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Breakout: The Hexon Code, #6
Breakout: The Hexon Code, #6
Breakout: The Hexon Code, #6
Ebook354 pages5 hours

Breakout: The Hexon Code, #6

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About this ebook

Lies only get you so far...

Tessa thought she was happy. She had a boyfriend, she was the lead gymnast at her school, and she had just received a full-ride scholarship for a degree in mathematics.

Until she met Damien at a dance workshop over winter break...

Everything changed that day. She had been living a lie. And most importantly, she was lying to herself.

But when she tried to be honest, everything blew up in her face. And to make matters worse, she was recruited by Faction 73.

All she wanted was to feel something. To feel love. To feel all the things she had felt at the workshop.

But now with her whole world turned upside down, is her chance at love gone? And how can she have it when Faction 73 rules her life?

Breakout, the sixth book in The Hexon Code series, is an emotional tale of lost love and lost memories set in a dystopian society.

Release dateAug 30, 2020
Breakout: The Hexon Code, #6

Jody Calkins

Author of The Hexon Code. Writer of Dystopian Drama. Pilot's Wife. Arborist. Learning Swedish & Turkish. Cat Lover. Book Addict.

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    Book preview

    Breakout - Jody Calkins

    Breakout eBook Cover


    Jody Calkins
    Emery Road Publications Logo


    The Hexon Code





    No Way Out




    All the Strings*


    Platform 273



    *Titles available soon!


    Copyright © 2020 by Jody Calkins

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Published by:

    Emery Road Publications

    ISBN: 978-1-954708-21-1

    First Edition: August 2020

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Books by Jody Calkins

    Copyright Page

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60


    About the Author


    THE LIES WE TELL ourselves only set us behind. They steal from us the future we could have if we would only wake up and see what was standing right there in front of us. Why hadn’t I seen it sooner? That it was more than just a dream? More than just something I would long for but never have?

    And what new lies would I tell myself to justify never taking a chance?

    I kept telling myself my current life was comfortable. That it was normal. That what I truly desired was a fantasy. Only something found in fairy tales.

    But those were lies.

    I saw that now. I couldn’t keep pretending that I had it all when in reality I felt nothing. That moment you discover what you’ve been missing changes your whole life. You are never the same no matter how much you try to make it work. Not because it’s impossible, but because it makes everything harder, and if you don’t have a strong enough connection to begin with, the true desire to make it work won’t be there.

    I tried so hard to believe in the lies. And for a while, I had. But they only get you so far. It was wrong that I had let it get that far. It was wrong that I had tried to convince myself—and him—that everything was fine when I knew deep down in my soul that it wasn’t.

    But what’s worse is when even he’s not deceived.


    I sank back against the pillow and clamped my eyes shut as soft lips brushed urgently over my neck and a hand at the back of my thigh eased my leg up. Wasn’t I supposed to feel something? Wasn’t I supposed to feel good? Instead it felt all wrong. I had tried. I tried to make myself feel the things I thought I was supposed to feel. But it wasn’t working.

    Burke, stop, I said, trying to move my neck out of his reach.

    He lifted his head and gazed down at me, looking concerned as he bit his lower lip.

    I can’t.

    Okay, he said softly, rubbing his hand over my thigh. We’ll wait longer.

    No, I can’t do this, I said, brushing his hand away as I sat up. It’s over.

    His eyes narrowed as he stared at me. You’re breaking up with me?

    I wrapped my arms around my knees. I’m sorry. I could feel his stare on me. I could feel his disappointment. I hadn’t meant to hurt him. But how could I keep leading him on?

    He sat up and turned away, resting his elbows on his thighs and bowing his head in his hands.

    I’m sorry, I said again.

    He blew out a heavy breath as he lowered his arms back down and then turned his head to look at me. This is about that guy, isn’t it?

    I shook my head but said nothing as I stared at the comforter.

    Tessa, come on, he said, his voice louder. He eyed me for a moment and then asked, Are you serious?

