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These Women - Book Two: These Women, #2
These Women - Book Two: These Women, #2
These Women - Book Two: These Women, #2
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These Women - Book Two: These Women, #2

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Bianca's story continues as she attempts to navigate through her new life. Then a surprise from her past causes her to have to make a tough decision that could change her life yet again.
Mina encounters someone who makes it more and more difficult for her to hide her preferences. Tragedy happens and doesn't make things any easier for her.
Passion Marie is the daughter of a billionaire trying to blend in. Feeling that her needs in life are simple, she can't seem to understand why no one can meet them. Strange circumstances allow her to meet someone who can do exactly that.
Join these women as their journey through life, love, and self-discovery continues.

(Content Warning: Suicide)

Release dateSep 16, 2023
These Women - Book Two: These Women, #2

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    These Women - Book Two - Turtleberry


    The morning of the two year anniversary of Tony’s death hit me worse than I thought it would. I woke up crying and gasping for breath. My dream had me not leaving my bedroom window that night but actually seeing Tony get killed. Even as I woke up I knew it was my imagination and that I had only heard it but it still shook me. I tried to go for a run but had to stop every few minutes to catch my breath and stop crying. I got back to the house and went straight for a small tote in my closet. It was full of things from Tony’s house that I couldn’t bear to look at every day. Loose pictures caused me to cry even harder. There was one that Ms. Jenkins took of Tony, Q, and I at Q’s graduation. Our smiles cut through me.

    Further down was a picture of all of us from one of the last times we all went to visit Ray. The picture was sitting on top of the box that Tony had given me the night of my graduation. I wouldn’t go any further because underneath that box was the bracelet box that actually held my wedding rings. Suddenly I got an idea. I wanted to see Ray. I truly wanted to see everyone. I wanted to see Ms. Jenkins and Q. I wished I could see Tony again. Tony was gone and I had no clue where Ms. Jenkins and Q were. I knew that Ms. Jenkins was somewhere in Atlanta but it was a big city. I did know where Ray was.

    I got on my computer and got directions to the federal prison where Ray was being held. I threw a change of clothes and a few things in a duffel bag. Then I grabbed my book bag and headed downstairs. Ben was coming in just as I got to the front door.

    Going somewhere? Ben asked. Then he got a good look at my face. You’ve been crying?


    With the morning I’ve had I would really like the truth.

    What happened?

    You first.

    I shifted my weight. You know what day it is. Isn’t that why you’re here?

    Ben smiled. I figured you would be in a shitty mood. I happen to be in a similar mood.

    I’m on my way on a road trip that I’d appreciate you not telling daddy about.

    Not to Baltimore, I hope.

    No. Memphis.

    That is like ten hours away.

    More like twelve.

    Want some company?

    I looked at Ben. I don’t know.

    We could take my truck.


    I’ll even let you drive when we hit some open road. Ben smiled.


    I headed out behind Ben. He moved his book bag out of the front seat. I have to stop past my apartment to get some clothes. When are we coming back?

    Tomorrow. I’m actually supposed to work tomorrow but I am calling in.

    I’m off tomorrow.

    Don’t you want to know why Memphis?

    Ben backed out of the driveway. I just figured you wanted to visit your friend Ray.

    I smiled and looked out the window as we headed down the street. I waited in the car while Ben ran into his apartment building. He was only gone for about five minutes. He came out with a duffel bag and another bag. Then we hit the highway. For the first hour we really only listened to music. Soon the songs kept allowing my mind to dip back to memories of Tony and Q. Finally I turned the radio down and looked at Ben.

    So what pissed you off this morning?

    Ben sighed. Women.

    I laughed. All women or just one in particular?

    My ex-girlfriend.

    Forgive me if I don’t recall her name.

    Ben laughed. Does it even matter?

    So, what happened?

    She’s pissed because she wanted me to take her to the beach next weekend.


    I thought she just wanted to go. Then I figure out that she wants me to take her.

