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My Cute Vampir Vol 2: My Cute Vampir, #2
My Cute Vampir Vol 2: My Cute Vampir, #2
My Cute Vampir Vol 2: My Cute Vampir, #2
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My Cute Vampir Vol 2: My Cute Vampir, #2

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Artem finds himself wandering a realm known as Earth. He was brought there on the whim of the Primordial God of Chaos. On Earth Vampir and humans have a very different relationship. Up until recently monsters were just fantastical myths on Earth, but as Miki and Artem find themselves involved with the individual factions they come to learn that not everything is as it seems on the world called Earth.

Demons, faeries, and creatures of legend are soon coming out of the woodwork and turning Earith on its head. Unknown entities work in the background to unsettle the status quo and turn Earth into a playground for the supernatural leaving Artem and his newfound allies to clean up the mess left behind by a secret Cult who call themselves the Black Snake.

Back on Tethys politics heat up as it becomes public knowledge that the work CELESTE has been doing to protect humans from dangerous Mythic has put the balance of their realm in jeopardy.

Release dateSep 23, 2023
My Cute Vampir Vol 2: My Cute Vampir, #2

R.A. Rex Draco

I am an Illustrator and writer who has been in love with storytelling since we were a wee dragon. I am a member of the furry community with friendships within the LGBTQ+ community so I understand the need for being inclusive and as such these are often represented in my stories as part of my greater worldbuilding. I write comics, light novels, and other types of unique genre models that represent myself and the communities I am part of. I love science fiction first and foremost, romance, action and monster stories so those I love science fiction first and foremost, romance, action and monster stories, so because of that I enjoy writing genre-hybrid fictions. [Concerning my Erotica. It is only labeled as such for site genre purposes but all my books are [genre-bending]/[genre-hybrid] stories, meaning they are undefinable as one genre and include multiple genres within its universe.]

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    Book preview

    My Cute Vampir Vol 2 - R.A. Rex Draco


    This book is a work of fiction. Characters and events in this novel are the product of the author’s imagination. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

    Chapter One: Red Strings

    It took Leonid a fair bit of time convincing Artem his car wasn't a deathtrap. The blond-haired Revenant had never seen a vehicle like it and the sounds of its engine made it feel as if it would erupt into flames at any minute. Eventually the two men were in the car and starting their drive. Artem leaned the seat back and folded his arms over his chest. Leonid had decided on a mundane topic about the country they were currently in. Sadly while Artem's mind was on Miki there wasn't much else he had interest in. It sounded like a nice place, but terribly boring.

    ...and I told him it was only a matter of time. It seemed that of Leonid's friends he was the only one that believed in magic, which wasn't something said to truly exist in this world.

    Artem was watching the landscape go by, his foot tapping to the sound of the music softly playing in the background from the car's radio.

    How long will it take us to get to the ocean? Artem leaned closer to the window. In truth he hadn't been able to smell the ocean since he arrived, which he found odd, despite only living in Wneeri for a few years. People became complacent pretty easily.

    Leonid motioned his hand, shrugging slightly. Ah, what, little less than a quarter of a day my friend.

    W-what!? Artem shot up into a sitting position.

    Hmm? I did not say anything to lead you to believe it was closer, did I? The man questioned, perplexed at Artem's shocked expression and sharp call.

    I-I mean... no. I just assumed... He had nothing defensible to say so he slumped back in the seat, settling his hands over his stomach. Is that the real reason your friends didn't come? Cause you keep talking about those things?

    Leonid tapped on the steering wheel. Well I said that this world does not believe in magic the way you seem to, yes? Artem nodded, still staring out the window. Well for the past few weeks, around the world there has been much discord.

    Artem raised a brow, turning his attention to Leonid. The man glanced over to the Revenant and laughed.

    You're interested now, ah? Well let me tell you. For a world that refuses to believe in the mystical, there have been a number of phenomena with the weather that cannot be considered natural.

    How so? Weather can be really weird when it wants to. Artem wasn't sure if weather was a defining variable when it came to odd disturbances. Lightning storms were a thing where he was from: no rain, just wind and lightning.

