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Beating the Overactive Bladder Blues
Beating the Overactive Bladder Blues
Beating the Overactive Bladder Blues
Ebook107 pages53 minutes

Beating the Overactive Bladder Blues

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About this ebook

Do you avoid drinking before bed, plan your day so you are not too far from a bathroom, or carry an empty water bottle for emergencies? Perhaps you've considered surgery to fix your overactive bladder.

This book is for anyone who has ever suffered from urinary incontinence and is packed with practical and no-nonsense advice presented in a clear and concise manner.

Based on his own wellness journey, author Doug Setter draws on years of research and personal experience to give you the necessary tools to take back control of your life using a natural, holistic approach.

In Beating the Overactive Bladder Blues you'll discover natural remedies for urinary incontinence, nocturia, enlarged prostate, and low testosterone.

You'll learn a five-pronged approach to controlling the flow that doesn't require surgery or medications.:

Muscle control exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor

Improving bladder health with herbs, foods, and supplements

Understanding and managing urination 'triggers'

Protecting the prostate

Creating new habits to reprogram your brain and bladder

You'll also find natural ways to boost testosterone and 10 bonus remedies for overactive bladder. There is also a collection of 12 delicious healthy prostate recipes packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

Order your copy today and naturally regain control of your bladder and feel better.

PublisherDoug Setter
Release dateSep 16, 2023
Beating the Overactive Bladder Blues

Doug Setter

Doug has worked as a Morse Code Operator, paratrooper and United Nations peacekeeper. He has run marathons, competed in kick-boxing in Canada and Hong Kong and climbed Mt. Rainier. He lives in New Westminster, Canada. 

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    Book preview

    Beating the Overactive Bladder Blues - Doug Setter

    Beating the Bladder Blues

    Natural Remedies for Overactive Bladders

    Beating the Bladder Blues

    Enjoy uninterrupted sleep and freedom from embarrassment!


    Copyright @ 2022 Doug Setter

    All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission except in the case of quotations embodied in articles and reviews.


    Introduction     p.  7     

    1   The Battle of the Bladder

    (Does this sound like you?!) p.  9  

    2  One Symptom, Many Causes p.18 

    3  The Five-Pronged Approach

    to Controlling the Flow  p.24

    4  Muscle Control &

    Strengthening the Pelvic Floor  p.27

    5  Triggers    p.48

    6  Power Fuel—

    Food, Supplements & Herbs p.62

    7  Reprogramming Brain

    & Bladder Behavior  p.77

    8  Boosting Testosterone  p.86

    9  The Plan, the Pitfalls

    & the Prize    p.94

    AFTERWARD    p.102

    Resources     p.104

    INTRODUCTION (Who reads these anyway?)

    Frequent urination (incontinence) or late-night urination (nocturia) is not something that you have to accept as part of aging or just the way that it is.

    Despite decades of practicing good health and fitness, I found myself getting bouts of nervous pissing during my late 50s and early 60s. It was getting inconvenient and embarrassing. Even my 12-year-old daughter commented on how many times a day I had to visit the men’s room.

    So, I researched scientific journals, forums, websites, studies and interviews regarding incontinence and nocturia. I condensed the research and self-experimentation into five successful solutions. I can now work a normal day without sprinting to a urinal and sleep through an entire night without getting up to go to the washroom. As a result, my strength, energy and mental focus improved. It is sheer heaven getting that sound, solid sleep and greater self-respect.

    It is my hope that the reader can learn from this book and gain the same freedom. It is well worth the time and effort.

    In health,

    Doug Setter

    Chapter 1:  The Battle of the Bladder (Does this sound like you?!)

    I can make it, I told myself.

    But the long line of rush hour traffic was telling me otherwise.

    I felt that I could maintain bladder control for at least the 10-minute drive to work before visiting a urinal. That was 30 minutes ago, and the traffic along Vancouver’s Hastings Avenue was slowly crawling through construction sites and hordes of jaywalking pedestrians that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. I was squeezing my sphincter and butt muscles for all I was worth, and this was assisted by having the fingers of one hand inside my pocket, pinching down hard on my you-know-what. All the while just praying that none of the other drivers were watching my pathetic struggle.

    It was a losing battle. I could already feel drops of hot urine starting to leak through onto my underwear. And to top it all off, the damn traffic was just inching along. It would have been faster to get out and walk! Moreover, there was nowhere—and I mean absolutely nowhere—to stop and relieve myself without getting run over or offending the public.

    I should have prepared for this situation. For the last couple of years, the urge to urinate had been coming on stronger and much more frequently. Sometimes, this overwhelming need to urinate was triggered by stress. And at other times, I needed to run to a washroom soon after drinking any fluids. So, here I was. With a bladder full of a breakfast smoothie and hopelessly stuck in an infuriating traffic jam. I should have seen this one coming!!

    Then I had an idea.

    With reflexes and genius that might rival James Bond or MacGyver, I snatched up a nearby empty water bottle and quickly unscrewed the cap. Then, not giving a damn if pedestrians, drivers or a busload of nuns saw me, I squeezed my sphincter muscles even harder as I took both hands off my steering wheel and, with magician-like dexterity and speed, undid my zipper, unceremoniously whipped out said tortured body part and inserted it in the wide mouth of the water bottle. All I can say to this day is . . . THANK GAWD for wide-mouthed water bottles.

    Continuing to drive with my free hand, I could feel the water bottle get warm as it quickly filled. Silently, I prayed that it would not overfill, stain my pants and car, and leave that fragrance of urine ammonia. That acrid smell in my car on a hot day would be the icing on the cake . . . especially if one of my coworkers asked for a ride.

    Luckily, it was a good-sized bottle and I finished with room to spare. I waited until I was at a

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