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Ebook73 pages25 minutes


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About this ebook

Do you know poetry can be motivational? Poetry has great power. Let MotivPoetry by Walter the Educator motivate you to be a great Doctor! Creating a poetry book about being a great doctor can serve several purposes. Firstly, it allows you to express experiences, emotions, and challenges in a creative and introspective way. Poetry

Release dateSep 12, 2023

Walter the Educator

Walter the Educator is one of the pseudonyms for Walter Anderson. Formally educated in Chemistry, Business, and Education, he is an educator, an author, a diverse entrepreneur, and he is the son of a disabled war veteran. "Walter the Educator" shares his time between educating and creating. He holds interests and owns several creative projects that entertain, enlighten, enhance, and educate, hoping to inspire and motivate you. Follow, find new works, and stay up to date with Walter the Educator™ at

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    Book preview

    MotivPoetry - Walter the Educator


    hero bestowed

    In the realm of healing, a noble art,

    Lies the essence of a doctor's heart.

    With wisdom and skill, their hands extend,

    To mend broken bodies, help hearts to mend.

    A great doctor, a beacon of light,

    Guiding patients through their darkest night.

    With empathy and compassion, they're inclined,

    To heal not just the body, but the troubled mind.

    In the halls of medicine, they tread with grace,

    A smile on their face, kindness they embrace.

    They listen intently to every word,

    Seeking the truth, ensuring it's heard.

    They diagnose with precision, minds sharp and clear,

    Seeking answers, erasing all fear.

    Their knowledge vast, a treasure untold,

    Years of study, experiences unfold.

    With steady hands, they wield the knife,

    Performing miracles, giving life.

    In the operating room, their focus intense,

    Saving lives, their greatest recompense.

    Through sleepless nights and endless shifts,

    They battle diseases, life's many twists.

    They comfort the weary, give hope to the weak,

    With gentle touch, they bring solace they seek.

    A great doctor, a guardian of health,

    Their dedication and sacrifice are wealth.

    They stand as pillars of hope and care,

    A testament to the oath they swear.

    So let us honor these healers of lore,

    Whose passion and skill we deeply adore.

    For in their hands, a gift bestowed,

    A great doctor, a hero bestowed.


    noble deeds

    In the realm of healing, a Doctor stands tall,

    A beacon of hope, ready to answer the call.

    With hands of compassion and a heart so pure,

    They navigate the realms of pain to find the cure.

    Their knowledge, a treasure, a guiding light,

    They delve into the mysteries, day and night.

    From diagnosis to treatment, they lead the way,

    Seeking to bring solace and keep illness at bay.

    With empathy as their compass, they understand,

    The fears and worries that patients withstand.

    They listen with patience, to every concern,

    Creating a haven where trust can return.

    In the operating room, their hands are steady,

    Saving lives, with skill and grace so ready.

    Surgical precision, like an artist's brush,

    They restore what is broken, with a gentle hush.

    In the halls of hospitals, they bring relief,

    A comforting presence, amidst pain and grief.

    They hold the hands of those in despair,

    Embracing the burden, showing they

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