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International Relations since 1945
International Relations since 1945
International Relations since 1945
Ebook163 pages1 hour

International Relations since 1945

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In the ever-evolving landscape of global politics, understanding the intricate dynamics of East-West relations has remained a paramount endeavor. This book serves as an indispensable guide on an illuminating journey through the tumultuous corridors of history, providing profound insights into the pivotal moments, ideologies, and actors that have shaped the world from the ashes of World War II to the early 21st century.
The impact of World War II on global politics cannot be overstated. It was a crucible that reshaped the international order, sowing the seeds of both cooperation and confrontation. As the dust settled, the world found itself divided into two superpower blocs, giving birth to the Cold War and a new era of bipolarity. The policy of containment became the cornerstone of Western strategy, leading to a series of events that would define the course of history.
In response to containment, the Soviet Union undertook its own initiatives, setting the stage for a prolonged ideological struggle. Meanwhile, the Third World became a battleground for influence, with South Asia, the Middle East, and Afghanistan emerging as key theaters of conflict and cooperation. Simultaneously, the winds of decolonization swept across the globe, reshaping the map of nations and fostering the emergence of the Non-aligned Movement.
The internal divisions within the Communist bloc were not to be ignored. The Sino-Soviet split marked a significant rupture in the ideological unity of the Eastern bloc, while Sino-American rapprochement would have profound implications for global politics. The era of détente offered a glimpse of East-West cooperation and peaceful co-existence, but it was a fragile peace that would eventually yield to new realities.
The disintegration of the Soviet Union marked the culmination of a complex web of factors, with profound consequences for global politics and international relations. It was a watershed moment that reverberated across the world.
In the wake of the Cold War's end, the United Nations found itself facing a new set of challenges and opportunities. Its role and effectiveness in this transformed world order would be a subject of ongoing debate and adaptation. Meanwhile, Russia, emerging from the ashes of the Soviet Union, embarked on a tumultuous journey to find its place in the post-Soviet setting.
The changing role of NATO in a world no longer defined by Cold War rivalry raised questions about its purpose and mission. Emerging regionalism and the proliferation of economic organizations reflected the shifting sands of international politics.
The rise of China as a major global power has been one of the most consequential developments in recent history. Its ascent has not only reshaped the balance of power in Asia but has had far-reaching implications for the entire international system. In parallel, Japan and Germany emerged as economic powerhouses, playing influential roles in global economics. The Asia-Pacific region, with its economic dynamism and strategic significance, has risen to prominence, challenging traditional centers of power.
As we delve into the pages of this book, we embark on a journey of discovery, exploring these complex and interwoven themes. We encounter statesmen and diplomats, ideologies and strategies, conflicts and collaborations. Through meticulous research and thoughtful analysis, the authors unravel the tapestry of East-West relations, providing readers with the tools to navigate the complexities of our ever-changing world. This introductory book is not just a historical account; it is a compass for understanding the past, present, and future of international relations.

Release dateSep 24, 2023
International Relations since 1945

Muhammad Anwar Farooq

Mr. Muhammad Anwar Farooq is a university lecturer having Sixteen years of teaching and research experience. He is a good researcher and column writer. He is a non-fiction writer. He has written good books on philosophy, logic, science, history and politics. He is good at writing introductory books on several disciplines. His books start at elementary stage and progress, in some places, to intermediate stage. His books are first-rate study guides. He writes in a way that makes the books interesting and easily understandable. This book is a collection of handouts which he prepared for his class. Hopefully this introductory work would help the reader to grab basic concepts in the field.

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    Book preview

    International Relations since 1945 - Muhammad Anwar Farooq

    International Relations

    (since 1945)

    Copyright 2023 Muhammad Anwar Farooq

    Published by Muhammad Anwar Farooq at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    ISBN: 9798215525173

    International Relations

    (since 1945)


    Muhammad Anwar Farooq

    Dr Majid Rashid

    Waheed Shahzad

    ISBN: 9781005197971

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 01 – World War II

    Chapter 02 – Cold War Era

    Chapter 03 – Third World Developments – South Asia, Middle East, Afghanistan

    Chapter 04 – Decolonization

    Chapter 05 – Non-Aligned Movement and Sino-Soviet Relations

    Chapter 06 – Sino-American Rapprochement

    Chapter 07 – Disintegration of the Soviet Union: Causes and Consequences

    Chapter 08 – Post-Cold War Era

    Chapter 09 – Post-Soviet Russia

    Chapter 10 – Changing Role of NATO in Post-Cold War Era

    Chapter 11 – Regionalism and Economic Organizations

    Chapter 12 – Rise of China

    Chapter 13 – Emergence of Japan and Germany as Economic Powers

    Chapter 14 – Rise of Asia-Pacific Region


    About the Author – Muhammad Anwar Farooq

    Other Books by Muhammad Anwar Farooq


    I think continually of those who were truly great.

    Who, from the womb, remembered the soul’s history

    Through corridors of light, where the hours are suns,

    Endless and singing. Whose lovely ambition

    Was that their lips, still touched with fire,

    Should tell of the Spirit, clothed from head to foot in song.