    I scratched my head. Oh, she wants you to pay for the whole thing.


    She is your girlfriend. I mean it is a reasonable request.

    Ben raised his eyebrow. We’ve been dating for three months.

    So it was time to get rid of her anyway? I giggled. Ben had been through so many girlfriends that I couldn’t really keep up. I only knew that six months was the record and that happened his sophomore year of college.

    You’re starting to sound like Cris. Ben shook his head. I told her that we could go before the semester started. Right now I don’t have money to finance a trip with her to the beach.

    Fair enough.

    You would think. Then she comes over last night, like everything is cool. This morning she wakes me up...

    Error number one.

    ... and is pissed because I have a new lap top.

    You got it finally?

    Yes. Ben had been saving up to get a Mac Book. He wanted all the bells and whistles so that he could start working on more freelance projects. Thing is that she had to go in my closet to find it.

    What do you mean in your closet?

    I put it in the back of the closet to keep myself from opening it before my new printer gets here.

    I shook my head. She was snooping in your stuff?

    And then started to yell at me about it.

    I laughed. You have the worst luck with the women you pick.

    I’m about to go on hiatus again.

    No you won’t. I laughed.

    Okay, so maybe just from having a girl friend. Ben looked at me. We all can’t just go cold turkey like you.

    Cris did.

    Ben raised his eyebrow. And let’s just say that since the breakup he is attempting to make up for lost time.

    I laughed. Mina would kill me if she knew I was laughing at that.

    Perhaps not having slept with her was a good idea.

    I wonder if they will ever try it anyway.

    Ben looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

    I talked to Mina. I know everything.

    I wish she would tell more people though.

    Me too. I pointed over to a country store. They look like they have some pastries in there.

    Ben laughed. Is that part of your training diet?

    It’s summer time. I teach it but I don’t live by it. I smiled.

    We stopped at the store and used the bathroom. Then I stocked up on snacks, drinks, and pastries. Ben actually got sandwiches. He looked at me on the way out. I can’t live on donuts and oatmeal cream pies.

    Did you get me one?

    He smiled. Yes, cause you aren’t getting a bite of mine.

    I waited until we were back on the road, and Ben was eating while driving, to ask a question. So, do you think there is a perfect woman out there for you?

    He thought for a second. I don’t know. Maybe if I could build her from scratch.

    Spoken like a true computer nerd.

    Shut up.

    I laughed. So if you could build her, what would she look and be like?

    First, she would be independent. I can’t deal with chicks who need to cling to you. When I am working on a project I may not come up for air for a while. I don’t like to be disturbed, especially with dumb shit.

    What is considered dumb shit?

    Anything other than sex, food, or the need for me to take you to the hospital.

    I burst into laughter. Nice.

    I once thought that I didn’t want her to have a temper, but passive women are ten times worse. She needs to be intelligent, with both book smarts and common sense.

    Can she cook?

    I don’t care.

    I looked at him. Seriously?

    If she can’t cook I don’t care as long as I eat. Ben took that cue to get another bite of his sandwich. No excuses though. I will cook for myself if necessary but I hate when I have to hear excuses.

    Like what?

    Like you don’t know what you want to eat but then don’t want whatever I suggest. Or when you were going to cook but you were nervous and now I’m starving and have to cook. My favorite is when you know you can’t cook, but try to anyway, and then I have to sit through something we both know is god awful.

    I laughed. Has this all really happened to you?


    Damn. I took a sip of my water, and then opened a soda for Ben. What does she look like?

    Ben smiled. Heaven.

    I laughed again. Seriously.

    I am serious.

    What does heaven look like?

    I hear my bros talk about the problem with having eye candy.

    There is a problem with eye candy? I raised my eyebrow.

    Yes. A girl who is universally beautiful to everyone can lead to some guys being insecure in their relationship. If every guy wants your girl then you’ve got trouble.

    Trouble? I smiled.

    Yes, my dear sister. Your middle name.

    I laughed. True indeed.