    Well perhaps it is something normal to you but here these things do not happen. For instance the lightning storm over the sea I mentioned earlier. Such things are only seen when there are great tropical storms over the sea, but no such things have ever been seen in our seas before. Leonid would continue. There have been snowstorms pouring in sand filled deserts, and rainless clouds so dark that it covers the sun for weeks at a time. In the past there has been much flooding in areas which are heavy with drought this season. It has caused not only damage to buildings and disrupted trade, but it has affected farming as well. Many places have found themselves with shortages of food.

    That was weird. He'd understand a strange heat wave here or a big storm there, but across the world? What about monsters?

    Monsters? Leonid parroted.

    Yeah, have you seen monsters? You said your Earth considers those lightning storms like portals. We have monsters that come through portals in our world.  

    Leonid was quiet for a moment to think. Well the only thing I know that has come here, from elsewhere, is you and I am sorry to say but even if you claim to not be Human, you look it. None would believe unless—well they would not let you leave back home easily, yes?

    Right... Well, is the Alkonost a monster? Artem was a little nervous about the idea these Humans would hold him captive for such a reason.

    Not quite. It is - a child's tale. A myth. Something many know but do not know if it is true. And with the military guarding the seas unless we go through ourselves I cannot prove it. It is why I need your help. If you are from another world perhaps the Alkonost came from your lands, possibly visiting ours in the past!

    Artem had no concept of a conspiracy theorist. Sure he knows well of the tall tales men could fabricate after adventures, but Leonid didn't seem like the sort of guy who has ever gone on an adventure.

    I mean I can maybe tell you, but my world's big. I haven't been everywhere nor seen everything. But if it was a portal home...

    [Don't get your hopes up.] Khaos chuckled from the boy's shadow. [Did you think I brought you here if you can leave so easily? Besides, portals aren't so fantastical that they are put on display with sparkling lights! If that was the case it'd be all too easy to find other worlds!]

    Artem canted his head in thought. That was true. But if it's not a portal, what could it be? Artem thought aloud.

    Leonid hadn't thought about it not being a portal. Well what else could it be? He asked, seeing as Artem may have some idea.

    Uh... Artem waved his hands in dismissal. Who knows maybe a— Artem's eyes sparkled with the thought. Wait, I've seen that kind of thing before. He would recall.

    Oh?! Leonid perked up with interest.

    Artem would sit up and lean forward. Yeah! I did see that before. I was in camp and well we were skipping stones at the lake and woke up a Dako Lizard in the water. Like they can make electricity spike out their mouths to stun prey and me and my friends got shot at. They're huge lizards so they can produce a lot of energy!

    Leonid nodded. Like an Electric Eel. It is a fish here that can produce electricity with its body, but are much smaller, no longer than my forearm.

    So maybe it's a creature making it. It couldn't be a Demon right? Do you guys have Demons? Artem tried to think of how to explain what a demon was.

    Oh yes, we have many stories of Demons. Are you telling me they are common in your world?

    Well yes and no. They aren't supposed to come through to our world, but do sometimes. Artem explained to the best of his ability. He's never actually seen a Demon for himself and has only heard stories from his dad.

    This is starting to sound very reliable. Leonid was becoming excited at the idea.

    Reliable? That seemed a strange emotion to peg to this.

    Yes, yes. No truth without proof, yes? This is something they like to impress on those like me who have an open mind considering these topics.

    Proof would help, but that may be hard to get because he didn't want to think how big the creature was that could produce that much electricity, if it was a creature at all. For all Artem knew it could be a Witch.

    Yes if we can find something not of this world that does not look like a Human we could perhaps find physical evidence of other worlds, in the way of parallel dimensions.

    Para-huh? Artem looked at Leonid with confusion.

    It is a theory from Earth. It is said there are many Earths right next to ours in a space that is just slightly different. They could be the cause of a chain of decisions made by a person that altered the whole history of that land.

    That sounds like it's too—random. Artem tapped his chin. If the universe has these things figured out wouldn't you think things would be less random like that? What if they aren't the same worlds and just different worlds that have similar things? That sounds like a lot of copies made for no reason. Artem's hypothesis was based on the mind-boggling work that would take. He prided himself in being a lazy little shit.

