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Ascension to the Top of Spiritual Mountains: Putting an End to Pain Cycles
Ascension to the Top of Spiritual Mountains: Putting an End to Pain Cycles
Ascension to the Top of Spiritual Mountains: Putting an End to Pain Cycles
Ebook199 pages3 hours

Ascension to the Top of Spiritual Mountains: Putting an End to Pain Cycles

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About this ebook

The Enemy's plan is being shattered no matter what. Awe-inspiring and majestic is the sight of the All-Powerful God atop the sky and the earth!

Since the birth of our child, we have been given a son; he is given the authority to rule over us, and his name will be Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God; he is the everlasting Father; and he is the Prince of Peace.

With a military strategy, Satan and the fallen angels attempted to overthrow the Father from Heaven's throne.

Let's not treat His words as if they were satire. All of us must unite and follow the Lord's instructions, and we must avoid the devil and his schemes. One of the most devastating deceptions used by the enemy is to make people believe he doesn't exist.

The devil, like a roaring lion, walks the earth looking for prey; therefore, be on your guard.

We are deceived into thinking that the person we are dealing with is solely responsible for the situation, but there is a lot greater influence on that person than we realize.
Release dateJan 13, 2022

Bill Vincent

Diving deep into the realms of spiritual awakening, Bill Vincent embodies a connection with the Supernatural that spans over three decades. With a robust prophetic anointing, he has dedicated his life to ministry, serving as a guiding light and a pillar of strength in Revival Waves of Glory Ministries.Bill Vincent is not just a Minister but a prolific Author, contributing to the spiritual enlightenment of many through his diverse range of writings and teachings. His work encompasses themes of deliverance, fostering the presence of God, and shaping Apostolic, cutting-edge Church structure. His insights are drawn from a wellspring of experience, steeped in Revival, and fine-tuned by a profound Spiritual Sensitivity.In his relentless pursuit of God's Presence and his commitment to sustaining Revival, Bill focuses primarily on inviting divine encounters and maintaining a spiritual atmosphere ripe for transformation. His extensive library of over 125 books serves as a beacon of hope, guiding countless individuals in overcoming the shackles of Satan and embracing the light of God.Revival Waves of Glory Ministries is not your typical church – it’s a prophetic ministry, a sanctuary where the Holy Spirit is given the freedom to move as He wills. Our sermons, a blend of divine wisdom and revelation, can be experienced on Rumble, immersing you in the transformative power of the Word: a deeper exploration into our teachings, visions, and the manifold grace of God, visit on a journey of spiritual discovery with Bill Vincent, and let the waves of revival wash over you, unveiling the divine power and boundless love of God!Podcast: sure to check out our new videos Downloads From Heaven!Donate: Bill Vincent (PREACH, TEACH AND PROPHETIC MINISTRY) to your Event:

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    Ascension to the Top of Spiritual Mountains - Bill Vincent

    Defining the Foundations of Strongholds

    There is so much to learn. Let's begin by addressing some of the most fundamental aspects of the enemy's strength. Anyone, regardless of ethnicity or social background, is welcome. It doesn't matter how long they've been a follower of Christ or how high up in the ranks of the Christian ministry they are. Many people have discovered that their entire existence has been one of suffering, disappointment, and wrath, as well as of being abandoned and rejected. The chances of making it to a safe haven are little to none. The majority of individuals live at the end of their tethers. In the midst of their distress, we see them making their way to this new location, where they begin to cry out to the Lord. My experience has shown me that very few individuals are willing to cross over, ride out the storm of life, and prepare themselves for whatever it takes to arrive to the safe port they desire. It requires courage to face one's fears and choose to live rather than perish in the face of them. Our emotions are often the anchors that keep us adrift amid choppy waters. The voices in your head that convince you that you'll never succeed.

    Face-to-face encounters with our wounds can be some of the most frightening experiences of our lives. Drugs, alcohol, and immorality have all been used to numb our pains over the course of our lives. You will never be able to overcome and become the champion you were meant to be if you continue to meet your needs in this way. The beginning of our journey is where we learn to overcome, break free, and discover our true heroes. There are many steps in the process of self-discovery that help us understand why we do what we do (our wounds), as well as coping with our habits of thinking and taking action on our destructive thoughts. In order to win God's love for those of us in the Church who are spiritually active, we strive to perform sufficiently.

    Ways in which strongholds are built

    The sins of our ancestors can be passed down the generations like strongholds. Decisions that harm our families might become sin if we give in to negative strongholds of thinking.