    I want my own brand of trouble. I happen to like it when my girl is the center of attention and every guy is dreaming of going home with her.

    Except she is going home with you.


    You sound like Q.

    Really? Ben raised his eyebrow. How so?

    Tony wanted me to get contacts. He said my eyes caused too much attention. Tony would have had me wear a sweat suit to school every day if we didn’t have a uniform. I could never wear my hair out. When Q came to stay with us, he talked Tony out of taking me to get the contacts. He said that I could hypnotize anybody I wanted as long as those eyes closed at night lying next to him.

    I can imagine how you and Q being together must have driven Tony crazy.

    He was cool with it.

    That is what I don’t get. I don’t want you talking to any guy I have ever had a conversation with.

    Yeah, I’ve noticed that most guys on campus won’t talk to me cause of either you or Avery.

    I like it that way. Ben shook his head. That is why I don’t get it.

    I looked out the window. Then I reached in my bag and pulled out the box that Tony had given me. I opened it and then the jewelry case inside. There was a black onyx panther pendant on a gold chain. Behind the panther was a gold oval piece providing background. Tony gave me this when I graduated from high school.

    You’ve never worn it?

    I just opened it. He asked me not to open it until I needed to. I held it up and looked at the inscription on the back of the oval. The words made me cry.

    What is it?

    It says to my number one.

    Tony’s number one? Ben raised his eyebrow.

    I wiped my eyes and turned to Ben. Tony was the second guy I ever had sex with. It only happened twice and both times I had to push every button he had to make it happen. He told me I was too young, and I was.

    How old were you?

    I was fourteen and he was twenty-three.


    He wouldn’t let any guy get near me. I had finally got him to let me go on a date when I turned sixteen. He also put me on birth control.

    Just to date?

    I had told him about my constant thoughts about sex.

    Ben laughed. Elijah junior.

    I smiled. Anyway, on that one date I swear he had us followed.

    How do you know?

    My date offered to bring me home. We were sitting in his car and he kissed me. Then my phone rang.

    Tony called you?

    To tell me that he was around the corner from the movie theater and I should be standing out front waiting for him.


    No, it wasn’t. I rolled my eyes. Then I smiled. My second date ever was with Q.

    Wow. So that’s why it’s so easy for you to give up sex. You’ve only been with three guys.

    I laughed. Ben, Q and I had sex every day for a year and a half. I’m ready to rip my fucking hair out.

    Ben laughed. Poor thing.

    I looked out the window. I just have no desire for anyone else.

    Do you think you will ever?


    Makes my life easier.

    I smacked him in the arm. Glad to be able to help you out.

    I’m just trying to look on the bright side. Ben looked at me and smiled.

    I reached down in my bag and pulled out the jewelry bag that held Q’s necklace and ring. I can’t imagine anyone making me feel like Q did. I don’t just mean sexual either.

    I get it. Ben paused. How are you planning on wearing all of those necklaces? You still wear dad’s ring.

    I smiled. I do.

    You wear it every day?

    Yup. Only take it off to run, work out, and shower. I took the chain off and added Q’s ring to sit next to my dad’s. Then I put it back around my neck. The chain for the panther allowed it to come higher up on my chest. This works.

    Can I ask you a serious question?


    What if Q is paralyzed?

    It doesn’t matter. I looked out the window. It kills me that I can’t be with him. He’s probably alone.


    Tony was his only family. I mean he had an aunt in Jersey but she threw him out. Ms. Jenkins is in Atlanta. I doubt they let him go with her. Tears fell from my eyes. I wiped them away quickly.

    Ben pulled over. How about you drive for a while?

    I turned and smiled at him. Okay.

    After getting the seat adjusted, and Ben giving me some pointers, we got back on the road. Once I was comfortable I decided to change the subject.

    What was it like growing up with the Davis clan?

    I didn’t actually. Ben looked out the window. I only spent summers with the family. It wasn’t until I was 18 that I became a full time Davis.

