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Vegetables Galore and the Mystery Behind the Library Door
Vegetables Galore and the Mystery Behind the Library Door
Vegetables Galore and the Mystery Behind the Library Door
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Vegetables Galore and the Mystery Behind the Library Door

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The vegetable Sproutlings start their first term at Sprouts School for Vegetablae. They meet their new Teachers, learn new lessons, discover new talents, forge new friendships, and all the while a mystery keeps them guessing.

Release dateAug 23, 2023
Vegetables Galore and the Mystery Behind the Library Door

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    Vegetables Galore and the Mystery Behind the Library Door - Kate S. Taylor

    Chapter 1

    It was the first day at Sprouts School for Vegetablae and the school entrance loomed large over the Sproutlings. Although they were nervous, the Sproutlings knew this was where they would learn many of life’s valuable lessons.

    The Sproutlings had already bonded in some respect since the vegetable families had already masterminded a playdate to introduce the Sproutlings to one another before starting school. Albeit well intended, this ingenious idea ended in a bizarre incident involving a soup’splosion of the mushroom and stilton soup which had been lovingly prepared by Pop Sweetcorn, and the Celeriac family pet, Lord Blueberry of Barkshire being made to complete an obstacle course dressed as a Watermelon which ended in Lord Blueberry of Barkshire having a gigantic tantrum and refusing to even look at let alone play with the Sproutlings. So, although the Sproutlings had already met one another, this did not fully calm their nerves about starting a new school.

    Once their Parents had left them at the school gate, the Sproutlings were ushered into the Assembly Hall by an army of little green baubles who seemed to act in unison. These green baubles introduced themselves as The Peas-in-a-Pod and told the Sproutlings they would be their guides and looker-afterers whilst the Sproutlings were finding their way around the school.

    Once the Sproutlings were seated, the Peas-in-a-Pod took their seats in the back row and everyveg sat in watchful anticipation of what was to come next. Sasha Sweetcorn-on-the-Cob was the tallest Sproutling; confident and brave. She sat upright and perfectly poised, her gleaming kernels protectively encased in her green coat. The Carrot Twins, Coral and Marigold, were also easy to spot because although Marigold Carrot was a yellow carrot, she insisted on wearing an orange blazer simply because she liked the colour, whereas Coral Carrot was orange-coloured but preferred to wear a bright yellow blazer. They were much admired, especially since they closely resembled a bunch of daffodils brightening up the Assembly Hall. Sat beside them was Tobias Tomato, a shiny red fireball amongst the Sproutlings. Tobias Tomato was quite shy, and today especially he could not hide his nerves. Next to him was Kaspian Celeriac who, despite every generation of Celeriac having names beginning with ‘C’, insisted on spelling his name with a ‘K’ (no veg was quite sure why), but since he was modest and wise beyond his years, everyveg just accepted his rebellious spelling.

    Eventually, the Teachers filed in. The Sproutlings were curious to meet their Teachers because although they had heard much about them from their Parents, they were aware that there is nothing like meeting a vegetable in reality to form an opinion. Boudica Broccoli, the Geography Teacher, led the way; her purposeful stride and lofty florets made everyveg feel like she had a purpose and was keen to get down to business. Boudica Broccoli was followed by Lavinia Lemonia, the Sports Teacher, who skipped in with zesty enthusiasm. She eagerly looked over the Sproutlings, shrewdly assessing who might be her future prize-winning athlete. Next came Professor Potato, the Science Teacher. He had a presence which inspires respect, possibly helped by the stately monocle resting upon his kind, gentle eyes. He was very old and had tutored many generations of Sproutlings, however he never wearied of his subject, claiming that it was impossible to get bored with Science due to the constant advances in the subject. Last to enter the Assembly Hall was Chancellor Cabbage, the Headmaster. He had the aura of one who is able to resolve all difficulties and had, therefore, gained the admiration and trust of the Parents for nurturing their Sproutlings. His fluffy, feathery leaves also gave him an air of protectiveness which immediately warmed the Sproutlings to him.

    Whilst the other Teachers took their seats, Chancellor Cabbage remained standing to address the new Sproutlings. My dear young Sproutlings, he boomed. Welcome to Sprouts School for Vegetablae. Let us begin by warming our fibrous skins by singing the school hymn. At this, the Teachers stood up and launched into a very special version of the school hymn: Cauliflowers Fluffy.

