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Faith and Forgiveness: A Clean Small Town Christian Romance: Jubilee Heights, #1
Faith and Forgiveness: A Clean Small Town Christian Romance: Jubilee Heights, #1
Faith and Forgiveness: A Clean Small Town Christian Romance: Jubilee Heights, #1
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Faith and Forgiveness: A Clean Small Town Christian Romance: Jubilee Heights, #1

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About this ebook

Graysen (Gray) Malone has been harboring a secret. A secret that's about to destroy him, not to mention his marriage. He's made promises to his loving wife and their two rambunctious sons that he's failed to keep. While on the outside, he looks in control and the envy of their friends, deep down, he knows his world is about to implode.

For several weeks, Madeline (Maddie) Malone has known something's been bothering her husband. The guilt's written all over his face. She just hadn't known the source of his anguish until a week ago. Blindsided and hurt, she can no longer stand to be near him, let alone discuss the elephant in the room. When Maddie's past collides with the present her survival instincts kick in and she does the only thing she can. Run.

Will Maddie and Gray find the courage to open up the lines of communication in their marriage before it's too late? Will Gray's faith be enough to help them weather the storm that's brewing? Will Maddie find enough faith to conquer her fears and learn to forgive? Only time will tell, but be forewarned, things aren't always what they seem in Jubilee Heights.

Warning: Faith & Forgiveness is a story about facing your worst fears when you least expect it. Author's Note: Faith & Forgiveness was originally published as Love's Forgiving Heart. It was part of the First Street Church Kindle World and has been slightly revised.

Release dateSep 27, 2023
Faith and Forgiveness: A Clean Small Town Christian Romance: Jubilee Heights, #1

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    Book preview

    Faith and Forgiveness - Annabeth Avery


    It had been a typical morning in the Malone house. The twins couldn’t find their backpacks; Gray couldn’t find his keys; and everyone was running late.. again. Thank goodness school would be out in a few days. Although Maddie loved the boys and her husband, it was days like this she missed being young and single. But in all honesty, she wouldn’t have traded her life for anything in the world.

    The first errand on her list involved making a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up the twins’ birthday cake. She also needed to stop by the party store for birthday favors and drop off the clothes at the cleaners. It was hard to believe they had been sitting in the closet for over two weeks. While being a stay-at-home mom kept her busy, there was a part of her that missed corporate America. The hustle and bustle of city life; and the long business meetings were still appealing to her. She missed collaborating and brainstorming new ideas with actual adults. Not to mention, the high she always got from pitching an ad campaign that knocked the client's socks off. Or, the cocktail dinners where her confidence soared because she was the top dog in the room. There were times that she longed for the good ole’ days.

    While she had loved staying at home with the twins when they were babies, it was supposed to have been temporary. The original plan had been she would return to work once the boys had begun school. She had enjoyed being an advertising executive and had often missed her co-workers. Mr. Singer had assured her that any time she wanted her job back, it would be waiting for her with open arms. But, she had yet to call him.

    Why? She wasn’t sure. Maybe, it was because she secretly enjoyed the freedom of being at home with the kids. Or, it was because the rat race had survived with one less rat in the maze. Most likely, it was because her gut was screaming that a storm was coming. Deep down, she knew her life was about to be turned upside down in more ways than one. Moreover, it’d take everything in her being to survive it.

    Stop being paranoid. Maddie shook off her rambling thoughts and headed toward the bedroom because she needed to grab the clothes for the cleaners.

    Like always, Maddie went through each of Gray’s pockets. She pulled out the loose change and some scribbled notes he’d jotted down while on his last business trip. The man was infamous for throwing his worn suits in the cleaner’s pile without checking the pockets. When she grabbed his blue, pinstriped jacket, her heart sank. Near his lapel, there were several smudges of a woman’s lipstick. Maddie knew that it wasn’t hers because she would never wear such a bold, daring shade of red.

    He wouldn’t do this to me, she whispered, as her composure began to slip.

