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The Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes
The Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes
The Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes
Ebook119 pages37 minutes

The Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes

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The Secret of Cleopetra's Snakes 

Engr Dr Naila Hina

In the depths of space, a race had begun—a race to harness the power of Cleopetra's legacy. And the galaxy held its breath, waiting for the inevitable clash of ambitions and the revelation of the "Whisper."

With the infusion of Egyptian and Greek mythology into the narrative, the story takes on a surreal and captivating dimension. A unique blend of history, legend, and innovation. 



Release dateSep 18, 2023
The Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes

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    Book preview

    The Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes - Naila Hina

    Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes


    Engr Dr Naila Hina

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. September 18, 2023.

    Copyright © 2023 Naila Hina and نائلہ حنا.

    ISBN: 979-8223727408

    Written by Naila Hina and نائلہ حنا.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    The Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes

    Plot Overview:



    Chapter 1: Discovery

    Chapter 2: The Gathering Storm

    A secret story within the story

    CHapter 3: The Snake’s Whisper

    Chapter 4: Whispers of Betrayal

    CHapter 5: The Unveiling

    Chapter XX: Shadows of the Mindsphere

    Chapter XXI: The Neon Alley Connection

    Chapter XXII: The Revelation of Cleopetra’s Secret

    Chapter XX: Shadows of the Mindsphere

    Chapter XXI: The Neon Alley Connection

    Chapter XXII: The Revelation of Cleopetra's Secret

    Chapter 6: Echoes of the Past

    Chapter 7: Gods Among Mortals

    Chapter 8: The Pantheon’s Return

    Chapter 9: Dialogues of Legends

    Caesar and Cleopatra:

    Chapter 10: The Age of Convergence

    About the Author :

    Engr Dr Naila Hina | Dr. MBA, CMA, BE.

    Also By Naila Hina

    Also By نائلہ حنا

    The Secret of Cleopetra’s Stars.

    A scifi novel

    LET’S PROCEED WITH developing the plot and characters for this intriguing fusion of Cleopatra’s ancient world and a futuristic space saga.

    CERTAINLY, WE CAN INCORPORATE the Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes into the story. This adds an element of mystery and intrigue, twists in this thrilling sci-fi adventure.

    Plot Overview:

    In a distant future where intergalactic travel is the norm, an archaeologist named Dr. Elena Cleopetra stumbles upon a hidden chamber on an alien planet. Within this chamber, she discovers a set of ancient artifacts connected to Cleopatra’s era on Earth. These artifacts are not ordinary; they contain the Secret of Cleopetra’s Snakes.

    AS DR. CLEOPETRA AND her team delve deeper into the mystery, they realize that Cleopatra possessed knowledge of advanced alien technology that could reshape the fate of civilizations across galaxies. The story unfolds as they navigate a complex web of politics, rival factions, and a race against time to unlock the secrets hidden within these artifacts.


    Dr. Elena Cleopetra – The brilliant archaeologist who discovers the artifacts and becomes determined to unravel their mysteries.

    GENERAL MARCUS STARBLADE – A charismatic and enigmatic military leader who also seeks the power hidden within the artifacts for his own purposes.

    CLEORA – AN AI ENTITY connected to Cleopatra’s era, who guides Dr. Cleopetra and her team through holographic messages.

    SERNOX – A CUNNING and elusive space pirate who wants to get his hands on the artifacts for personal gain.

    PHARA – A SENTIENT alien creature from the planet where the chamber is located, who becomes an unexpected ally in their quest.

    CYBER POLICE COMMISSIONER Virgil Steele, a seasoned enforcer of digital justice


    DR. OCTAVIA LORELEI, a brilliant astrophysicist.


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