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A Quill's Peculiar Tales
A Quill's Peculiar Tales
A Quill's Peculiar Tales
Ebook24 pages19 minutes

A Quill's Peculiar Tales

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Prepare to be intrigued by the short story collection stemming from the new series, A Quill's Peculiar Tales. This first installment varies from romantic and ghostly thrillers, to comedic sci-fi and urban fantasies in a medley of six alluring stories.

PublisherCC Quill
Release dateMay 19, 2024
A Quill's Peculiar Tales

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    Book preview

    A Quill's Peculiar Tales - CC Quill


    By Philip Clarke

    Copyright © Philip Clarke, 2023

    All Rights Reserved

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    The stories, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual person (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. 


    His breathing grows heavier and louder only second to the hastening paces of feet splashing every puddle amidst the ground before turning a corner. It is their fear that gives me strength as my own fear once encouraged others. I am powerless no longer, but somehow tied down by laws I don't understand...yet. So, if this is my penance for satisfying my revenge...then I accept it gladly.

    The memory of who I was grows dimmer with every poor soul I take. Salutatorian in high school, master’s in criminology with a minor in biology, became a victim to the typical right place wrong time. The robbers romanticized over the younger woman next to me...and needed a hostage. Take me! Please! I pleaded, knowing their intentions. But no good deed goes unpunished as their leader smiles at me.

    My captors cut their ties after two days of me to make a speedy getaway. My condition in their hideout can only be seen by police with a strong stomach. At least I didn’t have to care about the bomb they left. But I don't die. The fire surprisingly fuels my spirit. Don't if by destiny or

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