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My Cute Vampir Vol. 1: My Cute Vampir, #1
My Cute Vampir Vol. 1: My Cute Vampir, #1
My Cute Vampir Vol. 1: My Cute Vampir, #1
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My Cute Vampir Vol. 1: My Cute Vampir, #1

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Having just graduated from Highschool Artem Ronen is looking forward to his life in University. That's when his parents tell him they're moving out of the area for work and Artem was coming with them. They feared for their only son; they didn't want him living in a place where Mythics could be a danger to him and his future. Arty had a way of always gathering the Mythics around him and they were not always friendly. Now he has to rush to confess to the girl of his dreams, who was also a Mythic, of the Vampir subclass. It won't change the move, but maybe their relationship can survive the distance?

Push came to shove and it seems a certain Primordial God seeks to use Artem to serve as their worldly Avatar to spread their Authority. Many other Primordials have breached the veil and begin tapping Humans and Mythics alike in hopes of spreading their Authority. But with this comes conflict because Authorities cannot coexist. One will overcome the other. And when that happens the Avatar will find themselves warped into demonic Ahriman, their souls destroyed.

What do the Primordials have planned and why have they woken up after so long?

All this while Artem tries to keep balance between the Human and Demon realms, pass his classes, and live what was definitely an abnormal dating life.

Release dateSep 9, 2023
My Cute Vampir Vol. 1: My Cute Vampir, #1

R.A. Rex Draco

I am an Illustrator and writer who has been in love with storytelling since we were a wee dragon. I am a member of the furry community with friendships within the LGBTQ+ community so I understand the need for being inclusive and as such these are often represented in my stories as part of my greater worldbuilding. I write comics, light novels, and other types of unique genre models that represent myself and the communities I am part of. I love science fiction first and foremost, romance, action and monster stories so those I love science fiction first and foremost, romance, action and monster stories, so because of that I enjoy writing genre-hybrid fictions. [Concerning my Erotica. It is only labeled as such for site genre purposes but all my books are [genre-bending]/[genre-hybrid] stories, meaning they are undefinable as one genre and include multiple genres within its universe.]

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    Book preview

    My Cute Vampir Vol. 1 - R.A. Rex Draco


    There in the woods sat a cottage at the edge of a lake, but it was no ordinary cottage for it was home to a man who penned what many have once believed mere myth and legend. But starting at the beginning was best... about twenty years ago.

    East Wneeri was a sprawling town where an ancient castle sat atop a tall mountain, said to be older than the first settlers of the area. It was where the mundane became fantastical and lived within a world where humans and Mythics mixed with expected results. Sometimes there were conflicts, other times there were times of peace. There had once been a man charged with being the envoy between the two species. He was a man with a special connection to Mythics. Since he was young they always seemed to gravitate towards him. At this point Mythics had been part of the world for the last twenty years. The movement was thanks to the legendary Mythic known only as the Queen of Vampir. She and two comrades, one human and one of mixed blood, came together to end the seemingly ceaseless antagonism that existed between the two groups.

    The story revolves around a man named Artem Ronen. He grew up in a small town that had a mixed school of humans and Mythics, but this often came at a price: conflict. Artem was a quiet guy, no hobbies to speak of, but he did like to write. He was the sort to avoid disputes, but it always seemed to find him. Harassed, pushed around, and sometimes sent to the hospital with how badly he was beaten up. He had a small group of friends in high school, a mixed bag of Mythic, human, and mixed bloods. Among them was his high school crush: Miki Ayuna. He had spent high school dealing with conflicts from Mythics that were drawn to him for one reason or another. Sometimes it was lascivious, other times it was aggression. Miki's family were martial artists, she grew up in a dojo, and helped Artem learn to defend himself. He depended on his friends to back him up a lot of the time, but it wasn't going to always be the case. One day they would graduate and—separate.

    Chapter One

    First Kiss

    There was a lot Artem didn't know about Miki, but a lot he did. He knew he loved her and despite rumors of him being some sort of Casanova, because most of his friends were girls, he was awkward and shy around them. She was popular, a school beauty. She was sexy, smart, mature, and the sort of person you lusted after. Artem was one of those people, at first. Over time he grew to know Miki for who she was. She held herself with pride and, in many ways, was a demure and reserved girl. It was common in her culture, but what made her stand out was her upfront and unwillingness to compromise. It made many see her as a prude, stuck up, a spoiled princess. She came from a prestigious family, she says they've had a long history on her mother's side. She had a responsibility to retain that honor.

    Artem knew Miki in private and was perhaps her closest friend for the whole of high school. She was shy, had an unshakable belief in morality and responsibility, and was absorbed in all things cute, soft, and weird. She was a real pastel goth: her black hair always dyed with streaks of pink and cute tops and skirts that fit her personality well. What made Miki unique besides those seemingly mundane, girly attributes? Miki was Mythic. A Vampir. An outcast of the Mythic: a dangerous fiend that fed off humans and could only survive by taking. It made many uneasy and when it was learned: many avoided her.