    In Exodus 20:5, the Lord tells Moses that he should not be afraid Do not serve or bend down before them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, retaliating against them for three and four generations for their trespasses.

    Seventh verse of Exodus 34: 7 It's impossible to clear the guilty of their sins if they are forgiven for thousands of years, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will never be done.

    Only a very small number of people are able to completely change their habits when they are reborn.

    It is said in Romans 12:2: Keep your mind renewed so that you can discern what God's will is good, acceptable, and perfect. Do not be conformed to this world.

    When we grow up in our father's house, we often form fortresses inside ourselves. In spite of the fact that we may not have been harmed in any way, we end up following in our dads' footsteps in our adult years. How many of you know alcoholics who were raised in alcoholic homes? Did growing up in a home with alcoholic parents set them up for future alcoholism? No one else but yourself has the power to mold you into the person you want to be. The decision is yours to make. Alcoholism may have stemmed from your upbringing in such atmosphere, or it may have been the result of your upbringing. We can build strongholds out of the severe wounds we've experienced.

    In Proverbs 17:22, the passage is quoted. In contrast, a broken soul causes the bones to dry out.

    We've drawn assumptions about life based on our past experiences in relationships. These connections may have an impact on our sense of morality (what we see as right or wrong). They could influence our relationships with others and even with God. There is a risk that they will alter our relationships with our families. It is possible for us to begin to view life and others through the prism of how we were treated in the past. It's not necessary for us to spend a lot of time in the past, but we do need to understand what may be the core cause of why we act the way we do now, so that our past does not influence our future. Refusing to provide a forum for people to discuss their difficulties and habitual negative thoughts keeps them confined to their own minds. They are advised that as a new person in Christ, they should just get over their own irrationality. Those striving to overcome their habits and strongholds will be thrown for a loop if one of them is looking for praise from others to make up for something they were never given as a youngster.

    We might build strongholds within ourselves by misrepresenting love—how we perceive love or rejection. We were made in the likeness of God. Love characterizes God. God is a light. God is a social creature. Isn't that what we were made for? We were made to be filled to bursting with love.

    Many parents demonstrate their love for us by actions rather than words, tones of voice, and physical touch. As a result, people may harbor resentment and resentment-fueled rage, believing they have been cheated out of the affection they deserve. For example, our view of authority persons in our lives or the view of Father God could be distorted by this practice.

    Judgments and pledges made to others, God, or even to oneself can serve as strongholds within us.

    You will always experience the consequences of your actions when you pass judgment on another person out of a place of hurt or disappointment. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow.

    Verse 9 of Galatians God is not a fool, and what a person sows, that is what he will also reap. Because he who sows to his flesh will harvest decay, but he who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become tired in doing good deeds, for we will reap in due time if we do not give up.

    It is possible to build strongholds within ourselves by the words that others speak over us. It is possible to penetrate a person's heart with a single word.

    In Proverbs 18:21, the passage is quoted. Death and life are in the hands of the tongue, and those who love it will devour the fruit of its labors.

    For many of us, words can be like railroad tracks that guide us throughout our lives. It is possible that the words we hear today will have an impact on us for years to come. Isn't it strange that we don't think that bad words put into an unhealed heart can also have an impact on us and our outcomes if we believe in the prophetic words? In spite of the fact that no one wants this to be the case, we've seen it too many times in those we've served. Another example of telling someone a lie long enough to make them believe it, and they'll believe it. We tend to follow the words of those in authority in our lives, like our parents, if they tell us that we don't finish things or that we are clumsy or add your own word curses here.

    False theology and teaching can create strongholds inside us. Teaching that does not represent the Holy Spirit can become a powerful corporate force. There is a group of people who believe in a particular style of thinking, feeling, or acting. Lies and deception are ingrained into people's minds one notion at a time until they believe them to be true. They are frequently used as a hideout for demons.

    Grace, mercy, compassion, love, meekness, and lowliness of heart are all characteristics of the Holy Spirit. Christ comforts a person by proclaiming their worth. In order to be accepted and adored by Christ, you don't have to be perfect all the time! Ethnic or cultural background might serve as a foundation for our own fortifications. Every ethnic or racial group has a corporate stronghold. They are the result of a practiced belief or custom that has existed for a long length of time. Assuming that this is the way things are, many believe that there is no hope of change in their lives. Is this attribute or personality trait like that of our ancestors, or is it like that of Jesus?

    Our incorrect beliefs serve as a means of bolstering our preconceptions.

