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The Spiritual CEO: How to build your business, grow your brand, and maximise your impact and income as a spiritual entrepreneur
The Spiritual CEO: How to build your business, grow your brand, and maximise your impact and income as a spiritual entrepreneur
The Spiritual CEO: How to build your business, grow your brand, and maximise your impact and income as a spiritual entrepreneur
Ebook216 pages7 hours

The Spiritual CEO: How to build your business, grow your brand, and maximise your impact and income as a spiritual entrepreneur

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The Spiritual CEO is THE modern day handbook for all coaches, healers, teachers and spiritual entrepreneurs who want to learn how to build a successful online business that utilises their soul gifts. A ‘how to’ and BS-free mix between personal, spiritual, and business development, The Spiritual CEO helps struggling entrepreneurs to gain clarity, dissolve their limiting beliefs, build unshakeable confidence, and take radical action to live the life of their dreams... all with real, step-by-step practical strategy to support them every step of the way.
Release dateSep 26, 2023
The Spiritual CEO: How to build your business, grow your brand, and maximise your impact and income as a spiritual entrepreneur

Jacqui Sive

Jacqui Sive is a holistic mentor and business coach who has helped over 600+ struggling entrepreneurs to generate consistent, sustainable success in their businesses and beyond. With a powerful focus on helping others to demolish their limiting beliefs and take radical action on their dreams, she has built brand built on true transformation. She is a global speaker, podcast host, facilitator and founder of a 7-figure personal development company designed to help others find success and fulfilment in all areas of their lives.

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    The Spiritual CEO - Jacqui Sive





    How to build your

    business, grow your

    brand, and maximise your

    impact and income as a

    spiritual entrepreneur


    Copyright © 2023 Jacqui Sive.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-9820-3 (sc)

    ISBN:978-1-9822-9821-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  09/19/2023



    Part 1 Mindset and Belief Systems

    Chapter 1 Limiting Beliefs and How to Lose Them

    Chapter 2 Belief Boot Camp: Overcoming the Most Common Obstacles

    Chapter 3 Building Your Bulletproof CEO Mindset

    Part 2 The Vision: Claiming the Six-Figure Spiritual CEO Version of You

    Chapter 4 What Do You Really Want?

    Chapter 5 Building the Blueprint of the Spiritual CEO Version of You

    Chapter 6 Embodying the Energy through Ritual

    Part 3 Six-Figure Wealth Consciousness

    Chapter 7 Money Mindset Reset: What Is Money, Really?

    Chapter 8 Source Is Your Source of Money

    Chapter 9 Your Relationship with Money

    Part 4 Aligned Business Clarity

    Chapter 10 Who Are You?

    Chapter 11 Who Do You Help?

    Chapter 12 How Do You Help Them? Designing Your Business Model

    Chapter 13 Creating a Six-Figure Year and Action Plan

    Part 5 Content and Community

    Chapter 14 The Community Codes: Three Key Pillars of Building an Engaged and Invested Audience

    Chapter 15 Creating Killer Content

    Part 6 Spiritual Sales

    Chapter 16 Removing the Stigma of Sales and Rewiring Your Seller-Mindset

    Chapter 17 The Seven-Step Soulful Selling System

    Chapter 18 How to Deal with the Scariest Two-Letter Word

    Part 7 Going All in and Tying It All Together

    For the coaches, teachers,

    and healers wondering how the hell they turn their gift of helping others into a profitable income.


    What’s up, fellow humans? My name is Jacqui, and I am here to help you learn how to build a business, grow a brand, and maximise your income and impact. I’m going to be real with you: I can do this in my sleep. I teach this stuff to real people just like you, every single day. That’s why I wrote the book you’re holding; I figure I can save myself a whole whack of time, and you a whole whack of money, by doing this. Everything you’re about to learn would normally take six to twelve months to learn and cost about $10k to do so. Writing this means I get to teach you all the good stuff in way less time, so I can focus on helping others to shift their limiting beliefs and live their fucking dreams, and you can use the money you’re saving to invest in your actual business. Let’s begin with that virtual win-win high-vibe high-five, woo hoo!

    Anyway, hi. I run a global personal, spiritual, and business development business that has helped over 650 clients to shift their shitty beliefs and step into their dreams through our coaching and programmes. We’ve impacted hundreds of thousands more through our free online content, and at the time of writing, we’ve generated over one million dollars doing so. And now? I get to help you to do the same. Welcome to the world of business as a Spiritual CEO. Without sounding like a creepy, crackly, whispering voice better suited for a Hollywood B-list horror… I know who you are. And I know why you’re here. You’re a coach, a mentor, a healer: a human who thrives on being of service to others. And you’re fully available to making millions while you do it. Most of the time, you’ve got mega-passion for what you do and how you do it, you’ve got Kanye levels of belief in yourself, and you’ve got inspiration coming out of the wazoo. But every now and then (or maybe every minute of every freakin’ day), something trips you up.