    Not Artem. He was always accepting and open of others, sometimes to his detriment. When they first met Miki was having difficulties on her first day. A fight in the cafeteria caused her to spill her supplement pouch, or what many people jokingly called transfusion pack. Transfusion packs, or supplement pouches, contain a synthetic cocktail that provided a Vampir with their needs. Miki had been in the school's library when the thirst hit and Artem had tried to help her to the infirmary, but she couldn't make it.

    Artem found himself pinned down by the ever-unobtainable Miki Ayuna. When the boy found he wasn't dead he ended up avoiding the girl for half the day. At the end of classes she, not surprisingly, confronted him. It wasn't new for him. Mythics always had a bone to pick with him. At least she was a cute girl! To Artem's shock, and dismay, she asked him if she could drink his blood again before going home. Artem knew his answer, it was crazy. It was dangerous for humans to be bitten by Mythics. Vampir and Therian were said to pass their curses on through their bites and you ended up becoming one. But when he stood there, staring at her, the way she shyly turned her head.

    Artem stupidly said yes. And so began their, very hidden, secret. For years he kept their activities behind closed doors. At times he felt he was owed something in return, but Miki had quickly stamped that selfishness out. Friends don't do things for favors. Artem felt like a heel for a while, but he did understand Miki a bit more. And Artem began to realize that he loved her. His friends had called him an idiot, indecisive, saying that he needed to confess to her already. They were tired of seeing him staring at her longingly from down the halls. But Miki was not someone you could just confess to. She had rejected every confession to come her way. Any guy, or girl, looking to date her was promptly denied, no reason ever given. Not that she had to give a reason.

    He got the bad news just before graduation. His family would be moving farther out into Wneeri, on the North side nearer the woods. His family was looking to get away from the distractions of the city. Artem hadn't much of a choice in going. A part time job wasn't going to pay for even half an apartment in East Weenri. There was nothing to lose. After all his trials and tribulations, after all the conflicts and friendships and nearly losing his life to that Insect Mythic, he would confess.

    Miki! Artem had called across the crowd of excited graduates, the football field end to end with seating for the passing class. It hadn't taken long to spot the girl among the crowd, her pastel pink highlights and dyed graduation gown stood out. Miki! He'd wave his arm, having noticed her looking around.

    There it was, Miki's bright smile. She was always happy to see her friends, a familiar face in a writhing crowd. Despite her popularity Miki wasn't much of a social butterfly. She stuck close to their friend group and never reached out beyond that. As a Vampir conflict was a natural result of her existence. Their beauty was magical, their pride backed up by power.

    So, when are you gonna tell her? A soft voice rang behind Artem, nearly scaring him clean out of his skin.

    Malcolm, he was a dragon Mythic that had been the pitcher for the baseball team. He was really popular with guys and, at first, many thought he was dating Artem. The young man proceeded to roughly pull his arm around Artem's shoulder, grinning ear to ear. Compared to Malcolm, Artem seemed even more ordinary. Artem was of average height with black, long fringe styled hair. Brown eyes, though he had become reasonably muscular thanks to having to fight for his life through high school.

    Malcolm was taller, always sporting a faux hawk. He had natural, blue hair with bright orange eyes. His darker complexion contrasted with Artem's lightly tanned skin. He fancied himself a metal-head so often wore leather and heavy clothing where Artem preferred simple, neat outfits.

    W-what?! No! Artem shook his head, the two men still wearing their graduation robes, although Malcolm was half dressed as his gown was hiked up revealing his faded jeans and biker boots. Artem noticed. Also what the hell Malcolm. Dressed or undressed. Artem hated things like that. He could be a bit meticulous, troubled when things were just half-assed. Malcolm was chronically half-assed.

    You know this is why everyone thinks you're gay. The dragon spoke as he wiggled out of the rest of the gown, pulling it over his head. Too worried about little things like that.

    Stereotyping. He complained, leaning away from the man who just pulled him back in. Nothing's wrong with self respect!

    Funny coming from a guy who can't even tell his crush he likes-oof! Malcolm's stomach was elbowed by Artem as Miki pried herself from the crowd.

    Waaah! Guys! She leaned forward, gasping. She was out of breath.

    You okay Miki? Artem worried. The girl was quite clumsy, despite her athleticism. Malcolm grinned down at Artem, who shot him a glare.

    Miki pushed to stand, pulling her long hair back behind her. Yeah! I'm great! Can you guys believe it?! We graduated! Her face was bright red, the run through the crowd and excitement of the new step up had her heart racing. How do you two feel? Her smile was bright.

