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The Beauty of Contemplation
The Beauty of Contemplation
The Beauty of Contemplation
Ebook112 pages1 hour

The Beauty of Contemplation

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About this ebook

These are philosophical, metaphoric, and poetic ramblings that provide a deep psychological insight into the human experience through the lens of the past and the present, which cures the soul's conflict with itself and gives the human body some backbone when one's past becomes our future. Footprints form the trail; the backbone being our faith and spiritual journey, upon which we decide to walk, recognizing the prints that form the trail we should follow.

Release dateSep 16, 2023
The Beauty of Contemplation

Russell Tulloch

The author is a professional who has a varied background in customer service and sales. He loves playing and watching sports, including traveling, and occasionally he reads a few good books by quite a few admired authors in genres such as thrillers to historical and autobiographical selections. 

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    Book preview

    The Beauty of Contemplation - Russell Tulloch


    Wisdom of Silence

    Civil Endorsement

    Love-What is that?





    Honor and Respect

    Renewal of Faith


    Who’s Real




    Special Thanks

    I would like to thank the past (all the people, experiences, things), the present (all the people, experiences, things), and the future to come for what I have learned, did learn, and will learn. May it never stop because life will never stop; just the flesh and the world.

    Thanks also to my family past and present who stood/stand strong in order to carry on before they were/are gone.

    KUDOS! Thank you to all those who will read, are reading, did read, and have read this book!


    I would like to especially say sorry to those on the island of Maui, part of the Hawaii Islands that was devastated by the fire and wind.

    To all those whose loved ones lost their lives, may you remember them as heroes and fighters and my wish for you is that you find peace in their memories as you prosper in your newfound glory that is coming.

    For those who lost their dwellings and other assets, I am sincerely sorry that this happened but I am truly indebted to you because your strength is all inspiring. Fighters will always recover regardless and I know the road to recovery has already begun with your determination.

    To all the other victims of disasters within the Americas, which includes South America, Canada, and all the other territories therein, as well as persons going through the same in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and all other territories around the world, my condolences to you and your families and I wish for you blessings and prosperity as you forge ahead in your battles. 


    These are philosophical, metaphoric, and poetic ramblings that provide a deep psychological insight into the human experience through the lens of the past and the present, which cures the soul’s conflict with itself and gives the human body some backbone when one’s past becomes our future. Footprints form the trail; the backbone being our faith and spiritual journey, upon which we decide to walk, recognizing the prints that form the trail we should follow.


    To explain the purpose for this interaction between you and I is difficult, in that, the thoughts put down here, were conceived for some time prior and have been part of a learned process of development in its profoundness. My expressions belong only to me, yet they are common to the common and the uncommon. Those who have not yet experienced these words can only be the unborn or the infant who lacks the ability to understand his surroundings. His parents live it for him, whether separate or apart. Their understanding of life will always be.

    I seek only to justify my own understanding of life, while in observance of humanity; knowing full well that our experiences are never-ending, and will continue to be shaped by new behaviors and new technologies in the absence of our stubbornness to learn what is the meaning of our creation. We do age gracefully from the infant to the aged, but as time deals wonderfully with us, our resistance to what our new surroundings show us, becomes greater because of the difficulties in absorbing new things when our intellect becomes our former glory. We say I’m not as young as I used to be. Almost cliché. I do hope this is not my case but why should someone else create it? It’s sometimes not our fault, but most times it is our obstinacy that lends itself to our mental degradation, as we feel we no longer need to understand new things or people except our own families, and even then, we reject our heir’s modern family.

    Our explanation may be in the perceived morality that we exhibited; expectations and conscience being our guide when we were younger. But what’s the puzzlement with our grandparents now and the way they behave, the lack of tolerance for anyone or anything new? How hard is it to try, but they/we don’t really want to because we believe we’ve seen it all. Guess what? We still haven’t seen all the new technologies, quite a few are a work in progress, though what might be the ultimate; AI is here. If technology is still scratching the surface of how far the human's abilities can go in new creations, we must know that new technologies will create changed behaviors for good and bad and that we as human beings must absorb these new abilities and understand humanity’s new beliefs. We can then debate the right and wrong of it all.

    What have we got to lose, whether infant, juvenile, teenager, young adult, or senior citizen? If our excuse is that we’re too old as a senior, then that’s just a cessation of newfound wisdom. If it is that we’re unable to because we have faded memories, then we can try until the fog is too much. Also, if our excuse is that we’re too young to understand the wiser side of our families, who have become the aged, then we too are at our worst and excuses become cruelty in both cases. Tolerance then becomes a value that we proffer.

    Chapter 1

    The Wisdom Of Silence

    It’s strange but I often wonder why the silent always appear wise when just looking on at the rest of the world. We then always seem to have a curiosity about the reason behind it. We always seem to surmise within our heads what these reasons might be. We also judge based on appearance and what comes out of the mouth of the observed, seeking answers either to justify our forethought or to prove others wrong about their preconceived notions, especially when we like the individual that is being judged. This is what I recognize about people when they are new in school or the workplace:

    In silence, we often display a wisdom that is not always interpreted, but we have only to open our mouths in order to manifest its interpretation. At first glance, it is our silence that breeds an unfamiliarity and curiosity in others, which lends itself to further observation, and we are the specimen. We too become observers in our bubble seeking to understand all that obtains inside it, in a quest to protect the anatomical structure we call human.

    When the silence dies with apparent familiarity, the bubble then bursts and we’re thrust into reality. Our social apparatus has unfolded and curiosity morphs into familiarity which then allows us to process our new human experience in ways that align with approved norms. The silence has now become more ambiguous but it’s still within our psyche even when our mouths are moving. Our adaptations have changed previous methods, and silence has become a more distant feature of a previous time when relating to our new surroundings.

    We assemble our utterances into carefully packaged responses and retorts so that we do not offend our friends. All this, borne out of careful observation in our prior silence when a word was just a thought and our eyes met eyes; body language said everything to us in translation, and compensated for what the anatomical human specimens did not say.

    I recognize and endorse that our silence can be borne out of fear of the known and the unknown based on our previous exhibitions, and our current inhibitions that lends itself to our attitudes and thoughts in past, current, and future environments.

    In its immediacy, silence is the golden rule, but protracted muteness then seems like a psychological beast and these days can create fear in others due to current abnormalities in the way we perceive human beings. It now starts to be construed as danger and the term weird is often used in these instances. But this forms a protective barrier for everyone, in the right circumstances. The longer the protraction of this current mannerism can lead to newfound prejudices that are unwarranted and these are not divorced from the initial prejudices that are also created by virtue of our appearance in conjunction with our mute behavior from inception.

    One thing remains true about our muteness, silence never hurt anyone if speech was never initiated before the former is executed. Otherwise, speech followed by subsequent silence conjures malice and this can hurt a soul.         

    We mock what we don’t understand because we frolic in the status quo of tradition and societal or populous views, whether good or bad. But we miss the opportunity to analyze the situation that we are handed, and then make pronouncements in favor of the populous with the popular view. If Christianity be real, popularity never saved the Messiah, it betrayed him, and it will never save the masses. The few will revel in the glory of their immortality and the majority will not rule the day but be burnt like dead diseased animals never ceasing to exist.

    Under the assumption

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