You?

    In Whose Name Are You Asking?

    The Real Birth Certificate (The Baptism)

    The Success Vertical Alignment

    God Will Never Violate Your Will (Choose Wisely)

    Why the Bible Doesn't Make Sense to a Non-Born Again Scholar

    The Devil Looks at You Like a Rubik's Cube

    Even Good People Go to Hell Too

    Favor Is Not Fair

    Man Faith or the God Kind of Faith—What's the difference?

    Speak to the Problem, Not God—He Gave You the Authority

    Religion Is the Gift the Devil Gives to a Christian and the World to Keep Them in Bondage

    The Destruction of Religion

    God's Garden

    Why Seven?

    Simple Prayer of Salvation

    About the Author

    I dedicate this book to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lord take my pen and touch countless lives all over the world.


    My goal for writing this book is to inspire primarily any nonbeliever to find truth and seek God, Jesus Christ, the hope of glory for themselves!—for them to accept him and have eternal life, gain control, take authority over the devil, clear the fog from the devil's lies, become a weapon for the Lord, touch countless lives across the globe, read the Bible for themselves, learn God's promises for their life, destroy religious thinking that keeps people in bondage, expose the devil, and win souls for Jesus Christ in this spiritual war that we are all in. Amen!

    I was the least likely to be chosen, but God chose me.

    I was the least likely person for God to use to write this masterpiece. God didn't just give me a book to write to be a best seller but a masterpiece. I don't want to sound arrogant, but it was not me who wrote it. The Holy Spirit wrote it. I was just a vessel he used to bring it forth to the world and to touch countless lives. I was the person that didn't want to read, didn't like school, or anything to do with grammar. I mean I ran away from it, but God had another plan. He introduced his masterpiece through a person like me because he knew that there would be no denying that it was 100 percent the works of the Lord. I give all the credit, all the glory to the Lord for this masterpiece that will change the world and bring people to Christ Jesus, the hope of glory. This book will be translated in multiple languages, including braille and be distributed throughout all seven continents and will turn Muslim into Christians, Buddhists into Christians, Hindus into Christians, Atheist into Christians, Agnostics into Christians and any nonbelievers into a Christian in Jesus name, amen!

    The Message

    The gospel of Grace is simply the message of reconciliation between God and man through Jesus Christ. We must spread this all over the world. Jesus died for us, but we must accept the gift. It will never be forced upon us. God will never violate your will! Remember, the devil demanded everyone to die. God gave us a choice, and that's the big difference between the two. One demands, the other gives you a choice. Thank God we have a choice. What a wonderful gift that is from our heavenly Father. He gave us a will (will power).

    God will never violate your will or go back on his Word, such a strong force. But the devil, on the other hand, wants to break your will power and place his demands on you and force you to do his work. And I know you are going to tell me that doing bad things is easy and that no one has to force you to do bad things because they are almost automatic, and yes, I would agree with that. We live in a fallen world, so doing bad is no problem because the unseen forces of the devil are so active, and we are born inclined to sin. But when you turn yourself to the Lord and receive the Holy Ghost, he is the only one that can help you fight the good fight. He is the deliverer, the comforter through troubled times for me and you. His power can deliver us from temptation, because without him, our flesh is weak. In addition, God's best gift to us is free will (the ability to choose), but at the same time it can be the worst gift because we can choose against him who created us all (God). I pray after you are done reading this book in its entirety that you make the right choice in Jesus name. Amen!

    In closing, I will mention this last thing to drive my point home. Separation must exist first in order for war to ever take place. This is why the devil created religion and separated everyone into different religious groups. Implementing segregation and confusion mixed with deception are some of the weapons of the devil. This is why we can't have peace on earth. The real peace will come only when Jesus, our risen King, comes back to establish his kingdom on earth, which is a government, not a religion. This is why you need to become a citizen of the kingdom of heaven before you take your last breath. Christianity is a citizenship process, but the devil made the world think it is a religion just like the other religious groups on earth that believe in false gods and the false belief systems that the devil concocted and had led them to in order to take control of them and win their souls. But if you are caught up in religion—for example, Catholicism—or any other form of what the world defines as a Christian religion and you believe and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then all the devil is doing is keeping you contained and tied down so that you won't find your true purpose in life and impact the world as God designed you to do. But everyone else that is not of a Christian-based belief group is flat-fooled by the devil completely, and we must inform them and preach the good news of the kingdom of heaven which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Look it up for yourself.

    Mark 1:15 is the first message Jesus preached. Now that you have read this message, grab on to it and become a citizen of the kingdom of heaven by accepting the gift of God, which is Jesus Christ who died for us. He is the key that opens the door for you to come into heaven and enjoy the benefits of the common wealth of heaven. Don't bother to look for any other doors; there are none, but Jesus Christ the hope of glory. Now do you see why you need to understand this message? By you grasping this message, it will also unlock the door to effective prayer to know your rights as a citizen of the kingdom of heaven, which is the written Word of God, and all his promises and quote them to God in Jesus's name. But religious members are caught up in works, rituals, and self-righteousness. This makes them powerless and infective. The devil knows this because he was once a citizen of the kingdom of heaven, so he knows the rights of a citizen firsthand, and he knows the Word of God and uses the Word of God against baby Christians in the form of false doctrines and religious beliefs. I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that this information gives you a revelation of the kingdom of heaven and of its laws of operations that will create in you a transformation and will bring forth manifestation in your life. Amen!

    Jesus's Love Is So Great!

    Jesus's love is so great that it is like someone coming into your home and beating you, and then the victim of the violent attack turns around and tells the attacker, I love you, and I will make you dinner, and you are welcome in my house forever. Now that's love that the human mind can't comprehend, but the Holy Spirit can because that is what you and I do to God himself when we side with the devil. And what I mean by siding with the devil is when we sin, that's exactly what we are doing. We are spitting in God's

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