    Artem found himself lost in her expressive features. He was such a coward. What did it even amount to? All those times they hung out together, just them! Visiting his place during the summer and all those short stories they wrote together for the school paper. He had even won an award for one of his. It was a story entitled: 'Falling Behind Sunset'. Miki had been happy for him, but how could he tell her the story was about her and how he felt?! Gah!

    Chapter Two

    Meanwhile ... Witty Banter

    Gaaah! Artem frantically ran his hands through his hair as he leaned back.

    Miki and Malcolm looked to one another before their eyes turned back to the frantic Artem. He sometimes fell into his thoughts and would become spaztic.

    Malcolm nodded and turned to Miki. Right, he dismissed. So did you see Katrina earlier? He'd motion his hand in an indistinct direction, rolling his eyes. She was looking for you and Artie.

    What?! Artem and Miki snapped up, shouting simultaneously.

    You didn't tell her where we were?! Artem panicked.

    The dragon looked to Artrem. Oh, welcome back. He sarcastically offered.

    Artem sputtered. Serious, be serious! Did you?!

    Katrina Montgomery, or Rini. Witch Mythic with a distinct obsession with social media, but her genius level IQ sent her rocketing through her classes and a scholarship to the most prestigious college in the area. She was a rich girl, used to getting what she wanted. Her mother is mute so she excels in Sign Language, English, and Druidic.

    Miki covered her face. I forgot to tell Aria not to tell her. Katrina was also Miki's biggest fan, self professed future wife of and did everything she could to make Artem miserable.

    While Miki couldn't fathom why Rini always harassed him, the others knew. Artem was her top rival for Miki's affection. Katrina was, oddly enough, part of the friend group. When not harrowing poor Artem she is quite a bright helpful girl, but her pranks can get out of hand, sometimes sending Artem to the infirmary. Aria was usually able to keep Rini in her place. She was a bit heavier set, below average height, but that didn't stop her from being one of the most decorated runners on campus. Rini always thought she could one-up Aria with her magic, but Aria was a Djinni Mythic, so that wasn't happening anything soon.

    Artem allowed his eyes to drift to Miki's direction. Her hair ran down to her hips. Soft, raven black and tipped with pink dye. She always had outrageous outfits on that just seemed to work for her. Standing Aria and her side by side one could really see the difference between the classy, high-brow outfits Aria loved and Miki's casual gothcore style. The bright and dark colors contrasted with her pale skin.

    The dragon Mythic would catch Artem staring, grinning to himself as he had an idea. You know... Malcolm rubbed his chin with a grin, canting his head slightly. We could head to the tea house, get some tea. It'll take Rini a while to get there. He patted Artem's chest.

    Malcolm! Artie! Miki! A familiar voice called out to the trio.

    Turning they would come face to face with the lovely visage that was Aria! A tanned skin beauty with short, white hair, cut in a bob. She wore her graduation gown as well, but would quickly disrobe from it as she hurried to their side. Beneath was a skin revealing halter top and skinny jeans. She threw herself into Artem, the man barely catching himself at the suddenness of the affectionate attack.

    A-Aria please... Artem slid back, but Miki would push her hands on his shoulders.

    Aria! Let him go! You're going to crush him! Miki complained as she pushed Artem to stand at a straighter angle.

    He doesn't mind it, right Artie?! Aria insisted, pulling his head into her buxom bosom which made it impossible for him to respond as his head sunk into the finely shaped mounds of—

    There he goes. Malcolm called out as Artie started to hyperventilate, unable to gulp air in the space of flesh and cloth and would start passing out.

    At the stage the teachers stood around happily exclaiming. All of their students had passed and would be moving on. Some were luckier than others. Katrina Montgomery was one of three who got a scholarship for their degree of choice. The principal and English teacher laughed jovially at this year's results.

    Though, The principal began. We were still unable to reduce the number of fights. Daniel Mitchell, warmly called Mr. Mitty by the student body. He was a tough individual, strongly believing in personal experience and responsibility. A proponent of charity work he is seen as a reliable man, but has a tendency to work towards his goal in a single minded manner. The principal was a Pixiu Mythic, who had strong protective natures, but had a tendency to eat precious metals.

    The English teacher laughed nervously. Most of the fights seemed concentrated around Ronen. He didn't seem like a troublesome kid, though. Alexander Holland is a human who originally studied business, but had become enamored with the legends surrounding the relationships between humans and supernaturals from pre-Union.

    Are you kidding? We would have been able to do well if that boy had stayed in Nguitchfels. Though he is quite a charming one, always so helpful in class.

    That was the sharp voice of the school's math teacher: Mrs. Mathilde Vincent. After the death of her last husband she had thrown herself into her work, distinguishing herself as a member of the community, helping many less fortunate students increase their grades, passing tests that once felt impossible. She had blonde hair with black eyes. Her father left when she was young, growing up with her mother and grandmother. She was a human, but many say her appetites were comparable to that of a succubus.