    I laughed. So you are fairly new to Smurf village.

    Ben laughed. Yes. Dad had to do serious battle to get me there during the summers. Grandma actually had to step in.


    Yeah. She can’t stand my mother. Every year grandma would threaten to reopen the custody case.

    There was a custody case?

    Oh yeah. My mom didn’t want me to see dad at all. Pissed grandma off but dad agreed to let my mom have full custody as long as I came to spend summers with the family.

    There wasn’t a custody case for me?

    Ben smiled. That pissed grandma off the most.


    Because dad refused to do it.

    Why did he refuse? I paused. He knew he would win.


    I smiled. That is why I love that man.

    Ben laughed. It amazes me how you understand him and haven’t even been around him that much.

    I don’t think he’s that hard to get.

    Whatever. I don’t understand a thing that man does.

    You don’t spend much time with him either.

    I’m not use to having him around. He’s in town way more now that you are here.


    Oh yeah. He would be gone for months at a time before. Now he’s home at least once a month. He’s even taking cases in DC. He never did that before.

    He’s still worried about me.

    Ben smiled. You are his little girl.

    Don’t hate.

    I’m not. It keeps him from bothering me. Ben paused. Davis said you are thinking about law school.

    Not thinking, doing. I smiled. I signed up for Pop’s new five year pilot program.

    Wow. Nice. Ben shook his head. When do you find time to study?

    What do you mean?

    You are either in the gym, on the track, or out with Avery or one of his frat brothers. Speaking of that...

    We aren’t going to talk about that right now. I said quickly. Back to studying. I have no life outside of what you mentioned. I hang out with Lisa and Rhonda sometimes, but mostly that is in the gym or after practice. Mina and I hang out but that is usually to study, with a little bit of her gossiping.

    What about butterfly business?

    I rolled my eyes. I haven’t exactly done much with that.

    You are still pissed at that chick Anya?


    I know you can’t tell me what happened...

    She called me a whore.

    Wow. Ben laughed.

    I started to say something but his laughter wouldn’t stop. What is so funny?

    Ben collected himself. Let’s just say that Anya is a rare butterfly and has absolutely no business throwing that word around.

    I rolled my eyes. Avery told me.

    And that business with him was some cruddy ass shit. I don’t even know why you would let her do that.

    Avery and I are just friends.

    So. It doesn’t matter.

    I smiled. Let’s just say, the way it went down was in a fashion that all her sorors knew.

    Ben nodded. I get it. They couldn’t ignore it at that point.

    Nope. I paused. In fact, Missy came back not to long after that happened.

    Ben smiled. And I so very much appreciate that.

    I looked at him for a second. Wait, you and Missy?

    We are friends.

    Bull shit.

    Ben chuckled. She was my six month relationship.

    And you two still hook up?

    When the mood strikes us.

    So why didn’t it work out?

    She and my mother get along.

    I sighed. Damn.

    I had a heated argument with my mom and Missy took her side.

    Damn. I looked at Ben quickly. Y’all couldn’t work that out?

    Still can’t. We hang out but the bottom line is that she wants me to have a better relationship with my mom.

    Has she met your mom?

    Yes. Ben laughed. That is what kills me. I’m like you see she’s crazy but you still like her and think I should deal with her.

    That’s too bad. I smiled. I mean, Missy is some eye candy.

    Ben grinned. That she is.

    BEN AND I TOOK TURNS driving. We only stopped for bathroom breaks and to get food. It was almost ten when we arrived in Memphis. Ben was driving and decided we should find the prison and then find a hotel nearby. We got settled in the room, after having a good laugh when the desk attendant kept trying to give us a room with one bed instead of two. Ben finally told the guy I was his sister and said that he was not sleeping on the floor. I took my shower first. Ben was in the shower and I had almost fallen asleep when my phone rang. It was my dad.

    Where are you?

    Hi dad. How are you?

    Your truck is here but you are not.

    I’m fine daddy.

    Where are you? Don’t you have to work tomorrow?

