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Sounds of Love
Sounds of Love
Sounds of Love
Ebook59 pages45 minutes

Sounds of Love

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~*Sounds of Love is book 2 in the Fall in Love: Forever Safe Series, a collection of standalone romance stories.*~

Stefanie Erickson has dreamed of singing on a big stage her entire life. She jumped on any chance she got to take hold of a microphone and belt out a tune. However, her music career hasn't exactly taken off the way she has hopes. The biggest stage she's been on was the local theater's and that was in front of a crowd less than five hundred. Stefanie isn't satisfied with that. She wants more. She wants to prove to everyone who ever doubted her that she has what it takes. And she'll stop at nothing to find her big chance.

Jordan Klines has had every nobody and has-bin music artist knocking at his company's door. Everyone wants a chance to sign on with Pegasus Music Records. Jordan's day is spent listening to demo after demo that his team thinks will be the next big hit. He's tired of it. Tired of the same ole', same ole. He wants someone that stands out in the crowd.

A night out with friends lands Jordan at a local karaoke bar. After a long day of work, Jordan just wants to go home. But then something happens, Jordan hears the voice. The voice he has been looking for. He's found... the one.

He quickly searches for the woman with the perfect voice. However, things aren't going as easy as he hoped. The woman is in a private karaoke room that is being guarded like the queen's royal jewels. When he tells them who he is, they don't believe him and send him about his merry way.

Will Jordan make it pass Stefanie's overprotective guards in time to make Stefanie an offer she can't refuse? Or will Stefanie's dream and Jordan's next big star slip away?

Release dateSep 29, 2023
Sounds of Love

S.E. Isaac

S.E. Isaac is a mother of three boys, an Army Veteran, and writes books to help readers escape reality. Writing has always been an outlet for her, even at the young age of eight, which is when she started writing poetry and short stories. It has always been a dream to have her work published and to have readers connect with her characters. She believes that is every writer's dream--to have their work truly read. ~*Every author needs a starting point. We close our eyes and jump blindly into the world of words in hopes of sharing it with the world. We hope to connect with our readers and take them on a journey through our words- S.E.Isaac*~

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    Sounds of Love - S.E. Isaac

    Fall in Love Series: Sounds of Love (Book 2) by S.E. Isaac

    Copyright c) 2020 S.E. Isaac

    Cover design by Evanlea Publishing & Designs

    Proofreading and Edits: Evanlea Publishing & Designs

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews – without permission in writing from S.E. Isaac.

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

    This book is sold in print and electronic formats and is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book, when in electronic format, may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you are reading this book in print or electronic format and did not purchase or borrow it through proper channels, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    **Disclaimer: Translations were completed using Google Translate and as such have not been verified. Poetic license has been exercised in regard to spelling and removal of language-specific characters to facilitate the flow of the story. The use of these translations is to create a mood within the story. However, in many cases, names and dialog are fictional creations of the author and not meant to be translations of other languages.

    Published by Evanlea Publishing

    Sounds of Love

    Fall in Love Forever Safe Series #2


    ~*Sounds of Love is book 2 in the Fall in Love: Forever Safe Series, a collection of standalone romance stories.*~

    Stefanie Erickson has dreamed of singing on a big stage her entire life. She jumped on any chance she got to take hold of a microphone and belt out a tune. However, her music career hasn’t exactly taken off the way she has hopes. The biggest stage she’s been on was the local theater’s and that was in front of a crowd less than five hundred. Stefanie isn’t satisfied with that. She wants more. She wants to prove to everyone who ever doubted her that she has what it takes. And she’ll stop at nothing to find her big chance.

    Jordan Klines has had every nobody and has-bin music artist knocking at his company’s door. Everyone wants a chance to sign on with Pegasus Music Records. Jordan’s day is spent listening to demo after demo that his team thinks will be the next big hit. He’s tired of it. Tired of the same ole’, same ole. He wants someone that stands out in the crowd.

    A night out with friends lands Jordan at a local karaoke bar. After a long day of work, Jordan just wants to go home. But then something happens, Jordan hears the voice. The voice he has been looking for.  He’s found... the one.

    He quickly searches for the woman with the perfect voice. However, things aren’t going as easy as he hoped. The woman is in a private karaoke room that is being guarded like the queen’s royal jewels. When he tells them who he is, they don’t believe him and send him about his merry way.

    Will Jordan make it pass Stefanie’s overprotective guards in time to make Stefanie an offer she can’t refuse? Or will Stefanie’s dream and Jordan’s next big star slip away?


    Sounds of Love

    Fall in Love: Forever Safe Series #2
    By S.E. Isaac

    The karaoke club was busier than usual for a Thursday. Hell,

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