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O Priest, Who Are You?
O Priest, Who Are You?
O Priest, Who Are You?
Ebook267 pages3 hours

O Priest, Who Are You?

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Priesthood is a loving vocation and a precious gift kept in a fragile vessel. Priests play a vital role in the Christian community but often need more support and encouragement than they receive.

Providing a firsthand perspective, O Priest, Who Are You? delves deep into the profound meaning of the priesthood, providing invaluable insights into the role and identity of priests. Contradicting the popular belief that a priest’s sole duty is celebrating Mass, author Fr. Thanh Tran provides a comprehensive understanding of the diverse tasks and responsibilities that priests undertake. He illuminates the rich history of the priesthood, exploring its challenges, trials, and sources of inspiration and joy. Along the way, Tran shares some of his remarkable encounters as a priest, offering motivation to those grappling with the demands of their vocation and inspiration for young men to seriously consider embracing this vocation as a viable option for their own lives.

This book presents a faith-filled examination of priesthood, seeking to bring clarity and depth in an examination of the concept and responsibilities of the role.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 14, 2023
O Priest, Who Are You?

Fr. Thanh Tran

Father Thanh Tran, originally from Vietnam, is a Catholic priest incardinated into the Diocese of Christchurch in New Zealand. After arriving in New Zealand, he attended a language school in Christchurch to learn English before pursuing his studies at the Seminary and College in Auckland. In late 2015, he was ordained, marking the beginning of his privileged and blessed journey serving at various parishes.

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    O Priest, Who Are You? - Fr. Thanh Tran

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    ISBN: 979-8-3850-0462-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-3850-0463-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023915442

    WestBow Press rev. date:  09/13/2023




    Chapter 1 Priesthood Is A Vocation, A Call From God

    1. Everyone Has a Vocation, that Is the Vocation of Love

    2. Priesthood Is a Vocation and Not a Job

    3. Priesthood Is a Gift to Certain Men

    4. An Overview of the History of the Priesthood

    5. A Priest Is Called out of Love

    6. Priesthood Is about Sharing the Divine Gift

    Chapter 2 Celibacy And The Family Of The Priest

    1. Celibacy Is Vital

    2. Celibacy Is a Gift

    3. Priests Are Spiritual Fathers

    Chapter 3 Priest Is A Man Who Has The Power From God To Bless, To Teach, To Forgive, To Care, To Heal, To Sanctify, And To Save

    1. Priest Is a Man with Many Duties

    2. Priest Is Acting in the Person of Christ

    3. Priest Is Given the Power of Attorney

    4. Confession Is Crucial for Humans

    5. Priest Is Doctor of the Soul

    6. Priest Is a Wounded Healer after Christ

    A. House Blessing

    B. Anointing of the Sick and Confession

    7. I Am Nothing Extraordinary

    Chapter 4 Priests Are Shepherds Who Are To Follow The Good Shepherd And To Lead The Flock

    1. Priests Are to Love, to Guide, and to Lead the Parishioners

    2. The Priest Needs to Frequently Ask Himself, Am I Feeding My Sheep or Am I Entertaining Them?

    3. Clericalism

    A. Clericalism Is Harmful for the Church and Her Faithful

    B. Pope Francis’ View on Clericalism

    C. Wearing Clerical Dress Is Important and Necessary

    4. The Obligation of Every Priest Is to Work for the Salvation of Souls

    5. It Is Not Enough to Not Harm Others

    6. It Is Vital to Attend Mass on Sunday and to Practise Our Faith

    7. We Need to Carry Each Other to the Lord

    8. Priests Must Have Compassion and Understanding of the Problems Faced by the Parishioners

    9. A Warm Relationship with My Parishioners Is an Invaluable Gift

    Chapter 5 Priest Is Nothing And Everything

    1. Priest Is Not Himself Because He Is a Representative of God

    2. Priest Is Not His Own Because He Is the Spouse of the Church

    3. Priest Is Nothing and Everything

    4. "He Saved Others, He Cannot Save Himself!"