    It’s not what you—

    He huffed as he shook his head and stood up. I can’t believe this. You know nothing about him and you think you have some connection with him? Have you been seeing him behind my back?

    I shook my head. It’s not like that at all. I just—

    You, what? His voice was getting louder and colder.

    I swallowed hard. I don’t think we should keep seeing each other. I can’t keep pretending… The second after the word came out, I cursed under my breath. I hadn’t meant to say that. I hadn’t even meant to break up with him; it just happened. I didn’t even really know what I was planning to say.

    His eyebrows lifted. Pretending? he asked flatly.

    I sighed as I pressed my trembling hand to my forehead. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.

    "No, go right ahead. I want to hear what you really mean."

    Burke, please, I pleaded. Just leave.

    Not until you tell me the truth.

    I closed my eyes. Why was it so hard for him to take a hint? Teen couples broke up all the time. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard. How could he be so attached?

    You have feelings for him, don’t you?

    I shook my head again. I told you. It’s not like that.

    He half-laughed. Yeah, right.

    This time, he walked across the room. Before he reached the door, it opened and my dad appeared. Everything all right in here?

    I was just leaving, Burke replied, brushing past him into the hallway.

    My dad glanced at me and then followed him. A few minutes later, he appeared at the door again. He’s gone, he said, walking across the room.

    When he sat down on the bed, I threw my arms around him and sobbed into his chest.

    He tightened his arms around me as he rested his chin on the top of my head. He used to tell me he wished my mom were still alive because she always knew the right things to say, but she had been gone for ten years. She wasn’t coming back. And for a while he would say raising a daughter on his own was hard because God had given him a soft heart.

    But now, he said nothing. And that was better. He just held me because he knew words didn’t matter.

    Sniffling, I sat back and wiped the tears from my eyes.

    He reached over and brushed my hair from my face as he gave me a sad smile.

    I swallowed hard and then sighed. How did you know Mom was the one?

    His smile widened and his eyes sparkled at the mention of her. I just looked into her eyes and I knew.

    Did you feel anything?

    He nodded. Everything, he said, his voice hushed.

    That doesn’t make any sense.

    He looked thoughtful for a brief moment as his gaze shifted toward the floor. When he turned back to me, he shrugged. Love doesn’t make sense. It’s just something you feel.

    And if you don’t feel anything? I asked.

    He shrugged again.

    What if you had made a mistake?

    Nothing in life is a mistake.

    But if you didn’t feel anything…

    You can teach yourself to feel things. Maybe it’s not as easy. Or maybe it’s just as hard. Building a relationship is hard no matter what.

    I sighed. I could feel his eyes on me, studying me.

    Is this about that boy Burke was talking about?

    I grimaced as I covered my eyes with a hand. You heard?

    You can’t hide anything from your father. He sighed again. You are too young to be involved in a love triangle.

    But I—

    Besides, they’re unfair to everyone involved.

    Dad, I broke it off. With Burke.

    Oh. Then his expression shifted to mild surprise. Oh, that’s what he was mad about.

    I rolled my eyes.

    Tesni, you’re too young to even know what love is, he said, reaching out and patting my arm. Wait until you’re older.

    But I felt things. With someone else.

    With that boy?

    I nodded.

    "How does he feel?"

    I don’t know, I said, staring down at my hands. I haven’t seen or talked to him since that dance workshop.

    He goes to a different school?

    I nodded.

    And he hasn’t tried to make contact?

    I picked at a hangnail on my thumb as I shook my head. He saw Burke and me arguing in the hallway after our dance.

    I see, he said. Do you want to talk to him?

    I think so.

    So, we’ll go see him at his school in the morning.

    But, Dad, I said, shifting on the bed and turning fully to face him. That’s crazy.

    He smiled. "Love is crazy."


    THE FOLLOWING MORNING, instead of taking me to school, Dad drove me across the city to Valley United High School. He found a parking spot near the farthest edge of the lot and then looked over at me from the driver’s seat. Are you ready?