    "Cauliflowers Fluffy and Cabbages Green,

    Straw-ber-ries sweeter than any I’ve seen,

    Beetroots purple and onions white,

    all grow steadily day and night.

    The Apples are ripe,

    the Plums are red,

    the Broad Beans are sleeping in

    their blankety beds, shhhh."

    All tunes, sounds, notes and volumes were permitted, and each Teacher had their own personal style of singing. Boudica Broccoli’s dulcet tones soared through the Assembly Hall, loud and melodious. Lavinia Lemonia’s high-pitched squeak cut through the noise with shrill vitality. In contrast, Professor Potato croaked his contribution as enthusiastically as he could, for although his voice was weak, he nevertheless sang his hearty jacket off. Supporting them all was Chancellor Cabbage’s deep voice majestically underpinning the racket as a cello underpins an orchestral ensemble.

    Ah, reflected Chancellor Cabbage as Lavinia Lemonia’s final note resounded. That song always warms the cockles of my artichoke heart. At this statement, one of the smaller Sproutlings, a small white bulbous specimen with an ever-so-slightly pongy aroma, tutted and whispered to her sidekick, I thought you were a Cabbage, not an Artichoke? The pale, lean sidekick Sproutling sitting next to her scoffed in agreement, but luckily, they were not overheard by any of the Teachers, and Chancellor Cabbage continued his address with all the usual tidings of good will, good learning and good friendships. After just a few minutes, he brought the Assembly to an end by reciting the school motto – From Humble Sproutlings Mighty Veg Shall Grow – and with that, he dismissed the Teachers and Sproutlings saying they must be getting along to their first lesson.

    At this command, the Teachers rose from their seats and trundled out of the Assembly Hall to their classrooms. The Sproutlings also stood up and observed the Peas-in-a-Pod merrily bouncing around. Kaspian Celeriac asked the nearest Pea-in-a-Pod, Where do we go? to which the Pea-in-a-Pod instructed Kaspian Celeriac and his friends to form a line behind him so that he could guide the Sproutlings to their classroom. Are you here all the time? asked Marigold Carrot as she and her friends lined up behind the Pea-in-a-Pod. Yes, replied the Pea-in-a-Pod. My Pod and I work here. We keep Sprouts School spick-and-span and in good working order. The Sproutlings glanced at one another slightly confused, but obediently followed the Pea-in-a-Pod to their first classroom.

    This was the Sproutlings first look inside Sprouts School, and they gazed around in wonder as they passed through endless corridors and passages, each with its own unique character. One corridor resembled the sky with sunshine blazing from its walls; another corridor was entirely green and had a real grass floor, and yet another corridor had a wall made entirely of soil with little seeds embedded within it. That must be the Science area, remarked Tobias Tomato. However, what caught the Sproutlings’ attention more than any of the fantastical corridors they had walked down was a large, rusty old door at the very end of a completely plain, undecorated corridor. It was the most uninteresting corridor in the whole of Sprouts School, which is perhaps why the Sproutlings noticed it. The door, too, apart from looking very old with thick warped wood and a substantial handle, was unremarkable. What’s down there? Sasha Sweetcorn-on-the-Cob asked the Pea-in-a-Pod guide. Oh, nothing much, responded the Pea-in-a-Pod disinterestedly. Just some old books. It used to be a Library, but noveg goes in there nowadays. The Sproutlings shrugged and moved on, however Coral Carrot and Marigold Carrot, who were at the back of the line, couldn’t help hearing what they thought was a loud sigh coming from behind the old door. They both looked at one another, checking to see if their ears had deceived them. Was it just me, or did you hear something coming from behind that old door? Coral Carrot whispered to Marigold Carrot. Marigold Carrot looked at Coral Carrot, then back at the door to double-check that her senses were not deceiving her. All was eerily quiet. The Carrot Twins decided that it must have been a trick-of-their-fronds, (they had been having a bit of trouble controlling their fronds, so much so that Mama Carrot had marched them to the nearest shrubbery-dresser to neaten up their appearance before starting school), so they hurried to catch up

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