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These Women - Book Four: These Women, #4
These Women - Book Four: These Women, #4
These Women - Book Four: These Women, #4
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These Women - Book Four: These Women, #4

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Check-in with the next generation in the Davis family.

Bella left home for New York City with big dreams. Getting into a relationship with the wrong guy changed everything for her. Junior comes to save the day. That brings these two best friends back together again. Could something more be brewing when Bella has to remind herself that they are not related to one another?

Cody is used to attracting attention. She decides maybe she needs a break from dating. Then she meets Marshawn. One whirlwind weekend later, her life is completely changed.

Raevyn didn't expect to get involved with Dominic. He had been dating her roommate. They spend one night together before winter break. While he is away the next semester on an internship, she keeps her pregnancy a secret. Seeing him at graduation with her roommate causes Raevyn to decide to just go home and not say anything to him. Then she bumps into him two years later while in Cancun. Sparks fly for a second time. This leads to a second pregnancy. She can't keep this one from him too.

CONTENT WARNING: Domestic Violence, Miscarriage

Release dateSep 16, 2023
These Women - Book Four: These Women, #4

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    Book preview

    These Women - Book Four - Turtleberry

    ©2023 Stephanie Chapman

    Turtleberry Press

    Baltimore, MD 21234

    Check-in with the next generation in the Davis family.

    Bella left home for New York City with big dreams. Getting into a relationship with the wrong guy changed everything for her. Junior comes to save the day. That brings these two best friends back together again. Could something more be brewing when Bella has to remind herself that they are not related to one another?

    Cody is used to attracting attention. She decides maybe she needs a break from dating. Then she meets Marshawn. One whirlwind weekend later, her life is completely changed.

    Raevyn didn't expect to get involved with Dominic. He had been dating her roommate. They spend one night together before winter break. While he is away the next semester on an internship, she keeps her pregnancy a secret. Seeing him at graduation with her roommate causes Raevyn to decide to just go home and not say anything to him. Then she bumps into him two years later while in Cancun. Sparks fly for a second time. This leads to a second pregnancy. She can't keep this one from him too.















    Cancun - Spring Break

    Jefferson University - Two Years Earlier

    Atlanta - Four months after Cancun

    DC - Three Months Later



    Iregretted calling him as soon as I hung up the phone. Junior had been emailing me for days and had finally threatened to just pop up on my doorstep. That wasn’t something I wanted to happen. Leon hated surprise guests. He wanted plenty of notice whenever anyone was coming to see me. It drove my sorors nuts. My deuce Dina had been the last to visit.

    I saw your dad the other day. Bitch you gotta warn me when you are up to some shit. He was asking me if I have seen you perform recently. You didn’t tell him Leon made you quit?

    Leon didn’t make me quit. I shut the front door after she made it into the foyer. We should go somewhere else.

    Why? DeeDee grabbed my chin and turned my head so our eyes met.

    I instantly knew she could see right through all my makeup. DeeDee...

    I’ma kill that bastard with my bare fucking hands.

    I grabbed her by the arm before she could go up the steps to our living room. Please. It’s okay. You can’t kill him. You can’t tell anyone. You have to go.

    Are you fucking nuts? DeeDee took a few deep breaths. Then she grabbed my arm. You’re coming with me.

    I can’t. You don’t understand. I began to panic when I heard Leon moving around upstairs. I began to whisper. DeeDee, I’m pregnant.

    She sighed. DeeDee knew how hard I had been trying. How far along?

    Twelve weeks.

    Yet he still hit you.

    He didn’t know.

    And that is supposed to excuse it?

    Please, Dina.

    Damnit, Bella. She yelled.

    Who the fuck is yelling? Leon came to the top of the steps.

    Babe, DeeDee came by for just a second. I shared our good news but told her not to tell anyone. I looked from him back to DeeDee. My eyes were wide and they pleaded with her. Don’t tell my parents, our sorors, or any of my brothers.

    DeeDee rolled her eyes at me and went out the front door.

    I don’t want that bitch in my house again. Leon huffed and began to walk away.

    I leaned against the door and began to cry.

    The first email from Junior came the next day. He asked me how I was doing. Junior and I had always been close. Things changed after college. He went off to grad school and I moved to New York to dance. We lost touch after that. I wasn’t sure if Dina talked to him so I was cautious when I responded to the email. I simply told him that I was fine. As if he were waiting for my response, he emailed me a few moments later asking me what I had been up to. I took a day to respond and tell him that I had been busy dancing. It was very hard to send that email. I had never lied to Junior before. Something told me that he was going to see right through it and he did. His response simply said that he was not my father.

    Junior would always say that whenever I tried to get him to give me something that I wanted.

    I’m not your father Bella. It isn’t my job to spoil you.