    I let out a slow breath and shook my head as I stared up at the building.

    Come on, he said. I’ll walk with you.

    What if I’m setting myself up to fail?

    What if you succeed?

    But what if he doesn’t feel the same?

    Then at least you can say you tried. It’s better than not knowing.

    I sighed. But what if this is all just a silly fantasy?

    He smiled as he reached across the seat and squeezed my hand. You are like your mother in so many ways, sometimes I think she’s still here.

    I bit my trembling lip.

    Come on, he said again. Before you lose your nerve.

    I half-laughed. I had already lost it.

    He smiled and then held out his hand.

    With another sigh, I placed my hand in his and slid across the bench seat of the truck. He stepped out and then helped me down. As we walked to the main entrance, I slipped my hand around the crook of his arm and used him as support.

    It felt odd. Like I was walking ahead to the beginning of the rest of my life. Everything would change. I would never be the same.

    When we reached the administrative office, my dad opened the door and nudged me through.

    With a deep breath, I walked across the room to the desk. The woman behind the counter looked up and smiled. Hi there. What can I do for you?

    I glanced at my dad and when he nodded, I turned back to the lady and said, I was here a few months ago for a dance workshop and met someone I was hoping to see again.

    What’s the individual’s name?

    Damien Sheffield.

    The woman typed on the keyboard and then hummed.

    Dad and I exchanged a look.

    Finally, still staring at the screen, she said, He relocated.

    What school did he transfer to? my dad asked.

    I’m sorry, Mr… Her voice trailed off as she waited expectantly.


    Mr. Padova, she said. I’m afraid I cannot give out a student’s confidential information.

    Is there anyone else who could? Another student, perhaps?

    She smirked as she narrowed her eyes. I’m afraid not.

    I looked away as I hugged my arms to my chest. It was over. Feeling dejected, I took a step back and then headed for the door. My legs felt like deadweights.

    Dad appeared at my side as he reached for the door and opened it. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and guided me back outside.

    The chill in the air dried the tears at the corners of my eyes before they had a chance to fall. I felt numb. My chance was gone. Damien was gone, and I didn’t know how I’d ever be able to track him down again.

    As Dad opened the passenger door, I said, You set me up to fail.

    He sighed as he placed his hands on my upper arms and then leaned down and kissed my forehead. But I got you to try.

    What do I do now?

    You wait.

    For what? I asked when he slid onto the seat behind the wheel.

    Nothing stops true love. If it’s meant to be, you’ll see him again.

    That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

    Life is—

    Dad, no.

    He chuckled and then shrugged.

    But maybe he was right. Did I really have anything to lose by believing it? At least it gave me hope.

    After he drove up to the curb outside my school and put the truck in park, he reached over and squeezed my hand. Don’t ever settle, Tesni Padova. Wait until the time is right.


    WHEN I REACHED the main doors of the school, I stopped and turned around. Dad was still at the curb. He held up his hand with the sign, ‘I love you.’

    I smiled and then watched him drive away and out of the parking lot.

    With a sigh, I pulled open the door and stepped inside. There were only twenty-five minutes left before my first class of the day ended, so I slid my backpack off my shoulder and sat down on a bench in the hallway to wait for my next class. I pulled my phone from my jacket pocket and checked the screen, but it didn’t have service. I shoved it in the bag and then scooted back and wrapped my arms around my knees.

    When I heard running footsteps down the hall, I turned my head and saw Ivy Gould running to the girls’ bathroom with her hand covering her mouth. It didn’t look like she noticed me. A few minutes later, she stepped back out into the hallway. She walked slowly with her arm outstretched and her fingers grazing the wall. She stopped for a brief moment as if to catch her breath and then she disappeared around the corner.

    Hey, Tessa, a male voice said. Want to come over tonight?

    I turned my head to the voice and saw one of Burke’s football buddies walking past me in the hall. No, I said slowly, confused. Why?

    He just laughed as he kept walking.

    I couldn’t imagine why he would say that. But it had to be because of something Burke had said.

