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Closed Mouths Don't Get Fed
Closed Mouths Don't Get Fed
Closed Mouths Don't Get Fed
Ebook36 pages31 minutes

Closed Mouths Don't Get Fed

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About this ebook

Valencia Lee has nearly 20 years of sales experience from cold calling, retail stores, door-to-door, business-to-business, and eCommerce. She had been in hundreds of residents' homes and assisted thousands of customers, providing solutions to their problems, whether it was vacuum cleaners, flooring, cabinets, closets, windows, or mattresses.


Over the last few years, Valencia Lee has gone above and beyond in sales and has been awarded multiple awards for selling nearly 2 million dollars annually. In Closed Mouths Don't Get Fed, Valencia Lee shares all of the tips and tricks she has learned in her years of sales experience and shows how you can apply these skills and characteristics to your sales style and go above and beyond in sales also.

Release dateSep 24, 2023
Closed Mouths Don't Get Fed

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    Book preview

    Closed Mouths Don't Get Fed - The Write Genius

    Letter to the Reader:

    Before you read this book, I was born and raised in a low-income neighborhood where resources were limited, and overtime I developed a poverty mindset. Although I've been in sales for nearly 20 years, there were some things about myself I had to change to be successful in the sales industry. For instance, I had to change how I viewed the world. A poverty mindset always believe  their is a lack  of resources, whether it is food, money, or opportunities. This mindset influences our behaviors, and you feel like you will never have enough.

    After hanging around many millionaires and a couple of billionaires, there is nothing special about them but only their mindset and how they view the world. They see the world full of prosperity and abundance, flowing with milk and honey. Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most significant and memorable social activists, said, The world has enough for everyone's needs but not everyone's greed.

    I am here to tell you that the world has more resources than we could ever imagine! Within the last few years, I have only just hit the tip of the iceberg of resources available to me. A poverty mindset does not change over night, but you must practice daily. You must believe that you are a powerful, abundant, and prosperous individual with unlimited opportunities.

    Every morning for the past few years, one of the first things I do is listen to positive affirmations. A positive affirmation is using the two most powerful words in the world, I AM, and combining it with a positive adjective or description such as I am successful or I am wealthy. Some days I listen to them all day. Your habits change when you repeatedly do something consistently. You have to reprogram your subconscious. According to Gail Marra Clinical Hypnotherapy, your subconscious mind controls your habits which is 95% of your life.

    I wrote this book to share my knowledge and experience in the sales industry but I walk on faith daily, and I know from experience that miracles happen every day. So I invite you to follow along on my journey in sales while I share all the advantages and disadvantages of the sales industry, and prove that you can make any amount of money by changing your mind.  In controversial book, Outwitting the Devil, Napoleon Hill, the most famous self help and best selling author states, that every individual has the power to change his or her material or financial status by first changing the nature of his or her beliefs. (p.46)

    Valencia Lee


    "Establishing trust is better

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