    I knew whenever Junior said that I should just give up on whatever I was trying with him. When I saw it in the email, I decided to stop responding to him.

    The morning of the day I called him started calmly. Leon was in a good mood. He decided to make me breakfast instead of his usual demand that I make him something. Everything was great until I couldn’t eat all of the eggs and bacon he fixed.

    Fuck you mean you can’t eat it? Leon yelled.

    Babe, it’s the morning sickness.

    You complain that I don’t do anything romantic anymore but when I make you breakfast you not gonna fucking eat it. He banged his fist on the glass table.

    Maybe if I eat a piece of toast first...

    Leon’s backhand had always been so fast that I couldn’t avoid it. He hit me so hard that I fell back in the chair and hit my head on the tile floor. My head hurt so bad I couldn’t open my eyes. I felt him kick me in my side.

    Spoiled ass bitch. You’re never fucking satisfied.

    I felt something hit me in the chest. Then I heard him storm out of the room. I didn’t move. I wasn’t sure I could move. Everything hurt really badly. My head throbbed. Sharp pains reverberated from my side and shot all around my body.

    Leon came back into the room. He didn’t come over to help me. Instead, I heard him heading to the steps. Clean that shit up. Make sure you have those steaks ready when I get home.

    I don’t know how long I stayed on the floor after I heard the front door slam. The first time I thought I would get up, familiar cramps stopped me. The sharpness of the cramps was a feeling I had grown accustomed to in the years I had been with Leon. Every miscarriage was the same. Every single one started with those sharp cramps that would’ve brought me to my knees had I been standing. My body remained still and I let the waves of pain wash over me.

    Finally, I was able to roll onto my side. I got on my hands and knees. My head throbbed and my ears rang. Slowly I crawled over to the couch. My cell phone was sitting in the center of the couch. Another sharp pain hit me as I reached for it. I was barely able to grab the phone before I collapsed to the floor. It took me a few moments before I could get it together to look at my phone. My eyes were blurry. I noticed that Junior had sent me another email. I didn’t open it. Instead, I dialed his number from memory.

    Bella? He answered before I even realized it was ringing.

    Junior. My voice startled me. I could hear my pain in it.

    Where are you? He said quickly.

    In the house.

    Twenty minutes. Will you be okay for twenty minutes?

    I think so. I took a deep breath but cried out because of the pain. The sliding glass door is always open.

    Sit tight. I’m on my way.

    As soon as my head touched the rug, my eyes closed. It felt like a long blink but when I opened my eyes Junior was running over to me.

    Bella. Bella talk to me. He cradled my head in his lap after he sat on the floor next to me.

    How did you get here so fast?

    It took me eighteen minutes.

    I just hung up.

    Junior, we need to get her to a doctor. A female voice came from nowhere.

    Junior looked down at me. Did that asshole do this to you?

    Tears fell from my eyes. Dina told you?

    She just randomly called me and said I wouldn’t like him.

    You don’t like anybody.

    Junior smiled at me but I could see the anger in his eyes. It looked like there were flames behind his brown eyes. He looked up. Pack a bag for her. Pack it like she is going on a girl’s weekend trip.

    I tried to sit up but Junior put his arm around me.

    Don’t move. What hurts?

    I took a painful deep breath. My head. I hit it on the floor. My side where he kicked me.

    Junior’s jaw got tight. Anything else?

    Something hit me in the chest and I am... I had a... I choked on the last words.


    Tears poured out of my eyes and I turned away from him.

    Bella, what is it? Tell me.

    I think I had another miscarriage.

    Junior looked up at the ceiling. Whoever was with us left the room again. When they returned, Junior bent down and kissed me on the forehead. Then he picked me up off the ground. He carried me down the steps and into the garage. After placing me in the backseat, he covered me with a blanket.

    He looked into my eyes. Adrianna is going to take care of you. I will see you as soon as I can.


    Adrianna looked back from the driver’s seat. You should come with us and let your Tio take care of this.

    Junior looked up at her. He didn’t say a word. When he looked back at me his eyes softened. That fire in them seemed to be pushed back. He kissed me on the forehead again. Do whatever Adrianna tells you to do.

    Junior don’t...

    He put his finger over my lips. I will see you soon.

    Before I could say anything else, Junior shut the car door. He went back in the house and Adrianna pulled out of the garage. I tried not to doze off. My head was still throbbing. She drove into the city and stopped in Times Square. A guy got in on the driver’s side as Adrianna climbed over to the passenger’s side.

    She looked back at me. We are going to take a drive. Rest your head.

    I put my head down on the seat and my eyes immediately closed.

    JUNIOR IS NOT KILLING me. I’m gonna sit her in the bathroom and y’all can figure out the shower situation.

    I realized the guy speaking was carrying me. I opened my eyes and tapped him on the arm. Please put me down.