    When the bell rang and kids started piling out of the classrooms, I lowered my feet to the floor and reached for my backpack. As I stood up, a group of girls eyed me as they walked by and then bent their heads together and giggled like they were sharing a joke. When I stared after them, one of the girls looked over her shoulder at me and smirked.

    What had Burke said? And how many people had he told?

    As I walked down the hall through the crowds to my second class, I kept getting weird looks.

    Tessa, oh my gosh, Sarah said, suddenly appearing at my side and hooking her arm in mine. Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone else? You’re such a little slut.

    What? I asked, stopping in my tracks and turning to face my best friend.

    She cocked her head and leaned in closer. Burke’s been telling everyone he caught you cheating on him with a guy from another school.

    What? I gasped.

    Her eyes widened as she nodded her head. Oh yeah. Now all the jocks want to sleep with you because they think you’ll be cool with no commitment.

    I felt my jaw drop.

    It’s so scandalous. You’re, like, the coolest girl in school now, she said. Well, cool with all the other sluts. There aren’t that many. Me, of course.

    I blinked back tears as I looked away. What had I done? All I had wanted was to feel something and now I was being punished. All because I had broken up with a guy I didn’t actually have feelings for?

    Oh, wait, she said slowly, lowering her voice. It’s not true, is it?

    How could Burke do this to me? I had never thought he was a horrible person. At least not until now.

    When I turned to stare at Sarah, she sucked in a breath through gritted teeth. Oh, crap. I should have known.

    Suddenly, Burke was passing us in the hall.

    I have to go, I said, brushing off her arm and heading after him. I had to jog to catch up. When I grabbed his arm, he jerked it from my grasp. How could you do this to me? I asked, keeping my voice down.

    You did it to yourself, he said, without even turning to look at me.

    I quickened my pace to keep up with his long strides. Burke, I said I was sorry, and this is how you treat me? Telling everyone I cheated on you?

    He whirled around and loomed over me. His brows were furrowed as he stared at me with cold, dark eyes. What did you expect? His voice was hushed and filled with anger.

    I had only seen him look that way one other time. A few months ago.

    Blinking back tears, I said, I already told you that nothing happened between Damien and me. It was a dance routine. And I haven’t even seen him since that day at Valley.

    You expect me to believe that? he asked, leaning closer. He huffed. You’re such a liar.

    He refused to believe me no matter what I said. But to tell everyone I was cheating on him when I wasn’t, that was unforgivable. If you don’t believe me, fine. But you can’t be spreading lies about what happened.

    I can do whatever I want.

    I shook my head in disbelief. I thought you were better than this.

    I’m better than you.

    You know what? I said, rearing my head and squaring my shoulders. I’m glad we’re over. Because I can’t believe how much of an asshole you are.

    I didn’t care who heard me. Let them hear. Maybe that would help set the story straight.

    I was so mad, I was half-tempted to walk out of the school and go home. But then he would win. I was stronger than that. My dad hadn’t raised me to cave to jerks.


    THE BELL RANG SECONDS BEFORE I stepped into the classroom for my second class. I ignored the stares as I walked to my desk and slid onto the seat.

    Good morning, class, Mr. Henrid said, rising to his feet as he leaned over and picked up a stack of exam booklets. I hope you all studied hard over the weekend and are ready for your examinations today.

    I groaned. I had forgotten all about exam day. Which meant I had an exam for first period to make up.

    As I started to work through the multiple-choice test on American history, I thought I heard whispers behind me. I looked over my shoulder at my classmates, but everyone seemed to be focused on their tests.

    Eyes on your own papers, Miss Padova, Mr. Henrid warned from the front of the room.

    I turned my head and stared at him for a moment. He raised an eyebrow, scrunching up the skin on his forehead to form a few tiny rolls. His graying hair was cut to a short buzz which made his fleshy-looking earlobes stick out like monkey lips.

    Is something funny? he asked.

    Quickly, I pressed my lips together and shook my head. And then as I felt everyone’s stares on me, I bowed my head and went back to my test.