    Leonid opened his mouth but would lean forward as his mind became inundated with the thoughts. It was possible Artem was correct in his thinking. It was too soon to decide anything, besides he was getting too excited by the idea.

    I don't really want to fight anything though... Artem leaned back in his seat. So I hope it isn't a monster or anything. But knowing that Khaos wanted him to play with abilities he was sure he was being led into some weird situation.

    [I'm glad you understand your irresponsibility.] The deity cackled as their eyes seemed to glow within Artem's shadow that projected against the floor of the car.

    "I was honestly sure you'd start trouble in the streets with me at the center." He thought.

    [Oh that's far too easy and predictable. What better way to introduce you to a world than toss you upon its problems!]

    "Problems...? So these things Leonid said that are happening aren't normal?"

    [It seems when I woke up so did a few others and what better way to greet the morning than exercising one's power a little? What fun!] They laughed.

    Chapter Two: Hidden Truths 

    ~Bucharest, Romania~

    The night took a long while to arrive in that part of Europe. With Summer extending the days, sunset was far later in the evening than usual. Three figures wound their way through the verdant Cuza park. Even so late in the evening the park was quite active, many families enjoying the warm night and some tourists taking in the view of the lake which was full of wild ducks and glimmering lightning bugs. Several fountains decorated the park. The rushing waters were audible from a great distance, adding to the natural sounds that were magnified by the humming conversations of people and animals. Of the three figures one seemed much smaller in stature, holding onto the hand of the tallest member. They were garbed in simple clothing, though they wore long sleeves which seemed strange in the summer. The third member had walked to the edge of the lake. She appeared to be a young woman in her early twenties. She had bright silver hair and blue eyes that seemed to wince at the reflection of the setting sun in the distance. There were a number of stands selling various foods, the smells carrying out towards the roads.

    Making her way down the paved trails the woman would be followed by the male, who was holding the hand of the younger individual, a child by the looks of their features. The woman made her way past people, animals, and children as her blue eyes scanned the hills of trees and wild shrubs. The child appeared to be having difficulty walking. Noting they were slowing down, the young looking man would step aside, picking the child up from under their arms to sit them on one of the free benches. The child appeared to be having difficulty breathing, face red from the summer's heat. He looked back, the woman continuing her desperate search.

    Natalia, Stela cannot keep up any longer. Maybe we should head back home?

    The woman, who seemed to be named Natalia, came to a stop as she stood at the edge of the point where grass met pavement. She turned to look back, her own cheeks stained red from their continuous search. A light sheen of sweat had collected on her brows, but she was remiss to heed to the man's concern.

    David, I know they're somewhere nearby. She took in a deep breath, moving to tug at her collar in order to fan herself.

    David stood at about 195cm. He had long, black hair that he let hang loose, down over his shoulders. He had red eyes that seemed to shine a deep hazel when he was in the shade. He wore a black, long-sleeved shirt and a pair of simple jeans, as well as black combat boots that came up to his calves. He was standing by the bench with little Stela. Stela looked about ten years of age and wore a little capelet with a hood that had rabbit ears. This seemed to cover her pale skin from the harsh sunlight she seemed so delicate to. Much like Natalia she looked to have white, almost silver hair, and soft pink eyes.

    David sighed. I understand your feeling, but what if Ion was wrong?

    Natalia frowned. Ion's never wrong... She defended in a small voice.

    David sulked and began to walk toward Natalia. We have to go home. We've been out here too long. Stela is tired and I'm hungry.

    While David tried to convince Natalia to return, the young Stela would try to cool down in the shade. Even during sunset it seemed too bright during the day. She moved to rest her hands on her knees, her pleated skirt appearing to be part of a school's uniform. Her stockings had some stretch marks, expected of an active child her age. She would stretch out her legs before tapping the tips of her buckle shoes together. She stopped listening to the two disagreeing and would turn to look behind her. Whenever she moved the bunny ears on her hood would bounce. Hopping off the bench, Stela would walk back into the grass. Tilting her head she would listen to the air. It sounded almost like growling. Making her way over she peered around a large tree, her cheeks pinching up in a bright smile as she let out a giggle.

