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Western Experiment
Western Experiment
Western Experiment
Ebook219 pages2 hours

Western Experiment

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The world had been through a terrible war with aliens. It left a radiation zone going from pole to pole, cutting America in half, and very few surviving human’s left alive on Earth.
Over 250 years had passed and now a small group of humans at Western Labs in southeast Arizona.
The Western Labs has a plan, let’s create a western town from the 1800’s and mask famous memorable movie actors and actresses onto red androids using a super AI, solid holographs, even food and drinks.
It’s all in a bid to get their operatives, with the codes for the Star Eagle, into the Eastern Alliance’s headquarters and wrestle control of the deadly weapon away from them.
The town of Sweltering Arizona, loads of true style western shootouts, dancing saloon bargirls, noon stage, ranches, cattle rustlers, a ruthless businessman, corrupt sheriff and judge, and an evil dictator in the Eastern Alliance intent on stopping them.
A truly neat western epic with science fictional tones that will rivet the reader unlike any westerns today in ‘Western Experiment’ and its explosive ending.
A fun 1960’s style western and 1950’s style SciFi combined into a great story!

Release dateSep 7, 2023
Western Experiment

"Mark Paul" Sebar

My most important love is story telling of fictional tales, far away places, memorable characters, great beginnings and surprise endings. I can author work across many genres comfortably. If I can connect with you my reader, then I did my job and we are hopefully, both happy.

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    Book preview

    Western Experiment - "Mark Paul" Sebar

    Western Experiment


    Mark Paul Sebar

    Sebar Publishing

    First Printing 2023 EBook & Paperback

    Copyright all text and illustrations in this story © 2023 All Rights Reserved

    Library of Congress, United States of America

    TXu002387585 ISBN 978-1-930246-77-5


    Chapter 01

    Chapter 02

    Chapter 03

    Chapter 04

    Chapter 05

    Chapter 06

    Chapter 07

    Chapter 08

    Chapter 09

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Wyler Scott Series

    Ciera Trilogy

    CalHouse Trilogy

    Other Novels



    A lot inspired me to author this novel for you the readers. As with all my literary work, this story is not a woke product nor, Politically Correct either, rather it is a pure entertainment product for you the reader to enjoy and get that temporary escape we all want from a crazy and sometimes very dangerous real world.

    I remember the old westerns of the 1940’s, 1950’s and particularly the 1960’s and likewise the science fiction films and stories of that era too.

    In recent years like so many others, I have been greatly saddened by the disrespect and or forgetfulness of the public towards the former actors and their families who inspired and entertained us all. Likewise, I have been disillusioned by the non-entertainment value of new products that Hollywood and other entertainment industries have tried to foist on the public as of late. Therefore, first and foremost I truly dedicate this story to you, the reader. You are very special and I am both grateful and humbled that you take your most valuable commodity, your time to read and hope you enjoy this work.

    Second, I dedicate also this story to just some of the many actors and actresses and their families that put up with their very challenging hard work, it must have been difficult at times for them.

    They gave a lot, so in remembrances; I dedicate this to the late great Mr. John Wayne, his great family. Just plain great Americans that helped shape a better America when it was better and entertained the older world.

    I also want to dedicate this story to the following actors. Ben Johnson, Gail Davis, Audie Murphy, Jack Elam, Struther Martin, Earl Holliman, Claude Atkins, Carolina Cotton, Claude Smith, Hank Worden, Ricardo Montalban, Leo Carillo, Sheree North, Jim Davis, Michael Renee, Donald Pleasance, R.G. Armstrong, John Doucette, Frank Marth, Lyle Bettger, Albert Salmi, Rex Holman, Michael J. Pollard, Paul Fix, Richard Devon, Madeline Smith, Robert Downey Jr., Rob Lowe and many others…

    For their great years of entertainment playing the good or bad guys or gals, I thank you all. Acting like writing is hard work, and I am humbled by the many years of entertainment you brought us. Thus, I will try and capture the flavor of a typical 1960’s western as well as a 1950’s scifi combined in this fun story for readers. Thanks and God Bless all.

    Sincerely and humbly, Mark Paul Sebar, American Author and Poet!

    Chapter 01

    2591 May 3rd. Eastern Alliance HQ, New Philadelphia in western Pennsylvania. A tall, charismatic figure stepped down from a throne chair. He was the spitting image of a 1950’s scifi actor. Standing tall, bold and proud, this was really Slide Krome, and he didn’t tolerate failures.