    I finished it with barely any time left over and then jotted down the assignment he had written on the chalkboard. As I walked to my next class, I tried to ignore more stares. It was becoming clear that nearly the whole school knew about my supposed affair.

    I always thought Burke was the cheating type, a female voice said. Guess I was wrong.

    I turned my head and glared at Allison who was walking beside me. I bit my tongue to avoid saying something that could get me suspended for the rest of the week.

    A player like him…

    I laughed at the ridiculousness of her comment. He made it look like he had it all together, but the truth was, he was a major dork. He wasn’t the tough bad boy type everyone thought he was. He was awkward. I guess that meant he was actually being real with me and fake with everyone else.

    I felt bad. If it hadn’t been for the dance workshop months ago, perhaps we would still be happy together. But really, how he was acting right now showed his true colors. He was burning down every possibility that I’d get back together with him. It was over.

    It hadn’t been his jealousy that ruined it for me. Although it was pretty bad. When he grabbed me by the arm so tight that he was pinching my skin, I had felt his quiet rage. With him, I could never dance with another guy. I understood that. Solo dancing would limit my options considerably, but I was willing to make it work.

    But the thing that really got me was that he had dashed out every bit of the high I had felt from the dance. Gymnastics and dance were my life. If I couldn’t enjoy it, if I felt ashamed for having a little fun on the stage, how was I to make a career of it?

    But then again, he had guessed right. I did have feelings for the guy. But who wouldn’t? He was gorgeous. And strong. And his hands moved over me in a gentle, yet supportive way. And he made my nerve endings come alive like never before. Those were feelings that were impossible to ignore.

    None of that mattered though. I didn’t think I’d ever see him again. Especially considering that by mid-afternoon, I was sitting inside a blacked out van with twelve other students, one of them being Burke of all people.


    THE RECRUITMENT WITH FACTION 73 was confusing. I tried to figure out how the agency thought it was legal to forcibly recruit high school students without their parents’ consent. Most of us were minors. Actually, I wasn’t sure if anyone was over the age of eighteen. Most seniors were still seventeen by the time they graduated.

    They had let us return home for a couple hours, but my dad was gone. Probably at work.

    Something told me Faction 73 planned it that way so the parents couldn’t raise a fuss about it and refuse to let their children participate in the training. I had wanted to call him at work, but my phone still wasn’t getting a signal. So, I left a note, letting him know what had happened.

    I leaned my head back against the seat and stared straight ahead at the partition that divided the front cab from the shuttle part of the van. Strips of overhead lights above the center aisle dimly lit the interior. Every once in a while I caught a sliver of light from the heavy black curtain whenever it shifted enough from a crack or bump in the rough road.

    It was strange that they had blacked out the windows. I couldn’t figure out why they would do that. I mean, it was clearly to make sure we didn’t know where we were going, but why was it so important that we didn’t know?

    I tried to focus on each of the turns that we made, but it was impossible to know which direction we were heading. But I figured that was the point. If we didn’t know where we were, we would have a harder time escaping. If that was even a valid option.

    When we stopped for the fourth time around eight o’clock, Fiona Winston swept the curtain aside and announced that we had arrived at the training facility at last. The windows cleared, revealing the interior of a large concrete parking lot. The driver appeared at the side of the van and slid open the door.

    Follow me, Fiona said, turning and descending the short staircase.

    I rose to my feet and exchanged a quick look with Eden before following the woman out of the van and onto the pavement. Everything was some shade of gray or stark white. And cold and uninviting, like a prison.

    She led us through a series of hallways. I could have sworn we were going in circles so we’d never find our way around. All of the hallways looked identical. Not a single unique detail inside the building.

    Finally, when we reached a set of double doors, she swiped a key card over a reader panel and then pushed through the door, holding it open for me.

    I followed and held the door for Eden, letting her grab it before I let go. We made a few more turns and then Fiona opened the door to a large dining hall. I glanced over my shoulder at my classmates and then stepped inside

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