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From Lore to Life
From Lore to Life
From Lore to Life
Ebook116 pages1 hour

From Lore to Life

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About this ebook

Weaving together the worlds of meditation, fantasy and self-discovery the author is a woman struggling with the demands of day to day life. Faced with stress, anxiety and a longing for something more meaningful she stumbles upon the transformative power of meditation. She soon realizes she is being guided by an unexpected mentor, a unicorn from lore.

Beginning easy and then working up, you are walked through unique meditative practices and vivid scene descriptions. Slowly you began to unveil hidden realms of wonder and magic where you too can see your unicorn guide. During these meditations your unicorn begins to impart calmness, resilience, courage and an interconnectedness of the magical world around you. Leaving you with profound insights on mindfulness, self-worth and the magic inside you. The meditations lead you on a journey to get to know and become familiar with your unicorn until you are able to invite this magical being into your world. Taking the unicorn from Lore to Life.

PublisherAngele Wots
Release dateSep 20, 2023
From Lore to Life

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    From Lore to Life - Angele Wots


    Unicorns... they are real. Many people young and old alike believe they are. A long-forgotten magic lost among the noise and distractions of today's life. The true origins of unicorns are difficult to trace. They have been part of many different cultures and myths throughout our history. In Western culture, unicorns were first described by Greek historian Ctesias in the 5th century BCE, and were later popularized in medieval European folklore. In Chinese mythology, the unicorn is known as the qilin and is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

    In modern times, unicorns have become popular again. They have been featured in movies, TV shows, and books aimed at both children and adults. Unicorns have been embraced as symbols of positivity, individuality, and creativity.

    While unicorns may be considered a long-forgotten magic by some, their enduring popularity shows that they continue to captivate the imagination and inspire us to believe in the power of magic.

    Many have forgotten their natural connection to magic and along with that we have lost our ability to see the enchantment that surrounds us. The concept of magic has been a part of human culture for thousands of years, and it can take many forms, from supernatural powers to unexplained phenomena. We have become more reliant on technology, because of this we have lost touch with the natural world and the magic that can be found within it. Regardless of how one interprets the idea of magic, it's important to remain open to the wonder and awe of the world we live in. Over the years with more and more distractions, we have forgotten our ability to see and communicate with unicorns. Watching videos, scrolling social media, binge watching tv and playing video games has distracted us from seeing the magic around us. By paying attention to the small details of everyday life, we can cultivate a sense of appreciation and connection to the natural world, which can in turn help us to rediscover our own sense of wonder and magic. The unicorns are still here, waiting for us to be able to see them again.

    I have forged an extraordinary friendship with a unicorn, and its presence has undeniably brought immense positivity into my life. This magnificent creature has bestowed upon me a sense of enchantment and wonder, infusing even the most mundane aspects of my daily existence with magic. To me, this unicorn represents more than just a mythical being; it evokes a surge of joy and spirit within me. Moreover, it serves as a constant reminder to remain open to unexpected and magical moments that life generously offers.

    Although not all stresses have dissipated from my life, the unicorn has been instrumental in helping me release many burdens that once plagued me with anxiety and anger. I've started to understand that I would cling onto certain things for hours, or even days, only to realize that they were trivial matters unworthy of my time and energy. The presence of the unicorn has shifted my perspective, allowing me to focus less on the past and redirect my energy towards shaping a brighter future. With this newfound understanding, my life took an astounding turn for the better.

    As my bond with the unicorn grew stronger, it has become my steadfast anchor, providing support and calmness amidst turmoil. The unicorn's comforting aura worked wonders, soothing my consciousness and instilling within me a sense of confidence that had eluded me for far too long. Empowered by this newfound self-assurance, I mustered the courage to quit my low-paying job and pursue a path of self-employment. Today, my life is unrecognizable compared to a year ago. I reside in a wonderful house, bask in a fulfilling life, and embark on amazing adventures. Exploring the country and savoring the experiences instead of being a mere spectator.

    Throughout this transformative journey, my unicorn has remained a devoted companion. There are moments when I can see it with my own eyes, and then there are instances when its presence is felt, even in its unseen form. It never leaves my side, accompanying me through every triumph and hardship. I confide in this unicorn, sharing the details of my day, recounting both the victories and challenges. It listens without judgment, offering me solace in its calm presence. Thanks to this bond, I no longer feel the heavy weight of solitude, I no longer face problems alone. Some may view this connection as implausible or eccentric, while others may maintain a sense of hopeful skepticism. I, too, began this journey with a mix of skepticism and hope, unsure of what lay ahead. However, this is my reality now. A reality that starkly contrasts with my past.

    To truly grasp where I am now to where I started this journey, we must begin where everything seemed to be going wrong. In the beginning, unbeknownst to me, everything was falling into place perfectly. Perhaps through my story, you will find resonance with your own life, and in doing so, believe that you also possess the power to transform your life with the help of a unicorn. Remember, you are never alone, even when it feels like everything has gone wrong.


    It was day just like every other day in my life, nothing new, everything old.  The repetitive daily routine had grown tedious, leaving me feeling disenchanted. Every day when I returned home from work, I would fling my work phone into the junk drawer. Then I wolfed down dinner as fast as I could. Followed by flopping onto the couch and immersed myself in a television marathon until bedtime. Each day, I would repeat this cycle, seeking comfort in mindless entertainment to avoid thinking about my life in general. I knew my life had fallen far short of the ambitions and goals I had once hoped to accomplish. Deep contempt had started to seeped into every facet of my life. I hated everything, my job, my existence, even the weather on certain days.

    I found enjoyment in very little. Take for instance, the first day I considered the possibility of changing my life. The summer sun painted a breathtaking backdrop as I drove home from work but I didn’t care for it. It was too hot, it was too bright. All I could think about is how I never got home at a reasonable time to enjoy doing anything outdoors. Not that I wanted to do anything outside, I just wanted to complain about it. Entering the house, I found myself all alone. Earlier in the day my husband and son had left on a trip to North Carolina. It was going to be only me for an entire week. My vacation request was denied, yet again, so I was left behind while the family went to have fun without me. That day the television was silenced and solitude was my only company. Just me and my thoughts. After enduring a grueling 14-hour shift in the scorching summer sun, fatigue and anger consumed me. Left to my own devices, I started the day loathing work and ending the evening with fast food. Sitting at table I was wallowing in self-pity. ‘It wasn’t fair, why does my vacation always seem to get canceled but my co worker gets to go home early every other Friday.’ I was hitting my breaking point and I knew it.

    Thoughts of going back to that awful place in the morning made me ill and I contemplated the consequences of faking an illness to avoid going to work altogether. Something had to change, I couldn’t take this much longer. Lost in contemplation, the idea of meditation crossed my mind. I swiftly dismissed this idea as absurd. I could not see how sitting quietly would solve anything. I needed a lot more than some stupid meditation. I turned on the TV and began to devour my cheeseburger as the thought of

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