    Psalm 23, Section 7 As he thinks in his heart, so he is: Eat and drink, he tells you, but his heart is not with you.

    It appears in Job 3:25. For the thing that I dread is upon me, and the thing that I dread is upon me.

    Self-criticism and self-condemnation will follow if we allow the accuser to influence our thoughts. The way we think and feel about ourselves and the world around us will be affected if our emotions and thoughts remain negative.

    People's health has also taken a hit as a result of this. In the same way that our bodies respond to what we physically feed them, they respond to what we tell them as well. Constantly feeding your head negative thoughts will cause your body to behave in the same way. The following are a few examples:

    In the absence of self-worth and value, we will sell ourselves short, treat ourselves shabbily, and our feelings will be adversely affected. 1. Addictions, self-abuse, and sexual promiscuity can come from this type of behavior.

    We are more likely to be rejected by others if we have the belief that no one cares or loves us. We end up treating others the way we think we deserve to be treated. Depression and unrevealed death wishes can follow.

    Sickness can set in if we keep thinking about death and wishing to be with Jesus, and if we don't change our minds, we'll get sick.

    When we don't feed something, it dies. Negative ideas and strongholds will die if we can create a habit of not feeding them. Do you ever hear the expression All hell has broken loose?

    Questions That Need to Be Answered

    Is there somebody you've been injured and wounded by in the past that has prompted you to think and believe lies about your relationships with them?

    It's important to identify the support structures that sustain your own habitual patterns of flesh that harm others.

    Where have you been led astray by lies you've believed because of word curses?

    Breaking the Cycle of Pain

    Using the Cycle of Pain as an example, I had great success with my teaching. This chapter was the driving force behind this book's creation. The Cycle of Pain needs to be broken for everyone. Giving God a place in your life will keep you from finding the love and acceptance you've been looking for.

    You're leaving yourself vulnerable to demonic encroachment as a result. For us, the cycle will continue until someone in a future generation says no. I'm done with it.

    Wounding, bad thinking habits, sin and even disobedience will all be dealt with.

    Demonic oppression in the form of darkness

    We make decisions based on our own pain about whether or not we want to pass on a legacy of pain to our children.

    Reflecting on your own life cycle. It doesn't look like it's in any pain. What will you be remembered for in the future?

    The thought is that someone would be remembered for the suffering that they caused into the life of another individual, but this happens every day. When was the last time you heard about Judas from Jesus' era? He lived to betray the greatest example of love that ever existed in the form of a man. Is there anything else about Judas that you can recall?

    As a result of our propensity to dwell on the bad, many people focus on what they've done rather than what they're capable of and who they were born to be. Many of us aren't living up to our full potential because we don't know what it is. Because no one has been there to tell us, we will never know. Because we were raised in violent families, many of us have developed a tolerance for abusive behaviors. You're under the impression that this is just the way things are. Our lives were never meant to be anything but good, in my opinion.

    It is said in Jeremiah 29:11: For I am aware of my thoughts toward you, declares the LORD, and they are thoughts of peace, not evil, for the purpose of bringing you to a successful conclusion.

    In 2 Corinthians 3:18, the Apostle Paul writes: We, on the other hand, are all transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as if by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Pain leaves scars and wounds that can never be completely erased. It's a vicious cycle that forces us to become a source of anguish for others we care about.

    Because of my dysfunctional behavioral cycles, I've been able to pass on my family's misery to my own children. Every day, I dreaded going to school because I felt embarrassed about my past.

    It's easy to tie our wounds to a lack of love when we look back at the cycle that began with a wound in our life. In the end, a person's capacity to receive and give love is exhausted, and they are no longer able to do so for their own families or the rest of the world. It is possible to become unable to express our feelings or express our wounds when we are wounded. Most people begin to show signs of their pain in their relationships and personalities about age 35 or 40.

    Wounds may have the following characteristics:

    Withdrawal or Isolation: We begin to distance ourselves from others, believing they are unsafe and the source of our sorrow. Our relationships are being controlled in this way.

    In order to protect ourselves from additional harm, we must build walls around ourselves. It is possible to lose trust in our relationships with others because of our fear of men and our prior wounds.

    Bonding with only one or two persons. 3. Possessiveness When others want to establish a relationship with our one or two, we feel intimidated. One or two of them may feel suffocated as a result. Emotionally dependent relationships might result from this.

    We develop a sense of inadequacy toward others because of our own insecurities. In order for our lives to improve, we must take control of our own destiny. The only way to keep ourselves safe from being hurt is to avoid intimacy altogether.

    We must

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