    Are you sure?


    He nodded and gently put me down. He kept one arm around my waist and his other hand held my arm. That was good because my side and head still hurt. I was also still dizzy.

    I looked around and saw Adrianna and Dina. We were all in a hotel suite. What’s going on?

    Dina wiped tears from her eyes. We were trying to get you cleaned up.

    A doctor is on his way. He’s a friend of Junior. Adrianna walked over to me and took my arm from the guy.

    Bella, do you remember what happened? Dina looked at me. I could see the concern on her face.

    I thought for a moment. All I could remember was Junior kissing me on the forehead while I was in the car. I looked at her. Junior said he is going to see me soon.

    Did Leon do this to you? Dina asked.

    I don’t remember. A tear fell from my eye. I think so.

    I think she has a concussion. Adrianna looked at her watch. Then she turned to Dina. Are you going to be okay with her? I have to go. The doctor is close. He’s going to say he’s your boyfriend.

    We will be fine.

    Adrianna turned to me. You’re okay here. Stay with Dina.

    When is Junior coming? I asked.

    You will see him soon enough. Adrianna hugged me and then left with the guy.

    I turned to Dina. Is everything going to be okay?

    That’s what Junior said. I don’t know that I believe him

    I believe him.

    She laughed. That boy could always get you to believe anything he said.

    He’s never lied to me. I walked with Dina towards the bathroom.

    He told you all kinds of crazy shit when we were in college.

    Those were all jokes.

    I guess you’re right about that. She sighed. You think you’ll be okay taking a shower?

    Yes. I can’t be like this when the doctor gets here. Plus, I think my cycle... I paused and remembered.

    Oh, Bella... Dina put her arms around me as I began to cry.

    THE DOCTOR’S NAME WAS Steven. He was from Philly. He said I had a concussion and probably a bruised rib. He also agreed that I had most likely had a miscarriage. He gave me something for the pain and then went out into the living room with Dina. I curled up in a ball, despite the pain, and cried.

    Two years earlier I was dancing on Broadway. My career was taking off. Then I met Leon and thought I was in love. I stopped dancing because he said he wanted to take care of me. He wanted me to have his kid. The first time he hit me was not too long after my second miscarriage. I didn’t tell anyone because I just knew one of my brothers would kill him.

    At that moment I suddenly thought of what Junior might do. His temper was nasty. I reached for my phone and called him.

    Is everything okay? He answered quickly.

    Calm down.


    You don’t make smart decisions when you’re super angry. I wiped my eyes. Please calm down.

    It was quiet for a moment. Then I heard him sigh. I gotta get off this phone. I have work to do.

    I wasn’t sure what he meant but decided it was best not to question it. I am fine.

    Okay. I’ll see you soon. Junior hung up.

    I began to cry again.

    DINA AND I STAYED IN Atlantic City for two more days. Then she drove me to the airport.

    She turned to me. I can’t go with you. The ticket is at the counter and in your name. Your passport is in your purse. Adrianna told me to tell you to tell them you are traveling for a dance audition and then going to visit your cousins.

    When Dina said that I immediately knew where I was going. I leaned over and hugged her. Thank you for everything. I’m sorry.

    Hey, one good thing is coming from this.


    I told Steven that since he was my boyfriend we had to go out on a date.

    I laughed. And what did he say?

    He’s driving to see me in Trenton.

    Well let me know how it goes.

    Call me when you can. Dina hugged me again.

    I grabbed my two bags and slowly walked into the airport. Dina had spent thirty minutes covering the bruises on my face with makeup. I still felt like everyone was staring at me. To my surprise, I made it to the gate with no problems. While I was waiting for boarding, my phone rang. It was my father. At first, I didn’t want to answer but I tried not to miss his calls. It kept him off my doorstep.

    Hi, Daddy.

    How is my baby girl?


    Are you ever coming home for dinner?

    I laughed. One day Daddy.

    I will be in New York next week.

    Actually, I’m going out of town.

    This is the fifth time you have avoided me coming to see your house.

    Daddy, I’m literally in the airport.

    Oh. Where are you headed?

    I looked at my ticket to Bogota. Mexico.

    That mysterious guy taking you on a vacation?

    No. I have an audition.

    That is great.

    Then I am going to relax a bit before coming home.

    Trouble in paradise?


    That is what happens when a man doesn’t want to meet your family.

    I sighed. We broke up.

    Are you okay?

    Yes. I’m fine. I’m going to stay with Dina when I come home.

    Did she tell you I saw her?


    Your mother misses you. You need to come and visit us.

    I think my father misses me more.

    My dad laughed. I do.

    They began to call my flight. I gotta go, Daddy. We’re boarding.

    Have a safe flight, Bella. Let me know you have arrived safely.

    I will.

    I love you.

