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Allure 2
Allure 2
Allure 2
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Allure 2

By R M

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About this ebook

What is evil? What reality do people actually use to determine whether something or someone was evil or bad? Or simply unsuitable for existing with the rest of humanity? I had no idea and I didnt care. But if I did care and I decide to find a scale to measure my level of devilry...

PublisherR M
Release dateSep 6, 2023
Allure 2


Rachel Maso, (R.M) write Urban Fantasy fiction about unknown communities, gifted people and paranormal societies.The Southern African girl has a riveting imagination and loves to have great stories take place in her various laidback hometowns."writing is like waking up after having a dream and then creating a world where that dream can fully exist like it could even be real"

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    Allure 2 - R M

    ALLURE 2

    (Scarlet Series Book 2)

    Rachel Maso

    Copyright© 2023 Rachel Maso. All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidental














    I kept my eyes closed as I intently listened to the sound of the engine as the car sped down the road. I could hear the distant low volume activity on the radio and our breathing. Mostly his breathing because I was exhausted my breathing seemed to be fading. My heart beat was slow and weak I was positive that would be my one way ticket to an inevitable heart attack.

    ‘Stop fighting the process.’ Brian’s voice made my heart jumpstart from its fading state and started beating hard and strong inside my chest. I opened my mouth and took a deep breath. ‘We are almost there.’

    I so much wanted to ask where he was taking me. But my mind was still processing everything that had happened so far. My mind even went as far back as the first day I met this man. I had never pictured him to be the one who will pull up an event that will eventually traumatize me like the one I was presently in.

    ‘I need you to breathe.’

    I clenched my fists and closed my eyes again. He doesn’t get to tell me that. Those words only reminded me of one person. He had no right. I whimpered out loud at the horrendous heavy dark feeling that pierced inside of me. I had not expected to feel this betrayed or used. Shocked? Maybe? Petrified? More than I can say in words.

    But betrayal? That was far too off the grid for me to fathom. I didn’t care about Brian, I shouldn’t care about Brian. The flashing memory of what he did to me and the pain he put me through made me afraid of him but a complicated fear that was mixed with a sense of betrayal I didn’t want to have.

    That moment where you begin to see someone with fresh eyes slapped me in the face over and over for the past hour that I had been stuck in the car with him, simply paralyzed with fear and dreaded questions which my gut already had answers to.

    I felt the car stop. I heard the door open and the little sound movements as Brian exited the car. I didn’t open my eyes, even when my side of the door was opened and a gust of air hit me with a caressing force that induced nausea.

    I flinched when his hands—gently clasped on my shoulders and he began the awkward task of extracting me from the car as I was an unwilling participant. I just wasn’t fighting him.

    ‘Susannah.’ He gently shook me after he made me stand on my feet, ‘look at me.’

    I stiffly waited for my body to act on the command while my mind profusely refused the task but nothing happened. He wasn’t using his powers. ‘Please!’

    I opened my eyes in surprise and met a look that was so wrong on him, considering what he just put me through a few hours ago.

    ‘I’m sorry,’ he managed to look sincerely sorry, ‘you know that I didn’t mean to hurt you. I can hear your thoughts and feelings.’

    If I had any fight left in me I would have hit him or maimed him.

    ‘Don’t give up the fight, I need you to have it.’

    Shocked to the core by his audacity I held his gaze with a gaping mouth, ‘what makes you think that I am on your side?’ my voice was shaky and barely audible but he heard me because he let out a shaky sigh and tightened his arm around my waist.

    ‘Because I know that you are on my side.’ He leaned his face closer and I turned mine away, ‘I know that you know.’

    He drew me closer to him and engulfed me into an embrace that felt so different from the detached person who almost killed me and put me through so much pain. A warm fuzzy feeling also embraced me the same moment I began to feel all pain on my body taper away. He was healing me. He was taking away my pain.

    I closed my eyes as I anguished at how messed up all this was. I was in that moment where I couldn’t decipher who I was anymore. Why did I feel like this towards him and when did everything cease to be black and white anymore?

    It was all gray. After all I went through if someone approached me and declared that Brian was evil and had to be killed, I was a hundred percent sure that I would hesitate. I should be enraged, angry and ready to escape but I just remained as his fingers touched my face and as he lifted my face to look at him. As he leaned down and brought his lips down on mine. As he kissed me and as I kissed him back, as it all felt so right I concluded I had accidentally jumped into another dimension. A dimension where I was in a fairytale with a wicked plot twist.

    Where the shoe fits the step sister instead of Cinderella. Where the prince marries the evil witch instead of Ariel.

    I flattened my palms on his chest and started the process of pushing him away. He complied and drew away from me, though his arms still circled my body.

    ‘With time.’ He muttered before he scooped me into his arms in one movement.

    ‘Where?’ I could only manage one word.

    He didn’t answer as he started carrying me to god knows where.

    Questions began to flood my head. Like what was happening at Scarlet right now? They had seemed so shocked when I showed up meaning they hadn’t seen this coming. While from Brian’s side, he seemed to have planned all the events in perfect patience. I wouldn’t try to begin to guess who or what he really was. Besides being gifted that is.

    I only raised my head when I heard a door opening. I stiffened when I saw a gate was being opened and a large wall that surrounded the place that we were about to enter.

    ‘What is this place?’ I whispered as I struggled to get a better look since I was closely snuggled against his chest.

    Again he didn’t answer as I took in the little that I could see. The large warehouse like building, but I knew better, since Scarlet and all that. The manicured lawn outside and neatly decorated hedges. The paved driveways and seemingly state of the art security system. This was no underground operating base. These people were not hiding. These people didn’t need to hide. I realized and looked up at Brian whose face was forward concentrating on where he was going. Just because I didn’t have a say didn’t mean I was a part of it.

    ‘Put me down.’ I spoke clearly for the first time since this whole crisis started.

    He stopped walking and gently set me on my feet as if I was learning to walk for the first time. I glared at him when he kept his hands on me as if I couldn’t steady myself.

    ‘Are you....’

    I didn’t let him finish, ‘no, no you don’t get to look at me like that and pep me as if you didn’t put me in this situation. Don’t go all gentle on me all of a sudden as if everything that you have ever presented to me wasn’t all an act while you are just like the rest of them, only after whatever the hell is wrong with me.’

    The man smirked down at me, ‘she is back.’

    I wanted to smite him. I blinked in shock at the way the thought easy fell inside my head as if I had any idea where to start from when it came to smiting people.


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