    I sighed. I am taking tomorrow off. I was almost asleep.

    Bianca Nicole Davis...

    I held my phone out for Ben when he came out the bathroom. Would you talk to your father? He just called me by my full name.

    Ben laughed and took my phone and put it on speaker. Dad, chill. We took a road trip.

    Do you two ever think of giving anyone a heads up?

    I left Cris a note. Ben responded.

    That was helpful. My dad sighed. Bianca...

    I’m nineteen daddy.

    Yes, I understand that but...

    Stop worrying daddy.

    When you say that I worry more.

    Night dad. Ben hung up the phone. He dropped it next to me and then collapsed on the other bed.

    WE WOKE UP EARLY AND headed to breakfast. I didn’t say much during the meal. Ben was nice enough not to push. Then we headed to the prison. We sat in the truck in the parking lot.

    Finally I looked at Ben. Is it okay if I go by myself?

    I was hoping you would want to. Ben smiled. I can wait out here and get some work done.

    Thanks. I got out of the truck. I’ll be back.

    Take your time.

    I headed through security and was shocked that my name was already on Ray’s guest list. He knew I was coming?

    No ma’am. You are just listed as someone permitted to visit him. You are his sister, aren’t you?

    I smiled. Yes.

    Ray hasn’t had a visitor since his mom came for Christmas.

    Her words made me pause for a moment. I looked at her. Has his brother come to visit?

    She looked at me and then smiled. No he hasn’t. Please step through the metal detector.

    I walked through, got my bag, and headed inside to an open area. The guard came from a door near the one I just entered. Ms. Davis, follow me.

    I followed her to a private room. She let me in and then left, shutting the door behind her. I sat down at the table. A few moments later Ray walked in with the same guard. I jumped up. I went to hug him but I stopped.

    Ray laughed. You can hug me.

    I ran over and hugged him. Hey.

    Ray gave me a squeeze. What are you doing here?

    I stepped back. A few tears fell from my eyes. I missed you.

    Just me?

    It’s been two years.

    To the day in fact. Ray led me back over to the chair. He sat next to me.

    How is it that you get a private room to talk and you can hug me now? I looked at the guard and then at Ray.

    The joys of federal prison. Ray looked up at the guard. Can I have five minutes alone with my sister?

    The guard raised her eyebrow. Five minutes only.

    After she left I turned to him. Why are there female guards at a male prison?

    They work up here in the visiting area. This is minimum security.

    How did you spring that?

    Ray smiled. Your dad and grandfather swung it for me.

    I looked down. They did?

    I promised to keep you as safe as I could from the inside. Ray lifted my head up. Not that you have made it easy for me.

    I only went to Baltimore that once.

    I know. Ray shook his head. I talked to Slim.

    I ran my races and then I got on the bus and left.

    Shit is not as calm as it seems Bianca.

    I sat up. Is that why you won’t tell me where Q is?

    I can’t.

    I took a deep breath. Bull shit.

    Ray shook his head.


    Listen to me. The track meet thing is fine. If shit gets too hot at the time the police will be there. There are people in Virginia watching you too.


    Ray smiled. My reach is a lot further than you will ever know my dear.

    Am I going to be watched for the rest of my life?

    For as long as you need to be.

    The door to the room opened. The female guard came in, followed by and male guard and Ben. I sat up. Ben, I thought you were waiting in the truck.

    Ray stood up and shook Ben’s hand. I wanted to finally meet my half-brother.

    Ben smiled. So you are Ray.

    Yup. Thanks for bringing her out here. I was worried the first time she came she would come alone.

    She is trouble. She can’t travel alone. Ben smiled.

    Ray laughed and looked at me. See. I told you that you were trouble.

    Come on guys. I’m going to start to take offense to that.

    The male guard stepped outside the door. The female guard stood in the doorway. Ray, you only have a few more minutes.

    Ray looked at me. If I would have known you were coming I would have carved out some time in my schedule.