    He stood at the opening electric doorway facing the leader. I like the character you decided to become, the familiar voice of a past super villain commented. It was a sort of antiquated British accent that carried mild overtones of diabolical schemes. He had assumed a mask of a former bald headed 1960’s actor supervillan.

    I decided on this character because of the form of transportation and it matches the era of what the Western Labs are considering. Rather fitting, wouldn’t you say Rawlings? Slide’s smile grew for the moment.

    Yes…yes, rather fitting indeed. I decided on a movie character of the early 1960’s on up, a little later than your character, Rawlings replied. I believe the androids are approaching. It is time to beat the Western Labs at their own game and finally gain control of the last Star Eagle Satellite.

    Of course, Slide took a momentary slight bow. I shall greet them right now.

    Slide was dressed in a one-piece metallic jumpsuit that shined as if made of all chrome. It had a futuristic appearance to it, with a sinister overtone mixed in a science fiction blend from a very distant past in human history.

    From the destruction of the past, very few humans remained and a ring of radiation went from pole to pole around the planet, cutting a wide swath of the central North American continent in half, dividing the land between east and west.

    Overhead in low orbit around the Earth, they had the controls, but not the codes for the very last floating Star Eagle, a lone weapons platform that if enabled, would allow this evil tyrant Slide Krome to rule what was left of life on the once thriving planet called Earth.

    His intent was clear and he had installed a new group of men, a western style gang of black android faceless bodies, as of yet, unprepared for what might be coming their way, a special package with that very code. However, the time had not yet arrived, but soon it would and the androids would be masked and animated to do Krome’s bidding.

    Western Labs located in Tonga Canyon, east of the old abandoned site once called Tucson Arizona. The facility was quite modern, having been established in the late Twenty Third Century, by the Cedar Institution.

    Their experiments with androids and masking technologies were just recently reactivated after all this time. There were very few humans working here.

    A young man, Ike Sussman, who always scavenged for books and info on the past, had returned from the abandoned remains of Tucson. He was an eager and very adorably handsome buff of the past that spent his time off, from the maintenance of the labs, to learn from the past.

    His dream was to one-day see androids living as did his ancestors of long ago, and he particularly was a fan of the mid 1900’s movie stars as well as the old west, hence why his suggestion had rubbed off.

    He waved to a smiling technician Jane Dollars, a very shapely and busty white brunette of extreme beauty, and she blew him a slight kiss, which drew his smile deeper. She had just magnified his daily hormones by a factor of one thousand. Found more information for Robert, he commented. Know where he’s at? Ike asked.

    Seminary lab, Jane replied and then got back on her console. You know, she called to Ike who stopped and turned a moment, his devious smile building of a guilt ridden, young, testaron lad. They want to create a new scenario to send me across in.

    I know just the scenario, Ike snapped back in a moment of excitement. Then he turned and made his way around the hallway as Jane resumed her tasks, drawing a smirk at the attention she mired for the moment. She had a thing going between both Robert Neuman and Ike, though she preferred the younger Ike to a slightly older Robert.

    Down the hallway, Ike came across the tall old man Walter, with fading grey hair. He always seemed a bit different from the rest of the small crew at Western Labs. There was something about him and his tall blonde wife Cornelia that was out of place.

    In the shadows of a closet, rival Technician Gordo who was quite envious of Ike, stood listening to their plans. He was a bit chubby with a pudgy nose that hinted of brewing trouble mixed with mischief intents.

    So, you took my advice on the Old Wild West, Walter smiled at Ike. And movie actors from that period centuries ago.

    Yes sir, and thank you. It was fascinating rummaging through the ancient ruins of Old Tucson. I had no idea of all of this. Watching those archives of many humans together, how open it was, quite an experience, like none I had ever known, Ike seemed a bit overwhelmed.

    You might be participating in it…wouldn’t that be something? Walter drew a slight grin that hinted of ulterior motives, and Ike realized there was more to his words then just a sentence of pride. Perhaps plans for something unique and rare, mixed with excitement and adventure.

    Yes it would, Ike cautiously jumped at the thought.

    Well, go about and visit Robert in his lab. He was notified of your return and he and the team seem rather eager to get this project in orbit, Walter glanced up a moment pointing at the ceiling.

    Ike glanced up with him that moment, then smiled, turned, and left to pay the lead scientist at Western Labs a visit.