    Maybe it’s the slew of limiting beliefs that seem to fire at you like a paintball gun operated by a five-year-old. Maybe it’s the undertone of anxiety and doubt that seem to plague almost everything you do. Maybe it’s simply that you just have no cookin’ clue how to actually do it all. You see yourself with a maxed-out client list, filled with only the most aligned people who inspire you just as much as you inspire them. You see sold-out programmes, courses, workshops, and retreats that facilitate major positive change in everyone who is a part of them. You see a thriving digital presence made up by a community who are an ideal fit for everything you launch, and you have a positive and fun relationship with social media. You receive emails every day from people who want to work with you or from people who have already worked with you and want to share what an impact you have made on their lives. But you’re stuck. Stuck in the how and the what, stuck in the continuous oscillation of Let’s do this, and I’m not good enough, right? I hear you. I feel you. I was you (Who am I kidding? I still am sometimes.), which is why you’re holding this hot little number in your hands right now.

    This book will help you to do all the above and more, by blending together the strategy, energy, and mindset of what it means to become a successful Spiritual CEO. Here’s the thing, though. Contrary to the appetising images of boss babes you see online, being a Spiritual CEO means far more than dancing around your office dressed all in white, with crystals sparkling all over your desk. If you’re here to learn how to become an ohmygaaaddd hashtag boss babe hoonneeyy," you’ve probably picked up the wrong book. This is about building real businesses that impact real lives, not about looking cute on the Gram, worrying more about your selfie than your services, or doing the bare minimum and expecting a high return while you sit on a beach and wait for it all to just magically happen. Being a Spiritual CEO is a powerful path that requires your full devotion.

    It means more than saying, Namaste, when you leave a room, and far more than burning incense while you’re typing away at your laptop. In fact, being a Spiritual CEO has nothing to do with any of that. Spiritual CEOs combine their soul with mad strategy, an unshakeable mindset, and dream energy to create a business that serves them and the world.

    The truth is, you and I live in a time right now that is wrought with fear, with millions around the world stuck in patterns of what feels like never-ending anxiety and doubt. Not only are there major things changing (or being threatened with change) that once felt so part of our everyday lives, but with more and more people losing jobs, facing wars, or being crippled by inflation, it sometimes feels as if we are headed down a path of destruction.

    And yet, as history continues to prove to us, out of the cracks of these moments, the new is born. Millions of people are asking old questions with a new readiness to receive the answer: Who am I? What am I here for? What is my purpose on earth? How can I create meaningful change in my life, for myself and others? More than ever before, people want their lives to be fulfilling. A life based on purpose, through the vehicle of their own business. Through this, the word itself—business—begins to take on a new meaning, far away from its original idea. Business being reserved only for men in grey suits hustling and bustling along the grey streets of a grey city has become a distant memory, replaced now with people of all genders, races, shapes, and sizes drenching a once-dull painting with vibrant colour, poured from the palette of purpose.

    More and more, we are seeing proof in our ability to combine pleasure with purpose and profit, able to create abundance, prosperity, and positive change by doing what we love. I believe it is almost impossible to reach true happiness and fulfilment in life without living in your purpose. The super sad thing is that most people spend the majority of their lives on autopilot, lost inside their minds as they dream of a better future that never comes, a future where they’re inspired and living in purpose, rather than living for the weekends as they bore themselves to death in a dead-end 9–5. They’re scared of change, scared of letting go of stability and security in the form of a reliable paycheque every month.

    Maybe it’s you, too scared to trust in the very real nudges your intuition is giving you right now. As a Spiritual CEO, doing what you love is almost always tied to your purpose in life, and being able to have the bravery and courage to choose to create a life based on that instead of a mundane, soul-sucking 9–5 is the first initiation into being an embodied leader. I always say that becoming an entrepreneur is one hell of a spiritual path, for it is full of challenges designed specifically to help you grow.

