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The Hijack: The Rogue Agent Series, #2
The Hijack: The Rogue Agent Series, #2
The Hijack: The Rogue Agent Series, #2
Ebook271 pages2 hours

The Hijack: The Rogue Agent Series, #2

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About this ebook

When you seek revenge be sure to dig two graves…


I never thought I would love again. After a sinister organization called Dark Sparrow killed my fiancé, all I wanted was revenge. But the closer I got to justice, the more convoluted the plot became. Suddenly the people I thought were responsible for my heartache became the very ones I could rely on. I found myself in love again, against the odds, and this time I was determined not to lose him.


Theo Wells, the dashing yet laid-back MI6 agent who was working with me on the Dark Sparrow case, was rapidly becoming my whole world. And that world was torn apart when traitors from inside the British government raided our safehouse.


They shot Theo right in front of me before putting a bag over my head and dragging me away. Now they've got me locked in a jungle prison on the far side of the world. I can't eat, and I can't sleep, waiting for my chance to break free.


All that matters is finding my way back to Theo. If he's still alive…


The Rogue Agent Series

  • The Target
  • The Hijack
  • The Ghost
Release dateOct 8, 2023
The Hijack: The Rogue Agent Series, #2

Lexy Timms

"Love should be something that lasts forever, not is lost forever."  Visit USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, LEXY TIMMS *Please feel free to connect with me and share your comments. I love connecting with my readers.* Sign up for news and updates and freebies - I like spoiling my readers! website: Dealing in Antique Jewelry and hanging out with her awesome hubby and three kids, Lexy Timms loves writing in her free time.  MANAGING THE BOSSES is a bestselling 10-part series dipping into the lives of Alex Reid and Jamie Connors. Can a secretary really fall for her billionaire boss?

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    Book preview

    The Hijack - Lexy Timms

    The Rogue Agent Series

    A group of books with text and a person pointing an object Description automatically generated

    The Target

    The Hijack

    The Ghost

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    The Hijack Blurb

    A person in a suit holding an object Description automatically generated

    WHEN YOU SEEK REVENGE be sure to dig two graves...

    I never thought I would love again. After a sinister organization called Dark Sparrow killed my fiancé, all I wanted was revenge. But the closer I got to justice, the more convoluted the plot became. Suddenly the people I thought were responsible for my heartache became the very ones I could rely on. I found myself in love again, against the odds, and this time I was determined not to lose him.

    Theo Wells, the dashing yet laid-back MI6 agent who was working with me on the Dark Sparrow case, was rapidly becoming my whole world. And that world was torn apart when traitors from inside the British government raided our safehouse.

    They shot Theo right in front of me before putting a bag over my head and dragging me away. Now they’ve got me locked in a jungle prison on the far side of the world. I can’t eat, and I can’t sleep, waiting for my chance to break free.

    All that matters is finding my way back to Theo.

    If he’s still alive...

    A person holding an object Description automatically generated


    The Rogue Agent Series

    Find Lexy Timms:

    The Hijack Blurb

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    The Rogue Agent Series

    Dead Ahead FREE COPY

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    More by Lexy Timms:

    Chapter 1


    THE FIRST THING I WAS aware of was pain. I floated my way back into consciousness after being attacked by my former friend. It seemed like just seconds ago that Regg was holding a gun to my head, bragging about how he was going to singlehandedly bring down MI6.

    I’d spent the last few weeks chasing shadows, running all across the globe looking for a terrorist organization called Dark Sparrow. And when I finally caught up to them, they’d revealed that it was someone inside the agency who was pulling the strings.

    I kept my body relaxed, not wanting anyone who might be watching to know that I was awake. It was like coming out of the ocean after being hit by a great wave. I remembered my mom telling me, Take a deep breath first thing when you reach the surface, just in case there’s another wave.

    Just because I was coming around and obviously still alive didn’t mean I was out of the water. I needed to take stock of what was happening so that I could figure out what my choices were.

    Doing an inventory of my body, I focused on the duct tape wrapped around my wrists. It wasn’t particularly tight, and some of the glue had dissolved already. From that, I understood that it had been at least several hours since the binding was administered.

    My torso rocked, sending a jolt of pain racing up my chest and into my jaw. There was some kind of wound there, and I couldn’t tell how bad it was. The movement didn’t cause me to lose consciousness, so it wasn’t life-threatening.

