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Blogging Made Simple: Blogging Can Be Lucrative
Blogging Made Simple: Blogging Can Be Lucrative
Blogging Made Simple: Blogging Can Be Lucrative
Ebook23 pages13 minutes

Blogging Made Simple: Blogging Can Be Lucrative

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Recapture the Blogosphere in the Twenty-First Century! Simplified Blogging - Blogging in the Twenty-First Century: A Guide to Online Journaling.

Blogging and social networking are intrinsically related in the sense that they both share certain characteristics and properties. Both are aimed at catalyzing a widespread shift toward multimedia interaction. While it is true that blogs can be monitored and kept extremely private, their primary function is to connect with a large number of people and to provide a platform for expressing your viewpoint. Another resemblance is that both of these notions have existed in cyberspace for about a decade, yet they were initially mutually exclusive. They were not integrated until recently, and their shared motivations were genuinely understood. Blogging is mainly used to express one's thoughts via an online journal. Additionally, you want others to read what you've written. This is how you connect with people from all around the world that you would not have met otherwise. Social networking serves a similar purpose. It is a gathering place for the young and the brave. The likelihood of attracting an audience on such a platform is high. The term 'blog' has an interesting genesis story. It was originally referred to as a 'weblog,' which refers to a log, diary, or notebook that allows you to keep track of your daily thoughts. In that sense, it was still in its infancy and did not immediately develop into a propaganda tool. This phrase was later abbreviated to blog, and it was during this time period that free blogging services such as Blogger became immensely popular. As previously stated, blogging is no longer limited to maintaining a journal. It has actually evolved into a space where people from all walks of life, regardless of whether they share the same ideas or not, congregate and discuss the issues that concern to them. In the twenty-first century, blogging has evolved into a critical medium for advertising for individuals
Release dateDec 27, 2021
Blogging Made Simple: Blogging Can Be Lucrative

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    Book preview

    Blogging Made Simple - Jim Stephens

    Blogging Made Simple: Blogging Can Be Lucrative

    Jim Stephens

    Published by RWG Publishing, 2021.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. December 14, 2021.

    Copyright © 2021 Jim Stephens.

    Written by Jim Stephens.


    Verlag GD Publishing Ltd. & Co KG, Berlin

    E-Book Distribution: XinXii


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    The Quick and Easy Guide of Diamonds

    Government Information

    Hiking and Camping

    Koi Pond

    Law Information Guide

    Motor Homes Research

    Affiliate Marketing and Success Systems

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