    Just one more hour! Natalia tried to bargain with David.

    Natalia! We've been here for over two hours and have found nothing!

    I found it! Stella's voice rang from the distance, catching the pair's attention.

    Hurrying to her side David and Natalia would come around the tree and see that she had indeed found what they were searching for. Lying under the tree was the unconscious body of Miki Ayuna, though to the trio she was a nameless figure their leader had requested them to find. Soon the three return to their home. It was about half a block away, at the end of the street. It was close enough to the train station that they had access to much of the city, but the home itself was rather secluded at the end of this block, surrounded by old trees. It was a luxurious looking one, two floors and appeared to be well maintained, despite its aged look. Miki was laid to rest in an unoccupied room. It had a canopy bed, hearth, and two doors aside from the entrance: one leading to a private washroom and the other to a closet. The walls were decorated with old paintings and the wallpaper decades old, but well cared for.

    Yeah we found her! Just like you said Ion! Natalia's voice could be heard singing down the hall. Miki was beginning to regain bits of her consciousness, but everything felt so heavy. The door of the room opened up revealing a tall, elderly figure who leaned much of his weight on a cane. They passed a number of rooms that seemed to line the second floor hall and marched all the way to the end of the hall where Miki had been placed.

    Miki's amber gold eyes blinked open, only to squeeze shut at the sudden flood of light that entered her vision. The light switch had been turned on and though it was only a dim, yellow-gold light to fill the room it was still quite surprising.

    W-where am I? Miki sat herself up.

    Natalia was standing beside the man named Ion, holding Stela's hand. The pink-eyed girl was peeking around Natalia shyly at the new woman, a bright smile on her face. The two looked much better from earlier, their faces no longer stained the color of a tomato.

    It seems our guest is awake. Ion had a soft voice, something one could equate to a patient grandfather. Do not worry child, you are among your kind here.

    Miki looked around before looking between the individuals present. My kind? She didn't seem to understand.

    Stela jumped up, holding her free arm in the air. We're Vampir! Gao! She opened her mouth, showing off her little baby fangs.

    What? Miki reached up to rub her head. What happened? Where am I?

    Ion's wrinkled features pinched up into a smile. You are in Bucharest child. What were you doing out in the open as you were? The Humans didn't chase you from your home, did they?

    I told you they've been becoming invasive grandsire. David's voice called from the hall, sounding rather perturbed.

    Now, now, Ion calmed him. Let her speak. Stepping into the room Ion would take a seat in a chair that was by the hearth. He turned to face the bed, looking to Miki and giving her a moment to gather her thoughts.

    The last thing I remember was being in bed... She recalled returning to the dorm and waiting for Artem's text, but—nothing after. Also that name. I've never heard of Bucharest before. It had a familiar tone to it though.

    Stela tilted her head. Well you should’ve. It's the current capital for our nation! She beamed proudly.

    David stepped to the threshold of the room. You're lucky we found you when we did. The sun must have drained you. Though it can't kill us it is still very tiring to be in the heat for so long.

    David, Ion looked up, leaning against his cane. Would you bring her something to drink?

    Yes, grandsire. He would nod and leave to do just that.

    Though he is emotional, he is correct. Ion assured. Most non-Vampir are very dangerous. If they found you before we did there is no telling what those wild animals would have done.

    What? No. Um where did you find me? Was I alone? Miki would finally sit up, turning to the side to dangle her legs off the edge of the bed. She was still in the clothes she had gone to bed in, so nothing strange, in that sense, occurred. Where did you find me?

    In the park! The little girl cheered as she released Natalia's hand and rushed over to hug Miki's legs.

    Natalia crossed her hands in front of her. Yes, you were unconscious in the park a few blocks from here. If it wasn't for Ion we wouldn't have known you were there.

    Miki looked to the old Vampir who inclined his head. Well, The elder began. I can sense our kind when they are about. When you get to my age it becomes a simple enough task, though I cannot, unfortunately, divine exact locations.