    5. There Are Diocesan Priests and There Are Religious Priests

    6. Priests Are Men and Not Women

    Chapter 6 Priests Are Sons Of Mother Mary

    1. Priests Are Sons of Mother Mary

    2. One of the Best Images of Faith Is the Image of an Elderly Person Deeply Praying the Rosary

    Chapter 7 Priest Is A Man Of Prayer

    1. One of the Foremost Calls of A Priest Is to Strive for Holiness

    2. As Priests, If We Are too Busy to Pray, We Are by far Busier than What the Lord Wants from Us

    3. Priesthood Is a Loving Sponge

    4. Moving from Loneliness to Creative Aloneness with God as His Companion

    5. The Essence of Recharging the Fire of Love

    6. Jesus Always Began and Finished His Day with Prayer, Therefore, the Priest Needs to Learn to Do the Same

    7. Lord, Teach Us to Pray

    8. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

    9. Jesus Is to Be Found Among the Poor and the Vulnerable

    Chapter 8 Priesthood Is A Precious Gift Being Kept In A Fragile Vessel

    1. The Struggles of Priests

    2. The Impact of Priests’ Frailties on the Community

    3. Priest Is a Sinner, But God’s Mercy Is Boundless

    4. The Priesthood Is a Precious Gift Being Kept in a Fragile Vessel

    Chapter 9 Priest Is A Paedophile

    1. You Are a Paedophile

    2. Media Has Two Faces – Not All Priests Are Bad

    3. Loved People Love People While Hurt People Hurt People

    Chapter 10 Priests Grieve The Loss Just Like Everyone Else

    Chapter 11 The Church Will Never Die And The Priesthood Won’t Be Destroyed

    1. The Church Will Stand Forever

    2. The Catholic Priesthood Will Never Be Destroyed

    3. The Church Is a Field of Wheat and Weeds

    4. When One Fails, It Is Unfair to Lose Faith and Trust in the Others

    5. We Need to Help People to Distinguish Between the Sacred and the Secular

    6. Though We Are Living in Tumultuous Times, the Future of the Church Looks Bright to Many

    Chapter 12 Priestly Life Is A Challenging And Busy Routine, Yet It Is A Life Of Love

    1. Challenges of Priestly Life

    2. Busy Routine of Priestly Life

    3. Priesthood Is a Life of Love

    4. As a Priest, My Encounter with the Parishioners in Everyday Life Shows Much Belief in the Afterlife

    5. It Is Vital to Pray for the Living and It Is Crucial to Pray for the Dead

    6. Life in Heaven and the Queries that People often Have

    7. Many People Have Taught Me that We Are Blessed with the Gift of Faith and Should Never Take It for Granted

    8. Commitment Becomes Difficult When There Are Down Times in Life

    9. We Are Blessed to Have the Saints as the Great Examples of Faith and Trust in God

    10. Once You Fall in Love with Someone, in this Case the Lord, No One Else Quite Measures Up

    Chapter 13 Priesthood Is A Way To Live Life To The Full

    1. Spiritual Dimension

    2. Social Aspect

    3. Personal Growth

    4. The Happiness that Comes to the Priest in the Service of Others Is Absolutely Unparalleled in Any Other Ministry

    Chapter 14 Priests Are Needed In Our World As They Have Been Since The Time Of Jesus

    Chapter 15 Family Is The First Seedbed Of Vocations To The Priesthood And Religious Life

    1. Many Calls Are Still Missed

    2. Everyone Has the Responsibility in Praying for More Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life

    3. The Good News Needs to Be Shared

    4. As Christian Parents, the Most Meaningful Gift You Can Give Your Children Is the Gift of Faith

    5. The Priest’s Faith and Hope in God Keep Him Going

    6. Family Is the First Seedbed of the Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life

    7. A Grumpy, Angry and Unhappy Priest Cannot Motivate and Inspire Others to Become Priest

    8. Priesthood Is a Rewarding Life

    9. The Necessity of Dying to Self

    10. I Feel Blessed to Be a Priest of God and His People

    11. Life Is Much More than What We Experience Each Day

    12. Come, Follow Me



    First and foremost, I give thanks to the Lord for the incredible gift of the priesthood and for entrusting me with the responsibility of shepherding His holy people, despite my human weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and fragility.

    I am also deeply grateful to my parents, grandparents, and other family members for instilling in me the precious gift of faith and for nurturing the seed of my priestly vocation. Their unwavering support and encouragement have been a constant source of strength and inspiration for me.

    I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference for providing me with the opportunity to further my studies in America, which has allowed me to write this book and share my experiences with a wider audience.

    Furthermore, I am immensely grateful to the faculty, staff, and community at Saint Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, Florida, for their hospitality and generosity during my time of study. They have been instrumental in shaping my perspective and inspiring me to write this book.

    I am enormously grateful for the support and guidance of the many friends and individuals I have had the privilege of encountering throughout my life. Their influence and impact have played a crucial role in shaping my character and helping me discern my calling to the priesthood. I am blessed and privileged to serve as a priest and owe much to the countless people who have helped me along the way.