    I felt dizzy, possibly from loss of blood, but also possibly from a minor concussion. I tried to remember exactly what Regg had done to me before I passed out. Then I gasped, unable to stop the sound before it breached my lips.


    The American spy I’d fallen in love with had been there when Regg infiltrated our safehouse. I saw her standing at the bottom of the stairs, wearing only an oversized shirt. Surely she had fought tooth and nail for her freedom, but if she’d managed to kill any of the assailants, what was I doing tied up?

    Concern for her safety ate up the last of my reserves. I knew I had given myself away, so I wrenched my shoulders in an attempt to free my hands. The movement only bought me more pain, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.

    There was a bag over my head, blocking out the light. Yet I could see through the fibers enough to realize we were in a car. There was one man to my left and one to my right, and a person in the driver’s seat. It wasn’t a big car, but it wasn’t a tiny European model, either.

    Our safehouse was in the Swiss Alps, locked in a blanket of snow with a beautiful view. From the way the car was moving, I could tell we were on our way down, which meant that I wasn’t too far from ground zero.

    Wherever Clark was, I had to get back to her as quickly as possible. That meant dispatching my captors and taking control of the vehicle. If only I could get my arms free, I would make short work of the three of them.

    Look who’s awake, one man said in an American accent.

    I didn’t like the sound of that. I didn’t have any clue how wide or how deep Regg’s criminal network ran. But if MI6 had been compromised, it wasn’t that big a stretch to imagine that the CIA had its own rats. I would much rather have been at the mercy of Eastern European thugs or the Italian mafia. Anyone who didn’t have a direct line to my personal life would have been preferable to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    You can take the blindfold off, I said, masking the pain in my voice. I wasn’t going to let on that I was in anything less than fighting condition. As far as they knew, I could still kick their asses, even without the use of my eyes or my hands. Better to let them think that and help me out in the process by giving in to their fear.

    I don’t think so, mate, another captor said in an Australian accent.

    We’ve got a real United Nations in here, I joked, digging my middle finger up underneath the duct tape.

    If I could just work one finger out of bondage, the rest would follow. It would take me no time then to unravel the tape and punch one guy in the eye. I visualized my entire plan before it happened, right down to the curses the three criminals were likely to shout.

    Don’t talk to him! the driver yelled. His accent was pure East London, Whitechapel if I had to pick a specific neighborhood.

    Whatever was going on, it was at a high enough level that citizens of multiple English-speaking countries were drawn in. I stuck my ring finger down beneath the tape and my skin, forcing the glue to release its hold. Before any of the men could stop me, I yanked the binding off my right hand and lashed out with my elbow.

    Just as I pictured, the guy on my left reached for his gun. I hit him with a palm to the nose, hearing a satisfying crunch as the cartilage splintered. The American screamed, dropping his weapon momentarily to press his hand to the bloody surface.

    I turned away from him and smashed the Aussie’s head into the window, causing the glass to spiderweb out from the point of impact. A few more pounds of force and I would have been able to shove him out of the moving vehicle. But the assault was sufficient to blind the man, giving me plenty of room to go after the driver.

    I ripped the bag from my head and flipped it up over the driver’s head. He slammed on the brakes, causing the car to skid and tilt to the right. The moment that vision was restored to me, I could see that hadn’t been the wisest move.

    We were on a tiny mountain pass, a sheer cliff to our left and a rock face to our right. There was no room for fancy maneuvers and barely enough room for the car to drive in a straight line.

    The front wheels slid off the road, and the car pitched forward over the void. The squeal of the brakes was all I could hear, but soon came the rush of the wind and the creak of metal as the car struggled to remain upright.

    I had precious few seconds to react before we all plummeted to our deaths. I didn’t care about any of the bastards who had me in custody. It would have been nice to interrogate one of them, to have some questions answered about Regg’s activities. But that didn’t look like it was likely to happen, and if I didn’t bail soon, I was going to be roadkill several hundred feet below.

    The Australian man to my right held on to the headrest in front of him, blood trickling down his cheek from where his head had hit the glass. I reached for his hair, grabbing a fistful and slamming him back into the window.

    This time, the glass did shatter, and the armed gunman pitched forward, out of the car. I reached around his body to unlock the door, pushing it open with the body still draped across the divide.

