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Mothers Lead: A Memoir | A Modern Woman | A Mission
Mothers Lead: A Memoir | A Modern Woman | A Mission
Mothers Lead: A Memoir | A Modern Woman | A Mission
Ebook519 pages36 minutes

Mothers Lead: A Memoir | A Modern Woman | A Mission

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About this ebook

"At the Very Beginning of Life, I Escaped Death Twice.”

As a second girl born to a family in China in the 1980’s, my Life was mandated to be terminated, my illegal birth evidence of a crime, and my survival a statistical improbability.

To immigrate to the United States as a young girl
To have great fortune to pursue an Education
To have opportunity for a Career in Silicon Valley
To have a voice to write my Story now

These too, are great Statistical Improbabilities


What’s wrong with this picture?

Why are basic human rights a statistical improbability simply because I was born female?


I wrote this book to spark purposeful dialogue and ignite action for positive change.
To illuminate real stories, real people who need Us to care.

Help me hold the torch.
Use Our Collective Power to extend our good fortune for All Others.

Let’s beat the statistics.


A Memoir | A Modern Woman | A Mission

The Journey of a Girl to Motherhood
The Power of Women to Advance Evolution
The Mission to Empower Women Who Will In Turn Elevate All

This Powerful work reflects Universal Human Ideals that I have had the good fortune and privilege to live out since immigrating to the United States as a young girl.

Especially Advocacy for Civic Engagement, Education, Children's Welfare, Healthcare, and Social Services.


Showcases a spectrum of uniquely crafted writing styles and discussions on a breadth of Purposeful Subjects, interlaced with Humor and Intrigue.

Part 1 - Illustrates Human Dilemmas as narrated through events of my Life

Part 2 - Presents Proposals and Conclusions for a Just Course of Action

Prose-poetry invites introspection and paints beauty as you see it in your own mind.
If you have compassion, you will cry. If you have joy, you will laugh.

Your support is an essential launchpad on Our Shared Journey.

Jenny Athena Wong


I was enchanted by Jenny Athena Wong’s first book. 

Jenny’s work lives in a space between poetry and prose. She’s defined a style all her own, which adds to the intimacy of this very personal memoir. 

It’s a work of Art. As such, Everyone will take away something unique to them. 

The story itself, unfolding through vignettes laced with observations and Calls to Action, crosses two Cultures and issues Challenges to both. It will be empowering to anyone who has felt excluded, threatened, or anxious. 

Any reader will be glad that Jenny survived the threats to her Life and challenges to her Strength to share this with us. 

There’s also a lot to smile about. Jenny’s keen awareness of the world around her leads to delightful observations. She notices the tickling sensation of a grasshopper’s kicks when captured in hand. 

She feels the World, invites Us to feel it with her, and to join her in making it a Better Place!

— Terry Joyce, San Francisco Toastmasters President


Part memoir, part meditation, Mothers Lead is an evocative and moving prose-poem tracing Jenny Athena Wong’s life-long battle against the strictures placed on females.

Starting with her brush with an early death as a second female child born to a family in China, we hear of the difficult road that brought Jenny to America, her decision as a San Francisco high school student to join ROTC against her family’s wishes and, throughout, her fierce determination to excel on her own terms. 

This book is a celebration, a paean to resolve, but also an outraged and highly personal cry again

Release dateSep 25, 2023
Mothers Lead: A Memoir | A Modern Woman | A Mission

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    Book preview

    Mothers Lead - Jenny Athena Wong

    Front Cover

    Mothers Lead

    Jenny Athena Wong

    Mothers Lead

    Jenny Athena Wong

    A Memoir

    A Modern Woman

    A Mission

    The Journey of a Girl to Motherhood

    The Power of Women to Advance Evolution

    The Mission to Empower Women

    Who Will In Turn

    Elevate All


    A Mother Is A Brave Workhorse

    Stronger Than All Men

    Men Have Room For Improvement

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    You Are Perfect

    I don't mean to be a bummer

    If I am to tell a story about Life

    It must start as a seed

    Don't worry

    It gets Happier

    Simple Duty

    I don't know much about my family history

    Other than what my Mother tells me

    I am told that my Grandfather was a Doctor

    Trained in Chinese and Western Medicine

    A Boy was gravely ill

    My Grandfather saved him

    The grateful Mother felt she owed her son's Life to him

    She asked him to accept the boy as a godson

    The boy would honor him as his own Father

    Grandfather courteously declined

    He simply fulfilled his daily duty

    She begged relentlessly

    He did not expect gains from the relationship

    If it appeased the insistent mother

    He accepted

    Gossamer Veil

    Communist Pretense

    One night

    Communists stormed the house

    Looted Everything.

    Money, furniture, clothes



    common thieves thinly veiled as revolutionaries


    My Mother was the

    Daughter of a wealthy prestigious Family

    Cast down to the very pit bottom of the new social order

    Intellectuals attacked as

    Bourgeois enemies of the Regime

    Grandfather was a practicing Christian

    Another Communist stone of sin

    Subject to Violence, Humiliation and Abject Poverty

    Punished for Saving Lives

    Persecuted for Faith in Humanity

    I have read accounts of the social climate and the

    Communists’ rationale for revolution

    I cannot condone it

    How do Tyrants seize power?


    To Destroy

    Thousands of Years of Knowledge

    Is Just Pure Bigotry

    a toddler

    throwing a tantrum

    Life Begets Life

    The young boy saved was now a

    Young man working overseas

    He sent as much money as

    He could home to Grandfather

    He Saved Our Family

    He helped my uncle find work in America

    After my uncle obtained Citizenship

    He sponsored our Family for Immigration

    Precious Sprout

    At the Very Beginning of Life

    I Escaped Death Twice

    My grandmother had three daughters

    Only one son

    She felt a failure to ancestral duties if a

    Male heir could not be produced to

    Carry the family line

    After my sister was born

    They risked for a second child

    Late into her pregnancy

    Such that it was impossible to conceal

    Mom stayed hidden

    We Were Betrayed

    A Guard Found My Mother

    "You are in Violation of the One Child Policy

    I am here for Standard Operating Procedures

    Extraction and Tubal Ligation"

    Mom begged.

    "We will be immigrating to America

    We are only waiting for our turn

    We will all be gone soon

    I will stay hidden

    I will send the child away

    I promise not to have more children


    You can report you fulfilled your duty"

    Mom was always Kind and Generous to Everyone

    Well-liked in the Community

    The Guard was Merciful

    Once born

    I was smuggled away as evidence of a crime

    But Mom could not bear to be without her Child

    Her Daughter

    She wanted me home

    To Register an Illegal Life as one of

    Permitted Statutory Existence

    They paid a very heavy fine

    Three times the

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