    I just needed to... I choked on my words.

    Ray hugged me again. I understand. It is going to be okay.

    I looked up at him and nodded. I told Slim that I would let you know when I would be in Baltimore.

    I think I will know. Ray smiled at me and then looked at Ben. The track schedule is posted on the website.

    Yes it is. I smiled.

    Ray kissed me on the forehead. Behave yourself.

    You too. I looked at the guard and then back at Ray.

    Write to me. Ray shook Ben’s hand. Keep this one out of trouble.

    I will do my best. Ben smiled.

    The female guard smiled at Ray as he walked out and went down the hall with the male guard. She then turned to me. I’ll walk you guys out.

    Ben and I followed her outside. We were given our licenses back. Just outside the door she turned to me. I smiled at her. You take care of my brother Ray.

    She smiled at me. Have a safe trip back.

    I waited until we got to the truck and then turned to Ben. Is it just me or...

    Oh yeah, he is sleeping with that guard. Ben laughed.

    Tony told me that Ray had a way with the ladies. I laughed. I guess he is doing well then.

    More than well it seems like. Ben started the car and then looked at me. You feeling better?

    Yes. I smiled at him. I turned my head and looked out the window thinking about what Ray hadn’t said about Q. It didn’t sit well with me but I had no choice but to accept it, for now.

    WE GOT HOME AFTER MIDNIGHT. Ben pulled up in front of the house. The light was still on in our dad’s study.

    Ben looked at me. You want me to come in with you?

    Nope. I got it. I smiled.

    After getting my bags out of the truck I headed into the house. I put my stuff down at the bottom of the steps and headed into the office. My dad looked up from his computer.

    You’re back.


    How was Ray?

    I knew you would find out.

    Ray called me and told me you were there. He knew I’d be worried.

    I huffed. Daddy...

    It is okay sweetie. My dad got up from behind his desk. I think I understand why you went. I am just glad you took your brother with you.

    I know I should have told you first. I just decided to go and went.

    My dad gave me a hug. What am I going to do with you?

    Have some ice cream before I go upstairs to pass out?

    My dad laughed. Sounds like a plan.

    A COUPLE OF WEEKS LATER I was a bridesmaid in Naomi and Davis’ wedding. At the reception I noticed how uncomfortable my dad was. He was sitting next to a very beautiful woman. She reminded me a little bit of my mother, except her hair was red instead of blonde. The woman smiled at my dad and they talked briefly but the tension was so thick I thought someone would choke on it. I walked over to my Aunt Lauryn.

    Aunt Lauryn, who is that over there next to my dad. He looks so uncomfortable.

    Aunt Lauryn laughed. That is Tiffany Andrews. Davis worked for her when she was an interim judge in the Federal Circuit Court.

    And that is why my dad looks like that?

    No. Tiffany was his college sweetheart.

    I raised my eyebrow. Really?

    Oh yeah.

    Why did they break up?

    She wanted to get married and he didn’t.

    I shook my head. Why does that sound familiar to me?

    Lauryn laughed again. I was thinking the same thing when it happened with Mina.


    Why don’t you go and save your father?

    I walked over but Naomi beat me to him. I decided to sit down in his seat. You must be Judge Andrews.

    Please call me Tiffany. I am not a judge anymore.

    What do you do now?

    I am back to being just a lawyer.

    Don’t say that too loud. There are too many in here that may take offense to that comment.

    Tiffany smiled at me. Indeed. Are you a lawyer?

    No but I am planning on it. I smiled back at her. I’m Bianca.

    Elijah’s daughter?

    Yes. I looked over at my dad as he danced with Naomi. You know the tension is quite noticeable.

    Tiffany looked down at her lap. I’m trying but...

    You are the third woman I ever saw who made him uneasy. I leaned over to her. And the other two had his kid.

    Tiffany smiled again. Elijah is very charismatic. I knew him well enough that it doesn’t work on me anymore.

    It doesn’t? I raised my eyebrow. You were looking a little uneasy yourself.