    There was barely enough time to dive to safety before the car plummeted. I heard the trio screaming bloody murder and saw the ass of the Australian man bent over the window of the open door. His feet thrashed as the momentum of the car took him down.

    I couldn’t see the driver or the American, though I was sure neither of them had escaped. Hitting the pavement hard, I rolled to a stop several feet away, in the middle of the lane of traffic. Luckily, the road was so remote, there were no other cars to run me over.

    The wound in my chest tore slightly bigger with all the excitement. Pain pulsed through my upper torso, lighting me up like a Christmas tree. It was a long moment before I heard the crash of the vehicle hitting the ground. There was a whoosh, and then a bright light from the cliffside, indicating that the car had exploded.

    So much for those bad guys.

    Peeling myself up off the ground, I discovered that the weight of my body didn’t help the pain. Looking down, I saw that there was a bullet hole in my shirt, stained with black, crusty blood. It was a good sign that my blood was clotting. That would protect me in the long run, although I still needed medical attention.

    I turned to look back up at the road, wondering how far we were from my safehouse. But that wasn’t an option, because even if I could reach the cozy chalet, it had been compromised. There was no telling if Regg had left agents there to scoop me up, or if the structure even remained standing.

    I had to find Clark, and the hideout was the last place I’d seen her. But she was resourceful. If she had been captured, like me, they would have taken her far away. If she was on the run, she would wait for me and get in touch when the coast was clear. In any event, I decided not to attempt to return to the place where she had gone missing. There was only one way forward, and that was down.

    I needed to find a doctor and get myself cleaned up. Afterward, I could check in with...I almost thought of Regg. For years, he’d been my point of contact with MI6. If this had been an ordinary assignment, my first priority would be to check in. But now I was in uncharted territory.

    Without knowing who was playing for Regg and who was playing for the British public, I couldn’t contact anyone. Two of the other assailants in the car with me had been American and Australian. That meant that people within the CIA and ASIS were likely also tainted. And I couldn’t reach out to any of them without risking exposure.

    I had a few personal contacts who might be able to help. There were also a few assets that I had personally developed over the years who would be open to an exchange of information for the right price. I still had options.

    Staggering into motion, I tested my ability to walk gingerly at first. Every time I came down with my right foot, pain shocked my system. I adjusted to favor my left foot, only putting half my weight down on my right each time. It wasn’t a recipe for winning a race, but hopefully it would get me where I needed to go. Just a few miles and I could find someone willing to help.

    Chapter 2


    THE SUN WAS FALLING, and the wind picked up. There was still snowpack on the ground, which meant I had a long way to go before reaching the valley. Ordinarily, civilization rested in the foothills or between the peaks where the water flowed and the land could be cultivated. I was heading in that direction, but it took me forever.

    I had no survival equipment on me, though I did have my training. I knew that if night fell and I was unable to reach help, I could bury myself in the snow to create a warm cocoon. Sled dogs did that in frigid temperatures, allowing the very thing that most people would try to avoid to provide them comfort through the night.

    I estimated that I was traveling at about four miles per hour. It wasn’t dismal, but it wasn’t effective either. I needed to pick up the pace if I was going to make it out of the woods in time. I hadn’t seen another car all day. I had no way of knowing if I was even still in Sweeden, or if I had been transported to another Nordic country while I was asleep.

    Just as the last dying rays of light snuck away, I found a fork in the road. One path lay down the mountain in the same direction as I had been traveling. The other path diverged into the forest itself, indicating that there might be something there worth investigating.

    Maybe a house or some other kind of building where I could take shelter had been installed halfway up the mountain. I was tired, thirsty, and weak from the beating I’d endured at Regg’s hand and the fight in the car. If I could even find a power station, or a cabin with a roof, I would be much more comfortable. My expectations lowered from finding a physician and a telephone to simply finding a place to sleep for the night.

    I moved up the driveway, feeling like a zombie with one foot slower than the other. I had no weapon and no communication device. It occurred to me that if this was a house I had found, its owner might not appreciate the company. I debated hiding in the bushes along the roadside and sneaking up on whatever lay beyond. But that would only serve to alienate a potential source of assistance, if I could convince whoever might be up there to help me.

    So I walked down the middle of the road, my hands down by my sides. There was nothing I could do about the awkward shuffle I’d perfected, but I could demonstrate that I was unarmed. It worked. A moment later, a gentleman who

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