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Escape Velocity
Escape Velocity
Escape Velocity
Ebook70 pages55 minutes

Escape Velocity

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About this ebook

Escape Velocity: Ignite Your Inner Drive and Propel Yourself to Greatness" is a transformative guide that empowers readers to tap into their untapped potential and achieve extraordinary success. Drawing on the principles of personal development, this book provides practical strategies, insightful advice, and inspiring stories to help individuals unleash their true potential and propel themselves towards greatness. Whether you're seeking professional success, personal fulfillment, or a greater impact on the world, "Escape Velocity" will serve as your roadmap to unlocking your inner drive and reaching new heights of achievement. Get ready to break free from limitations, harness your passions, and soar towards a life of purpose and fulfillment.



Release dateSep 28, 2023
Escape Velocity

Smruthi Raagvndra

Smruthi has received training directly from Michael Beale and Vikram Dhar. She is an ICF Accredited leadership coach. Smruthi has designed and developed programmes to help individuals in peak performance, goal setting, selfmanagement, stakeholder management, open communication, building rapport, dealing with difficult people, overcoming resistance among individuals, building confidence, overcoming limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering beliefs with the help of language patterns, improving one’s ability to influence, overcoming internal and external conflict.

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    Book preview

    Escape Velocity - Smruthi Raagvndra

    Title: Escape Velocity: Ignite Your Inner Drive and Propel Yourself to Greatness

    Once upon a time, in a vast, stormy ocean, there lived a small fish named Freddie. Freddie was different from the other fish. He had a burning desire to explore, to venture beyond the safety of his reef and discover the wonders that lay beyond.

    But Freddie felt trapped, surrounded by the familiar, always longing for something more. He yearned to find his true purpose and achieve greatness in the vastness of the ocean.

    One day, as Freddie swam near the surface, he noticed a brilliant, glowing jellyfish. The jellyfish's pulsating light captivated him, drawing him closer. Curiosity outweighed fear as Freddie cautiously approached the ethereal creature.

    To his amazement, the jellyfish spoke with a wise and gentle voice. Freddie, it whispered, do you believe in magic?

    Freddie, surprised by the question, hesitated before responding, I've never seen magic before, but I believe in dreams.

    The jellyfish smiled, its light intensifying. Inside you lies a powerful force, Freddie. It's called your inner drive, your unique magic. When you learn to ignite it, you'll propel yourself to greatness.

    Intrigued, Freddie asked, But how can I ignite my inner drive? What must I do?

    The jellyfish glowed brighter, illuminating the dark waters around them. You must learn to embrace the unknown, to challenge yourself, and to persevere in the face of adversity. Just like a tiny flame ignites a mighty bonfire, your inner drive will fuel your journey towards greatness.

    Eager to embark on his transformative quest, Freddie nodded resolutely. The jellyfish extended a delicate tendril towards him, gently touching his heart. A surge of energy coursed through him, awakening his dormant potential.

    From that moment, Freddie's transformation began. He swam away from his reef, exploring the vast expanse of the ocean. He encountered treacherous currents, fierce predators, and overwhelming doubts along the way. But he refused to let fear extinguish his inner drive.

    With each hardship and obstacle, Freddie's resolve grew stronger. He honed his skills, developed resilience, and embraced the power of perseverance. He discovered a passion for helping others, using the strength of his inner drive to become a guiding light for lost souls in the ocean.

    Freddie's fame spread underwater, and soon his name was synonymous with courage and determination. He became a symbol of what one small fish could achieve by igniting their inner drive. Other fish began seeking his advice, yearning to kindle their own flames of greatness.

    Through his leadership, Freddie created an ocean where every creature had the tools to ignite their inner drive. The once stagnant waters teemed with vibrancy and purpose. Each fish propelled themselves towards their own versions of greatness, inspired by Freddie's example.

    And so, as Freddie swam through the depths, he realized that his inner drive, his magic, had not only propelled him but had also transformed the entire ocean.

    Freddie's metaphorical transformation serves as a reminder to all of us that within each being lies a unique inner drive waiting to be ignited. When we embrace the unknown, challenge ourselves, and persevere in the face of adversity, we too can ignite our inner fire and propel ourselves towards greatness, leaving an indelible mark on the world.


    Are you ready to break free from the constraints that are holding you back and soar towards greatness? Imagine harnessing the power and momentum necessary to propel yourself beyond the limits of your current reality, to achieve extraordinary success. It's time to ignite your inner drive and embrace the concept of escape velocity. Just like a rocket breaking free from Earth's gravity, you too can unleash your full potential, reach new heights, and accomplish what once seemed impossible. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey of personal growth, fueled by determination, ambition, and a relentless pursuit of greatness. Join us as we explore the concept of escape velocity and discover how it can revolutionize your mindset, push your boundaries, and ultimately launch you towards the life of your dreams.


    The story begins with Siri, a young woman who feels trapped in her mundane life. She works a monotonous job, lives in a small apartment, and has a dream that seems unattainable – to become a renowned novelist. Siri's days blur into one another, and her creative spirit slowly withers away under the weight of mediocrity.

    One day, while browsing through a bookstore, Siri chances upon a book titled Escape Velocity: Ignite Your Inner Drive and Propel Yourself to Greatness. Intrigued by the powerful title and desperate for a change, Siri purchases the book and begins reading it that very night.

    As Siri

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