    Around the corner and down the long hallway, Gordo caught up with Ike. Cowboys, the old west as they used to call it, ain’t where it’s at. I suggested dinosaurs to Robert, and he will be doing my idea, besides, you’re just a janitor, so why don’t you get back to scrubbing floors?

    Because I don’t take orders from you and your floor will get scrubbed on schedule, Ike grinned. Besides, my idea is the better one. The only thing your dinosaurs would do is squash the good guys under foot. Then Ike broke free of Gordo’s momentary arm grab, and continued on.

    Walter’s wife Cornelia, also very tall, white and blonde was in the hallway while Doctor Jane Dollars had been stopped by her, the two ladies face-to-face as Cornelia glanced down at her.

    You will soon receive code numbers in your sleep and instructions. There is purpose for this to exist and the possible sacrifice to this is of great importance to sparking the rebirth of all humanity around the globe, Cornelia explained.

    I see, Doctor Jane cautiously replied. I am hoping to make no physical sacrifice, she quietly objected.

    I did not mean that type, Cornelia explained. Rather, of your most valuable commodity…your time here on Earth. Do you understand better?

    Yes, why yes I do, she calmed a bit.

    Assistant Scientist Robert Neuman was busy at his console, studying the schematics of a black Eastern Alliance android they had managed to hack from the system. It seemed there were numerous similarities to their red androids of Western Labs. The doors swished apart and Ike entered. He turned a moment from his console to glimpse Ike. Having fun?

    Uh yeah, I am, Ike replied with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. I think I found something that will work.

    Oh, Robert set his glasses on the table in front of his console and then turned to him. Well, he waited impatiently.

    The Wild West, Ike exclaimed in a brilliant immediate outburst of pride.

    The Wild West? Robert seemed confused. It had been something I have tinkered with, but not given any considerable thought to, besides I am very busy right now studying the schematics of an Eastern Alliance android. I am learning a lot about their stolen technology of our own droids.

    It is the perfect ‘Western Experiment’ and also a great cover, for getting the good Doctor to their main system with the codes. And then there is partner number two.

    Anything can fail, Robert replied. I have been more along the lines of prehistoric times. An age when Dinosaurs ruled the world. It would be the perfect cover to get her through to the enemy lines and seize control of the Star Eagle, once the second one arrives to complete the full coding.

    How would you get her there? Ike shot back.

    We could have the protective cylinder carried by a winged animal called a Pteranodon, Robert thought he had this nailed.

    A what? Ike seemed confused.

    A giant winged dinosaur. It could carry her past the radiation zone as long as she remains encapsulated and drop her to the destination. Can’t fail? Robert proclaimed. However, Ike was more determined to get his valid point out first.

    They can still shoot that thing from the sky on their side and moving something like a shiny cylinder through the air or a giant winged animal is bound to attract enough attention from the Eastern Alliance, they will have no issues downing it. Besides that, they could be monitoring what we are doing through the open telnet, so they may already be emulating us. My way is better, less likely to attract attention and gets her safely through the radiation zone, followed by the second volunteer.

    Robert reclined in his chair. Look, it’s not just one person, but two that must be implanted at the Eastern Alliance. The first code to transfer control of the Star Eagle here and the second code to activate it fully, Robert sighed. Okay honcho. I’m all ears. Let me hear your plans for this. I know Walter influenced it.

    Good. Let me give you my plan and then we pick the actors for the androids and you nail the mask. I have enough history from the past to resurrect a western town as well as the rancho and animals we will need. No need for Gordo’s squishing animals.

    Slide Krome waited peacefully, while listening to an old tune from a previous century. It was the ‘Theme From A Summer Place’ from the year 1960, as a faceless black android approached, and the song faded. Yes, he sat there.

    They have begun the early process. We detected it from their system. It appears they are going back to a historical era called the Wild West and masking actors called cowboys based on a thing humans once entertained themselves in the mid 1900’s called movies, the android informed him.

    Movies, Slide mused in anticipation. We are aware of that. It was a form of displaying a human without a human; upon a wall, they called a screen. It was two-dimensional at best. I shall pick the masks for the rest of the participants. It is almost from the era my stolen mask is from.

    The question is which movies they will use and from what genre, the Android speculated.

    I shall do this now, Slide informed the android. First, let them setup what they are doing, and then we will respond in kind. We know since their accessing the panel to the Star Eagle what they are after. It’s really quite simple. We take it from their end, Krome smiled and

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