    While Mr. Mitty and Mr. Holland continued their discussion Mrs. Vincent turned her attention to the sound of excitement. In the distance she had zeroed in on Artem and his friends. Mrs. Vincent had been his homeroom teacher since the beginning so it wasn't at all difficult to hear him causing a ruckus with his friends.

    She pushed up her thin, black glasses. She wore a tight white blouse showing off her curves and cleavage, which practically spilled out of her blouse's collar, in a way that seems inappropriate for a high school, but her youthful looks, despite her age, let her get away with quite a bit. She looked in her early twenties, and seemed to swing her hips with every step. Her short black skirt sat just above her knees, giving the eye a bit too much candy to suck on.

    Up the hill, far from the stage, Artem and the others would get ready to head to the Tea House to celebrate graduation with bubble Tea and crepes. The Tea House was through the East Tunnel, across the Bramble Bridge, along Bramble Road. The town had quite a few places to hang out, but much of everything was found through the East Tunnel. The highschool sat on ancient grounds known as Clearwall. It was once a safe haven for a small number of Mythics as a magical mirage was generated by old, Druidic runes to protect the space from invasion.

    Before the Union Mythics and Humans regularly came into conflict. More often than not the confrontations ended with death and injury. Clearwall was erected to separate the gentler Mythics from the blood thirsty ones who hunted Humans relentlessly. As a symbol of their good will: Clearwall High school was constructed for both Mythic and Human students to attend together. But that was a hundred years ago. To many the legend of Clearwall comes from a large section of wall that has since collapsed which looked to guard the great castle up the mountain from intruders.

    Chapter Three

    I Only Dokidoki for You

    The group of four made their way to the Tea House. After taking the bus from Clearwall they would walk along the side of the road the rest of the way. Aria and Miki walked ahead and Artem and Malcolm lagged behind. The dragon Mythic walked with his arm behind his head, looking over to the young human who seemed depressed.

    You okay? Almost lost you there. Malcolm had to rescue Artem from Aria's busty prison before he blacked out.

    I guess. Artem sighed, looking over to the dragon. It's just, I get the feeling Miki was annoyed. I just don't want her to get the wrong idea.

    Malcolm sighed. Well, it's hard to not. You always let Aria jump on you like that. Why don't you just tell her already? You don't have much time left, right?

    Artem frowned. Two days. He felt dejected. In two days. Everything is already packed up.

    North Wneeri, huh? I heard there are almost no Mythics in that area. Malcolm recalled aloud.

    Why is that? Artem never could understand why some places were more popular with Mythics."

    Malcolm laughed. Leylines! At this Artem gave him a confused look. Leylines. Places not connected by the Leylines Mythics can't exist in. They sort of disappear? More or less.

    Artem guessed it had to be something like that. Magic beings could only exist around Magic.

    What about you, Malcolm? You were leaving Clearwall with that guy you liked, right?

    Yeah. He didn't want to be separated. I'll be taking some IT jobs out that way, work on getting into the Academy's Front Team.

    Malcolm's boyfriend was captain of the swim team, but he got hired to become a personal trainer for some rich Mythic up near Ember Hills. Malcolm was more interested in joining the Front Team, first responder to incidents involving Mythics.

    Guys! Aria called out to them. The girls had made it across the bridge first. Not whispering secrets about me are you Artie~?

    Malcolm glared down at Artem. He needed to get to it and tell Miki. Artem's heart wasn't ready yet. Maybe some bubble will calm him down. As the four entered the Tea House more and more would start filing in from the graduation. The Tea House was a popular spot. Not only did it have bubble teas but it had homemade crepes that you could fill with all sorts of things from savory to sweet. It was a two story building with outdoor seating, even a balcony with a view over the river. Artem watched as Miki chatted with Malcolm and Aria. Though he was only a foot or so from them, leaned up against the wall, he felt as if he was having an out of body experience.

    He couldn't be sure if it was Miki or the glamour Vampirs were known to have. It had a lot of different names: glamour, charm, hypnosis. It was a sort of psychic compulsion they had to attract others so they could have an easier time biting victims. Artem couldn't say he's ever felt he's fallen into that kind of thing, but he did feel drawn to her for a lot of other reasons. He reached up to rub at his neck. It was a spot Miki regularly fed from so he was self conscious about it. He felt strange talking to Miki sometimes. He would sometimes have sex dreams about her that made being around her awkward. When they first started high school they were just ordinary dreams. It was only after she started feeding from him that they became a great deal more vivid.

    I really need to stop dreaming about Miki... Artem though. Lately he's been having dreams she's been coming to his room. Though those were less severe. She would lay with him all night and just hold each other. It was really comforting when he had bad days. Perhaps that was the root of his problem?