    And who hoarded from the Spring branches

    The desires falling across their bodies like blossoms.

    (Stephen Spender)

    We dedicate this book to those who were truly great…


    In the ever-evolving landscape of global politics, understanding the intricate dynamics of East-West relations has remained a paramount endeavor. This book serves as an indispensable guide on an illuminating journey through the tumultuous corridors of history, providing profound insights into the pivotal moments, ideologies, and actors that have shaped the world from the ashes of World War II to the early 21st century.

    The impact of World War II on global politics cannot be overstated. It was a crucible that reshaped the international order, sowing the seeds of both cooperation and confrontation. As the dust settled, the world found itself divided into two superpower blocs, giving birth to the Cold War and a new era of bipolarity. The policy of containment became the cornerstone of Western strategy, leading to a series of events that would define the course of history.

    In response to containment, the Soviet Union undertook its own initiatives, setting the stage for a prolonged ideological struggle. Meanwhile, the Third World became a battleground for influence, with South Asia, the Middle East, and Afghanistan emerging as key theaters of conflict and cooperation. Simultaneously, the winds of decolonization swept across the globe, reshaping the map of nations and fostering the emergence of the Non-aligned Movement.

    The internal divisions within the Communist bloc were not to be ignored. The Sino-Soviet split marked a significant rupture in the ideological unity of the Eastern bloc, while Sino-American rapprochement would have profound implications for global politics. The era of détente offered a glimpse of East-West cooperation and peaceful co-existence, but it was a fragile peace that would eventually yield to new realities.

    The disintegration of the Soviet Union marked the culmination of a complex web of factors, with profound consequences for global politics and international relations. It was a watershed moment that reverberated across the world.

    In the wake of the Cold War's end, the United Nations found itself facing a new set of challenges and opportunities. Its role and effectiveness in this transformed world order would be a subject of ongoing debate and adaptation. Meanwhile, Russia, emerging from the ashes of the Soviet Union, embarked on a tumultuous journey to find its place in the post-Soviet setting.

    The changing role of NATO in a world no longer defined by Cold War rivalry raised questions about its purpose and mission. Emerging regionalism and the proliferation of economic organizations reflected the shifting sands of international politics.

    The rise of China as a major global power has been one of the most consequential developments in recent history. Its ascent has not only reshaped the balance of power in Asia but has had far-reaching implications for the entire international system. In parallel, Japan and Germany emerged as economic powerhouses, playing influential roles in global economics. The Asia-Pacific region, with its economic dynamism and strategic significance, has risen to prominence, challenging traditional centers of power.

    As we delve into the pages of this book, we embark on a journey of discovery, exploring these complex and interwoven themes. We encounter statesmen and diplomats, ideologies and strategies, conflicts and collaborations. Through meticulous research and thoughtful analysis, the authors unravel the tapestry of East-West relations, providing readers with the tools to navigate the complexities of our ever-changing world. This introductory book is not just a historical account; it is a compass for understanding the past, present, and future of international relations.

    Chapter 1

    World War II

    World War II, one of the most devastating and far-reaching conflicts in human history, was a global war that spanned from 1939 to 1945. Emerging as a direct consequence of unresolved tensions and political upheavals from World War I, it engulfed nearly every corner of the world, drawing in the major powers and reshaping the course of nations for generations to come. Fought on multiple fronts and involving millions of soldiers and civilians, the war's impact on humanity was immense, leaving an indelible mark on society, politics, and culture.

    At its core, World War II was a clash of ideologies and ambitions, pitting two major alliances against each other: the Axis powers, led by Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan, and the Allied powers, composed of countries such as the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and China, among others. While the roots of the conflict can be traced back to the 1930s with the rise of militaristic and expansionist regimes, the formal outbreak of war occurred on September 1, 1939, when Germany, under Adolf Hitler's leadership, invaded Poland.

    The war's scale and intensity were unprecedented. Vast armies engaged in brutal land, sea, and air battles, leading to significant loss of life and the destruction of entire cities. The Holocaust, a systematic genocide committed by the Nazis against six million Jews, further intensified the horrors of the war, reminding the world of the depths of human cruelty.

    World War II witnessed technological advancements and innovations that drastically transformed warfare. From the use of tanks, aircraft, and submarines to the development of the atomic bomb, new weapons and tactics forever changed the nature of combat and the balance of power on the global stage.

    The war finally came to an end in 1945, with the unconditional surrender of Germany and the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, forcing Japan to surrender as well. World War II left a divided world in its wake, with the emergence of two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, setting the stage for the Cold War and shaping international relations for the rest of the 20th century.

    The memory of World War II continues to resonate, serving as a poignant reminder of the consequences of unchecked aggression and the importance of diplomacy, cooperation, and peace-building in maintaining global stability. Through its harrowing lessons, the world strives to ensure that such a catastrophic conflict remains confined to history and that the pursuit of peace and human rights takes precedence in the years to come.

    Impact of World War II on global politics

    After the Second World War, the International System came to be a totally different system from the classical (19th century) international system.

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