    Miki seemed to understand less and less. Well I shouldn't have been in the park. I was at my school, in the dorms asleep.

    Stela looked up to Miki with a bright gaze. Stela goes to school too! She cheered.

    Really? Natalia seemed impressed. How can you deal with that at your age? I mean you look about as old as me.

    How - how old do you think I am?  Miki wondered.

    Natalia looked her over. By your looks I'd say not even over a hundred yet.

    Miki seemed a bit shocked. Well I should look young. I'm only eighteen.

    It was now Ion's turn to look surprised. David soon returned to the room with a tray that had a covered bowl and glass of red drink. Ion motioned to David and looked back to Miki.

    Tell me about yourself dear. What school were you attending...?

    I was attending North Wneeri University with my... Though upon thinking she had no idea where Artem was, or anyone she knew was.

    She wasn't home anymore was she? David picked up the cup off the tray and offered it to her. Here. He was calmer than he had been moments ago. Why not restore some of your strength. Goodness knows how long you were likely out there in that heat.

    Ion tapped his chin in thought as Miki took the glass. Hmm I know many places and many institutes of education, but this is the first I have ever heard of North Wneeri. Even the word seems rather foreign. I would say you do not sound like you are from here but you speak our language with no hindrance, as if you have spoken it since birth.

    Miki put the cup to her mouth, the words a bit baffling. She was speaking the same language as everyone else though. Upon imbibing the drink Miki's eyes would widen.

    This is b-blood! Of course she swallowed it, her shock not so great that she needed to spit.

    David seemed a bit startled by her reaction. Yes, I'm sorry, has it gone sour? I was sure to have gotten one of the recent ones.

    Ion held up his hand to calm the man. Stela, who was still leaning against Miki would push up on her tiptoes, examining the glass, her little nose twitching as she sniffed it. It seemed fine to her!

    Miki lowered the glass, shaking her head. No, no. It's fine, I was just surprised... this isn't... It's Human blood. Real Human blood. The only Human's blood she had ever had was Artem's, at least until he changed.

    Natalia frowned. Poor thing, you must have been having to substitute with animal's blood all this time. She would look over to Ion. Certainly she can stay for a bit until she gains her bearings again?

    Ion thought for a moment, before the older Vampir nodded. I see no problem with this. Perhaps we can find her family or friends.

    Actually—! Miki spoke up, passing the glass back to David. She didn't feel right drinking it for some reason. Have you seen.... She put her hand to her chest. My partner. He's my Blood Partner so he should share my scent. Was there anyone like that in the park or maybe you can sense other Vampir nearby? She wasn't sure if Artem was or wasn't a Vampir, but he definitely wasn't normal. He should stand out.

    Well— Ion began. I do not know if I can find them, unless they are a Vampir, but if they are your Blood Partner I can certainly try. There should be some connection. But come, eat. You must be hungry. He motioned to David who set down the covered bowl, removing the top. Blood porridge. It should help you feel better.

    Chapter Three: Breaking Boundaries

    Artem was starting to feel tired. The night had arrived and he had already been up for several hours, but there was a lot more on his mind than usual. They were only a few hours into their trip, but the two men have gotten to know each other better. From their discussions Artem would learn Leonid was a mechanic who usually worked part time for his father on the fishing boat, but since the storm appeared his father has been out of work so he's been going around the bigger cities looking for work to support his family, which consisted of himself, his mother, and his little sister. It was Leonid's dream to become a Crypto-zoologist and finally discover one of the many cryptids in their world as real. Recently more and more are being discovered as real creatures rather than in the imagination of mad men. The Balbal had recently been found to be some sort of ancient hominid that lives in the islands of the Pacific Coast. Many fear they are related to the historical myths of Vampir, something of which Artem smartly chose to remain quiet about. They'd also discovered a tribe of Bean Sí on the island of Inishmors on the Aran Island. It seems they had been suffering from the famines as well and approached some locals for food.

    So even the monsters are suffering from the changes? Artem wasn't too comfortable calling them monsters. Weren't they just people too? I mean by the sounds of it they're just people in trouble.