    Ultimately, I hope that this book will inspire and encourage young men and women to consider a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, and that families will openly and freely discuss the possibility of such a calling with their children. May we all respond generously to God’s call and serve His people with joy and dedication.


    Every Holy Thursday, the Church celebrates the Mass of the Lord’s Supper to express gratitude to God for the establishment of the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders. During this special Mass, we honour the Lord for the precious gift of the Priesthood and pray for all the priests around the world, both living and deceased. We beseech the Almighty to help the living ones to remain faithful and holy disciples of the Lord and ardent and loving ministers of God’s people while granting eternal peace to the departed.

    The Priesthood and the role of the priest have been widely discussed by many scholars, with inspiring and profound insights. Among these scholars is Saint Norbert of Xanten, a Catholic priest who founded the Norbertine order in the 12th century. Saint Norbert based his order on love, trust, faith, selflessness, and radical hospitality. In his writings about the priesthood, he stated:

    O Priest, who are you?

    You are not yourself, because you are God.

    You are not of yourself because you are the servant and minister of Christ.

    You are not your own because you are the spouse of the Church.

    You are not yourself because you are the mediator between God and man.

    You are not from yourself because you are nothing.

    What then are you? Nothing and everything.

    O Priest!

    Take care lest what was said to Christ on the cross be said to you:

    ‘He saved others, himself he cannot save!’

    The book O Priest, Who Are You? aims to shed light on the priesthood and deepen the understanding of this sacred vocation. Its purpose is to help readers appreciate the privilege and beauty of this way of life and to inspire gratitude, ardency and zeal in those who are already priests.

    Furthermore, the author hopes that the book will serve as a catalyst for discussions about the priesthood within Catholic families. By actively encouraging and promoting the priesthood, particularly within the family, the author believes that more young men will consider this path as a viable option for their future and a meaningful way to contribute to the Church and the world’s salvation.

    Overall, the book’s ultimate goal is to increase awareness and appreciation for the priesthood and to inspire a new generation of men to embrace this special calling.



    Priesthood Is A Vocation, A Call From God

    1. Everyone Has a Vocation, that

    Is the Vocation of Love

    A vocation is a divine calling that beckons us toward a specific state of life. It can take various forms, including married life, single life, or consecrated life. Additionally, the professions we choose to pursue can also be considered vocations, such as doctors, teachers, nurses, caregivers, farmers, cleaners, builders, and many more.

    However, irrespective of our profession, our ultimate vocation is the vocation of love. We are all called to love God and love our neighbours as ourselves (Mark 12:30‒31), because we have been created out of love, and therefore, we must love one another. To love is to be true to ourselves and become closer to our Creator, who is the Lord. Each of us is called by God to discern our unique vocation and utilize the gifts and talents we have been given to worship, glorify, praise, and serve Him and others, thereby paving the way to the kingdom of God, our true home in heaven.

    2. Priesthood Is a Vocation and Not a Job

    Priesthood is a vocation that is infinitely superior to most other vocations because it is supernatural. God desires to shower His grace, blessings, and mercy on human beings, and He has chosen the priest to be the special instrument for this task. In other words, God has given humanity sacraments through which we can receive His blessings and graces. The sacraments are essential components of the Catholic faith, as they serve as outward manifestations of the inward grace bestowed on believers by God. While these graces may not always be tangible or perceivable through our physical senses, the celebration of the sacraments allows us to connect with and experience them on a spiritual level, nourishing our souls and enriching our lives.

    Without the sacraments, our spiritual growth and development would be stunted, and many souls would struggle to reach heaven. This underscores the vital importance of priests, who play a critical role in administering the sacraments and bringing them to the faithful. The priesthood is therefore one of the most significant vocations in the Catholic Church, as it ensures that believers have access to the spiritual sustenance necessary for their journey toward salvation.

    The priesthood is not just a job or a career choice but a divine calling from God. It is a lifelong commitment and a state of being, requiring one’s full dedication and energy. A priest is called to serve God and the people, and this calling cannot be bought with money or exchanged for any material possession.

    Becoming a priest is not an easy process, and it requires much preparation, examination, and training. It is a long and structured journey that usually takes at least seven years, during which a candidate learns to pray, love, serve, and follow Jesus. It is essential to note that a man cannot become a priest overnight or through any shortcuts. A genuine vocation requires sincere desire and a calling from God. If someone seeks to enter the priesthood for any ulterior motive, such as politics, personal gain, or abuse of power, their vocation is not genuine and will not last. He may be able to cheat the Church and other people but he cannot trick God. God knows everything and He is aware of all things, even things in the most secret place. To be a priest, the man must have

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