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Favored Circumstances
Favored Circumstances
Favored Circumstances
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Favored Circumstances

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About this ebook

HollyAnna Hutchins is mortified to learn that the coworker who has been showering her with attention is engaged. With wounded pride, she flees to her parents' home in rural North Carolina to house-sit for a few weeks. Surrounded by nature, childhood memories, and a brood of baby birds, she can finally relax and concentrate on things other than her sleazeball coworker. That is, until an unwanted visitor shows up at her parents' home. 


While fending off a literal snake and saving the nest of baby birds, HollyAnna falls into the arms of clever, handsome land surveyor, Aaron Brimmer. After her last experience with an "interested" man, though, she's not willing to waste her time. Instead, she's going to enjoy the peace and quiet and tackle the one task her mother gave her—drop off a donation to the once place HollyAnna hasn't gone in far too long: church.  


Finding fellowship she didn't know was missing from her life, HollyAnna meets a sweet little boy in need of a family, is reunited with her childhood best friend, and falls in love with Aaron. Along the way, she not only learns that God's plans for her life are beyond her wildest dreams, but that taking a leap of faith is the best way to live.   

PublisherAnaiah Press
Release dateSep 18, 2023
Favored Circumstances

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    Favored Circumstances - Michelle S. Lowe


    Y ou’ve done a wonderful job here. Mr. Bridges stood across from HollyAnna’s desk, shaking her hand.

    Thank you so much, Mr. Bridges. HollyAnna beamed. Hiding her elation was difficult after receiving such glowing praise for a job, which only two months earlier, she’d thought nearly impossible.

    She had tackled the position of converting the large pharmaceutical company to a new software program head-on, and after putting in nearly sixty hours a week for two months, the assignment was now complete. Hopefully, she was making her small mark on the booming tech world in the research triangle area of North Carolina. Although the task had been daunting at first, she was proud of what she had accomplished in a short amount of time. She wasn’t sure what her next position with the company might be, but she was confident knowing Mr. Bridge’s staff was well-equipped to go forward with their new program.

    Excitement trumped her exhaustion as Mr. Bridges turned to leave. She reached into the bottom drawer of her desk to retrieve the tiny makeup bag she kept there, hoping to freshen up before Daniel Mitchell stopped by. She assumed he would come by her office next, and she couldn’t wait to hear what he would have to say about the finished project. She put on a fresh layer of mauve lipstick, briefly catching her reflection in the tiny travel mirror. She put the makeup bag back in her desk drawer when the handsome financial manager stepped into her office, causing her heart to catch in her throat. He held a tiny bouquet of flowers.

    For you. I understand congratulations are in order, he said easily, as she took the bouquet from him.

    She reveled in the beautiful delicate arrangement of summertime flowers in red and yellow.

    Thank you. She busied herself removing the dainty tissue from around the flowers, placing them in a small glass fixture on her desk, grateful for the momentary distraction. His gesture of bringing her flowers only confirmed the growing feelings between them.

    He slid down into one of the chairs across from her desk and looked especially handsome in a blue dress shirt with a matching tie adorning colorful geometric shapes.

    Thank you, again, she stressed. I finally feel as if I can catch my breath. She sat, not as casually as Daniel, keeping her posture erect.

    She always felt the need to be at her professional best whenever Daniel Mitchell was around. He had a certain air about him and had hinted more than once that he wanted to ask her out. He complimented her frequently and often stopped by her office for no apparent reason. Now that her work was completed, she hoped he was about to ask her to dinner. She was more nervous than ever in his presence, and she fidgeted with a pen, trying not to be too cognizant of his powerful good looks.

    Well, what’s next on your agenda? His very demeanor exuded the fact that he was in full control and capable of running the large company’s finances. He ran a well-manicured hand through his hair.

    I was hoping you would be asking me… I mean, informing me, perhaps, she stammered, instantly berating herself for the choice of words, of another position within the company.

    Her current position was a contracted one, but since she had performed well above Mr. Bridge’s expectations, and way ahead of the deadline, she only anticipated further offers. When she originally accepted the position, Mr. Bridges had assured her there would be other opportunities within the company. She planned to go home for a few weeks, but she would be more than ready to get back to work after some much-needed rest.

    We’ll be contacting you about any further work. Hey, I’ve been wanting to ask you something.

    Her heart rate quickened as he stood and leaned over her desk, so close that she could secretly take in the essence of his aftershave. He hadn’t exactly answered her question about any further assignment, but he was obviously interested in her. For a second, she thought he might try to kiss her, his face was so close to hers.

    Before he could ask his question, the company secretary popped her head into HollyAnna’s temporary office. Mr. Mitchell, your fiancée called. I left the message on your desk. She has been trying to reach you on your cell. She wants you to call her when you are free. Just as quickly as she dropped the bombshell of a message, the secretary moved away from the door, on her way to take care of another pressing matter. If she had noticed the interaction between Daniel and HollyAnna, she hadn’t been alarmed.

    HollyAnna could hardly believe what she had heard, and the secretary’s words made her suddenly ill. Daniel Mitchell, the man who had flirted with her on multiple occasions, and came by her office regularly to spill upon her his bouquets of flattery, was engaged! She imagined her face must be beet red. Anyone could see the chemistry between her and Daniel, a chemistry he, no doubt, had encouraged all along. Only moments before, she thought he would ask her for a date. She was at a loss for words.

    Daniel, on the other hand, seemed to shrug off the situation as he straightened his tie a little.

    I had no idea you’re engaged. HollyAnna’s astonishment abruptly turned to anger, her nervousness also dissipating. She wanted absolutely no part in flirting with a man who was engaged.

    "I’m not married yet." He actually smiled after making the arrogant statement.

    His words made her all the angrier, and she suddenly found herself feeling very sorry for his fiancée. She stood from behind her desk, looking out into the hallway to make sure no one heard as she spoke softly but firmly, being sure not to raise her voice to attract attention to their conversation. Were you just pretending to be interested in me, Daniel? Were you just making sure I completed this job well? Surprised at her newfound strength, she despised this man’s actions.

    Look, HollyAnna, if you’re going to make it in a corporate setting, you’d better learn to relax some. We all know making it big in business is a game, and I just thought we could have a little fun along the way. We all work hard here.

    Why hadn’t she seen this side of him when they worked closely together? He seemed very different from the CEO of the company, Mr. Bridges, who had been nothing but professional toward her. Again, Daniel’s words sickened her. But she was a professional also, and she was determined to retain some amount of dignity.

    "We are living in the twenty-first century, Daniel. She shook her head, perplexed at his carefree insinuation. And I do work hard. But I am not about to play any of the games you’re talking about. If I succeed in this business, it will be only because of my work." She was relieved by her ability to remain composed, hoping he didn’t notice her trembling hands.

    He was about to leave her office, sensing correctly, she imagined, that she was not in the least bit interested in getting involved with him. Apparently, her refusal to accept any of his further

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