    Leonid had leaned back in his seat, as he cruised down the highway. Well, I would agree with you, but many of the stories tell of how these 'people' often ate Humans in the past.

    Artem was reminded of the old stories of the Strigoi before their Bloodlines began to delineate. Well—don't Humans just eat everything, even other Humans?

    You have a point friend, I apologize. I will not pass such judgements then. He raised his fingers off the wheel in lieu of his hand. What about you? These, ah, people in your world? Do you get along with them all?

    Well, no, but the ones we do, we do you know? My girlfriend's one.

    Leonid's interest was piqued. Oh? This one you seek is—non-Human, yes? How well do you get along? No quarrels?

    I mean we disagree on stuff and she can be a bit clingy, but she doesn't fight with me or my friends, who are also—well not Human.

    Ah so you are a man who gets on well with many. This is good! It means we will get along for a great long time! Leonid laughed.

    Well I hope so. I don't like arguing... it's exhausting, you know?

    Ah, I know well, friend. Sometimes you can wish people just agree to disagree, no? Leonid laughed, Artem rolling his eyes.

    [Ooh~ then I wonder how well you'll get along with the Demons~!] Khaos jeered from the darkness of his shadow. [It seems quite a few have decided to take advantage of the resonated one and step across the boundary.]

    Artem turned his head away to whisper. "W-wait. I thought they found the Demon. Torres said it was subdued or whatever."

    [Oh certainly, one was indeed, but where there's one Demon there's always another, hmm? One followed the tailcoats of another on the way out and it seems they only rescinded one invitation~!]


    ~North Wneeri~

    Fionn was in his office on the phone. Oh, yes, yes it seems our guests are gathering just on the outside.

    One of his apprentices steps into the room, inclining his head in a polite bow. Sir, one of—them wishes to speak with you

    Fionn smiled and motioned his hand to the robed man. Well Commander, it seems I am needed. I do hope your crew arrives in time for the negotiations. There is only so much a Druid can do on his own, hmm? With that Fionn hung up the phone and would follow his apprentice out from the main building.

    Outside the very border of the campus' entrance was a pack of massive, bipedal Demons. There were seven among them all ranging from four to five meters tall, the biggest of them being five and a half meters in height. Their presence was palpable even without their huge forms. The students, faculty, and outside observers kept their distance as the Demonic pack called for the only Druid present in the region at the moment. Standing as their leader was a Behemoth with dark, aquamarine eyes. Their person length claws pressed to the ground as their padded soles made not a sound whenever they took a step. Unlike the tattered remains of clothing it had previously been wearing when it first arrived it was now wearing a shining garb of the same shimmering, azure material but now they were full robes that reached down to their knees. Their furred arms were on full display with visible stripes of red over their bronze skin. Tusks were drenched in acrid drool, jowls heavy with bulk as their body seemed to ripple with defined muscles. A large head would lower as the Druid came into sight, their thick russet mane dancing against his movements as their goat-like ears would twitch. Nostrils flared as they snorted.

    "So they finally approach. The White Raven was it?" The Behemoth cocked his head proudly.

    Fionn raised his head, flanked at either side by his two robed apprentices. Please, please. It is Fionn these days. He seemed to be wearing his wreath atop his head. It seems you were given a gift from your Ardents, Malachai.

    A deep, booming laugh erupted from the gigantic Demon, his hands spreading out, deadly claws delicately tapping along the concrete below. "This one did not think you would remember them, Raven. Fionn? What is the difference? Do they not hold the same meaning?"

    How could I forget such a presence? And indeed, but they do not hold the same power. I wouldn't want to offend a son of Ashmedai. What can I do for you?

    Curling his dry lips, Malachai's thick tongue would protrude from his mouth to moisten his chops. "Haa, Druid we have come to parley."

    Oh? I'm listening. Fionn's lips would curl up into a smile.

    "Not so fast Malachai!" A shrill voice called from behind the pack. The Behemoth and people looked around only to step back when three Demons approached the gathering.  

    Three human-looking beings with brilliant wings that appeared to be made of fire with bright feathers of red, orange, and yellow stitching its form. They wore crimson robes of gossamer threads. Their faces had dragon-like features such as curling horns and scaled brows.