    Artem~! Miki leaned forward to put herself into Artem's line of sight.

    Ahh! He jumped back, head hitting the wall as he snapped up. Ow ow ow... Rubbing the back of his head he turned his attention to Miki. Y-yeah? What happened Miki?

    Oh, you okay? She chuckled, the sound that snapped from the wall when his skull struck it. Ah, I wanted to know if you're going straight home after this. He glanced down.

    The Vampir had since done away with her graduation gown. Miki was wearing quite the outfit beneath too. She wore a pink mini skirt with black, thigh high stockings. Around her neck she wore a leather choker which was connected to her brocade bustier corset with leather lace that layered down like spaghetti straps over her collar and chest. It gave a clear view of the top of her pale chest. Artem didn't stare, but he could not help feeling a warmth in his stomach at the momentary view. It wasn't as if Miki didn't notice his glances. Sometimes she felt the rumors of Malcolm and Artem could be true. She felt irritated towards her friend. She tried to get his attention throughout high school. Some of her outfits were a bit risque, at least given her more conservative nature. It was all in an effort to seduce him.

    Maybe she had it all wrong? She thought he was interested in her but maybe he only saw her as a friend? Miki always had issues with socializing since she was young. High school only seemed to have exacerbated that problem, tenfold. She thought Artem was cute. She knew it was shallow to want to hang out with him because of that, but he was easy to talk to and listened to her in ways that others didn't. They just looked at her as a Vampir or bubblegum goth girl, or violent delinquent.

    Then there was his scent.

    She had been in the library looking for material for her research paper. It was a hot summer that year and Air Conditioning wasn't working in a lot of places. She had turned down one of the aisles only to see him. Artem was lounged at one of the reading couches. He had a few books piled around, frantically trying to finish a project. He had stripped down to a few articles of clothing. He removed his jacket and shirt, leaving him in just his sleeveless tee. He was sweating so she could smell his musk. His tee was soaked and sticking against his skin. Aside from his chest his arms too were enticing. In a moment of weakness she approached him with the intent of sitting next to him. Next thing she knew she had pinned him to the seat. She asked him if she could drink, her throat dry from her mishap at lunch.

    He offered to take her to the infirmary.

    As if, not at this point. She could feel every inch of him beneath her and her body was reacting. There was no way she could handle the embarrassment of having to take that walk of shame now. She took a chance and would shamelessly press herself to him, asking again. She had never used her glamour before, but it didn't matter. He seemed unaffected by it because she had to insist. She even lied and said she didn't have the strength to walk. She still felt guilty about lying to him about that, but she was desperate. She'd never felt that before.

    She only felt it around him.

    Chapter Four

    Disturbance in the Force

    Her intense gaze started to unnerve Artem. Her eyes were beautiful. She smelled nice too. He squeezed his legs together and chuckled nervously. Y-yeah! Were you guys planning to stay out all night?

    Malcolm waved his hand dismissively. No way, boy toy promised we'd go to the concert they're having the town over.

    Aria sighed. I have to help my mom get ready for her date tonight.

    They pitied the young woman! Miki on the other hand was becoming annoyed. Artem was staring at Aria. Aria was beautiful and filled out in a lot of important places. Her chest size couldn't compare to Aria and her mom was no joke either. That woman could turn an army of teenagers into zombies. Horny zombies, but zombies nonetheless. Miki felt jealous. Miki reached up and grabbed Artem's wrist.

    Arty, come here! She would guide the man toward the steps of the Tea House. A girl shouldn't walk alone!

    B-but! He stumbled at first, but would follow.

    Aria looked to Malcolm who turned his head away and sipped his bubble tea. That seemed a little weird. It wasn't as if Miki needed the help. She could beat down most guys twice her size. Miki tugged Artem through the crowds, weaving through the writhing bodies. She hated crowds, but if she could get a chance to...

    With a loud bang the emergency exit of the Tea House was flung open. The door was never hooked up to any alarm, hadn't been since its opening ten years ago. The two would find themselves in the back of the Tea House which faced out to a Junkyard. The river was to their immediate left. Before Artem had a chance to protest, Miki would push him into the brick wall, the young man coughing out in surprise. He managed to keep up with her without spilling his tea. Miki was panting, face red. She was glad to be out in the warmer night air. No one was around. Everyone was either inside or fooling around down by the riverbank.

    Miki pressed herself to Artem. He became immediately aware of her chest touching his. He's been hyper aware of the woman and how she was filling out since that first bite. Kiss. Some Vampir called it a kiss to avoid the negative connotations, but it seemed something that could create misunderstandings. Miki's breathing slowed. Artem's scent was relaxing her. She lowered her head.