    Was I?

    I’m going to go steal my daddy away from the bride. I got up. You know, he is still the same guy. He just has a good poker face.

    I walked across the dance floor and met Davis in the middle where Naomi and my dad were dancing. Davis looked at my dad. Uncle Elijah, may I please have my wife back?

    Certainly. My dad stepped back but then whisked me off. How are you my dear?

    I am well. I smiled at him. So, apparently my mom wasn’t the first white girl you dated.

    Your bluntness...

    Matches yours. I winked at him. Tiffany Andrews.

    Your cousin thought it would be a good idea to sit us next to each other.

    I think that was all Naomi.

    Well I will still blame Davis for it. My dad shook his head. That woman hates me.

    Did you really break up with her because she wanted to get married?

    Tiffany had so much potential as a lawyer. I didn’t want her to marry me and start having kids so that she would never reach it.

    I smiled. You loved her too much.

    My dad smiled. You know me too well.

    Well please try to be friends or something. You both look uncomfortable and it is noticeable. I took a step back from him. Why don’t you ask her to dance?


    Do it daddy. I smiled and walked back to the wedding party table. I looked up a few moments later and saw my dad and Tiffany dancing. I glanced over to my Aunt Lauryn. She was dancing with my Uncle Isaiah but winked at me.

    MINA AND LISA CONVINCED me to come to the first GEPhi meeting of the year. The school year hadn’t even started yet but they wanted to get a jump on things and plan some activities for the first week of classes. It was different when I went inside and the old crowd wasn’t there. Vanessa, Anya, and Missy had all graduated. With the tension gone Lisa and Rhonda were able to get me to get a little more involved. There were only nine of us at that point. Lisa had decided to move into the house. I couldn’t blame her since she would have her own room. Before I left, they tried to talk me into moving in. I turned them down. Something about living with a bunch of girls that was less than appealing to me.

    I walked back to my truck after leaving the house and noticed that Avery’s car had been moved since I had gotten there. I turned and noticed that his window was open. Instead of getting in my truck I turned around and headed back to the frat house. Two of his frat brothers were sitting on the couch when I walked in. I waved and headed up to his room.

    When did you get back? I walked in his room after knocking.

    Avery was sitting on the floor with a half drunk bottle of Jack Daniels. Hey you. I been here an hour or two. I saw your truck when I moved my car.

    Um, why the Jack?

    I had an awesome summer. How about you? Avery took a swig of the liquor.

    Clearly not as good as yours. I shut the door behind me. What’s wrong?

    I’d rather not talk about it right now. Avery pulled a bag from the other side of him. I got some new movies for us to watch. I was going to call you but you’re already here.

    I sat down on the floor and took the bottle from him. No more of this.

    Only if you stay with me.

    I thought for a second. To watch movies?

    Of course. Avery smiled.

    Okay. I put the cap back on the bottle and sat it next to the mini fridge. Then I pulled out two bottles of water. I tossed one to Avery. You need to sober up.

    You need to pick what we will watch.

    I picked a movie and we sat on the floor in Avery’s room and watched it. Avery picked the second movie. It was fairly normal of our movie nights. I thought that Avery had sobered up. That was until I dozed off. I woke up when I felt him kissing me on my neck.

    Avery, cut it out.

    Avery didn’t stop. He slipped his hands up the sides of my shirt and held me. He was holding me so tight that I couldn’t push him away.

    Damn it Avery, stop.

    His kisses moved slowly down my V-neck shirt. Finally I wrapped my legs around his waist and squeezed him in between my thighs until he cried out. Jesus Bianca, I can’t breathe.

    I’m not letting you go until you get off me.

    Fuck. I can’t get off you until you let me go.

    I opened my legs. I slid up and away from Avery when he got up. What is wrong with you?

    My god you could kill a man with those things.

    Have you lost your mind?

    Avery looked up at me. I’m sorry my dick got hard. Perhaps if you were uglier it wouldn’t have happened.