    Malachai snarled. "Addamar! You bastard who let you out of your chains!" Malachai roared.

    Addamar leaned his head back in almost braying laughter. "Please Malachai. There are none here who fear such a passive twit such as you. I am merely here to correct your mistakes." Addamar had deep black feathers along his throat, scaled forearms that were a bright blue and behind him swung a tail covered in bright white and blue feathers.

    "No one asked for your arrival Addamar!" Malachai fully turned his majestic body and placed himself between the Druid and Phenexes.

    Addamar's feathers ruffled at the display. "Fucking goat! No one said you were allowed to ask for peace from a bunch of Humans. Go crawl back to the shithole you grew from!"

    Malachai stomped his foot against the ground, shaking the earth.

    Fionn smirked. It seems you haven't any Authority here, Addamar...

    Addamar turned his gaze towards the speaking Human. "White Raven, who the fuck let you out of your cage? Make no mistake, Authority or not I'm going to drag this snake shit back to Pandaemonium with or without his consent!" Addamar leaned his head back to laugh.

    How dare these Humans think they're worth more than the shit their gods formed them with?!

    Oh really? A female voice called from behind the crowds.

    As the people parted it would reveal the visage of their saviors: the Crimson Fangs. With their uniforms of reds and blues it was a simple matter to tell apart the Fangs and the Minstrels. Together the pair made a deadly force that could not be stopped. The crew of pirates had gathered at the call of the Druid, ready to curb stomp a few Demons back to their own realm.

    Margaret sneered. Who the hell said you can come to my house and demand shit, you birdbrained fuck?

    Addamar bristled at these cold-hearted names. He was a dragon lord, not a bird!

    "How dare you Human! I am the first heir to the Attar clan! I will make it so your realm is a smoldering speck of ash once I am through with it! I will not have our kind on our knees! This realm will be ours by force! Our fathers will see to it!"

    Now it was Margaret's turn to laugh. Like fucking hell. Come here an' let mama spank you. She raised her greatsword into the air before slamming it down onto the ground, the tremors easily felt underfoot for miles out.

    Chapter Four: Sins of Attar

    Captain of the Crimson Fangs, also known as the Commander to the average Wneeri citizen, Magaret Nagasawa was a prime example of a Isonade Mythic. These Shark Bloodline Mythic were very social and quite friendly when shown respect, but for those who stepped on their fins they became an aggressively territorial people and would root out the trouble in their seas, even if those seas happened to include land. These seadogs preferred close quarters combat. As a crew, the Crimson Fangs had roles associated with their battlefields and Margaret herself was considered a Combatant. Standing at her side was Byron who held the role of Guardsmen. Nim was also present and he served the role of Ranger, as if the firearms at his hips weren't clue enough. This left the remaining crewman, who was a primary member of the Minstrel crew, serving the role of Combat Medica.

    Margaret's greatsword was 182cm in length and 15cm wide. At 68kg the blade was hefty and difficult to handle on land, but Margaret waved the weapon with clear skill. There were no decorative embellishments on the blade, the pirate having chosen form over function. She wore a black corset and tight red trousers that had a gold colored sash wrapped around her waist. Tucked within the sash seemed to be some small satchels as well. Byron, the dapper fellow, was finely dressed, more expected of his Aristocratic roots than one of a Pirate. The white blouse he wore was neatly tucked into his black trousers. Over the blouse he wore a blue, sleeveless vest and, on his left arm, a leather armguard that ended in an azure leather and steel gauntlet.

    Addamar stepped forward, holding out his feather covered arm. His scale dotted hand was tipped with black claws. Reaching to his side he took hold of what looked to be a holster with some sort of firearm settled in it. When he drew the weapon it was indeed some sort of pistol, but nothing like the handguns found on Wneeri. It was unique to the Attar clan. Using their fire manipulation abilities they could trigger the reaction in the weapon without the need of a hammer or trigger. All one needed to do for the weapon was load the ammunition, but because of this it made the weapon unusable for other races. Addamar's guards, who were dressed in simple leather armor, stepped aside, holding out their arms to deter the Behemoths from approaching. The two guards also drew their guns from the holsters over their breasts.