    You know, Artem... She spoke in a low voice. Being so close to her he would notice that her gold eyes had a faint red color that ringed a round her pupil. I need to talk to you about something important.

    The young man looked away, his heart beating between his ears. He was sure it was by accident. Her leg. Her leg! It was settled between his legs!

    I need a favor... Her hand moved to rest on his chest in casual touch, but Miki wanted to feel it, touch his body.

    W-what do you need Miki?! He couldn't find a good place to look and it was hard to even think straight.

    Her chest pressed against him and her leg rubbed close to his indecent place. He was already having trouble controlling it! Miki needed to be more self aware! There was a limit, a limit to a man's will! It felt as if she was throwing herself at him, but Miki was way too shy for that and if she knew he was even thinking things like that that knee would probably be further up his ass. This was not even mentioning her father. He was overprotective and most guys who'd come knocking at her door would be found in the dumpster, thrown headfirst from the dojo's ground window.

    Miki swallowed. His scent made her body respond. While Humans and Mythics both had pheromones, a Mythics was sometimes much stronger due to their connection to supernatural elements. She knows she had that, that she was close enough for him to smell it. Even there, between her legs she felt her muscles shiver. Why wouldn't you look Artem?

    Ronen, Ayuna, is that you? The voice was soft, almost curious.

    Artem stood at attention. He had been sliding down on the wall. She almost had him! Miki swallowed the growl in her chest and stood back as Artem resituated himself. There around the corner was Mrs. Vincent. She had come to the Tea House as well, by the milk tea in her hand.

    Y-yes? Yes! He refocused. With Miki off him it was a little easier to think.

    Miki sighed out, turning her head away towards the Junkyard. Maybe if someone accidentally left the gates open the Dobermans would get out... bite some evildoers in the ass. To say the least: Miki didn't like Mrs. Vincent. She always made it difficult in classes and had a convenient way of popping up when she needed her least.

    Getting tea, Mrs. Vincent? Artem tried to stay polite. Honestly the teacher made him nervous. She dressed so provocatively that he would agree to most things just so he didn't have to stay looking. It wasn't that she didn't have a nice body. But she did and while first brain knows who he wants to ask out, second brain appreciates art.

    Oh, you aren't a student anymore. You can call me Mathilde. She smiled brightly, still in her clothes from graduation. How does it feel to be a full fledged adult?

    He opened his mouth, but Miki's hand on his chest made him think twice about things. Great, Mrs. Vincent! He laughed. We were celebrating with some tea. I'm actually heading home soon to help my mom and dad.

    The woman had a casual manner about her. She was always friendly on campus and very popular among the boys, for ... obvious reasons. The girls often took exception to her. Some have even blamed her for their boyfriends breaking up with them to try and court the woman. No one's ever succeeded as far as he knows. Mathilde's eyes glanced to Miki. She was still looking away, but also still just draping herself all over young Ronen.

    I hope you two aren't doing anything indecent in public. You are still young and don't want to make any mistakes. Her words cut deep. Artem felt his heart sink.

    Chapter Five

    Cat's Out of the Trash

    He couldn't help his indecent thoughts, please! Miki ground her teeth wondering just whose business it was. She finally got Artem alone for longer than five minutes. She has been trying so hard with this boy! She was inexperienced, yes. She was young, yes!

    "That isn't fair, Arty's mine..." She sighed out, whispering under her breath.

    Artem heard Miki murmur, though the words were indiscernible against the pounding sound of his heart between his ears.

    Oh! Artem, dear! Mathilde called out. Artem's eyes snapped to the left where the woman stood. He had focused on Miki a moment, nearly losing himself in his thoughts again.

    Y-yEs! His voice cracked. Clearing his throat he shook his head. Yes?

    He felt Miki's index finger tapping against his chest. He could feel she was being as patient as she could be, which for Miki that wasn't much. She had something to talk to him about but they got interrupted so he can understand the frustration. He was curious too!

    Mathilde took a sip of her tea, a few of the tapioca balls rolling up her straw then swallowed down her throat. Artem rolled his eyes away. No, no. No. How is packing going? Were you able to do everything you needed before leaving for North Wneeri?

    What?! Miki's voice pitched.

    He hadn't told her yet.

    Oh? Did Ms. Ayuna not know yet? She pursed her lips, frowning a bit. Isn't Ms. Ayuna your girlfriend? I mean you two have always been attached at the hip—I just assumed... Mathilde pressed her fingers to her painted lips, her face expressing her surprise.

    Artem could only stand there with his mouth open. Miki continued to grind her jaw. Her gaze had snapped to Mathilde, but she was now staring up at Artem. Miki reached up to push Artem's mouth closed before bats started to nest in there.