    If you want to learn how to have more self-belief, become an entrepreneur. If you want to learn how to have faith in what you cannot see, become an entrepreneur. If you want to learn the meaning of resilience, become an entrepreneur. If you want to learn how to embody greater trust in yourself and in the world, if you want to learn the true meaning of dedication and discipline, and if you want to learn how to overcome judgement and the opinions of others, become an entrepreneur. This path will teach you more about backing yourself than just about anything else. You see, becoming a Spiritual CEO has nothing to do with what kind of deities or divinity you worship, but rather with how you choose to lead your life, inside and outside of your own business. It means leading with your heart first, and creating real change in this world through the positive impact you create by living your purpose. It means being an example of what is positively possible when you combine your purpose and your income streams. It means showing up for yourself and your dreams, day after day after day. It means supporting others through what you do. And, more than anything? It means embodying what you teach, especially if you are making money by teaching it. Above all… you believe and demonstrate your abilities as a human being with a stardust soul to create a life you love, using the very gifts you try so hard to hide from.

    Wear your crystals and listen to your mantra music—sure. But being a Spiritual CEO means being brave enough to utilise the gifts you were given (yes, even you) to create positive change in this world, and be paid to do it.

    This book will teach you how to identify your purpose, blast through the limiting beliefs stopping you, claim your true worthiness to receive abundance, and, of course, tie it all together with strategy, so you can stop dreaming of a better life and actually start creating one.

    Most books are for one particular person, created perfectly just for them. But the truth is, the Spiritual CEO has been written for two kinds of people. First, for the people who have a passion, a gift, and a desire to help the world, and don’t want to subscribe to the story that being broke is the only outcome of this. They battle with beliefs like, I can’t charge for helping people, I’m not good enough to do this, and I don’t know how to turn this into a business. The second kind of person this book is for is the entrepreneurs, the ones who know they can create a life of wild freedom and epic abundance, while helping others. They want to learn how to become heart-led and service focused, so they can create sustainable success throughout their life. These two kinds of people make up the vast majority of those who read The Spiritual CEO, for they tie together one uniting truth: You can have it all. And by all, I mean a life of purpose and fulfilment, impact and visibility, abundance and wealth, all because true service is at the core of everything you do. It is easy to get caught up in the idea of instant success that social media spurts, only to feel like a failure when the same doesn’t seem true for you. As someone with more than half a decade of experience in building an authentically aligned coaching business, my promise to you is this: Lead with your heart, value yourself and your work, be yourself in your work, have patience on the journey and faith in the process, and you absolutely can experience a life of wondrous positive impact on the world and an epic bank account because of it.

    This book is pretty simple. We’ll begin by taking a magnifying glass to your belief system so you can identify and demolish whatever has been holding you back so far. Whether you’ve had a dream on your heart for twenty years, or you’re brand new to the game and just want the high-level guidance to get there, navigating your belief system and choosing an empowered entrepreneur mindset is step one.

    Next up, we’ll get clear on your vision, on the actual road map to follow. You’ll meet the successful Spiritual CEO version of you, and you’ll identify the most important goals that will get you there. Plus, you’ll learn how to back it all up with the most powerful go-getting juice in the whole world—your why. The next section will help you to clean up any blocks you’re currently holding about money. Yep, it’s time to get uncomfortable. Too many women are stuck in lives far below what they financially deserve because we’re brainwashed into thinking that money—or, God forbid, wanting money—is bad. You’re going to learn all about wealth consciousness and how building a positive relationship with money is a crucial component of having a successful business. The fourth section of this book is where we quite literally get down to business. It’s time to get clear on who you are, what you do, what you offer, and to whom, so you can start turning your biz dreams into something real. The next section focuses on the true heartbeat of your business: your community. If you’re planning on taking any part of your business online (which I think you are), developing an understanding of how to grow an authentically aligned community is one of the most important things you’ll read here. Plus, this section also explains how to create killer content that magnetises your ideal clients towards you. Lastly, we’ll be covering the S word: Sales. I know, I know—you’re already freaking out. But trust me when I say that after reading this chapter, selling your offers will seem like a cakewalk.

    Throughout this book, you’ll find a bunch of my personal (and sometimes super embarrassing) business building stories, along with real examples from my clients, so you can take an ethical shortcut to your own success as a bad-ass coach extraordinaire.

    As you begin the journey to becoming a Spiritual CEO, my prayer for you, the reader, is this:

    May you be filled with courage,

    Empowered in your thoughts,

    And unfuckwithable in your beliefs.

    Let’s go!

    Part 1


    The greatest sports stars, actors, and change makers of our time are known to take a moment before doing something big. You know the shot; it’s just before the big game, and the TV camera zooms in on the top athlete just before he walks onto the court. He pauses, closes his eyes, and seems to slow his breathing, just for a second. It’s not that he’s about to faint, or that he is getting a waft of a burger somewhere in the distance, but he’s playing the most important game he ever will: the one with himself. He knows that before he can win out there on the court, he has to win in his own

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