    Addamar laughed loudly. You're out of your league you filthy sea scab! The Phenex would aim the weapon at the captain, only for his eyes to widen when the air beside him seemed to ripple.

    His danger instinct kicked in and Addamar jumped out of the way, barely clearing the mark from Byron's saber which cut across the air, audibly tearing it before something akin to gunshot clapped through the air. The noble stood with his left shoulder to Addamar, green eyes glaring in his direction. In his left hand he gripped his scabbard, in his right the blade itself. It looked a simple blade but it was itself an Artifact weapon that seemed to be enchanted with the element of wind.

    "Bastard!" Addamar shrieked before turning his weapon to Byron.

    Wrong choice birdbrain! Margaret charged, her weapon dragging against the concrete, creating sparks as flames seemed to collect around her fingers.

    Malachai had pulled back his fist to strike the Phenex, but would blink as he beheld the pirates. "Two artifacts? He said in shock. Who are these people?"

    Fionn stood beside Malachai and smiled. Our lovely Commander. I suppose they are always where I cannot raise my arms to oppose interlopers. He seemed amused.


    "Ragh!" One of the guards cried out when his gun was flung out of his hand by one of Nim's shots.

    The second guard turned in order to open fire on the remaining crew. Rubbing his injured hand the fired at guard would glare at the Behemoth leader.

    "Do not dare interfere, Malachai Ashmedai, or it will be the last thing you do if my Master has anything to say of it!"

    Malachai lowered his fist, his entourage helpless before the higher Clan. If they acted against the Attar it was no different than calling for war between the two Bloodlines. Even still he really wanted to punch Addamar's teeth out.

    Addamar was caught off guard by Margaret's strike as her blade was suddenly engulfed in fire. When she swung the heavy weapon the Attar heir fell back, his forearm scorched and feathers molting to ash from the strike.

    The Combat Medica was nowhere in sight, as if he had vanished from the back line.

    Do you think you have the leisure time to chat, Mr. Fionn? The Medica in question was beside the Druid, holding clutched in his hand a flail settled over his shoulder. Is this the one that escaped our grasp?

    Malachai was surprised to see the man beside them suddenly when he had been behind the line fighting with Addamar and his men. The Medica was wearing a blue cloak. He had a thick, black afro and a clean goatee with a silver ring pierced into his lip.

    The Phenex guard opened his mouth to accost the Pirate, but the Medica swung his flail low to the ground before pulling it up under the feathered protector's jaw, knocking him back. He crumpled to the floor unconscious.

    The dark-skinned Medica grinned and looked to Fionn. Well it's a good thing we're here.

    Addamar turned  when he heard the sound of one of his men being attacked. He quickly came to realize he was the one outmatched. But he was only overwhelmed in numbers. The heirling let out a sharp, shrill squawking noise that seemed to be the sound of their native tongue. The remaining guard nodded and hurried to retrieve his comrade. Addamar began to back away. His dark eyes darted around the crowd. They were becoming unsettled. Gritting his teeth Addamar would lower his gun, stopping his movements just as his back came up against the stone wall fence. He would press his claw-tipped hand flat against the stone before turning his head up as Nim, Margaret, and Byron surrounded him. How was he going to escape now? There wasn't a chance to take on all these Humans, armed with Artifacts no less. He wouldn't stand for it! There was nothing greater than the pride of an Attar.

    Nim smirked as he stood on the Demon's right, firearms fully loaded and ready to open fire.

    Oh what, the baby bird had enough? Margaret mocked.

    Enough Garet, let's just hang him from the mast. Leaning back the saber wielder charged Addamar from the left while the fiery redhead laughed and charged from the front.

    "I will not be captured by my enemies! Addamar wailed. He lowered his head slightly. But you Humans on the other hand..." This time Addamar was ready.

    When the Crimson's Captain raised her blade into the air and swung down it would once again become coated in fire as it was wildly thrown around. The feathered dragon would drop down to the ground,

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