    He blinked, brain finally catching up to the situation. W-what No! I mean.. If only, he wished with every fiber of his being! We're just friends... he whispered softly. He didn't have a problem being friends, he just really really wanted more. It was selfish and maybe it was the fact he was really aroused and really confused right now. Miki was all over him and his brain was over there. Aria's boobs. He wheezed softly.

    I was going to tell you! He barked out, legs finally losing all feeling and the young man slid to the ground, back pressed to the wall. Miki stood, her hand moving from his chest as he collapsed out of reach. She leaned against the wall, forehead touching the cold brick.

    Oh, oh Ronen, I'm sorry! I didn't know. I'm sorry Ayuna. It was just—the way you two are. I thought... It was my mistake for assuming. I supposed I read all those signals between you two wrong. Mathilde offered in sympathy.

    Miki smiled darkly. Artem looked up. He could see Miki looking down at him with an expression of hurt on her face. Oh gods! He was such an asshole! He should have told Miki first! But he wanted to confess to her first! Everything was going backwards! Artem thought it was better for his lifespan to continue looking up because straight ahead were Miki's legs, barely covered by her short, very mini, skirt. Her stockings, from this short, short distance, were lace. He could see her skin.

    Yeah. Miki exhaled. I thought we were close too. Artem opens his mouth to protest, but the Vampir pounds her fist against the brick wall. Artem flinches as some of the mortar dusts down over his head from the crack she made. I gotta go. It's my turn to clean the dojo. Later—or, I guess not. She shrugged and would turn to leave.

    Wait! Miki! He pushed to stand, stumbling to his feet clumsily.

    He watched as she walked away. Not once looking back.

    Are you okay Ronen? Mathilde's voice, no her breath, blew against his ear.

    Ahh! Artem squeaked, falling forward as he scrambled away. He turned to face Mathilde, on his bottom in the dirt lot. W-what? She had closed the distance fast, and silently. He would give props where due as she did that in heels, but no. No, there were more important matters at hand. Miki she—

    She was quite upset. Mathilde crouched down, perched on her heels as she crossed her arms over her knees. Her skirt strained against her thighs, her blouse squeezing her chest to the point that they looked about ready to burst a few buttons. A girl's heart is a delicate thing Ronen. Perhaps you should let her cool down for the night.

    Artem looked left and right, up and anywhere not her chest. Artem stood and nodded. She was right. He'd be pretty steamed too if he was in Miki's shoes. Mathilde stood before reaching out to pull Artem's arm against her chest, squeezing it into the plush flesh.

    How about this Ronen, come with me to my place. I think I have just what you need to help you with your problem. His former teacher offered, her smile never leaving her face.

    Honestly Artem didn't know what to do on his own. He was absolute bollocks when it came to girls. After all, he spent the past four years pining for Miki and never saying a word! What could he say: Hey I've had a crush on you since you sucked my blood! He felt a burning sensation in his chest. Was this what absolute idiocy felt like? He screwed it up with Miki in one fell goof.

    There, there. Don't fret Ronen. Come. This won't take very long at all. She would gently pat his shoulder, the lamenting youth getting led off by the woman as she petted his head and gently comforted him with kind words.

    Aria and Malcolm were leaving the Tea House. They made their way towards the bus stop further up the road, but would come to a stop when they heard the rattling shake of the Junkyard's chain link fence. Miki had her fingers looped into the rings, shaking it to call the Junkyard dogs. The Dragon and Djinni looked at each other before they winced.

    It doesn't look like Arty did it. Malcolm sighed.

    I mean, better for me right? I can get him on the rebound. Aria assured.

    Ari! Malcolm glared at her. The woman looked away and sighed.

    Fine, fine. I'll go talk to her. You have to go meet Reese, right?

    Yeah. Just make sure Arty doesn't fall into a ditch. You know how he gets when Miki's upset with him. He loved his friend, but he was an idiot when it came to the gentle heart of a maiden. He waved his hand and continued on his way as Aria turned to head down to the Junkyard.

    Chapter Six

    Strange Wish

    The Junkyard dogs were hefty beasts. A massive Doberman wearing a spiked collar and a Church Grim wearing a harness of chains. They kept troublemakers out of the yard. Gib and Goob, as they were affectionately called by their owner, didn't like many people, but Miki was one of them. The Vampir crouched down and reached into her purse. From it she would pull a few dog treats and squeezed them through the rings for the beasts.

    Miki sighed. The Vampir poked her finger through the chain links, poking at the dog beasts' noses. Cold wet noses. Maybe she was doing this all wrong? But what was the right way? glamour him and make him date her? Well even if she could, that wouldn't be a real romance. A real relationship was give and take, not take and take. The woman sunk her face into her arms which were folded on top of her knees as she crouched there, lamenting her own prudishness. No it wasn't that—she was just shy. It was not something she could have said even if she wanted.