    I frowned at him and got up. I don’t think we can do this anymore.


    You can’t control yourself. I went to grab my bag but Avery grabbed my arm.

    Wait. Avery grabbed my other arm. I’m sorry. Please don’t go.

    Why should I stay?

    I am seriously sorry. Avery let me go and sat back down on the floor. It is a reflex. I guess I wanted to take my mind off my summer.

    What happened?

    My parents. I swear they refuse to divorce just to make my life miserable.

    I sat back down on the floor next to him. It was that bad that you have to attempt to drink an entire bottle of Jack?

    I had one before I got on the plane.

    I shook my head. Avery...

    They use me as a messenger. Then they ignore my birthday.

    Your birthday? I raised my eyebrow.

    Avery smiled. Yeah, I got that bottle legally.

    I smiled back at him. Happy Belated Birthday.

    Look. I’m sorry. Seriously. Avery looked down at the floor. I don’t want to screw up our friendship. Please don’t leave.

    I wasn’t sure if I should give him another chance or not. Go take a cold shower and maybe then I will stay and watch another movie with you.

    Avery nodded. Deal.

    While Avery left to go shower, I went downstairs to get some ice and then came up and checked my phone. Rhonda had sent me a text message asking if I was in the Alpha house. I called her back.

    Inquiring minds?

    Rhonda laughed. Yes. Terry saw your truck when he came to pick me up.

    Am I on speaker phone?


    Tell him that I’ve been kidnapped and am being held for ransom. I laughed.

    People talk Bianca. Stop playing. I heard Terry yell in the background.

    I am watching movies with Avery. People have been talking about that for over a year. They will continue to talk about it.

    Rhonda took me off speaker. I told him that you were fine.

    It’s cool.

    What are you guys watching?

    I named the movie that we already watched and others that were still in the bag. He needed a cold shower and then we can finish this one we are watching now.

    Are you teasing that poor guy?

    No. I looked up as Avery walked in the room. Am I teasing you Avery?

    Simply by breathing. Avery smiled at me.

    Rhonda laughed. I heard him. Talk to you later girl.

    Bye. I hung up. Would you rather I avoided you?

    Nope. It is the price I have to pay cause I like spending time with you. Avery sat down on the floor next to me. I was sitting on the edge of his bed. I’m sorry about earlier.

    I ran my fingers through his curly hair. He had been wearing a hat earlier. Um... did we miss the trip to the barbershop?

    I visited my grandmother before I came back. She prefers my hair like this.

    It makes you look way younger than you are. I smiled. You look like a different person.

    I’m getting it cut first thing in the morning.

    I laughed. Okay, since I dozed off...

    This movie is boring. Avery took the DVD out of the machine and pulled another out of the bag. How about some blowing up of things?

    Sounds good to me.

    We watched another two movies before I fell asleep again. When I woke up Avery was stretched out on the floor. I looked at the clock and it was already eleven. I hadn’t slept that late in a long time. I took a deep breath and sat up, pushing my pillow on top of Avery’s head when I did.

    What happened? Avery sat up quickly.

    I slept through my morning run and I blame it all on you.

    Not my fault.

    I got up and looked out the window. I could see the parking lot full of people moving back in. And here comes the crowd.

    Damn. Avery looked out the window. I’m bout to hear it.

    Hear what?

    Avery looked at me and then sat back down on the bed. Don’t get pissed.

    I sat down on the bed. I can’t promise that.

    There is this bet.

    I raised my eyebrow. A bet?



    It was really a joke freshman year between Khalid and I, sort of a who is going to get the girl first kind of thing. Avery looked down at his hands. Then it turned into a bet to see who would sleep with you first. Last year Josh and Kevin joined in.

    I laughed. Let me guess. Part of the prize is that the others can’t try to get with me anymore.

    How did you know?

    Something Khalid said to me once. I shook my head. What else?

    The losers have to pay the winner five hundred dollars each.

    "Oh so now

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