    Love you too Daddy.

    I LEANED BACK IN MY first-class window seat and thought about my life. It was crazy that nothing in my childhood would have caused anyone to think I would ever be in an abusive relationship. I was the oldest of Isaiah and Naomi Davis’s ten kids. I was also their only girl. For a long time, I thought my mom kept getting pregnant because she wanted another girl. She said she kept getting pregnant because she didn’t like birth control and my dad was so handsome. My mom did have a point. My dad was the most handsome man I had ever seen. He was my everything and I was his princess.

    That made it so much harder to lie to him. For most of my life, I told him everything. Even as a teenager, I talked to him about all aspects of my life. My mother was very strict with me but I could get whatever I wanted from my daddy. It helped that I didn’t date until I went to college. Having nine brothers and a notorious family was murder on my love life.

    The first time I had sex was just not something I could bring myself to mention to my father. The minute I mentioned it to my mother she lost it. I lied and told her I hadn’t done it yet. She demanded I come home so she could take me to get birth control.

    She’s a fucking hypocrite.

    Chill. Junior drove us both back to campus.

    I rolled the window down and threw the prescription out the window.

    What the fuck are you doing?

    She won’t take it but I have to?

    Bella, are you nuts?

    I just wanted someone to talk to about sex.

    You talk to me.

    I smacked Junior in the arm. Not you.

    Well, you could talk to Jasmine if you sucked it up and called her.

    No. She has called me a spoiled-ass brat for the last time.

    So, stop being one.

    You can let me out. I can call one of the boys to get me.

    Chill out. Junior sighed. Call Marie.

    I hadn’t thought of talking to my big cousin Marie about anything other than dance. I guess.

    So, you want help or not?

    Turbulence on the plane snapped me back to the present moment. The flight attendant offered me a bottle of water. After I took it, I thought about how right Junior had been. Marie was the perfect person to talk to. She even encouraged me to keep talking to my mother even though I didn’t want to. I never did admit to her I was actually having sex. She didn’t ask me again.

    My side still hurt. Dina had given me some pain medication that Steven left with her. I had avoided taking it but sitting on a plane was causing me to need it. I popped two and drank the entire water bottle.

    Gazing out the window I realized that I met Leon at an odd time in my life. Junior and my cousin Jasmine had been my best friends for my entire life. Jasmine and I pledged Gamma Epsilon Phi together. By senior year neither Jasmine nor Junior seemed to want to be bothered with me. I decided to get away from them and my obnoxiously large family by moving to New York. With Marie’s help, I was able to get a job at a dance school while I auditioned. I did three shows before I met Leon and two after. Then I got pregnant and had my first miscarriage.

    You gotta chill on that dancing. Have a baby and we can get married. Then go back to dancing.

    This was before the physical abuse began but I knew Leon had a temper and didn’t like to be argued with. I also wanted a baby so badly. I thought all the activity from dancing was why I lost the baby.

    Before my mind could slip further into my relationship with Leon, the pilot announced that we were preparing to land. I sighed. I hadn’t been to Bogota in years.

    JUNIOR WAS LEANING against a pillar not too far from the baggage claim. He opened his arms as I walked right over to him. My head rested on his chest. At six feet tall, Junior was the shortest adult male in our family. He smelled like a mix of sandalwood and weed. I buried my face in his shirt. We stood there for a few minutes and then I heard someone walk over to us. They spoke in Spanish about the stops we had to make.

    You okay? Junior looked down at my face.

    I looked up and smiled. Sure.

    I don’t believe you.

    I looked at his face. His beard made him look so grown compared to when I saw him at my first performance in New York. His eyes were red. I placed my hand on his cheek.

    You aren’t okay either.

    Let’s get your bags. Junior kept his arm wrapped around me as we headed over to the baggage carousel. The guy with us grabbed my bags off the belt and carried them to a truck that was waiting outside. We climbed in the back. The car barely got out of the airport area before Junior gently touched my waist. I slid closer to him and leaned against his chest. I don’t remember closing my eyes but before I knew it I opened them and it was dark outside. The car was driving slowly up the driveway of the compound. All the house lights were off.

    I sat up. Doesn’t look like anyone is home.

    They aren’t.

    Oh. Okay. I wanted to ask more questions but Junior looked so tired.

    We climbed out of the car and I followed him into the courtyard. He turned to me. Did you want the room next to mine?

    I nodded and then followed him to the suite. Each suite was like a two-bedroom, two-bathroom, apartment. There was just a small kitchenette instead of a full kitchen. Junior’s bags were on the floor in one of the bedrooms. They weren’t even opened.

    When did you get here?

    Like five in the morning.

    I sighed. Have you eaten?

    Naw. He pointed to a bag he had been carrying but placed on the dining room table. "We stopped and got some

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