    The memories from the past flooded her brain like an overflowing river with no end in sight. They were so devastating that she sank onto the bed and let the tears fall. The instant anger and heartache made her nauseous. All she could think about was the disappointment her father's cheating had left in the pit of her stomach; and the resentment she held close to her heart that left her paralyzed at times.

    Maddie flashed back to twenty years earlier. She had been seventeen and her baby sister, Lizzy, had been seven. Her parents had forgotten that it was early release day, so she and her sister had walked in on them arguing. Her mom had been in tears and yelling at her father to get out, but he had refused to leave. Instead, he’d begged her to listen and kept insisting that she was being unreasonable. Maddie remembered her sister crying and screaming at them to stop fighting. Then, begging their father not to leave when he’d finally conceded. She was angry that her mother was forcing her father to leave their house. They lived in little ole’ Jubilee Heights, a small town nestled in the Hill Country where gossip spread like wildfire. Her parent's separation became the talk of the town, which left their family mortified when all was said and done. The gossip mongers had made it difficult for them to hold their heads up high in church on Sunday morning.

    The telephone rang before Maddie could spiral further down the rabbit hole. Gray’s indiscretion was doing a number on her, which sparked her anger. Furious with herself for being such a fool, she wiped away the tears and got off the bed. Clearing her voice, she regained her composure and walked over to the night stand. Taking a deep breath, she picked up the cordless telephone, and in a calm voice greeted the caller.


    Oh Madeline, I’m so glad that I caught you.

    Mom, what’s wrong?

    It’s your father, Madeline. He’s been diagnosed with bone cancer; and I need you to come home.

    Maddie instinctively bristled at the mention of her father. It hadn't taken her long to figure out why her mother had been so upset that horrible day, so long ago. She had gone from being embarrassed to being angry at her father. So much so, she had found her father and given him a piece of her mind. Ever since then, their relationship had been strained to say the least. Although her mother had forgiven their father and taken him back, she couldn’t. She wouldn’t forgive him for all the pain and anguish he had caused their family.

    When she hadn’t spoken, her mother spoke again. Madeline. Did you hear what I said? Your father has cancer and I need you to come home.

    I heard you, Mom. Let me talk to Gray and see what I can do. I will call you back this evening and let you know my plans.

    Honey, I know you and your father haven’t been on speaking terms since that incident so many years ago, but it’s time to let it go. We need to band together as a family during this difficult time in our lives. Please, Maddie. If not for your father, then for me.

    Head spinning, Maddie nodded in agreement until she realized that her mother couldn’t see her. Finally, she said, I’ll be there, Mom. The boys will be out of school in a week. Once they’re done and we’ve celebrated their birthday party, we’ll pack up and leave for Jubilee Heights. Until then, try to remain calm. Everything will be okay.

    Maddie was positive her last comment was more for herself than her mother. Her marriage was falling apart at the seams; her father had cancer, and she had been clueless about it all. When had she become a spectator in her own life? The more she thought about Gray’s recklessness, the more his odd behavior began to make sense. The distance over the last couple of weeks; and the guilty look on his face. The way he avoided eye contact whenever possible, and the clipped responses. How had she missed all the signs? They were right there in plain sight mocking her stupidity.

    She had just assumed he was tired from work and the constant traveling. Their client-base had increased full-fold over the last couple of years. Especially, after they’d taken on several Dallas Cowboys as clients. But, it’d also meant Gray, Malcolm, and Garrett was traveling more. Their risk of opening up their own entertainment law firm had finally started to pay off.

    Yeah, it’s paying off all right—at the expense of my marriage,

    Maddie snatched up the rest of the clothes that needed to go to the cleaners and headed downstairs. She was a busy woman and didn’t have time for the nervous breakdown she so rightfully deserved. There were errands to run and children who needed to be picked up from school. She didn't have the energy to deal with her husband's infidelity.

    Unable to confront Gray later on that night, Maddie was hurt by Gray's deceit, She could no longer look him in the face, let alone share his bed. Moreover, she didn’t want her children overhearing their conversation. The memories of her parents fighting played on a movie reel in her head. Especially,

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