    "Yeah, will you date me Arty?! She mumbled. Pah, ja, pathetic. I sound like a—"

    Girl. Aria interrupted the Vampir from her solemn reprieve.

    Miki had startled, but settled down seeing that it was only Aria. Staring at Aria's chest she became more depressed. Ari probably had to try even less.

    The smaller woman sits down next to Miki. Were you staring at my tits? She smirked.

    Shut up. Miki pouted, feeling gloomy.

    Aria smiles and looks at the dog beasts who seemed to have quite the fondness for the Vampir. You know, Miki. Everyone stares at my breasts. It doesn't mean they like me, or don't like someone else. They're just really nice, you know?

    The crouched Vampir slowly blinked. I'm not sure if you're bragging or trying to comfort me.

    Aria shrugged. A little of column A, a little of column B. Look, Miki. Don't you like Arty?

    Miki was silent for a moment, her hand pushing through the fence to pet the beasts. No.

    Miki. Aria sternly called.

    I don't like him, Ari! She felt her cheeks heat up, tears at the edges of her eyes. Aria frowned at her friend. I love him! I want him to ask me to marry him. I want to go on a honeymoon with him. I even know where I want to go, you know? I have weird sexy dreams about his stupid sexy self! I'm beside myself with all these feelings and no where to put them!

    Aria blinked, moving to pat Miki's back. It seemed she was a bit... deprived.

    Don't Vampir have this whole, like, process for that?

    Yes. But dad won't tell me the rest of it! Miki slumped over into Aria.

    What? Isn't that like—illegal or something? Why don't you just look it up online or something?

    I tried. She stared off. My search history will forever be tainted.

    She felt for her. So there's no information out there? Miki shook her head. Well, have you tried to just ask him? Miki nodded. Okay, Aria was curious now.

    Miki sighed deeply. Everytime we're alone together I get really excited and start thinking inappropriate things and end up spacing out. His scent Ari! Just being near him makes me, makes me...

    Aria leaned forward a bit, looking at Miki's gold-red eyes. Miki's eyes were mostly gold, but there was a ring of red just on the outer edge of the pupils. She tried to give Miki time to collect herself.

    Horny. You want to have sex with him, six ways to Sunday. Aria presented.

    Miki squeaked and pulled her hair over her face.

    Aria sighed. "Listen, I can understand that. There's something about Arty that makes you want to eat him or eat him. Miki whined again, leaning away from Aria, who laughed. But you like him differently, don't you?"

    Mythics had all sorts of ways they loved, but more often it was quite primal, ways that Humans have long since forgotten, though still practiced on a subconscious level. Scent was important to many Mythic. It was the bridge to memory so there were many who kept track of their partners, family, and lands through scent alone. Blood was another means by which some Mythic connected. Blood was lifegiving. It created life, it maintained it and from blood you could learn everything about an individual. The Spirit, just another connection, another reach, level.

    Sex, Mating, Love, Romance. It was all the same between Mythics and Humans, but there were instances where Humans were at the highest risk due to Mythics' supernatural abilities. Rituals, ruts, heat, seasons, marriage, handfasting. The Druids, before Union, had recorded many ways that Mythics bond with each other and Humans. There were certain groups that, while having no qualms with the Union, have issues with the idea of bonding with a Mythic bonding with a Human or a Human bonding with a Mythic.

    Prejudices were going to exist so early in the Union. A hundred years isn't enough to erase thousands more of war, strife, and hate.

    Miki rubs her hand over her cheeks, pushing the heat back. Yeah. She finally responded to Aria. I love him differently.

    Aria stood and dusted off her legs. So, how's he gonna know that now? Miki looked at Aria in question.

    What? Miki was confused. I mean, he's moving to North Wneeri.

    Not for two more days. Are you really gonna mope for two whole days? She knows Miki can but it is best that she doesn't. Go talk to him.

    Miki pushed to stand and scoffed. He's probably run off with Mrs. Vincent. She came snooping around. Getting in her way. She was still frustrated, her body squirming with need!

    Wait, what? Aria grabbed Miki's shoulders. Mrs. Vincent? The one that everyone says she totally killed her Ex? Miki shook her head, having never heard any of this. Miki, that woman eats boys up. Not quite like a succubus but I've started to wonder. Don't you hear what happens to the guys that try to go out with her? Miki was becoming a little concerned. I heard they just don't.

    Aria shook Miki. She puts guys through the shredder! They go in young and good and come out sticky and used, you know?

    What? Miki twitched a little. What?! She shouted, the Junkyards beasts barking at her raised voice.

    Artem found himself riding with Mrs. Vincent to her place. What was he even doing with himself? He hurt Miki unintentionally. When they arrived at her condo he felt out of place. Was this a good idea? She had been married and if anyone can give him advice about a maiden's heart it's a maiden right? He had

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