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Recapture the Sunlight: A Novella: Weeps Indigo, #4
Recapture the Sunlight: A Novella: Weeps Indigo, #4
Recapture the Sunlight: A Novella: Weeps Indigo, #4
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Recapture the Sunlight: A Novella: Weeps Indigo, #4

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Ensnared. Trapped. Committed. 
What kind of nightmare had he stumbled into?
Richard Clayson was a walking paradox. A symbol of law and order, yet his mere presence aroused a wild and dangerous yearning in Beau. He never expected to find himself engaged to Richard.
But here they were.
As the Rebel Brotherhood threatened to tear their town apart, Richard's loyalty was tested. His dedication to justice was unwavering, but what about his loyalty to Beau?

He could feel the darkness creeping in, threatening to consume them both. Death and danger were all around them.
Could they make it down the aisle?
The lines between good and evil blurred, and Beau couldn't help but wonder if they were both in too deep.
Gone were the junkie and the wh*re.
In their place stood the Sheriff and the devil.
The question was, could they survive the reckoning that was coming for them?

Warning: this is an M/M romance, M/M second chance romance that includes gore, violence, a large M/M romance age gap, and a HEA southern wedding. 

Release dateSep 28, 2023
Recapture the Sunlight: A Novella: Weeps Indigo, #4

J.K. Jones

Hey there, I'm J.K. Jones, a Canadian author who likes her coffee black and loves to write dark M/M romance novels. I grew up in the bustling city of Toronto, and it's given me a bit of a different take on things. I'm just passionate about telling stories that grab your attention. I've been into creative writing for a while, and it's cool how I can naturally put together characters and plots that keep folks hooked. You might have come across my books like "Claw of Exile" and "Weeps Indigo." They're all about diving into the messy parts of love and relationships. I've been hanging out in Toronto for as long as I can remember, just doing my thing and spinning tales. I hope my writing connects with you and adds a little something to the world of dark M/M romance.

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    Book preview

    Recapture the Sunlight - J.K. Jones

    Recapture the Sunlight

    A Novella

    J.K. Jones


    Copyright © Sept 30th, 2023 J.K. Jones All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    Cover design by: J.K. Jones


    1.Unforeseen Temptations

    2.Unlikely Commitment

    3.Tensions Rise

    4.Loyalty Tested

    5.The Sheriff and the Devil

    What's Next?

    Author Note



    Unforeseen Temptations

    Beau Blackwell

    They say the devil wears many faces, and maybe that’s why they see a hint of him in me. A whore with a face like an angel , Mason used to declare. Before his hands curled around my throat, nails digging into my flesh. Beau is my creature . And I was . I am .

    Richard’s beard brushes against my cheek, and his warm breath caresses my ear, sending a sultry shiver down my spine. Come outside with me, he murmurs. The once-vibrant rainbow-themed party is winding down, its energy fading as decorations droop and colors lose brilliance. The lively ambiance gives way to a sense of quiet conclusion, marking the end of a vivid celebration.

    Why— My voice catches as Richard’s lips press against mine, swallowing my words in a smooth kiss. My heart quickens, and I find my hands tangled in Richard’s curls, pulling him closer to me. His chest rises and falls rapidly, his blunt nails imprinting on my hips. He nips at my lower lip, threatening to draw a moan from me before breaking away, a mischievous grin playing on his face.


    My knees tremble, and I yield to Richard’s gentle tug as he leads me out of the diner. The cool night air kisses my skin, and although the urge for a cigarette scratches at me, I push it aside. Tonight is Richard’s night. A night of remission. A moment that holds so much meaning, a depth of emotion I could never fully convey to him.

    No more hospitals. No more treatments.

    This is the fresh start we’ve longed for, the chance to rewrite our lives on a clean slate.

    I want to tell you something, Richard’s voice draws out, a faint flush gracing his cheeks.

    What is it? I inquire, a playful edge to my words. Indigestion from Lana’s cake already?

    His laughter fills the air, crinkling the corners of his eyes. No, he chuckles, gazing at me. It’s something important.

    I notice a slight tremor in his hands. My heart pounds against my ribcage, and my brows knit in concern. Though I’m hesitant to jump to conclusions, Richard’s piercing stare deepens my unease.

    Richard’s mouth opens, then closes. His gaze shifts right and left, his eyes carrying a deep mysterious and impenetrable emotion. With a deliberate motion, he reaches into his back pocket. I love you, he begins, and a rush of anxiety floods my stomach. He pulls out the sleek box, its velvet blue exterior gleaming in the light. I want to be with you, always. Richard opens it, and suddenly, the ground feels like it’s slipping from beneath my feet. So, will you—

    An inferno of anger surges within me, a storm threatening to shatter my constructed facade. I stand firm, trying not to crumble. Could this all be cruel mockery, a game aimed at my vulnerability? Love, affection—these concepts have always felt far away, foreign, like stars I could never touch. As for Richard’s intentions, they’re a puzzle I can’t decipher. I’m a whore. I used to suck dick at the side of the road just for something to eat. Richard knows that. He knows my sordid history with Byromville, but he still wants me. The town slut. Richard, with his cupid’s bow chin and piercing blue eyes that are like a lightning bolt down my spine. This can’t be.

    Yet Richard’s gaze bores into me, an unwavering sincerity that stands as a lone star amidst the storm of uncertainty. Our love confronts my skepticism head-on, like constellations scattered across an unfamiliar night. The ring in the box gleams, a promise hanging in the air, a charm I’m hesitant to unravel. I feel like a satellite adrift in an unknown sky, navigating through uncharted territory I’ve long avoided. No. Fuck no. He deserves better.

    What are you doing? I grit out my fists, curling at my sides.

    Ah, I’m— Richard’s chuckle masks his momentary stumble. I’m asking you to—

    Richard, I cut in sharply. "What are you doing?"

    A flicker of confusion passes over his face. His brow furrows, and his lips tighten. I can’t bear it. Not here. Not now. My pulse races like a rabbit trying to escape a snare. I stare at the man I love, his eyes reflecting an ocean of emotions—love, desire—but I turn away. I don’t deserve this. I never have. I’m moving before I know it, but the firm grasp Richard has on my bicep stops me, yanking me back.


    Don’t ask. Don’t say it—

    Will you marry me?

    No. My lashes flutter closed, and my bottom lip quivers. No. Richard’s grip on my arm tightens, pulling me closer against his solid chest. I knew you’d say that, but hear me out.

    There’s nothing to hear. There’s nothing to say.

    I’m the reason Richard spent five years in prison. I orchestrated his setup to kill Mason and never once visited him during his time there. Secrets upon

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