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The Quotable Uncle: Insightful Sayings
The Quotable Uncle: Insightful Sayings
The Quotable Uncle: Insightful Sayings
Ebook194 pages40 minutes

The Quotable Uncle: Insightful Sayings

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A delightful treasure trove of timeless sagacious sayings inviting the reader to reflection, meditation, and hope, as processes through which to learn, plan, rejuvenate and commune with the innermost self. This pleasurable read comes at times when the bitter pills of truth show where one has reneged on his/her highest values or again has strayed away from his/her dreams. In an age when incoherence, noise, and chaos surround people in unprecedented ways, The Quotable Uncle shines the light on the real power that pushes the reader towards a conscious, deliberate, meaningful, and peaceful opportunity to expand upon his/her self-awareness, pursuit of dreams and character building. The quotes are very lively, refreshing, and as terse as they are insightful. Each quote stands as an essential piece of wisdom for profound meditation capable of projecting beauty and grandeur out of the deeps that cradle thoughts and aspiration good for both the individual and society. Bill F. Ndi is a Professor of Modern Languages, Communication and Philosophy, a distinguished interdisciplinary scholar and Fellow of the Booker T. Washington Leadership Institute as well as Director of Students Engagement and Initiatives, at Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama, USA.
PublisherLangaa RPCIG
Release dateJan 15, 2023
The Quotable Uncle: Insightful Sayings

F. Ndi

Bill F Ndi, traducteur-traductologue, poète, dramaturge, conteur, critique littéraire, et enseignant-chercheur est né à Bamunka-Ndop, au Southern Cameroons. Docteur ès Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Contemporaines : Traduction à l'UCP, il a enseigné dans plusieurs universités (en Australie, en France...) et présentement, il est professeur des universités américaines à Tuskegee University dans l'Alabama. Il compte nombreuses publications (en français et en anglais) en poésie, pièces de théâtre, traduction ainsi que sur le Quakerisme originel.

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    The Quotable Uncle - F. Ndi

    The Quotable Uncle: Insightful Sayings



    In the world of dinosaur eat dinosaur, dinosaurs were extinct. Gifted with reason, what will happen in the world of cannibalism?


    Man cheapens man to use as tools for selfish power grab and thus becomes the machete cutting the roots of the human family tree.


    Human callousness murders hope for a garden blooming with love.




    Shake the harmony of this world, birth the ugliness the world has never known.


    Trapped in the midst of crookedness and perversity in a nation, the poet becomes the moral voice and light to shine the Way out of the dark, corrupt, and corrupted world.


    Be wise and learn from others successes and failures.




    When corruption takes center stage no such thing as good laws work.


    Managing susceptibilities is the winning Trump card.


    A battle won in heaven is one won on earth. Therefore, ‘tis pointless fighting the physical adversary.




    Though one is never called upon to name him/herself, one needs not let the wrong person to give him/her any name.


    Why are we so blessed and why are we so blind?


    He/she who wants you down will never show you how to get up.




    The education we receive is in the interest of he/she who paid the Curriculum designer.


    For black education to be meaningful, it must seek to avert the causes of black subjugation


    There is no such thing as economic fatalism




    All we need is to take a hard look at our problems and cut off their roots


    You cannot win a game when playing by another person’s playbook.


    While no man is an island, he’d always be alone to assume responsibilities for his misdeeds




    Do not be fooled by the dormancy of a rock to thinking it lifeless.


    It doesn’t matter how far away you are from the battlefields and war fronts, it won’t take long before the war ruffles your feathers


    If trusting a person could spare any from betrayal, Caesar would never have met with his fate




    You can’t thirst after freedom if you are unwilling to die for it


    When your crime is sticking to the truth and you were to be taken to the gallows, go singing victory


    As a poet, I preoccupy myself with the righting of wrongs of the oppressors




    All forms of injustices and destructions are the enemies I fight against in my writings.


    The fragmentation of the world cannot ignored in any good literature


    When confronted with the choice of an oppressor and the oppressed, all must side with the oppressed.



    If you know your stuff, stop talking about it and just do it for the results to do the talking.


    Money, money, money blinds to the juicy slice of life shrouded and buried with and in money.


    The problem with former colonies is that they were designed by expat thieves and handed down to excellent thieves parading as excellences.



    What, on earth, is visible that was always visible?


    When the lion kills the lamb, the lion is certainly thinking it would live forever



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